Bend down in pain, Senuo curled up, his whole body was shining with thunder.

All over his body was filled with the smell of evaporating blood, and the smell of burning fur.

Even this simple first sentence can only be barely uttered with trembling lips.

Seeing Sano's situation, Dishiya waved her hand in a reasonable way:

"Then you go ahead. Let the flower resist the other party's move first. If you can't hold it back, I will resist it. If you can't stop it again, you all run away."

"I'm not bragging, my body is still quite strong, if I block it, at least the chance of surviving is much better than yours, haha."

"But after running away, don't forget to give the little brother on the opposite side a hard time!"

After finishing speaking, Dishiya re-inserted the obsidian sword into the ground, turned sideways, held the hilt tightly with her right hand, and firmly pressed her left shoulder against the sword body. The elemental power of her whole body was poured into the sword, waiting to bear the violent elemental force. force impact.

El Heisen also nodded, and was about to force Qinglian to close her petals, and wait for the arrival of the other party's profound meaning with the strongest posture, when a lovely voice suddenly came from the "One-eyed Flying Bunny". out:

"Don't be afraid, give me control of this beautiful flower."

"I'll make you as safe as stepping on a jumping mushroom."

Although I don't know where it is safe to "step on the jumping mushroom", at least the protection of the gods has given the three "pilgrims" a backbone, and they no longer use "fighting for three for one, hoping to get a life back" as their goal. Make a plan ahead of time.

Elheysen simply let go of the control, allowing himself to be purely an energy provider.

And after changing the manipulator of this green lotus, it stopped shrinking, and instead began to bloom more violently.

A huge force of life gushes out from the blooming lotus, nourishing the ground under Qinglian's feet, making it bloom with vigorous vitality.

Countless green grasses germinate and grow rapidly from this piece of soil that has been "cultivated" countless times by various elemental forces.

The excess water element power is absorbed by the power of life.

The excess thunder element power is used by the power of life to intensify growth.

The excess fire elemental power turns the accumulated elemental power into fine nutrients.

In an instant, this piece of land that had become dark and muddy due to the overflow of elemental power turned into a lush grassland.

And this piece of "land blessed by the gods" in the myth also made the three "pilgrims" full of confidence, and with a more determined attitude, they were ready to meet the stunt of the foolish executive in front of them.


The accumulation of power for too long is completely incompatible with Dadalia's character who dances with swords all the year round.

So he didn't make his opponents wait any longer.

With a roar:

"Star Sea Whale!"

Suddenly, a huge mouth more than ten meters wide appeared in the "vast ocean" in front of Dadalia, and jumped out of the "water surface" violently, rushing towards the three of them.

Having learned the lesson of being blocked by a mountain raised by Jiang Yan, Dadalia will never use the seemingly unexpected but inconvenient method of "tearing a hole in the spiritual world under the opponent's feet".

I would rather choose to launch it in front of my own eyes, and use more power to exchange for a larger attack range.

You can dodge it, it's up to you!

Of course you can't dodge it, who can dodge the giant mouth that swallows the sky so close at hand?

But being unable to avoid it doesn't mean being unstoppable.

From "One-Eyed Flying Bunny", came a lovely voice:

"Come to my house as a guest!"

Immediately, under the joint force of the "borrowed" power and Alheysen's huge elemental force, the leaves of the blooming green lotus began to grow violently, drooping, and in a blink of an eye, they turned into a solid green "wall".

At this moment, spirit and reality meet, blend, and condense into a powerful force.

With the help of the strong life force between heaven and earth, several "walls" were rewritten by the power of the gods, and soon became the "Palace of Maya" where she lived for 500 years.

The stunt of the threshold of the demon god level meets the real god's profound meaning of remote control, what will be the result?

Soon, the gigantic Xinghai Whale bumped headlong into the "Hall of Maya" that had sufficient elemental power.

The violent erosion of elemental power and the momentum as if a mountain was smashed up caused the entire "Maya Palace" to shake violently.

Simply talking about "quantity" and "potential", Dadalia's move is almost perfect.

However, the power of the profound meaning of the gods has never been these, but the "reason" based on power.

In this land blessed by the gods, the earth is Nasida's helper, and the grass is Nasida's helper;

They have become the countless large and small "foundations" of the "Temple of Maya" underground, as well as energy providers.

It can be said that the opponent of the giant whale is not only El Hessen, the "believer" of the stragglers, Nasida, but also the whole land.

Although it is said that Naxida, who is controlled remotely, is not enough to exert even half of the power of this move to instantly kill "Doctor".

But the legendary Xinghai Whale that can devour the stars, after all, is just a phantom here.

Even under the full drive of Dadalia, there is not enough "power" to have that "will".

After a stalemate for a long time, the giant whale finally broke up, announcing that Dadalia's full-strength stunt had completely failed.

Facing the enemy's finally exposed flaws, the desert jackal finally showed his sharpest fangs.

In the sky, the phantom of a huge scale suddenly appeared, and the huge wolf claws were placing an extremely condensed thunder feather on one side of the scale.

At the same time, Sano's suddenly quaint voice echoed in the air:

"Weigh... your sins!"


Bonus extras:

IF Line Small Theater: The Wrong Child——Nashida

Nashida is actually the demon god of imaginary numbers born from the void network-Xiao Chaomeng.

However, just after she was born, she was taken away by the Order Academy as a newborn grass god.

The void network is based on the heart of the God of Grass, and the place where she was born is the place where the Great Mercy Tree King fell;

Facing the sages welcoming the Great Mercy Tree King, she tried her best, but she couldn't prove that she was not the new God of Grass.

"What are you doing? I'm really not your child, I'm going to call the police!"

However, there is no police in Tivat, and she was forcibly taken away when she was born with no resistance.

In this way, Naxida, who can't recruit even a single blade of grass, in order to meet the expectations of mortals, can only dye the special effect of her imaginary power into green, and plays the guest role of the God of Grass in the Palace of Good Views.

Does the Order Academy really need the God of Grass?They don't need it, they just need a god.

There are bad people in the Holy Order, but no fools.

Seeing that the "new god" doesn't know how to recruit a blade of grass, but has various powers such as summoning the mouse and keyboard, and dream networking, it's strange if he doesn't find anything wrong.

However, the right of the Holy Order to govern Sumeru was bestowed by the God of Grass, not by the Demon God of Imaginary Numbers.

Therefore, in order to ensure the legality of the rule of the Holy Order, not to mention summoning the mouse and keyboard, even if Naxida summoned the digital camera, she must be the God of Cyber ​​Grass.

"As long as you are happy..."

The newborn demon god has nothing to do with the ignorance of mortals, so he can only add various green special effects of "your background is too fake" to his skills to meet human expectations.

But the King of the Great Mercy Tree was replaced by nonsense like the God of Cyber ​​Grass. It is really difficult to fool the people all the time.

In desperation, the Academy had no choice but to plan to use the Godly Heart of the Grass God, combined with the power of the newborn gods, to create a man-made god-the King of Trees.

However, the power of the demon god of imaginary numbers originating from numbers and the Internet, how can he create some kind of tree-moving king?

The Holy Order has been tossing for hundreds of years, but it can only produce one Gundam after another.

Looking at the drive of group consciousness, the void network provides computing power as high as possible.

Although powerful enough, the Academy of Teaching Order is not a liberal arts academy, and no matter how it is edited, it cannot be compared to the relatives of King Dacishu.

Forced to be helpless, the Holy Order could only cooperate with fools to produce Zhidong brand Gundam on an OEM basis, pretending to be the fault of Zhidong's driver.

This kind of OEM cooperation naturally encountered fierce resistance from local brands.

When Naxida made the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" floating cannon, the council couldn't make it any longer, so it had to admit honestly:

"I admit that we had the wrong child 500 years ago. This child is not a grass god at all."

However, the righteous people who are determined to save the little auspicious grass king have long since disbelieved any lies from the council.

"You blasphemous bastards, stop insulting our gods."

It is rare for the council to tell the truth, and it just withdrew from the stage of history.

And Naxida, the demon god of imaginary numbers, finally, with the help of a group of kind-hearted saviors, truly became the grass god in charge of Sumeru.

Although, she still doesn't know how to recruit a blade of grass.

"Forget it, I'm tired, I'm the God of Grass."

Nasida finally gave up on explaining, and has become accustomed to using a 4D printer to print out lifelike grass with the power of dreams.

What a joy, a joy.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan Horse in Sumeru: Chapter 605 Chapter 585 Is there something wrong with the hole card match?

Part of Sano's obsession with judgment stems from his nature. He has the blood of the descendant of the demon god, and this blood comes from Hermanubis, the great judge under the Red Throne who weighs sins with his feathers.

"Descendants of the Demon God" is not a particularly rare thing in Tivat.

The demon god is not a creature of flesh and blood, and the inheritance never depends on the reproduction of blood relatives, but through the transmission and sharing of power and authority.

There are often generous demon gods who bestow a small amount of power and authority on mortals, or some lucky mortals are seriously "polluted" by demon gods with strong compatibility.

And this power and authority will occasionally be passed down along with the blood of mortals in a small amount, and this family will be called "Descendants of the Demon God".

For example, the Gunnhild family that Qin belongs to is a standard descendant of the demon god, so she can use Wendy's power so exaggeratedly.

Of course, the talented Qin is destined to be very few. Most of the descendants of the descendants of the demon gods will gradually disappear in the mortal world due to the continuous dilution of blood. Not to mention power, it is a kind of luck to have talents that exceed ordinary people.

Although Sano was lucky enough to activate the remaining power and authority in his bloodline like a zither, the source of his power was not as powerful and easy to understand as the ruler of the world.

Demon gods have various powers, and the most powerful and easiest to understand are naturally the seven earthly rulers.

The gods coated the desires of mortals with seven kinds of brilliance, but the colors they coated were not the original colors after all.

Sano wants to use the power of the grand judge, and it is an important and difficult step more than Qin, how to accurately transform the elemental power into power.

The power to weigh and judge sin is based on the "reason" of the world and acts directly on the soul of mortals.

Such power, Sano never expected to be able to drive it as a mortal.

However, it is very common for mortals to grasp powers that are too powerful or complicated. Not everyone is lucky enough to receive the blessing and inheritance of the earthly ruler.

Most of the descendants of the demon gods of Tivat will use some methods to use these powerful powers in disguise, and the oldest and most commonly used method is the possession.

The demon god is immortal, even if it is a fallen demon god, the "principle" of power still exists.

Through the same idea, or a satisfactory sacrifice, one can gain the favor of the demon god, thereby granting power directly from a distance, or even directly relying on the body.

This method has existed since the time when human beings sought the protection of demon gods in the wilderness, and reached its peak during the war of demon gods.

It wasn't until the tragic war that almost all the demon gods withered that they were gradually buried in history.

The powerful demon god Hermanubis, who was in charge of conviction and judgment under the Red King, had already fallen with the Red King.

However, the priests who serve him have always kept the secret rituals of the ancient country to summon his remnant soul to take refuge.

Thanks to the physique of the descendant of the demon god, and through a mysterious transaction with the remnant soul of the demon god through rituals, Sino was able to transform into a "vowed oath" to weigh the evils of the world.

However, the power obtained through this transaction is not enough to defeat the powerful enemy in front of you.

What he needs is to give full play to the power and power of the bloodline, and put the powerful soul on the opposite side, which is comparable to a demon god, on Hermanubis' trial scale for weighing.

To this end, he needs to briefly call out the true will of the demon god from the source sea of ​​earth veins through a powerful secret ritual, and obtain its approval.

Then upgrade and change your life form, making yourself a qualified "container" capable of carrying this will.

Only in this way can the demon god who has fallen can display the same power as before.


"Use this body to rectify everything" is not just a slogan for Sino, but an oath he has decided to fulfill throughout his life.

For this reason, at the expense of his own life, he has prepared for a long time to judge the trump card of the demon-level opponent, and this is the first time to use it. I don't know if it is Dadalia's luck or misfortune.

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