Compared with most powerful gods, Hermanubis is very easy to talk to.

If you want to use its Judgment Scale to judge the sins of others, the condition is very simple - first put your own soul on the Judgment Scale and weigh it.

Once a person with selfishness or sinful karma dares to desecrate the sacred scales of judgment and the feathers of judgment, his own heart will first become a sacrifice.

It was precisely because of Sano's extremely painful preparations just now.

His heart and life have gone back and forth between life and death.

Fortunately, Sano, who was neither selfish nor guilty, was quickly recognized and favored by Hermanubis.

Of course, one of the important reasons is that Dadalia, who possesses the power of the demon god of another country, is very eye-catching in the eyes of Hermanubis.

When will this sacred land be coveted by other gods?

Hermanubis originally wanted to start the trial directly, but the "container" could not carry its complete will, and could only wait for his descendants to complete the temporary promotion.

How can a mortal body be closer to a demon god?Of course, it is to forcibly pour more elemental power into the flesh and activate it.

This process can be called a kind of torture.

You know, just a small amount of enrichment of elemental power in the body has already produced a disease called "Magic Scale Disease", which makes the patient extremely painful.

And this kind of temporary "upgrade" is more than ten times and a hundred times enrichment?

However, even though Sano was in great pain and trembling all over, the speed of "upgrading" did not slow down at all, and finally managed to make himself a qualified "container" when Dadalia released his stunt and was weakest. .

Although the demon king's armament derived from the evil eye and the eye of god is powerful, it is nothing in front of the strange power of the trial balance based on the "reason" of the world.

In the blink of an eye, a phantom of a heart appeared on the other end of the balance.

The moment Dadalia appeared in the phantom, he suddenly felt as if his heart was tightly held by a big hand, and it was extremely difficult to even beat.

In the blink of an eye, he put his hands on the ground in pain, and his eyes were dark.

On the scale, one end of the cut feather has been raised high, indicating that Dadalia has caused too many innocent crimes in completing the mission.

Hermanubis, who relied on Sano, sneered, and squeezed his right hand, ready to squeeze the phantom of Dadalia's sinful heart.

But at that time, the phantom of that heart was suddenly covered with solid ice.

And Sano's right hand was actually directly frozen by the solid ice in the phantom, as if it had a solid body.

Not only that, the solid ice on his hand is still spreading upwards, as if to turn Sano into an ice sculpture.

Although the power of Hermanubis is strong, what drives it is only a short-lived will summoned from the source sea of ​​earth veins.

Faced with the power of Barnabas, who was obviously higher than himself, Hermanubis could only give up this trial unwillingly, and tried his best to save the life of his "container".

If the "vessel" is destroyed, none of his powers can continue to exist in this world.

The phantoms of Judgment Scale and Judgment Lingyu exploded together, turning into a ball of lightning, and shattered the ice on Sanuo's right hand.

And "One-Eyed Flying Bunny" also flew over from El Hessen's side quickly, blocking in front of Sano.

The unreserved release of the power of the gods completely caused both sides to retreat at the same time.

After Hermanubis released the power, Sano was no longer able to maintain his "container" state, let alone borrow any power.

At this moment, he didn't directly fall into a coma, it was because his will was as strong as steel.

And Dadalia is also uncomfortable. The power given to the executive officers by the Queen of Winter is only for one-time life-saving, and it is not enough for continuous attacks.

Dadalia, who seems to be still in good condition, is actually affected by the side effects of the evil eye, and his physical and elemental power consumption has long been overdrawn.

If he continued to fight, he was afraid that he would fall down without the opponent's shot.

So Dadalia decisively chose to give up.

Is that short-tempered and mean-spirited man on good terms with himself?

Risk your life to save him?What are you kidding?

If he hadn't rushed over to deliver the tower by himself, the battle would have ended like this?

I'd better go back to Port of Ormos first, and join up with the big troops.

Thinking of this, the devil's armament on Dadalia's body disintegrated instantly, leaving only a pair of greaves and foot armor.

The huge elemental force was concentrated on the feet in a blink of an eye, and the thunder elemental force exploded violently on the back of the heel, pulling out two long beams of lightning, and ejecting Dadalia out of the battlefield.

And the three "pilgrims" who were at the end of their strength had already lost the ability to pursue them, so they could only watch him go away.

"We, is this considered a win?"

Asked Dishiya, who was sitting leaning on her big sword with no poise.

"Didn't win, but didn't lose either."

After Dadalia left, Sano, who was lying powerlessly on the ground, could barely open his eyes, but he still spoke viciously and full of momentum.

Sano, who was unsuccessful in the trial, was very worried about the other party's escape.

He silently swears in his heart that if the other party does not escape Sumeru, after he recovers, the next "trial" will definitely begin.

El Heisen, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, did not say a word, and was trying his best to balance the circulation of his aura and elemental power.

Even though he was only an energy provider, he was in a state of exhaustion and exhaustion even though he resisted a blow from the Xinghai swimming whale.

At this moment, every breath and heartbeat of him carries a strong sense of dryness and pain, as if every blood vessel and element force circuit has become as hollow as Mond's macaroni.

The only one who can maintain the state is the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" floating in the sky with two big ears dangling:

"Thank you for your hard work, the "Knights of Flowers" who are protecting Sumeru. "

"Take a good rest, and leave the rest to us."

After all, the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" once again "borrowed" the strength of the scattered believers, spawned a few dry and soft grass fields under the three of them, and formed a simple protective barrier, and then floated around rushed to the battlefield where the general and the God of Chance were fighting.

After only a few minutes, the entire battlefield fell silent, and the three warriors who defended Sumeru quickly fell asleep on the warm and comfortable lawn.

With the protection of the gods, any place is safe, isn't it?

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 606 Chapter 586 Is there something wrong with self-introduction

The end of this tragic battle did not actually change the situation of the two sides.

Dadalia fell into a deep sleep after finding the nearest Fool's stronghold, and simply giving the order to go into hiding collectively and clear the traces of his arrival.

Confronting three strong men with strong hole cards, opening the devil's armament for a long time, and even being shot black by the gods, has already drained his physical and elemental power.

The so-called "supporting Port of Ormos" is just a good wish.

In fact, in the depths of Dadalia's heart, it is not so inflated.

The expectation that he doesn't want to think about carefully is actually very conservative-if he is not captured alive, he will be considered a success.

In fact, Xumi's side is not much better. After a big battle, the three main combat forces have become three "lost combat forces". In a short period of time, they can no longer support any battlefield.

That's right, although the two main battlefields, the conflicts between Sumeru City and Port of Ormos have subsided;

But other than that, in Sumeru now, the flames of war have blossomed everywhere.

The fools in the various bases of Xumi are frantically heading to Lidu Valley for support.

However, most of them were forced to engage in encounters on the way.

Their opponents were the desert mercenaries led by the disciplinary officers and the many joint squads composed of the guardians of Aru Village under Candice.

This strange combination had already been agreed upon during the Battle of the Red King's Mausoleum.

People in the desert never lack the wisdom to survive. Everyone knows that their hard life has little to do with King Dacishu.

When this sea of ​​sand, which treats life harshly, loses the protection of the gods, a tragic fate is doomed.

However, the people of the desert do not have the ability to create a god by themselves;

There is no such luck that the people of the rainforest have just fallen the great compassion tree king and immediately gave birth to the little auspicious grass king.

There is no sand sea that gave birth to gods anymore. If you want to return to the glory of the past, you can only be loyal to the gods of the rainforest.

It just so happened that the new gods faced powerful enemies and needed the help of their people.

Knowledgeable desert people such as Rahman, Dishia, and Candice have already secretly made up their minds to exchange blood and life for the desert people in exchange for the favor of the gods.

So just through a message, Candice and the Gilded Brigade, who usually didn't get along well, almost dispatched all their strength, crossing the sand defense wall to come to "King Qin".

Of course, if a group of fully armed desert people rushed into the sand defense wall without saying a word, the only word "rebellion" can come to mind for the rain forest.

Therefore, the nominal "leadership" of the discipline officials is indispensable, and it just hits off with the discipline officials who are in short supply.

Although the disciplinary officials are good at investigating and arresting scholars who violate the rules, it is really difficult for them to fight against a regular army like the Fools.

In fact, they often cooperate with mercenaries in the task of eliminating serious crimes, and they are quite familiar with this aspect.

Soon, this group of rebellious mercenaries and guardians were selected by the discipline officials, and formed small teams one by one, went to the strongholds of fools everywhere, and met with the fools who had just been summoned and were ready to go. The crowd fought one battle after another.

Due to the smooth cooperation with the Holy Order, the Fools did not deploy too many troops in Sumeru.

Most of the strongholds are temporarily set up to protect the research teams studying the dead zone, so naturally there are not many senior officers and heavy firepower ordnance.

When the cooperation broke down, as the reinforcements of the main battle force, they were all trapped in Port of Ormos by Jiang Yan.

Faced with the "servant" Arechino's order, these second-line troops, with few regiment captains, had no choice but to bite the bullet and march forward.

Fortunately, with the rigorous training, Xue Nai Cifuna and Xue Nai Ciwei, who are both civil and military, have joined in one after another, so that these teams have a backbone.

However, no matter how capable the spies were, they couldn't turn out strong men and weapons. The guards led by them and the desert mercenaries led by the discipline officers could only be said to be equal opponents.

A chaotic battle broke out like this.

Although the outcome is unknown, at least for a short period of time, the "God of Positive Opportunity" who has gone deep alone cannot count on the support of mortals.


And at this moment, Jiang Zhu Mo Shan is in the midst of jubilation.

During this time, scholars have been under too much psychological pressure.

Even if Elheysen said again, no matter how terrifying Sano was, and no matter how prestige Tinari had in Huacheng Guo, the balance of combat power between the two sides would not be changed.

Sitting in Sumeru City are the powerful Executive Officer of Winter, man-made gods, and the mighty Great Sage and Council.

And everyone here, there are only a few young scholars who are famous in the academic field, but have never been good at fighting.

And the disciplinary officer who has never been on the battlefield despite his terrifying reputation.

For scholars who advocate rationality, just thinking about the scene of the fight between the two sides is really desperate.

How to fight this?This is impossible to fight!

If it wasn't for the fact that the ferocious enemy doesn't need scholars, but just brains for mining, someone would probably have surrendered long ago.

In such a hopeless situation, one can imagine how excited the scholars were when they heard that Sano and Tinari had miraculously rescued His Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King from the Palace of Good Views.

Even if His Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King is weak, he is still a god.

At this time, even if there is a straw, it will be held high by the scholars, let alone such a big auspicious grass.

Don't count on her, do you count on Tinari, a cutie from the School of Life Theory, to tear up artificial gods?no kidding.

Of course Nasida didn't know the twists and turns in the scholar's mind.

Before entering the construction site of the Relic Colossus Reconstruction Project, along the way, it was full of eager expressions of "God, I have found you, and everyone is looking forward to meeting you."

Am I dreaming?Nasida couldn't believe this kind of kindness and friendliness visible to the naked eye.

The most beautiful picture I imagined in my dream is nothing more than that.

It turns out that I am so popular with mortals, hehe.

Xiaocao, who was not confident, even used her power to secretly "take a photo" of the scholars she met along the way—by intercepting their thoughts, she was able to confirm that most of the people in the Holy Order Academy were not interested in her. Not disgusted.

In fact, this is indeed the case, although Nashida has been left out by the entire Sumeru under the leadership of the council.

But if it is said that the entire Holy Order has any malice towards the little Auspicious Grass King, it would be a bit unfair to them.

Except for the Shenglun School who have a strong belief in gods due to historical factors, most scholars don’t even talk about the little auspicious grass king, and even their belief in the Dacishu King only stays with emotions such as "My Dacishu King" when.

What scholars believe in is always only knowledge. No matter how favorable the environment created by the gods, what scholars respond to is only gratitude and respect.

Because the most important quality of a scholar—knowledge—must give up all shortcuts and keep climbing upwards with his own hands, which is inherently different from pure faith.

In a sense, the reason why the council dared to do evil to Nasida was because of its devout belief in the Great Mercy Tree King.

Otherwise, it is not what a wise man does to treat a god harshly, even if it is a newborn god.

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