Who would hate a god who only "lovers"?There is absolutely no reason.

Fortunately, even if the filter bonus of life-saving straw was removed, what Nasida felt in their scattered thoughts was only curiosity and friendliness.

This attitude is enough for Nasida.

As a god, she has always felt inferior, fearing that she would not be able to fulfill the expectations of the people of Sumeru.

If he really met a group of fanatical believers who would kneel down when they met, hoping that the gods would grant them the kingdom of God on earth, Naxida would be at a loss instead.

The current level is just right.

She has experienced too much coldness, she does not need scorching "faith", normal temperature "friendliness" is enough for the gentle her.

Even the eager anticipation in front of her eyes made her, who was used to being treated indifferently, feel a little pressure, worrying whether she could satisfy this urgency.

For her own people to use her as a life-saving straw, ah no, a life-saving auspicious grass, Naxida is not disgusted.

God, isn't that what he was born to do?

Nasida has been working hard every day since she became intelligent, just to take on this responsibility as soon as possible.

Feeling this expectation, she was even a little eager to try.

After all, she had been waiting 500 years for this day.

So, amidst the cheers of Jiang Yan and Lan Naluo in the dream, Naxida mustered up her courage, puffed up her small chest, and walked in front of the scholars who had been waiting here.

To his people, he introduced himself for the first time 500 years later:

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. I am Naxida, your little auspicious grass king."

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 607 Chapter 587 Is something wrong with the return of the king

For her first appearance to the public, Nasida has planned for a long time what to say.

The original 240th [-]th version of the speech was fifteen pages long, and it had been in the Void Network for hundreds of years, and it was wrapped up by Naxida.

Fortunately, Jiang Yan, who was discovered in time, rejected it without saying a word:

"Xiaocao, you don't need to talk about this."

"Even if it's the Great Merciful Tree King, there are a lot of rumors on the Void Network that people can hear the jokes about the explosion of mentality."

"If you want to conquer them, how can you use these?"

"Just show your godly heart and tell them that the net has been repaired, and they will cheer the little auspicious grass king long live."

Jiang Yan was right, complaining about King Dacishu's language epidemic technique was a popular meme even among her loyal followers.

To this day, "I understand, I understand, please stop talking." It is also often seen in various dialogues between King Dacishu and his followers.

For the happiness of the people of Xumi, this sign must be interrupted...

Nasida was very sorry that the speech draft that she revised five thousand 240 seven editions was not useful, and even her cute little ears drooped.

But she also understands that mortals must understand mortals better, since everyone doesn't like it, then forget it.

So she reorganized the language according to Jiang Yan's thinking, and said to the expectant scholars:

"Recently, Snow's Child has used the Void Network to do a lot of bad things."

Having said that, Nasida bowed her head and apologized to her people:

"I'm sorry, there was nothing I could do at the time."

"Fortunately, several flower knights saved me in the cage, and also saved the entire Sumi."

After finishing speaking, Nasida raised her emerald green God's Heart.

"Now, the void network has returned to normal, and everyone can use it with confidence."

Although Jiang Yan repeatedly emphasized that Naxida should express her role and let herself establish a tall image among scholars.

But Nasida completely forgot about it as she talked.

Kind-hearted, she has always attributed the credit to her own people and forgot her own efforts.

However, it is obvious that the fact that "the net has been repaired" is far more attractive to scholars than how the gods were rescued.

God is so pitiful, so that a scholar can't find any information, can't check the plausibility, and can't submit it for review. For them, the purgatory in the abyss is nothing more than that. Give me a happy" category.

Naxida brought the void network, everyone can continue to engage in academics, she is the great little auspicious grass king!The seven gods together are not as great as her!

Sure enough, all the scholars in the venue were very excited, and the voices of "Long live the little auspicious grass king!" came and went.

The reason why it didn't turn into a chorus is because many people can't bear the "Internet addiction" for a long time, and Dang even started to test connecting to the void network.

But when they went online, they found an even bigger surprise:

——The access and download rights of all materials are still without any restrictions.

After seeing their surprised and excited expressions, Nasida continued:

"The bad things in the void network that would bring hidden dangers to people have been wiped away by me."

"Those things were put together with the restrictions on downloading material, and I had to delete them together."

"But in my opinion, knowledge is priceless and should not be. When it is created, it should be the common wealth of the entire world. The current situation is actually very good."

Having said that, Nashida glanced at the scholars.

Sure enough, the expressions of the vast majority of people agreed with this very much.

Tiexin wants to sell his knowledge for a good price and use it to change his life, so he probably went to Fontaine to earn money.

For those who stay, no matter what ideas they have, their curiosity for knowledge is always true.

So Nasida threw out another long-prepared gift package:

"However, I will also respect everyone's opinions. How to manage the knowledge of the Void Network in the future will be decided by the new Holy Order, that is, you. I will be very happy to accept everyone's wisdom."

A scholar who was suddenly given a lifetime CNKI member, how do you think he feels?

The entire venue was boiling instantly. At this moment, in the hearts of the scholars, Naxida was the existence that surpassed Liyueyan King Dijun and stepped on Rice Wife General Lei Dian!

The shouts of "Long Live Your Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King" are sincere.

To be honest, as a new generation of Xumi people, the great compassion tree king has long since fallen, apart from the fanatics of the great compassion tree king in the council, the scholars do not expect too much from the gods.

After all, Xumi, who focuses on theoretical research, is most familiar with the country that is not Liyue across the rocky abyss, but Fontaine, who is enthusiastic about transforming scientific research results.

And the gods of Fontaine, even if they are far away in Sumeru, everyone knows everyone, and their personality is really a bit... hard to describe.

Although the gods in everyone's imagination have different personalities affected by the characteristics of elemental forces, as gods, they are generally inseparable from the words "noble, sacred, and beloved".

However, Fukaros of Fontaine shattered all people's beautiful imagination of gods.

As a country of justice, although trials are an important part of life, generally speaking, normal people will probably stay away from the trial court full of crimes and punishments.

However, Fukaros is different. She will attend almost all trials with great interest, and is very happy to watch anyone be severely judged.

Although she will not preside over the trial most of the time, her influence on the scene really highlights the "seeing the excitement is not a big deal".

Whether it's civilians or officials, whether it's her opponents or supporters, she will be very happy with whoever is sentenced, except that she will be unhappy if the sentence is light, as if she is watching a gorgeous drama.

With such a bad character, how could there be so many mortals in Fontaine who like her?

No matter how loyal you are to her, when you are judged another day, she will still celebrate with champagne and red wine.

After all, even when she was judged by a powerful person, she sat in the dock with great interest, and went through the whole process honestly before starting to celebrate.

Of course, he then sat in the plaintiff's seat for false accusation and enjoyed it again.

Although it can't be called cruel oppression, she is really good when it comes to mentality.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't beat him, this kind of pure joy, a mortal whose blood pressure was pumped up by her, would have been overthrown by her long ago...

Even Monde, who has not appeared in the wind god for many years, has countless people praising "let the wind guide".

Even today's Sumeru, when everyone expresses surprise, they will say "My little auspicious grass king"

Only the mortals of Fontaine, to the gods... Pooh!

Therefore, with this kind of "jewel" in front of her, even if Nashida did nothing, the vast majority of Sumeru people would easily accept it.

The disappointment that Nasida imagined did not exist at all.


Of course, although Nasida lacked self-confidence, she didn't put her style on the level of the next door.

What she was thinking at the moment was how to calm down the disturbance as quickly as possible.

The beacon fires lit everywhere mean that their own people are constantly being hurt.

This farce of belief and desire should also come to an end.

Thinking of this, after the scholars gradually calmed down their excitement, she said softly to everyone:

"I know that everyone very much hopes to return to the familiar Palace of Wisdom, and their respective colleges, to return to the embrace of wisdom."

"However, Xue's child is bringing the wisdom of the entire country, stealing the power of Sha Hai and Dao Wife, and standing in front of everyone."

"I'm sorry, I'm not a powerful god, not as powerful as Chi Wang, nor as powerful as Inazuma Naruto."

"However, I believe that Xumi's wisdom will definitely defeat Zhidong's wisdom, just like Xumi Rose will definitely defeat Dongxue."

"So I ask everyone, lend me your wisdom, and the forest will remember all of this."

After a while of silence, countless pieces of "green leaves" were worn by the ears.

No need for passion, no hustle and bustle, the scholars all used the Void Network login to start the sharing of computing power, and cast their own silent votes.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 608 Chapter 588 Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse?

In fact, the battle between the "God of Positive Opportunity" and the general was never a one-on-one fight.

The stragglers have been using the "believers" who are forced to pollute their souls to provide themselves with mind power and auxiliary computing power.

Although it is a normal way for gods to use the power of mind that protects mortals in exchange for faith and turn it into their own power, the general also uses it.

But using the power of the gods to forcibly pollute the souls of mortals is another matter.

Doing so, how is it different from a demon that devours the soul?

Therefore, neither Nasida nor the general recognized the existence of this "god", nor did they intend to talk about martial arts with him.

The first thing Nasida has to do is to strip her from this false power.

Coincidentally, when the "Doctor" provides the "God of Chance" with auxiliary computing power from the Void Network, it is equivalent to leaving a port for the "God of Chance" to carry out information attacks.

Therefore, after "borrowing" this part of computing power, Nasida intends to "return" it with distributed attacks.

If the "Doctor" hadn't been trapped in a dream by Nasida, this loophole would not matter, he could help the stragglers to unhook and break the net at any time.

But he has the ability and time, and the stragglers don't.

Even though she felt that the auxiliary computing power she obtained had dropped a lot, she was in the middle of a fierce battle, and she had no time to troubleshoot what went wrong with the source of the data.

In order to maintain their output, the stragglers can only follow the emergency arrangements of the "doctor" and increase the pressure on the "believer" network outside the void network.

Although the efficiency was much lower, and the mental pressure on the "believers" was also much higher, the situation was finally stabilized.

However, even if the port is no longer used to transmit data, the port still exists.

Scholars originally planned to use "distributed access attacks" to paralyze the heart of God, and conducted a lot of training for it.

Now that the heart of God has been brought back intact by the gods, this plan naturally came to an end without a problem.

But now, His Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King has actually brought a port that can directly attack the "artificial god". Everyone's hard work can just come in handy, so what are you waiting for?Contribute your own computing power and access rights.

As a result, Nasida, who possessed countless "ammunitions", entered her field of expertise.

Under the stupefaction of countless scholars, Nasida used their accounts and permissions in a blink of an eye to carry out a dazzling void network attack on the port left by "Doctor" in the "remote assistance" mode:

Flood-like access attacks stuck in the same millisecond;

Omni-channel attacks using broadcast channels and mappings;

A rule-based attack using the rules of "Doctor" on the port;

It is faked as normal auxiliary computing power, but it is actually a blasting attack by various wrong data packets.

The huge power that suddenly erupted in the void network made the air around Nacida condense into a fog of dreams like a real entity, and in this "fog", scholars can only see countless words, numbers, and symbols moving rapidly. Skimming, flowing, forming chains, wrapping, and flying towards the direction of Lidu Valley.

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