In everyone's imagination, the so-called "borrowing power" of the gods is nothing more than borrowing everyone's power to summon a large number of treants to rush to Lidu Valley;

Or summon a tree-moving king the size of a sacred tree, pick up a rock the size of a mountain and smash it at the "artificial god".

But where did he think that the way this power is used is so... peculiar?

This is too different from King Dacishu!

But it's weird, it's weird, everyone sees that the heart of God is shining brightly, and the fog of dreams is also green, so there is no doubt about the identity and strength of the God of Grass.

Of course Nashida knew that her moves were not careless at all.

But there is no way. In order to completely cut off the taboo knowledge, King Dacishu didn't leave any trace of inheritance to himself.

My own abilities are all comprehended through the Void Network. Naturally, I am neither a tree king nor a grass god. No matter how I look at it, I look like a cyber angel in a virtual world.

In order to make herself more sloppy, Naxida has tried her best to change her moves into green themes:

Green keyboard, green mouse, green skin, and various grass-shaped decorations.

Isn't 3D printed grass also grass?

Nashida, who has tried her best to make legendary skins, only hopes that the scholars will not shout "fake goods" to herself, the cybergrass god.

She thought too much. Scholars are very pragmatic. Except for the scholars of the Shenglun School, no one cares whether the little auspicious grass king will recruit grass, but whether she is strong enough and whether she is on her side.

Scholars who point to the vines and call them kibala, and point to roses as roses, even 500 years ago, did not have any attachment to plants.

As long as they can protect them for a long time, even if a green poet summons a green tornado and tells them that he is the God of Grass, they will cheer "Long live the God of Grass".

Gas grass, isn't it also grass?

Moreover, a god who specializes in the void network is more intimate to scholars like them who have been doing research on the void network all their lives than a god who is exclusive to the Shenglun sect.

If it wasn't for Sky Island's disapproval, they would rather have a God of the Void Network.

Now that one really came, they were naturally very happy to accept it.

Of course, they were willing to accept it, but Naxida couldn't.

She still very much agrees with and persists in her identity as the "Little Auspicious Grass King".

If she is willing to be the "God of the Void Network", in this era when the demon gods wither, she can gain people and faith in any place, so why sit in the Palace of Good Views for 500 years?

Fortunately, after the Heart of God returned to her body, Nasida finally obtained her inheritance 500 years late from the power of the Heart of God.

Even if soon because of the transaction, the heart of God will be handed over to the fools;

However, Naxida, who has already firmly remembered everything, is confident that after several years to decades of hard work, she will be able to use the powerful skills of attracting grass and big trees to make herself a veritable god of all plants and trees.


If the straggler had a choice, he would rather fight a god who summoned the king of trees to throw big stones.

Nasida's unpredictable and extremely powerful network attack broke through the defense of the skirmishers in an instant.

The statement "God is omniscient and omnipotent" is pure nonsense.

Most of the gods, outside of the fields they are familiar with, the depth of research is probably not as good as ordinary people.

Because their comfort zone is so comfortable, why should they climb another, shorter mountain after they have reached the top?

Even if the stragglers have obtained the powerful gnosis of God, they are far inferior to the "doctor" in terms of telekinetic connection and networking, let alone the god Naxida in this regard.

She's the best driver, that's all, she doesn't know anything but the cockpit, is that too much?

Facing the powerful cyber attack, the skirmishers lost control of all their moves in an instant.

The elemental barrage bombardment that was thought to be able to steadily establish an advantage, like a meteor rainstorm, immediately lost control and crooked to the sky.

And the general will naturally not let go of this rare opportunity.

The stragglers are dedicated to proving themselves, but the general has no attachments.

She was born to act as a god, and she didn't need to prove it to anyone.

Coming here is only to complete Ying's mission.


The most noble and noble body in this world, when will you need to prove yourself by defeating a puppet who betrayed the master?

Therefore, facing the opponent's sudden interference, the general did not hesitate to take the opportunity to get close to him without martial virtue, and fiercely slashed at the opponent's relatively fragile joints, and successfully greeted the fire-breathing eyes of stragglers:


The stragglers were in a hurry, busy responding to the horrific cyber attack, and could only forcibly turn on the shield to block the general's surprise attack.

"Segment collapse!"

The pale accusation did not move the general in any way.

She methodically used the huge thunder sword energy, taking advantage of this opportunity, to cut the shield most violently.

Seeing that the shield was about to be exhausted, the stragglers had no choice but to make a painful decision:

She urgently shut down all the power connections and wasted a precious opportunity to erupt. She urgently extracted the power of the Heart of God and turned it into a huge thunder spear, sweeping across the entire land of the general, and only then did the general's round of offensive repel.

The emergency shutdown of the mind power connection means that in a short period of time, she will no longer be supported by any "believers" in mind power and computing power. Wait for the "believers" to reconnect through the restarted meditation ceremony.

And this just gave Naxida a perfect opportunity to breed a Trojan horse.

Mortals cannot directly look at the powerful god with their souls, but she is fine!

Is there something wrong with the Sumeru Trojan: Chapter 609 Chapter 589 Is the Sumeru Cannon wrong?

It couldn't be easier for the gods to forge the links of "believers".

Although Nacida seldom shows up, in the dream, there are actually quite a few devout believers who believe in her because of the character of needing help when encountering difficulties.

After all, the gods chat with you as if they are a little flattering, and personally use their power to help you. If you don't believe it, there is nothing credible in the world.

By imitating the circuit of her own believers, Nasida easily created a large number of "false believers" to connect to the stragglers, and crowded out the number of "believers" who really wanted to connect to the gods.

The stragglers didn't notice at all, after all, she had just become a "god" for less than a month, how could she have imagined such a routine?

Maybe when she is fine, she may still be able to notice the abnormality;

But while fighting the general inextricably, while identifying?

Too hard for her.

In this way, Naxida quietly controlled the auxiliary calculation of all the skills of the skirmishers.

She can suddenly silence them all, and even overload them slightly, creating a huge opening.

But this usage was rejected by Jiang Yan.

Everyone is in the spring, and the eldest brother wiped out the enemy group by himself, which is not realistic at all.

A victory without participation will not be praised by any scholars, and even the degree of gratitude will be greatly reduced.

"When the little auspicious grass king and his family repelled the powerful enemy, your grandfather and I were fighting ashes in the mountains of Jiangmo / trembling in Huacheng Guo."

This embarrassing fact will only make people try to downplay it.

And the method of high emotional intelligence is to let the younger brothers who stand behind and watch the game throw out a seemingly critical skill, but in fact they don't have the same skill, let him score 81 points with the big brother.

Doing so will not damage one's reputation, but also allow oneself to increase countless eulogists and grateful people.

"When the little auspicious grass king and his retinue repelled powerful enemies, your grandfather and I once faced the majesty of the gods and launched an attack on them!"

The glory of fighting side by side with the gods is enough for a mortal to brag about for the rest of his life, and pass it down to his descendants to continue bragging about.

How can this kind of sharing of glory and grace not make people feel grateful for life?

Nacida, who knew countless knowledge, but knew nothing about the world, felt that the four-leaf clover in her eyes turned into a big windmill when she heard this kind of twists and turns.

Is the human mind such a complicated thing?It seems that as a god, I still have a lot of shortcomings.

However, although she didn't quite understand what Jiang Yan said, Nasida also understood that as a god, she needed to satisfy the wishes of the believers.

Since mortals want to participate, then participate.

So after planting Trojan horses on the "God of Chance", she stayed there obediently, preparing to witness the killer that the scholars had prepared for a long time.


To be honest, the scholars are really a little afraid that His Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King and her friends will tear down the "artificial gods" by doing three things.

Although the "artificial gods" is a secret project carried out by the council alone, it is ultimately the crystallization of the highest wisdom of Sumeru and Zhidong.

Although the positions are different, if this ultimate human creation exits the stage like a clown, everyone who is a pursuit of wisdom will also feel that the future is bleak like the death of a rabbit and a fox.

The end of mortal research, for gods, is a large toy?

Then what else do you study?Kneeling down to pray to the gods, wouldn't it be enough to pick up the wisdom residues given by the gods?

In this way, the confidence everyone gained from the "light of the world" may be directly beaten back to its original form.

Moreover, each of the scholars is a proud son of heaven who rolled up all the way from Sumeru. In the end, they were treated as mine cards for mining together with traffickers and pawns without any regard.

This kind of huge humiliation, no matter who it is, took a deep breath and wanted to give the council some color.

After working hard in Huachengguo and Jiangzhumo Mountain for so long, how can I swallow this breath if I don't give him a chance to retaliate and show off?

Fortunately, the gods were reasonable, and seeing that there was still a lot of energy left, they gave up the stage to mortals, and all the scholars present were silently grateful.

That being the case, is there any reason not to try our best to undertake this task and honor?

Therefore, Kawei, the chief engineer of Jiangmo Zhushan, stepped forward silently and took over Naxida's position.

As the chief designer and chief engineer of the Casazale Palace, when it comes to the mechanism, his authority in the Miaolun School and the entire Holy Order is not a second thought.

And he lived up to expectations. In such a short period of time, the overall renovation project was quickly completed under his coordination.

Facing such a huge stage, Carvey has no stage fright.

He has commanded thousands of craftsmen and scholars to carry out large-scale construction.

If there is any difficulty in this work with clear blueprints compared to the previous work, it can only be said that it is too tiring to cooperate with those elm heads of the Sulun School.

However, whether it is the element matrix or the power supply of the relic colossus, it is completely impossible to bypass the Sulun School, and even in some fields, they are the protagonists.

Fortunately, Carvey's mentality is not comparable to that of ordinary scholars.

Building such a large Casazale Palace, he didn't earn a penny and still owed a whole lot of debt orders. He didn't have a good attitude and jumped off the roof of the Casazale Palace long ago.

When Kawei took out the mentality of dealing with Party A, all cooperation with Sulun School was as easy as spring breeze and rain.

The quarrels, running-in, and cooperation along the way have already become a thing of the past.

And now is the time to witness all the results!


"What is the transmission rate of the elemental force of the earth veins?"

"Everything is normal," replied a prominent Sulun scholar.

After the project was established, the scholars of Sulun School and Shenglun School used their feet to cover every inch of land in the southeastern part of Sumeru.

Through meticulous work, they guided and connected the ground veins, and finally, with the cooperation of the Miaolun School project, they gathered a huge amount of energy to Jiangzhumo Mountain.

This is not a simple project, any squeeze and enrichment of the leylines will lead to ecological imbalance.

To guide such a huge energy flow, careful calculation, testing, and energy compensation are essential.

If one can see through the ground, one can see:

With the relic colossus as the core, the huge area has long been covered with spiderweb-like underground energy pipelines, as well as dotted with earth vein energy compensation points that are buried with element spar bags.

Fortunately, after repeated tests, the energy transmission can always maintain a safe range.

In addition, in a certain corner of Lidu Valley, the huge element matrix has already been arranged. Husseini, the discoverer of the original guide plate, personally sits in charge, and together with a large number of Sulun School scholars who have undergone long-term training, wait With the "artificial god" stepping into the trap.

"How are the regulators, circuit breakers, and wave stabilizers?"

"The rate of wear and tear is normal," Ghazali, the discoverer of the blueprint for the colossus of the ruins, replied confidently.

Of course, if there were no sporadic explosions like firecrackers as an accompaniment, this confidence would be better conveyed to the scholars present.

Earth vein energy is by no means a stable energy source, they are like life, different areas have different "breathing" frequencies.

Simply gathering these energies with different frequencies, attributes, and powers together can at most create a big firework.

With the current Xumi technology, it is actually impossible to gather and utilize such a wide range of elemental power.

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