Fortunately, there is an energy block system in the relic colossus, which can converge and unify different types of energy.

However, this relic colossus is, after all, just a war fortress, not a livelihood project for Kanria.

Considering the maneuverability and counterweight, there are only energy rate adjustment instruments for temporary emergency use in the machine, both in terms of power and adjustable rate range are extremely limited.

Therefore, before the energy is fully concentrated, scholars must use Sumeru's own technology to perform simple rate adjustment, and reduce the power consumption of the energy block rate adjustment instrument as much as possible.

Such a small "processing" almost exhausted the entire reserves of the Sulun School and the Miaolun School, and with heartbreaking "pop" and "pop", the scholars continued to Replace the scrapped regulators, circuit breakers, and wave stabilizers, and replace the skilled and bleeding-hearted ones with brand-new instruments worth hundreds of thousands of moras.

There is no way, the working scene of the instrument that everyone made before does not include brutally directly adjusting the rate and blocking the turbulent energy of the earth veins.

And the number of new instruments produced urgently is far from enough, so we can only turn on the zero rated power, and use it with the mentality of "until it is worn out", and replace it with a new one if it breaks.

"How is the training of the Bio-Scholar going?"

"As long as the expected number of people is not exceeded, there is no problem." Tinari replied.

The Shenglun faction actually has a lot of opinions on squeezing the power of the leylines so much.

But in the face of the vicious human brain mining, this group of nature-loving scholars can only act in a hurry.

After citing a complete earth vein energy compensation plan as a condition, it was agreed that after all the accessories were blown up, the human flesh instrument would be used as a cameo, and the artificial adjustment method would be used to adjust the balance of the earth veins.

Of course, in order to be absolutely safe, a small number of scholars of the Shenglun School who were former forest patrol officers have already started the preliminary test of manual adjustment.

Fortunately, everything went well except for the pressure on the leader, which couldn't last too long.

"What's the result of the sniper module test?"

"The distance, wind speed, and gravity corrections have all been calculated, and it is guaranteed to be projected to the target area. However... the allies who are currently contending with it cannot be estimated due to lack of data." Layla, the weirdo in the Minglun sect Half asleep and half awake replied.

The nerds and nerds of the Minglun School suffered heavy losses in the catastrophe of Sumeru City. Except for the scholars who went out to watch the stars, almost all of them were trapped in Sumeru City.

So the only one who can take the lead now is this Layla, who is known for her eccentric personality even among scholars.

Of course, everyone's doubts about her do not include her ability.

The most important part of the entire battle plan, operating the relic giants to fire, will also be completed by her using astrology and precise calculations.

However, no matter how accurate astrology is, it is impossible to predict the precise coordinates of the battle between the two gods.

In everyone's script, there is no general.

The original plan was for the stragglers to shoot directly at Lidu Valley, but now that the stragglers and the general are fighting inextricably, who can guarantee that they won't snipe at the allies?

No matter how you look at it, this powerful existence is inseparable from Inazuma's Narugami. If he is shot to death by his teammates, Sumi will probably be gone.

However, Kavey did not waver in the slightest:

"No need to consider the location of allies, just snipe normally!"

This powerful courage deeply infected every scholar present.

Except, of course, for the acquaintances who knew Carvey.

Tinari and several of Kawi's friends all set their sights on the little auspicious grass king.

How could this good man make such a cruel decision?Do not make jokes!

Feeling these gazes, Nasida, who was pretending to be a pot of auspicious grass in the corner, turned her head slightly, and blinked her left eye cutely at Tinari and the others.

The burst of cuteness with its own biling biling special effects made everyone have no doubts.

That's right, it was Nasida who helped Kavey relieve his worries through the void network.

The zero-delay "One-eyed Flying Bunny" is about to join the battle. It reminds me, how could the general be hit by friendly fire?

Now that someone is taking the blame, everything is no longer an obstacle:

"I declare, the Sea of ​​Knowledge Project, charging begins!"


At the end of the month, the explosion will start again, and it is expected to be 9000+ per day

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 610 Chapter 590 Is something wrong on the eve of the decisive battle

When Elhaisen, Sai Nuo, and Dixia recovered their basic mobility and were about to return to Huacheng Guo, they found that the nearby area was like the Great Red Sand Sea in the era of the 99 Kingdoms struggle for hegemony, with battles everywhere .

Even though the bodies of the three of them wanted to disintegrate immediately like chewed sugarcane, but seeing their compatriots and colleagues in danger, Sano and Dixia still picked up their weapons and joined the battle group without saying a word.

Fortunately, the owner of the God's Eye, even the most basic physical fitness, is not comparable to ordinary soldiers.

With three new forces, the scale of victory will naturally tilt rapidly.

After questioning, the three people knew that the fools in Port of Ormos did not take any action for some reason.

On the contrary, in the rainforest of Xumi, like sweet flowers and mint, countless fools suddenly emerged, like ants seeing honey, flocking to Lidu Valley frantically.

The coalition forces, who were planning to fight a blocking battle, immediately pulled the troops over when they saw this situation.

The excellent matching mechanism makes this pair of well-matched opponents almost stand on the same starting line.

The same loose units were forced to temporarily integrate due to urgent orders.

The same hasty action, came in a hurry, no large ordnance, and no good location to speak of.

In the terrifying battlefield adjacent to the gods, no one dared to join forces, for fear that the opponent's "gods" would come by and evaporate collectively.

As a result, the fighting continued, and it became a chaotic battle in bulk.

Fortunately, both sides knew that this was a political battle.

Even the spies who are only obedient to the order of the "servant" know that this kind of simple containment, there is no need to use too much force to make it impossible to end.

Especially when these subordinates belong to other executive officers, it will bring trouble to everyone's "mother" if they are killed and injured.

They are all like this, not to mention the second-line soldiers who were originally guarded by scientific researchers. In order to avoid a death feud, almost no one kills them.

But even so, the style of fools is never curry.

Whether it is the will to fight or the fighting literacy, Xu Mi's group of mercenaries are completely incomparable.

Therefore, even if the three strong outsiders joined the battle, it took a lot of effort to completely repel the offensive of the fools, and watched them retreat to the port of Ormos in an orderly manner. confluence.

That's right, it's watching.

The purpose of the desert mercenaries and guardians coming this time is very pure, to pay the blood tax to the gods.

Although everyone does not mind giving their lives for the gods, this "tax amount" does not depend on how many people die, but how many battle results are created.

In the face of the upcoming great glory of "recapturing Sumeru City for the gods", a fool would choose to force fools and dogs to jump over the wall and fight to the death.

The Disciplinary Officers didn't care about this. It's not like they haven't cooperated before. The Disciplinary Officers were extremely surprised to be able to fight a regular army like the Fools instead of being scattered. What other extravagant wishes could there be?

However, even if they won a battle, the coalition forces did not intend to directly enter Sumeru City, but rested in place and waited for the result of the battle between the gods.

After all, even if there is a winner between mortals, what is the point of winning or losing between gods?

Since everyone has no intention of rushing into Lidu Valley to give away the head, then quietly wait for the victory;

Or if the opportunity is wrong, running away is the right choice.

And such a large group of desert mercenaries stationed in front of Sumeru City, whether it was El Hessen, Sano, or even Dishia, Rahman and Candice were very panicked.

What if, after rushing into Sumeru City, any tribe's mercenaries lose their minds and plan to have a "desert traditional culture" such as "unsealed swords for three days", all of everyone's efforts will be in vain.

As a result, several "pilgrims" all gave up their plan to return to the Devil's Mountain, and together with Rahman and Candice gathered their cronies, trying to maintain the order of the plastic coalition as much as possible.

Anyway, Jiang Zhumo Mountain is just a feint, so leave it to Kawei and Tinari.


Although the "Pilgrims" cooperated very tacitly, but this group of guys full of personality, none of them pinned their hopes on their teammates, and they all wanted to carry on their own.

As a result, almost everyone ignored Kavi's plan, which was used as a cover, to what extent.

Even Elheisen, who was in charge of the overall situation, approved Kavi's application for resources and funds directly after a simple review. He didn't notice at all that this famous scholar of the Miaolun School, who is famous as an architect, had completed such an exaggerated project. The "spectacle".

For the colossal ruins that have been in disrepair for 500 years, let alone El Hessen and the others, even Nasida and Jiang Yan didn't have much expectations.

After all, not to mention today, even 500 years ago, this machine was not so powerful, let alone threatened the gods.

However, except for the participants of the Miaolun School and the Sulun School, no one knows that although the machine modified by Kaveymo looks like a few more parts, in fact, it has already been modified to a bad shape. It can be seen from the materials used:

The firepower and energy systems of the giant ruins located in the sea of ​​sand have already been dismantled in sevens and eighties, and they were secretly transported to Jiangzhumo Mountain.

The Seat of Tuha was the first stop that the Kerriyas came to the surface back then. It has the logistics supply equipment and a large number of spare parts left by the Karriyas. All the stocks have been secretly transported here, including the most precious storage. capable device.

Due to the large number of primordial smart devices, the Dachishahai has a large number of energy transmission and transformation devices that can still be used, and these devices have been widely used by Kawei in the function and transformation of today's relic colossi.

Even the main gun of the Ruins Colossus has been optimized and replaced with many firepower components from Yuanneng Robot under the joint research of Miaolun School scholars.

And Zhenjun Zhuyue Zhuyang, who is not used to the demonic behavior of mining the human brain, also kindly provided a large number of fairy family talismans of the same style as the light of the world.

The Miaolun School may not be as good as other schools in terms of research and development, but in terms of system integration, DIY and magic reform, scholars with elm brains can't hold a candle to them at all.

The brand-new relic colossus, in addition to the outer shell, the core has already been the crystallization of the magical transformation of Chiwang technology and Kanria technology, plus Liyue's safety technology.

The calculated theoretical output has already stunned the scholars themselves. After repeated quarrels and calculations, it was finally confirmed, and it is only a blockbuster today.

At this moment, there are huge energy storage devices placed on all the hills on Jiangzhumo Mountain, which Kanria named "energy tower".

The so-called Purcina Light Nails are the greatly shrunk version of the energy tower for civilian use, and the energy tower is the energy supply core of every city and fortress in Kanria.

The energy of the earth veins in the entire southeastern part of Sumeru is converging in it like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea.

In a blink of an eye, five rounds of "suns" lit up on the Jiangzhumo Mountain. When the energy gathered, light and heat followed. The night was illuminated by the huge sun like day, and the heat waves scorched all the surrounding vegetation. , burnt yellow.

And these energies, which are enough to burn the entire mountain range, will be fully infused into the one eye of the relic colossus at the moment of activation, emitting the greatest and last light since its creation.


No matter how powerful a weapon is, it still needs people to use it.

In the cab, several Minglun scholars were nervously repeating divination, checking calculations, and calculating error correction and sight adjustment operations based on observation data, and finally gathered the calculation results in Layla's hands.

This shelling took the "gamble" to the extreme.

The shelling at a distance of half Sumeru, especially the use of a weapon that is not a precise sniper like the relic colossus, is simply a nightmare.

So the so-called "targeting" is actually waiting for a rabbit after setting countless conditions.

The "artificial god" must step on the element matrix on time, and not forcefully escape in an instant during the firing period, so that all calculations are meaningful.

These requirements sound outrageous, but this is the only weapon everyone has at hand, and no matter how stringent the conditions are, they must try their best to meet them.

It's better to sit on the sidelines than a blind sniper with a hit rate of less than 10%.

And even if they are far away in Jiangzhumo Mountain, they can still see the strength of the "friend" of His Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King. The hope of fulfilling this condition is quite high.

However, even if these conditions are met, it is just that all fixed parameter calculations can be skipped in advance.

Changes to the elemental force field generated by powerful move duels;

Terrain corrections caused by earth-shaking battles;

Track corrections caused by weather;

These uncertain factors can only be measured before shooting.

There is only one chance, and if you want to achieve a foolproof sniper, no matter how much preparation you have, you can't be too much.

For a shot with zero rated power, the energy tower will explode, the main cannon will completely melt down, all the pipelines will be overloaded, and the channels buried in the leylines will also automatically degrade, returning the remaining elemental power to the leylines.

Whether successful or not, everyone can only celebrate or regret in the wreckage.

This kind of future calculation that is closely related to oneself is difficult to be accurate because the calculation itself is also a part of fate.

However, if it is for a pure "result", there is room for tricks.

Fortunetellers can divide the future they want to know into countless steps, and each step does not require a clear result, only "yes" or "no".

For example, "Which chapter will be tested for the first question of tomorrow's exam?" Because it involves yourself, it is difficult to predict accurately.

Then, break this question into "will you take Chapter 1 for the first question of tomorrow's exam?"

"Will the first question of tomorrow's exam be Chapter 2?"

"Will the first question of tomorrow's exam be Chapter 3?"


And so on, according to the difficulty of divination, it will be divided into a large number of divination content of two-dimensional, four-image, or nine-square grid results.

Each divination content will be independently divined by a large number of fortune tellers, and will be divided into several groups to compare the offset according to the relevance of the fortune tellers to the real problem.

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