In this way, although the divination results will still have drastic shifts, after many times of divination and splitting by a large number of fortune tellers, even the random number results after the shift will show a regular interval.

And through this interval, no matter how difficult the divination problem is, as long as the number of results is large enough, the most likely real result can be judged.

It is ironic that this revolutionary and creative discovery of the Minglun School was published by the great sage Azar.

The reason why Azar conducted this research is precisely to figure out Xu Mi's future fate.

For this purpose, many scholars of the Minglun School have accepted this assignment, which has also popularized this technique, saving Leila a lot of time in teaching everyone.

Fate is such an irony. When you offend fate, fate will laugh at you in the most ironic way.

However, scholars of the Minglun School never cared about these "jokes of fate".

"When you cry for the stars of last night, you will miss the stars of tonight."

Those who praise the starry sky must have the mentality of enjoying every dish that fate brings to them in order to go far on this road. This is also the lesson and valuable harvest of countless predecessors of the Minglun School.

So Layla doesn't care how fate responds to her peeping, she just wants to complete her mission, then find her pillow in the Palace of Wisdom, and have a good sleep.

During the long period of charging, she and her classmates had countless opportunities to simulate and test, until the last moment before the actual shooting.

Tonight's Sumeru Land is full of places that never sleep, and no one can sleep peacefully.

But all the hustle and bustle will come to an end at dawn.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and the truth comes out.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 611 Chapter 591 Is there something wrong with the rainbow jet

In a blink of an eye, the general and the skirmishers had been fighting for a day and a night.

There was no fluctuation in the general's heart. After realizing that he could not take down the puppet who betrayed the master without killing her, he planned to fight for [-] to [-] days until her body collapsed. God, it's just the beginning.

But the stragglers are a little numb. The grand opening she imagined should not be like this.

Whether it's defeating the opponent with battery life, or being hoisted up and hammered technically, it's not what she wants to see because of the continuous high force of the body of God.

In her mind, she could already imagine the faces of her colleagues:

"Throwing the heart of God directly and detonating it is better than wrapping it in such two layers of waste."

"Dottore's big toy is not bad, but the driver is a piece of shit."

Any kind of sharp comment made her have the urge to work hard to discover the law of time and return to before this battle.

However, even if she managed to reconnect with the believers, she could continue to use force to end the battle as soon as possible, but found that there was an inexplicable cute creature beside the opponent, and it kept shooting elemental bullets to attack her shield. , bringing the battle back to balance again, it just drove her crazy.

This thing that looks like a one-eyed rabbit with big green ears, although its firepower is not very powerful, the stragglers have no way to escape.

In a fierce battle, the general will naturally not give stragglers the leeway to turn fire.

However, even if the stragglers used more large-scale attacks, this annoying flea would run a long way ahead of time like a prophet, and then continue to use elemental force bullets to dispel the elemental force shield on itself without getting tired.

How boring is it to be able to design such a creation whose talent is all about escaping?

The God who presides over wisdom?

As a god, I don't long for power to do these inexplicable things.

No wonder even her people turned their backs on her.

In his heart, the straggler had scolded Nashida a hundred times.

The feeling of stragglers is not wrong at all, Nasida is indeed a "prophet", and even knows the exact location of the attack before her.

Because the auxiliary calculations for his range attack were all handled by Nasida.

Before the stragglers got the data and made their moves, Naxida's "One-eyed Flying Bunny" had already started to hide.

Of course, Naxida would not tell the stragglers that both attack and defense are mine, so what do you use to fight me?

At this moment, she is communicating with the general, preparing to arrange the best script.

Although the glory must be given to humans, you can't watch Jiang Yan's friends who call to help you suffer.


Through the thought link of "One-eyed Flying Bunny", the communication between Nasida and the general went very smoothly.

The general didn't have any objection to Jiang Yan's twists and turns with Naxida.

She came to Sumeru just to complete the task.

Since Ying asked to listen to Jiang Yan here, he should do so.

However, from a personal point of view, the general is quite puzzled about this god who dotes on his people.

This is completely beyond the scope of her knowledge and logical understanding.

After all, her imagination is relatively poor, and she really can't imagine the picture of herself being kicked on the nose by a mortal.

When she was in charge of Dao Wife, being able to breathe smoothly and speak freely in front of her was already worthy of her high regard.

Every time there is a slight dissatisfaction, someone will bind themselves, kneel down and apologize, or even make a seppuku to avoid harming the family.

How on earth can mortals be so contemptuous?

The general who also didn't have the heart of God, was born after the disaster, and was about the same age as Nasida couldn't figure it out at all.

I also had a short period of weakness when I was just born, but the gods want mortals to be in awe, so what kind of power do I need?

With just one glance, someone is already shaking like chaff.

Forget it, it has nothing to do with me.

The advantage of dolls is that they are not obsessed with things other than missions.

Facing Naxida's cooperation, she didn't feel offended or disturbed at all, but cooperated with the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" naturally.

When the stragglers wanted to attack the "One-Eyed Flying Bunny" by surprise, they used continuous fierce attacks to make the opponent give up this idea.

When the skirmishers want to cover the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" with a large-scale attack, they use their positions to fight crossfire.

And "One-Eyed Flying Bunny" is also like a prophet. He will inform himself of many large-scale moves of the opponent in advance, which saves him a lot of energy.

The general doesn't intend to use up all his will power here, if possible, naturally save as much as possible.

If it is to defend Dao's wife, it is naturally duty-bound.

But if it's just to complete a task that doesn't need to be forced, it's okay, but it's not necessary.

And her attitude of "saving what you can save" certainly couldn't hide from the stragglers who were fighting her with all their might.

She was almost pissed off by her "sister". This guy was indeed her nemesis.

Her birth, her existence, her thoughts, and her every move are all a natural mockery of herself.

However, incompetence and rage cannot change the situation on the scene. The stragglers saw that increasing their efforts alone could not solve the problem, so they could only patiently dig out the knowledge in "God's Wisdom" to find a better way to break the situation.

This annoying little thing in front of her triggered her inspiration.

The Scarlet King possesses countless knowledge of primordial energy and intelligent equipment in his divine spiritual wisdom, which only needs to be excavated by stragglers.

And she never lacks wisdom and ability.

In a blink of an eye, countless self-discipline machines appeared out of thin air, and began to attack the general with their own duties.

Yuanneng light rays, ground-penetrating missiles, Yuanneng stand, and Yuanneng chainsaw locked the position of "One-eyed Flying Bunny" and the general through various angles.

Although the strength is not high, but enough personality, coupled with the probability of attack with intelligence, it is very difficult for the general and Nashida to deal with.

Even if the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" secretly borrows the energy transmitted from a large number of leylines in Jiangzhumo Mountain to carry out continuous and precise shooting, it will be difficult to resist such a large number of primordial smart devices.

After all, when Nasida designed this auxiliary terminal, she hardly considered protection. When encountering a covering attack, she could only rely on the elemental force shield to overcome it.

The same is true for the general, how passive the stragglers were just now, and now it is the general's turn, he can only use a wide range of attacks, constantly destroying a large area of ​​energy machines.

But if you fight for battery life, you will suffer anyway.

However, both Naxida and the general are very satisfied with the situation in front of them.

This natural passive situation is just right for them to launch the trap they have prepared for a long time.

Otherwise, if you keep pressing and hitting, the opponent is not a fool, and you really don't know how to start the next step.

"Get ready to start!"

Following Nashida's voice in the mind connection, the "One-eyed Flying Bunny" suddenly flew in front of the "God of Positive Opportunity", gathered strength, and shot a huge four-leaf seal at her.

It never occurred to him that this little thing would have such a powerful "God of Righteous Opportunity", and he was staggered by the incomparably condensed grass elemental power.

Ashamed and angry, she just wanted to use the Thunder Spear to completely destroy the little flea, but found that it had already flown away far away by virtue of the reaction force of this move.

But she, who missed the opportunity, could only accept the general's merciless counterattack.

"No thoughts, no thoughts, the world will be silent!"

Huge thunderclouds condensed in the sky, raining down thunder. Even the "God of Righteous Opportunity" could only resist for the time being in the face of this power of heaven and earth.

And the massive primordial energy omnics she summoned were all reduced to ashes under this move.

After the cloud opened and the thunder dispersed, the stragglers found that the general had already moved at a high speed following the thunder and arrived at a valley in the distance.

At this moment, she swung her naginata back, and the endless thunder element power, like a huge vortex, was converging around her body.

On the arm of the divine body behind her, the huge Thunder Blade was ready to go again.

But this time, the power is far greater than before.

From the momentum of this move, the stragglers can clearly understand:

This knife was definitely not swung to interrupt the energy supply of the heart of God, but to cut himself in half.

But instead of anger, she was happy.

Well done!This is the scene in the Demon God War that she has dreamed of!

Although he has lost the opportunity, the stragglers don't think that if they fight with all their strength, the opponent's effort will be their opponent.

In the Heart of God, a massive amount of power gushed out and turned into a huge Thunder Spear.

Not enough, the skirmisher told herself, she needed unquestionable victory.

Under her strong will, the power of God's Heart was forcibly drawn from the limit range.

And the breath that is very similar to the original owner made this behavior recognized.

Soon, the second Thunder Lance also took shape.

The huge "God of Positive Opportunity" clamped two thunder spears to his armpit at the same time, and the back of the "body of God" and the back of the shins violently ejected huge flames.

The huge machine puppet, like a knight charging on a war horse with a lance in his hand, pierced the dawn sky, and like a meteor flying backwards, it flew condescendingly towards the ready-to-go general.

And this kind of straight-line assault, which is the easiest to predict, is in the arms of mortals who have been waiting overnight.

"Energy director matrix, start!"

Following Husseini's order, no one paid attention to it, and the deep valley of Lidu Valley, which had not been burned by war, suddenly glowed with various lights of different colors.

The elemental forces in the veins are gathering violently and merged into countless "mirrors" full of pre-epoch style.

And Hosseini held the original disk of the energy guide matrix, surrounded by a large number of Sulun school scholars, and tried their best to drive this powerful device.

Soon, the "mirrors" spread on the ground radiated intense light of different colors, which was the pure and incomparable emission of single-attribute elemental power!

Countless rays of light shone on the body of the "God of Positive Opportunity", and as the output increased, it became thicker and denser.

In the end, seven beams of intense elemental force formed a rainbow hanging in the sky at dawn!

The gods coated desire with seven colors, so the energy conduction matrix is ​​an instrument that refracts the energy of the earth's veins into seven colors.

Compared with the exquisiteness and convenience of Azar's trial product, the large energy-conducting matrix originally collected in the Sulun School is a symbol of the ultimate scale.

According to the scholars of the Sulun School, this device should be a large-scale livelihood instrument used by a pre-epoch civilization to split and purify energy and supply it to mortals.

Used as a weapon, although it is not concentrated enough;

However, when the enemy's size is incomparably huge, this method named "Rainbow Jet" can be regarded as "tailor-made" for him.

Of course, this seemingly incomparably powerful offensive was not designed as a weapon after all, its energy was not concentrated enough, and its lethality was only due to concentration rather than personality.

But the academics' strategic purpose has been achieved.

The huge change in the elemental force field caused great interference to the output of the skirmishers. The speed of the "God of Positive Opportunity" slowed down visibly, and he was forced to fully open the shield to dispel the high-intensity attack. The erosion of the body of the god by the radiation of elemental force.

The skirmisher never expected that she would commit a crime on the mortal she despised the most.

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