Desperate, she scolded with incomparable hatred:

"Ants, you know... are you interrupting the battle between the gods? Tiny things, give me some self-knowledge!"

However, Hosseini, who wasted half his life and did not enter the mainstream academic field of vision until he discovered the original guide, can words be shaken?

In terms of strength, a straggler can trample ten Husseini to death

But in terms of mentality, a hundred stragglers can't compare with Hosseini.

Lorewalkers can be said to be formal scholars who have not "become a regular".

In Sumeru, the wandering scholars who have reached an advanced age but have not yet been "regularized", even if their beards and hair are white, they still have to travel around the world for their papers, and they have no funds to eat and sleep in the open. Even the vicious Gilded Brigade will give some sympathy , which is usually convenient.

What happened to the stragglers was simply not worth mentioning.

Facing this kind of breach of defense, he did not say "she is in a hurry, she is in a hurry" which is already very moral.

Of course, I was also afraid that the other party would be out of breath, so I first shot the thunder spear as big as the mountain in my hand to everyone's position.

Although this is extremely beneficial to the situation of the battle, none of the Sulun School scholars present wanted to become the last batch of martyrs because of their passionate laning addiction.

This way of dying is too stupid.

Fortunately, the skirmisher only had his own "battle of becoming a god" in his eyes, and he didn't intend to exchange it with the "little thing" in her eyes.

At this moment, she is still driving the power of God's Heart with all her strength, preparing to use his surprise attack that penetrates the sky to draw a successful conclusion to this battle of gods.

It's a pity that she has the strength of a god, but she doesn't have the vision of a god, let alone the mentality of a god.

Well, if arrogance counts as mentality, this is the only thing she gets full marks for.

Arrogant, she focused her attention on the dream that was just around the corner, completely ignoring the meticulous preparations of ordinary people, it would never be so simple.

The spray of rainbow light, even though it was greatly dispelled by the shield, still did not weaken.

Because this move is not only an attack, but also the most important signpost.

The seven kinds of brilliance that mortals put on the desire of gods can be clearly seen throughout Sumeru, including the distant Jiangzhumo Mountain.

And in Jiang Zhu Mo Mountain, the results of countless astrological intervals are being compared with the clearly visible calculations, and finally turned into an exciting, yet gentle sentence:

"Target, locked!"


Today's first update, today's [-]D gift package, so stay tuned.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 612 Chapter 592 Is there something wrong with the light cannon

Astrology is not a panacea for blindly spying hundreds of miles away, probably only God Istaru can do it.

But if the enemy is riding the colorful auspicious clouds as a living target in the sky, it's a different matter.

Leyla calculated the trajectory through the optical instruments that had been prepared, and quickly compared it with the range of astrological results to determine the most reliable set of data.

There is no hesitation, no ceremonial chanting of "fire"

Who would waste precious time doing this when milliseconds count?

All decision-making power has already been delegated to her hands.

The moment the result of the calculation came out, she had already adjusted everything according to the preset parameters, and pressed the button to fire without hesitation.

Afterwards, he used elemental force to draw out the ice bed, and lay down on it.

She has been calculating intensively for more than ten hours. She is not looking for great achievements at this moment, but only wants to sleep overnight, and she doesn't even care about the result.

Those who are asleep have nothing to worry about, but those who are awake still have to bear it all.

The first thing everyone did was not to check the results, but to evacuate in an organized manner from the Colossus of the Ruins and the entire Jiangzhumo Mountain.

For weapons that fire according to the zeroth rated strategy, there is no difference between the fire button and the self-explosion button in a sense.

Sure enough, with a few loud noises, the five huge crystal towers all collapsed due to violent overload.

The violent earthquake made all the mountain ranges in Jiangzhumo Mountain tremble, and countless gravels were jumping, rolling, and "flowing" downward like a river.

The violent landslide startled countless sleeping animals and began to flee crazily.

The chaotic running and roaring of animals broke the silence of dawn and caused the ecological balance to completely collapse.

However, even the scholars of the Shenglun School who value the ecological balance the most did not care about this "little" damage.

It was originally an illegal building that lacked safety and control measures and was forced to mount a horse. After such a violent effort, it was able to ascend to the sky without stopping and take away the entire mountain by the way.

And then, on the road leading to the colossus of the ruins, long fire snakes ignited one after another, and then were extinguished by the scholars who had been prepared with spells, marking that the energy transmission pipelines were completely scrapped.

Pipelines are used to transmit energy, not to infuse energy.

The pipeline that is stretched out to output the dew point full of holes has completed its historical mission the moment the transmission is completed.

The equipment that the animists participate in always puts the balance of nature in the first place.

In order to avoid pollution, after the transmission is completed, these wooden pipelines will be automatically cut off, and will automatically burn and degrade, using their own existence and remaining elemental power to give back to the affected land veins.

As for the interior of the ruins colossus, it is even more miserable.

Just listening to the sound of wine racks collapsing and countless glasses breaking, one knows that this relic colossus has no use other than being transformed into a museum.

All components are completely scrapped in front of more than 200% of the rated output.

If it wasn't for the scholars who had already evacuated, these flying residues would be enough to turn the scholars who were still seriously maintaining and replacing spare parts into hedgehogs.

Only the cockpit, which was covered with heavy protection, was safe and sound in this catastrophe, allowing several hard-working Minglun scholars to wait for the dust to settle with peace of mind.

In a blink of an eye, except for them, and the scholars of the Shenglun School who were earnestly cleaning up the scene in order to prevent the rainforest fire from igniting;

Almost all the scholars have already evacuated and gathered at the highest peak in the northwest of Jiangzhumo Mountain.

All eyes are on the pillar of light that everyone worked together to create across the sky.


Even in the era of Kanria, the "energy tower" is a strategic facility that can supply energy to the entire city with only four or eight towers.

Shenhao’s handwriting of using five energy towers to charge the weapon at one time has nothing to do with the original parameters of the relic colossus.

At this moment, all the strong men in Sumeru were stunned in front of this terrifying bombardment that turned the entire eastern Sumeru into daylight.

"What the hell did Kavi make?"

El Heisen's always confident face looked up at the sky with a bewildered look.

But obviously, his comrades don't think so.

"So this is the hole card in your plan? Elhaysen."

"Next time there is such a powerful killer, we can say it earlier, and we don't have to worry about it."

"Why didn't we use it sooner? Why should we be afraid of some great sage? Come to Xiangzuipo, that great sage should kneel down and beg for mercy."

Elhaisen, who looked like the mastermind behind the scenes, wanted to explain that this was not his plan, but no one believed it.


"Is the colossus so powerful?"

"I do not know either!"

"Xu Mi still has this kind of thing?"

"I do not know either!"

During the mind connection between Jiang Yan and Naxida, the two looked at a loss, the King of the Great Mercy Tree didn't say anything, and neither did the mortals.

I watch their thoughts and dreams on the Internet every day, why don’t I know?


"What weapon is this?"

Even the out-and-out Kanria people, who are now the commander-in-chief of fools, can't recognize the weapons that have been changed beyond recognition.

Although the "Harlequin" knows that there is a relic colossus at that location, but if the relic colossus is so fierce, will Kerriya perish?

This kind of firepower has already surpassed Liyue's "light of the world", where did Sumi get it from?

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although the "Light of the World" is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Six Kingdoms, it is not the strongest weapon that everyone can create.

From the beginning, Ningguang restricted all technology to "pure human technology of this era", so everyone naturally restrained.

And the "Sea of ​​Knowledge" project completely inherited Chi Wang's unscrupulousness.

The home is gone, who cares about taboos or not?

Red King's sky island technology, coupled with Kanria's abyss technology, in addition to technology is hard work, this kind of effort certainly surpasses the "light of the world", and also exceeds the expectations of those who think they are chess players.

Only Xumi, a land full of taboos, can get so many taboo parts;

Only Xumi, a land with an extremely hard backstage, was able to do this kind of hard work and still be safe.

However, even if the "Harlequin" wants to confirm the truth about that weapon again, facing the eyeing Liyue monster, he, who doesn't want to watch the Mushroom Fairy Competition again, can only wait for the dust to settle.


Spectators can wait for the dust to settle, but Dust doesn't think so.

Facing the roaring beam of destruction, the stragglers had 1 question marks in their minds.

who is thiswhere is thiswhat is this?

But she didn't want to turn into dust, and then settled down, so she could only turn her head suddenly and release her trump card in advance.

Suddenly, countless electric arcs were generated between the two lightning spears that looked the same.

In the center of this thunder net, a pure, huge, transparent sphere of primordial energy suddenly appeared.

Whenever the thunder passes through this sphere of primordial energy, the "ball" will keep rolling in it, being charged and accelerated rapidly.

Soon, this huge "ball" was covered with strong plasma, and every time it rolled, it made a strong sound like an iron ball rolling over the floor.

In the end, the light ball made of pure energy was completely infected with the divine power of thunder, and the two thunder spears emitted dazzling lightning at the same time, bombarding the light ball out!

"Under the seven leaves, I am the only one who will live forever!"

The destructive light that crossed half of Sumeru and the primordial energy plasma cannon emitted by the stragglers collided violently in the air, and the energy from the same source collided with each other to produce a violent explosion.

The colorless primordial energy, after being violently activated, bloomed into thousands of colors in an instant, and finally returned to a white light that people could not look directly at.

The gray sky suddenly turned into a white world.

No blue sky, no grass.

The sky is dazzling white;

The peaks are dazzling white;

The tall sacred tree is dazzling white;

The gigantic mechs in battle are dazzling white;

The whole world turned white.

The center of energy hedging, an unnamed mountain peak in the west of Huacheng Guo, the upper half of the whole mountain, no matter whether it is animals, plants, or rocks, all at this moment, silently, in this white light, turned into pure white. Flying sand, scattered everywhere.

Yuan energy is a very clean energy source, even if it erupts so violently, it will not explode like thunder.

As the origin of all elemental power, the violently activated primordial energy will only return everything to its most primitive form.

Soon, the entire area, whether it was mountains, trees, birds, or waterfalls, seemed to be "digged away" by the creator with his huge spoon, and everything returned to nothing.

However, the stragglers are not in the mood to verify their "great achievements". In this pure white world, there is a purple lightning rice light that cannot be covered even by the pale light that fills the whole world, and it is attacking violently.

That was "she"'s unique ability to cut through space, and it was reproduced in the hands of her "sister".

The stragglers were not afraid, even without the power extracted from the Heart of God, this body was a real "body of God".

Even the stunt that once killed Orobus, in the hands of his sister, can't exert its original power.

Only I have a breath left, and with the power of the heart of God, I will be immortal forever, and I will be able to recover my combat power after a period of time.

Thinking of this, she bent her arms forward, lowered her head to protect her chest, and fully opened her shield, ready to take the general's thoughtless cut off.

However, this piece of white light that fills the sky has also become a signpost for the exiters who are ignored by everyone.

An attack by the unlikeliest of men, onslaught!

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