
The second update today, there will be another update later.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 613 Chapter 593 Is there something wrong with forced writing

As early as when the two god-made puppets were fighting fiercely, in the eyes of both sides, Azar, who had already been reduced to "spoils of war to be checked", and the other three sages, as well as their followers, had already come secretly. To the secret laboratory of the artificial god.

That's right, there are actually only four sages, and two opponents, including Tinari's teacher, have long been secretly imprisoned underground in the Palace of Wisdom.

And the four sages gathered here, on the eve before the dust is about to settle, because they are unknown, and the final work is about to begin.

"Are you all ready?" Hazard asked in the same flat tone as before.

"Get ready." At this moment, although the four sages have not many followers, they are all outstanding people who are known for their knowledge and wisdom.

"Let me say it one last time. After this, you will become ignorant and ignorant walking corpses, and you will be infamous in the world. Can you accept it?"

Hazard didn't seem to feel this determination, but reconfirmed as if expecting them to change their minds.

"When carrying all this, we have already decided." The three sages replied in unison.

"Then let's begin."

With an understatement, four followers sat cross-legged on the ground, with a mysterious instrument on their heads,

After a while, the pots on the instrument began to glow green, and they tilted their heads and fell to the ground.

Subsequent followers unknowingly took off these instruments, put on new jars, and found a place they liked to wear on their heads.

After the new pot shines again, it also falls to the ground, waiting for the next wave of followers to take over.

The four sages didn't react at all to the fall of the followers who had followed them all their lives, but were chatting like old friends gathering.

"Can we succeed?" One of the scholars murmured, not knowing whether to ask Hazard or himself.

"If it's that exile, it's less than 20%, but if it's that fragile doll, hehe."

There was laughter and laughter on the scene instantly, and the tragic atmosphere was diluted a lot.

The four sages are just like this, talking about the past and the present, talking about the world, discussing the interesting things when everyone was just on the road to knowledge decades ago, the embarrassing things with each other, and even the latest topics, knowing that they have no chance. Do some more research.

Gradually, behind them, from living followers to green jars, and rows of walking dead as if they were sleeping.

Finally, there was nothing left behind them, and the followers who had lost their souls had been properly settled by the last group of followers, waiting for the "righteous people" to clean up.

In front of them, there were only strange and weird instruments, and a large number of installed jars shining with emerald light.

This instrument is exactly the instrument that endows the stragglers with the gnosis of God.

Right here, after the four sages squeezed countless scholars into lunatics in the sand sea, they input their "filling knowledge" into this instrument and became the "God's Gnosis" of the stragglers.

But now, they are going to inject the consciousness of themselves and their followers into the consciousness of the stragglers, so that the dominant consciousness of "stragglers" will become the "King of the Great Mercy Tree"!

What is the Great Mercy Tree King?

The one with great power is the King of the Great Mercy Tree.

The one who can treat Sumeru with kindness and do everything "like the King of the Great Mercy Tree" is the King of the Great Mercy Tree.

In addition, scholars 500 years ago believed that the one who could kindly recognize "little Biruni" and "little Hina" was the King of the Great Cishu, and they worked hard for hundreds of years to no avail.

But 500 years later, facing the imminent threat of the dead zone, Azar and the others believed that the first two points were enough.

So Azar did not hesitate to reach a cooperation with the Fools.

However, the fools will of course only complete the first point.

Never mind, the sages think they can accomplish the second point.

The exile was extremely arrogant, maybe he did have the capital of arrogance, but he didn't know anything about the magic of the void network.

Although the void network is extremely convenient, in a sense, it is a poison that quenches thirst with poison.

The more you use the void network, the more you will believe in the knowledge brought by the void, and even directly overwrite the original cognition.

And the sages would rather sacrifice a large number of innocent scholars, and endow that wayward puppet with the gnosis of God, precisely for this reason.

Today's puppet, while indulging in false power, has no idea that his resistance to the void network has been lower than ever.

And what everyone is about to inject is a poison condensed with the lives and souls of all people, called "Great Mercy Tree King".


Generally speaking, writing "bottling knowledge" will not cause harm to people.

Of course, the knowledge written in this way will naturally not be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, there is a taboo method of "writing" everything about oneself into filling knowledge, in exchange for extremely vivid cognition.

This kind of behavior was first used by scholars who were not willing to end their research careers to carry out the ceremony of passing the torch.

Then he went astray and was regarded by some unscrupulous scholars as a way to continue life, and was completely sealed by the Holy Order.

This kind of dusty history, even the Holy Order is known to very few people, and the exile and the puppet naturally don't know it.

The Council decided to use the beautiful imagination of the gods to "write" the God of Chance into a perfect King of the Great Merciful Tree.

Even if it doesn't use grass attribute power, even if it doesn't have any memory.

But every move is what the "Great Mercy Tree King" should think, feel, and do, isn't that enough?

This cruel and blasphemous method met fierce opposition even within the Council.

However, Azar, who had divined certain futures, was determined, and directly imprisoned the two opponents, forcing the plan forward.

This plan is not only cruel to the enemy, cruel to the innocent, but also cruel to himself.

Today, there are not many loyal followers of King Dacishu. In fact, at any moment, the vast majority of scholars only believe in the truth.

But it doesn't matter, loyal beliefs can also be "filled" with filling knowledge.

Since the side effect of the void network is that it will make people believe in knowledge.

On the other hand, as long as the beautiful imagination of the Great Mercy Tree King is poured in, a group of "believers" who firmly believe in the various beauties of the Great Mercy Tree King will be born.

However, this work is different from "digging" the gnosis of the Red King.

A false good impression is not enough to make people pay everything.

Only those who are willing to "write" life and soul into a perfect cognition.

Therefore, for the grand plan, Azar and the sages who can mine innocent scholars without hesitation.

When it was his turn to sacrifice, he didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately, they imprinted their thoughts on themselves and the followers who decided to participate in this plan with filling knowledge.

This filling knowledge originated from the priest of King Dacishu hundreds of years ago, who really admired the glory of the gods.

Pious beliefs and a well-known knowledge of the gods filled everyone's minds with all the good things about King Dacishu.

Next, is to wait patiently.

The weak are never qualified to choose the right time, but fortunately the arrogant will always show their flaws.

Of course, the city of Huacheng is not monolithic. In the face of powerful enemies, there is never a shortage of scholars who secretly communicated to Sumeru City in return for "not being brainwashed".

As for Hazard, he knew almost everything about Kavi's plan and made full use of it.

When the two god-made dolls fought until the sky was dark, Azar waited patiently.

When the rainbow jet hit the "God of Positive Opportunity", Hazard was preparing patiently.

When the white light of destruction turned the sky into a white night, Azar, who had been completely ignored by both sides, handed out the poisonous dagger that he had hidden from the beginning to the end!


Soon, all the filling knowledge was patiently integrated by the four sages, repeated cognitions were perfectly "superimposed", conflicting cognitions were carefully revised, and the perfect "Great Mercy Tree King" created by a group of thoughts "Seeing that it is about to form a unity.

However, the final touch of the dragon must be completed, and the last step requires a more powerful sacrifice.

Soon the four sages also brought the instruments, but the exit of the instruments was not a jar, but the God's Wisdom injection device of the stragglers.

This port has never been closed due to the continuous replenishment of God's spiritual wisdom.

And the four sages will use their lives and souls to write the perfect "Great Mercy Tree King" that has just been unified four times in a row under the dominant consciousness of the soul of Zhengji.

"Finally, thank you all again for believing in my Arabian Nights divination."

At the last moment when the instrument was about to be turned on, Azar gently lowered his head, expressing his gratitude for his colleagues who gave up all their trust.

Yet he was met with ridicule from his colleagues:

"Wood Azar, who couldn't even divination when he was in love, who would believe your divination?"

"Don't be stupid, a rubbish scholar who hasn't made any achievements in the past 20 years, your divination is really bad, we only believe in your people."

"When there is no way, someone should do something. I don't know, but you know, so I will listen to you."

Hazard moved his mouth, but did not respond to the ridicule.

Fighting planes are fleeting, and there is no time for bickering.

Seeing the window that looked like daylight, the four sages activated the instrument without hesitation.

Soon, Azar only felt that his life, soul, memory, power and everything were moving along this instrument and along the magical void connection under the powerful suction, as if transcending time and space, heading straight to A powerful machine located in Lidu Valley.

And what was left was only an empty shell.

At the last moment, the last image he remembered was the young man who had just decided to give everything to change Xumi's fate. After divination that he would die in disgrace, he gave up that important invitation and the encounter with fate.

"Hey, my divination has never been wrong, what do you know?"

After a soft sigh, the body named Azar tilted his head and became silent again.


Wanchang is over today, Sahua!

See you in the new January!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 614 Chapter 594 Is something wrong with the self-destruct doll

On the battlefield of Lidugu, Naxida was the first to discover the main body consciousness of the "God of Prosperity", and wrote a large amount of repetitive data in an instant.

However, before she could judge whether the "writing" operation was an enemy or a friend, the data had already entered the consciousness of the "God of Chance".

At first, the straggler thought it was the "doctor" who was urgently supplementing her with the spiritual wisdom of God.

It was only when I started to accept that I discovered that these "filling knowledge" are bombs composed of countless "world views, values, and outlook on life".

The stragglers that are powerful enough to drive the huge "God of Righteous Opportunity" are absolutely incomparable in terms of the strength of their souls.

However, under the indoctrination of the vast amount of "filling knowledge" of the Red King, she has already made her whole soul lose its defense and resistance to the written knowledge.

Almost instantly, she discovered that the three views of the "God of Righteous Opportunities" as a whole began to inevitably shift.

"I will treat everyone with tenderness."

"I love telling stories to children."

"I love every seedling."

"I like to quietly enjoy the morning sun on the grass."


"I am the King of the Great Mercy Tree."

The highly poisonous name "Great Mercy Tree King" originated from the good impression of mortals on the Great Mercy Tree King in countless classics.

Of course, what can be written into the classics is all the moments that make ordinary people move and feel beautiful.

Moreover, King Dacishu himself will always show her best side to her people.

Therefore, "the King of the Great Mercy Tree in the eyes of ordinary people" is even infinitely more kind and loving than the real King of the Great Mercy Tree.

This kind of glorious and perfect god is simply a great malice to the stragglers who always hold malice and ridicule towards the world.

This damn world can kill her, use her, and betray her, she has long been used to it.

But to turn her into a "good guy" like in a fairy tale?What kind of vicious torture is this?

She would rather be killed a thousand times than become such an existence!

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