The stragglers immediately made a decisive decision to give up the dominance of the "God of Righteous Opportunity", and concentrate their own consciousness as much as possible to avoid being eroded by this "very poison".

However, the first "write", the second "write", and the third "write" came one after another, and in a blink of an eye, the fourth "write" came again.

The "writing" with no dead ends seems to never give up until the "God of Righteousness" is washed into a pure consciousness.

And these memories and cognitions are not at the same level as the filling knowledge that was obviously inconsistent after being entered before.

The incomparably vivid image seems to be a vivid personal experience again and again;

Even grayer than the skirmisher most of his life, with the exception of a few precious memories, has brighter colors.

In the blink of an eye, the boundaries of her memory began to blur.

"Dottore! I must kill you!" The skirmishers who tried their best to resist the erosion uttered the most vicious curses on their colleagues.

She is not a fool, this attack must have come from the seemingly weak and deceptive backhand of the Holy Order, there is no doubt about it.

However, everyone was originally a plastic ally who was always ready to backstab each other. After he became the God of Chance, he didn't intend to keep any promises.

The skirmishers didn't care much about the mutual betrayal in this plan.

Rather, it was quite unexpected that the other party did not backstab until now.

But what makes the stragglers hate the most is that this port for uploading consciousness should have been completely closed after he became the main consciousness of the "God of Righteousness" to prevent future troubles.

Today, however, the port is open.

Such a big loophole, to say it was a mistake, is an insult to Dottore's wisdom.

Do you still need to think about what your colleagues are thinking?

This bastard must have planned to turn himself into a puppet who can manipulate the strings with him after the experiment is completed, but he was taken a step ahead by the Holy Order!

brute!Everyone in this world is a beast!

The stragglers who were betrayed by the fourth and fifth times screamed frantically in the depths of their souls.


When the stragglers tried their best to resist the attack at the soul level, the sword without thought and thought would not be late because the "God of Righteousness" lost all resistance in an instant.

The lightning slash across the sky, mercilessly chopped off the huge God of Positive Opportunity in half.

If it wasn't for the general reducing his follow-up efforts, Xumi might also have a youthful version of Wuxiang Blade Zajian.

But even so, behind the God of Opportunity, the mountain peak was cut into a hill, and then smashed into a depression by the huge body of the God of Opportunity.

The "God's Body" composed of elemental forces will not produce violent explosions.

But without the maintenance of God's gnosis, such high-level elemental power cannot be maintained, and it will naturally disintegrate into ordinary elemental power.

Therefore, in the eyes of the outside world, the seemingly indestructible "God's Body" "melted" into a sky full of thunder and gradually disintegrated.

The "artificial gods" that once did reach the strength of gods came to an end.

Just as the general stepped forward and was about to take out the heart of God located in the center of the chest of the "God of Righteous Opportunities", the Heart of God suddenly flew out of thin air and entered the scattered space in the cockpit located at the head of the "God of Righteous Opportunities". in the hands of soldiers.

At this moment, she was sweating profusely and her consciousness was hazy, but her unforgettable obsession helped her firmly resist the erosion of her soul.

But even so, it's only a matter of time before the "write" is complete.

Although her obsession is extremely tenacious, the part other than her obsession cannot resist a large number of cognitions written with her life and soul.

Her soul is about to be dyed with other colors.

Skirmishers will never accept such an ending!

She held this "chess piece" tightly, as if it was her only wealth in the world, and yelled at the general arrogantly:

"You won, but I didn't lose!"

"As long as I think, I can detonate this heart of God at any time!"

Faced with this threat, the general said disdainfully:

"Struggling in vain, I also made dolls for Shadow, why don't I remember that we have this function?"

The corner of the skirmisher's mouth trembled a few times, as if he had suffered a great humiliation, and finally said:

"You are a puppet that "she" can manipulate at any time, so naturally you don't need this function. "

"And I... was designed as a container, so it is natural to have "safety measures" to guard against thieves. You are satisfied with this explanation! "

Speaking of this, the voices of the stragglers seemed to be roaring, I don't know if it was to the general, to "her", or to the world.

Seeing the Heart of God flickering in the hands of the stragglers, the general's expression also became cloudy.

According to Ying's attitude of not caring about the heart of God at all, when making a "container", it is really possible to design a mechanism that will directly blow up anyone who dares to steal it.

But now, this insurance mechanism has become the trump card of stragglers.

After a long silence, the general asked calmly:

"Tell me, what do you want?"

The general who was simply here to complete the mission didn't mind the life and death of the stragglers, so she might as well listen to her conditions.

But at this time, the straggler asked an irrelevant question:

"What is the order that 'she' sent you? "

During the battle, she clearly felt that the general had no intention of killing.

Give away this heart of God first, and then take it back mercilessly, not even intending to take your own life.

Is this part of a deal with the gods, or a cruel pleasure?

The general never bothered to speak falsely, and replied simply:

"Since the Heart of God was given to you, it is yours. I am only here to stop Zhidong's plan."

"As for you, Ying Zeng said, after the heart of God is returned to you, you can stay as you like."

"Is that so..." the straggler murmured.

Regarding this answer, she couldn't say that she was happy or disappointed, but she just took it for granted.

She would rather hear pure malice from her "sister". In this way, at least it proves that "she" treats herself as a toy anyway.

However, I can't even treat myself as a toy.

Sure enough, except for pity, she has never cast her eyes on me...

After confirming that the only hand that might reach out to her will not appear;

The straggler pressed his temple with his left hand, and kept stimulating himself with thunder light.

Keep yourself awake and independent through intense pain.

Then, he said to the general in a decisive tone:

"You can't meet my conditions."

"I, Guobeng, want to negotiate terms with the entire Tivat."

"The first condition is: Dottore must die a miserable death, otherwise, I will definitely be buried with their great plan, and of course, your wishful thinking."

Sure enough, the traitor was more hateful than the enemy, and the viciousness of the stragglers when they mentioned "doctor" made even the general who cared little about the outside world other than his mission frown.

However, the skirmisher has no time to care about the expressions of other people. All her energy is used to resist the erosion of her memory and soul. While frowning tightly, she added:

"Yeah, I'm running out of time to be self-aware."

"However, this also means that you don't have much time. Before you lose this knowledge and become the god you want, I will detonate this heart of God. I will do what I say."


Both the general and Nashida, who perceives all this through the "One-eyed Flying Bunny", are deeply troubled by this situation.

You were betrayed by your teammates, what does it matter to us...

But the guy in front of him doesn't look like he can reason.

Without Thor's Heart, there would be no purification of the World Tree. Everyone has worked hard for so long, and it is impossible to accept this result.

With no other choice, Nasida had to contact Jiang Yan urgently to tell him the situation before him, and Jiang Yan urgently found "The Harlequin" and asked him to sell his teammates as soon as possible.

Looking at Liyueren's expression of "who is to blame", "Harlequin" also felt his scalp tingle.

Regarding Scaramucci's accusation, the only feeling "Harlequin" has is: Dottore did it.

Facing Scaramucci whose loyalty is almost zero, if Dottore has no back-up, the "clown" himself will not believe it.

If you cheat your colleagues, if you do it, it's only natural for you to be revenged. The "clown" has no interest in getting sidetracked.

Even "The Harlequin" didn't mind punishing Dottore for the crime of "slaughtering comrades in arms".

But when it comes to the level where two people have to choose one of the two, I'm sorry, ten Scaramucci's role is not as good as one Dotorre.

He, well, I heard that it was her already, and although he was in the sixth place, the fools never regarded her as one of their own.

Take your own people as sacrifices when you are threatened?This kind of precedent is impossible to set anyway, otherwise there would be no need for the organization of Fools to exist.

But the threat at this moment really hit the weakness of the fools.

Detonating Thor's Heart, the great plan is completely in shambles, and it is very likely that it will even disturb the law of heaven, so everyone will be in turmoil together.

If it was someone else, the "clown" would also consider whether the other party has the courage.

But the target is Scaramucci, who is usually neurotic, and the "clown" really dare not bet.

Faced with an emergency situation where the other party may jump over the wall at any time, the moral bottom line of the "clown" can only be flexible.

Although selling teammates is such a thing, Fools can't do it as a united organization.

But who is this person in front of him?It's the enemy. Isn't it natural for the enemy to come over?

"You can fulfill his wishes as much as possible, and I will not intervene in equal revenge among colleagues."

"However, Dottore preserved his own "slices" of various ages and operated them as independent individuals. "

"Nobody knows how many 'slices' he made but himself. "

"So Scaramucci's request, in such a short period of time, cannot be fulfilled anyway."

"I think Dottore wouldn't mind losing a few slices, but it's clear that Scaramucci understands that too, and it doesn't satisfy him."

"From the standpoint of fools, that's all I can say, and the rest is up to you."

"After all, we're all in the same boat, at least in this moment."

The "clown" who stood on the deck of the Fools' battleship with Jiang Yan and talked with him made a pun.

Jiang Yan accepted the statement of "The Harlequin", "Doctor" is by no means a person who puts all eggs in the same basket. No one will believe that the "Doctor" matrix that came this time is all his slices.

Even if Jiang Yan's Star Meteor Knife came one by one, the stragglers would not be able to accept this result.

This guy can "slice", God knows if he can "backup"?

Now that there is a "backup", God knows if it can be "restored"?

Apart from himself, who knows what other perverted ways to play?

etc!Jiang Yan suddenly caught what the "clown" was hinting at himself just now.

So he nodded, turned into a gale and left Port of Ormos, found a safe place, and contacted Naxida in the dream:

"Xiaocao, to untie the bell, the person who tied it must be released. We must release "Doctor" in the dream, let him figure out how to make "myself" die miserably, and satisfy the stragglers. "

At this moment, Jiang Yan is very confident that he can successfully persuade the "doctor" to "kill myself".

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 615 Chapter 595 Is there something wrong with paid suicide

Surrounded by Jiang Yan, Lan Na Luo, Jue Wang Tree, and Dream Tree, the strongest slice of "Doctor" - Omega, regained consciousness while being tightly restrained.

"Looking at your expressions, it doesn't seem to be going well?"

"Doctor" greeted Jiang Yan and Naxida with his usual mocking tone.

"Yeah, big trouble is coming, not only ours, but also yours." Jiang Yan said wearily.

In normal times, Jiang Yan, who is a great Onmyoji, must compete with him in Yin-Yang.

But now, he really wasn't in that mood, he simply told the "doctor" about the situation of everyone's overturning.

Soon, "Doctor" also joined the ranks of black faces with tingling scalps.

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