The superficial existence that everyone recognizes, unexpectedly puts everyone together, and no one will have a good mood.

"It's just a container, but it seems to be my mistake to treat her as a puppet."

The "doctor" who was slapped with the "experimental props" that he had been playing with all this time said bitterly.

No matter how many "slices" he has, after the God's Heart is detonated, no matter whether the law of heaven lowers his sight or not, he will have no place to stay in the solstice.

How could he have imagined that the puppet actually had the ability to explode its heart?What kind of weird design is this?

However, the absolutely rational brain of "Doctor" quickly regained his composure.

Since I didn't use it as a "gift" to vent my anger, I was humiliated and packaged it as an "experimental prop", so naturally it still has a use, so there is something to talk about.

Thinking of this, "Doctor" Omega nodded to Jiang Yan and Nasida:

"Waking me up is the wisest choice for you."

"I'm curious, how did you come to the idea that 'I' have the solution to the problem at hand? "

Speaking of this question, Naxida also looked at Jiang Yan curiously.

There is no way to let the "doctor" out.

Nashida didn't mind destroying the slices of "Doctor" at all for the stragglers to vent their anger. Even the hub of the "Doctor" network in front of him was fine, and she would even happily give a thumbs up.

After hearing what Jiang Yan said about the "Harlequin", even Nasida, who is so kind, has no kindness towards the "Doctor".

This kind of ceremony, which can be called "blasphemy" for life, should disappear from the world as soon as possible.

According to the description of "The Harlequin", as well as her secret observation when she was "imprisoned", and looking at the situation of the stragglers, Nashida has already guessed the essence of the "slice" and the ultimate goal of the "doctor":

This is definitely not the law of time obtained by the "doctor". To be precise, it is just an interception, so it is called a "slice".

Time will retain all the changes since its birth in the body of a mortal, and through the "memory" of these bodies, it can be reproduced with a completely new body created.

Doctors who can create the "body of gods" can naturally create countless bodies of their own at all ages through the information in their own bodies.

Of course, if it was just like this, Naxida would not be so disgusted.

But more importantly, the body can copy and create, but the soul cannot.

Even Sky Island needs to grab the souls of the "chosen ones". If they can be copied at will, what's the use of causing the world's wrath?

"Doctor" is indeed a genius, but beyond Sky Island, he is not worthy.

He must not even have the ability to make sensitive and fragile dolls like skirmishers, otherwise he wouldn't be holding his nose to cooperate with her.

Then it is obvious that Nasida did not understand where these "sliced" souls came from until seeing the tragic situation of the stragglers:

It must be that the "doctor" used his huge advantages in "quantity" and "quality" to repeatedly "write and overwrite" innocent souls, just as he wanted to do to the "God of Chance".

Now that "manufacturing" is tested, it is natural to test "writing".

Compared with letting others become gods, how can you feel comfortable becoming a god yourself?

How is it the ultimate goal of this arrogant bastard to make some "slices" of his own elderly and children?

The goal of this usurper, the blasphemer, is until a certain day, to be able to create countless "slices" with the "body of God", to become the god above the gods, the supreme god who occupies all the thrones!


The tacit cooperation between Jiang Yan and Naxida has always been that Naxida solves the technology, and Jiang Yan handles people's hearts.

After Naxida and Jiang Yan shared all this in a dream, Jiang Yan had a solution.

There have never been perfect rules in the world, because any rule needs "people" to implement, but "people" themselves are a link full of weaknesses.

No matter noble or base, smart or stupid, good or evil, as long as you ask for it, you can be used, and Jiang Yan's confidence comes from this.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan said calmly:

"I often want to go back to the past and strangle my childish self ten years ago."

"But I didn't expect that someone was stupid enough to create a "past self" for cooperation. "

"I can only understand that this is the only way for a greater purpose, yes."

"Doctor" is full of admiration for Jiang Yan's sensitivity:

"I think your answer stems from the God of Wisdom's secret observation of me."

"Endless doubts, endless arguments, this kind of stupid price is really not what "I" wants. "

"Even many times, I question the correctness of this approach."

"However, I like your way of saying, yes, everything is just "the way to go". "

And Jiang Yan struck while the iron was hot and said:

"Since this is the case, I believe that the "doctor" as the "starting point" must have a means to quickly solve these "must-haves", or "costs". "

"Doctor" Omega narrowed his eyes with a sarcastic expression when he heard this:

"You think "I" is the "starting point"? "

What responded to him was Jiang Yan's expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile:

"No, you are not, "Starting Point" will never appear in a dangerous place. "

"However, as the most critical and special existence, I think you have this "means". "

Facing Jiang Yan's accurate judgment, "Doctor" put away the ridicule and arrogance that always hung on his face.

The opponent in front of him deserves to be taken seriously.

The other party's statement is by no means a place that can be reached only by wisdom and reasoning.

To make such an accurate judgment, one must have a fairly in-depth understanding of the technologies that he is proud of, such as "copying" and "writing".

Is it Naruto from Inazuma?

However, right now is not the time to dwell on this point. Faced with this passive situation, the "Doctor" is rarely interested:

"Smart judgment, but I'm curious, what bid are you going to use to let me, as a "hub", activate this "means"? "

And Jiang Yan's answer once again exceeded his expectations:

"Bid? No, no, no, you are the one who needs to bid."

"What bid are you going to use so that I can help you go from a "must pass" to a brand new "starting point"? "

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 616 Chapter 596 Is there something wrong with selling more miserably than miserably?

Jiang Yan has seen too many refined egoists.

As a complete bastard, one must be a bastard in the past, a bastard in the future, and a bastard in the present.

For the sake of profit, sacrificing the "past self" or "future self" is simply a normal operation.

This also gave Jiang Yan a good inspiration.

How could such a bastard be willing to become "the only way"?

When a large number of slices with the "body of god" are actually made, where is their way of survival?

If there is a reasonable way to become a brand new "starting point", no "slice" will be missed.

So Jiang Yan decisively put forward the "I kill myself" plan tailored for them.

Jiang Yan's plan accurately captured the pain points of "Doctor" Omega, which made him very happy.

That's right, it's happy.

It is true that he is the most important hub "Omega", but every code name has a corresponding lowercase letter as a "backup", and Omega is no exception.

Once he is destroyed, the lowercase letter will change from an inactive "backup" to a new "Omega", replacing everything about him.

"Doctor" Omega doesn't think he is a stupid existence like a skirmisher.

I am a brand new body, a brand new "doctor", a brand new "I", and there is absolutely nothing that can be replaced.

In order to ensure this, it is necessary to remove some "hidden dangers".

Although the upright guy in front of him is hostile, he is the only guy who can reach a cooperation with him.

Only this piece of God's dream that can trap itself can defeat the "starting point" silently.

For this reason, it is completely acceptable to pay some necessary price.

Time is very tight for everyone, and "Doctor" Omega is rare to be open and honest:

"I only have the command to clear all "slices", but this does not include "backups", especially the "backups" of this body. "

"Of course, the "starting point" is not included. "

"This level of security measures naturally exists as a "starting point". "

"Doctor" Omega said with a face of course, and Jiang Yan and Naxida had black lines on their faces.

Take it for granted!What kind of selfish bastard is he, to even set up several permissions for "self" to guard against?

However, "Doctor" Omega didn't take it seriously at all. What people should guard against most is the "self" who knows themselves best.

When I become the "starting point" and rebuild the "doctor" network, I must also plug the loopholes of the "slicing" rebellion.

"The news that I was captured must have not been sent back to Zhidong, I will create a tense situation where the "slices" fall one after another, so as to gain an emergency connection with the "starting point" in thinking. "

"Whether you can catch him here or not depends on you."

"There is no need to worry about whether I will fulfill the agreement afterwards. In order to eradicate the grass, all the "slices" and "backups" created by the "starting point" will be discarded. "

"If you can't believe my integrity, you might as well believe in my selfishness. You who can find this weakness should be able to understand all of this."

"Doctor" Omega casually stated the plan to sell all his slices and body.

Facing such a ruthless character, even Jiang Yan, who can be called the master of ruthless work, and Xiaocao, who is the god of wisdom, can only bow down to this extreme selfishness and viciousness.

However, if it wasn't this kind of bastard, how could he give himself a chance to take advantage of it?

Facing this kind of people whose three views are completely opposite, Jiang Yan unceremoniously asks for sky-high prices:

"So, what about your reward?"

"To be honest, if you add up the you in front of you and all the slices of Port of Ormos, you should be able to barely handle that wayward guy."

Jiang Yan didn't want to work for the bad guy in front of him.

Although killing all his slices and venting Xiaocao's anger is not bad, it's not worth the trouble.

The danger of this guy, Jiang Yan and Naxida have been pulled to the highest level since he uttered this crazy plan.

Let this kind of guy become a new "starting point" for "Doctor", God knows if it will create a group of worse and more shameless "Doctor" PLUS.

It's a pity that this kind of blackmail is completely ineffective against the scheming "Doctor" Omega.

His tone returned to his usual arrogance, and he retorted:

"Oh? You might as well ask that shallow "container" to see what choice she will make? "

"She likes to think she is smart, how could she let it go without killing the so-called "culprit" in her mind? "

It has to be said that no matter which side, the evaluation of the skirmishers is highly consistent, and there is not even anyone who is willing to look at her high.

If it was normal, Jiang Yan, who had taken advantage of everything, might try to get some more benefits from "Doctor" Omega.

However, the state of stragglers made any bargaining a luxury.

Now that they have won a complete victory in the game called "Xumi", neither Naxida nor Jiang Yan wants to turn the table over and return everything to zero because of the waywardness of a brat.

Even if this fell into the hands of the scheming "Doctor", he could only pinch his nose and recognize it.

No one can win forever, and the right way is to stop and leave in time.

So, after leaving Jiang Yan and Lannaluo to take care of "Doctor" Omega, Nashida returned to reality from the dream.

She told the stragglers everything, including all their plans with "Doctor" Omega.

That's right, in Jiang Yan's view, not only the life of the "doctor" can be used as a bargaining chip, but this despicable betrayal and dark plan can also be used as a gift to please the stragglers.

Since she wants to be "extremely miserable", not only the result, but also the process is very important.

For this kind of fun person, even if it is extremely miserable on paper, she can still find fun with her brain.

Sure enough, when Nasida frowned and explained the two "terribly miserable" plans to the stragglers, the joy she brought to the stragglers even eased the severe pain from her soul.

"Betrayed by my own "slice", hahahaha, Dottore, what an ending that suits you best! "

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