"I believe in you, weak god. When I witness all this in my dream, we can start talking about the last condition."

"Don't worry about me being greedy, the time I have left is very limited."

Crazy laughter echoed in Li Dugu, Naxida finally couldn't help but speak:

"You are not the pure villain, why should you respond to everything in the world with malice?"

After hearing the story of the stragglers, Nasida actually felt very kind to her.

was created;

was abandoned because of failure;

I was locked up for a long time and lost the heart of God;

Substitutes were later created;

This is simply "another me in the world".

Therefore, Nasida is full of empathy for the negative energy and bitter hatred of the stragglers, and has always wanted to influence her.

Even if the stragglers always taunted her, Nashida didn't want to see the "other me in the world" end in a miserable end.

However, the stragglers are really not sensitive to this kindness.

She has too many wounds in her heart, even if the wound medicine called "goodwill" is applied, it will cause her endless pain.

She has long been used to her malice towards the world, repaying her malice with malice, so that she will neither be hurt nor sad, which is good.

But with only malice left in her heart, how can she respond to kindness?

Being unable to respond would bring pain, so she could only avoid it.

Besides, being sensitive, she actually has the same complex feelings towards Nasida, "the other me in the world".

It was precisely because of this that the other party still maintained his innocence and kindness, which hurt her so much.

Why is she still smiling so happily?

Why is she still so kind to the world?

Why can she still trust mortals so much?

Attributing everything to the world's malice towards her is one of the obsessions of the stragglers who survived.

And this little guy who had the same experience as her, her words and deeds, every action, all proved to be her fault.

How could this be acceptable to her?

She just wanted to sing her own three times habitually, no, it was already the bible of being betrayed five times.

However, thinking about the little guy on the opposite side, he even outperformed himself in the misery, and in the end he could only be incompetent and furious:

"Do your own thing! What do you know about my experience?"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 617 Chapter 597 Is there something wrong with fancy suicide

Now that the conditions have been negotiated, the next step is the exciting "fishing" activity.

It's really exciting, after all, if the fishing fails, I will bring the fish sent by Zhidong and Sumeru, which is probably the only fish in the whole Tivat.

In the situation where the souls of the stragglers would be completely eroded at any time and lose themselves, Nashida no longer dared to pull her into the dreamland.

God knows if she, who was sleepy, would think that this was a conspiracy by Naxida when she was pulled halfway, and she would tear up the ticket on the spot.

In addition, although it is not bad to say that there is an extra version of the Dacishu King.

However, imagining a straggler with a loving face, both Naxida and Jiang Yan immediately had goosebumps all over their bodies, so forget it.

For this stinky brat, the rolling and looping expressions are more suitable for her.

So Nasida carefully wrapped the straggler in a dream, so that he could see the scene in the dream, and then returned to the dream.

"Looking at your expression, that container accepted my proposal?"

Even though he was imprisoned with only one mouth left, "Doctor" Omega was still extremely arrogant, as if he was the winner.

It has to be said that the corporate culture is more powerful than the strength of the fools.

This kind of mysterious self-confidence and sense of superiority of "born in a big factory", even as a Liyue people, a place where thousands of boats and thousands of merchants gather, Jiang Yan can't understand how to brainwash him at all.

No matter how powerful Zhidong is, if you jumped face in front of the gods and got hacked to death, it is impossible to avenge you.

Are you in such a hurry to add a half-day legal holiday to Zhidong?

But right now, there is really no time to teach this guy how to be polite, and the most important thing is to help Zhidong's children reduce their schoolwork burden.

I just don’t know if dozens of slices are finished together, will there be an extra golden week in winter, or just an extra half-day holiday for “Alphabet Festival”.

"Let's start." Without saying a word, Jiang Yan transformed himself into the dream flower in Naxida's dream, ready to launch a surprise attack.

Nashita also turned into a clump of green auspicious grass, together with the tree of dreams and the tree of Jue Wang, surrounded the "Doctor" Omega from a distance, and let go of part of the spiritual outlet, so that it can call its own "starting point" .

"Doctor" Omega cursed secretly when he saw this familiar formation.

I fell under this trick.

It is common for gods and their retinues to fight side by side in the age of demon wars.

But most of them are soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, how can they be so shameless as to summon all the family members to besiege together?

What's even more shameless is, is that Liyue's monster your family member?

He even opened up his dreams and power to him, and even betrayed himself for victory. As a god, didn't you do the same thing as me?

"Doctor" Omega has only seen countless poor people begging for power from the gods.

But how should I evaluate this god who is begging for mercy from mortals for power?Hmm, to win glory for mortals?

Although there is a lot to spit out, "Doctor" Omega's mental power has not stopped at all.

This plan began to be planned as early as the moment of his birth.

It doesn't matter who you cooperate with.

It doesn't matter what the price is.

Because only when this body becomes the real "I", everything we have has meaning.

Even if they were all sold, it was only a necessary price.

So even for the cooperation that has just been reached, "Doctor" Omega has already drawn up all the details, what is lacking is only a decisive force.

It doesn't matter whether this power is good, despicable, or even taboo.

No one knows yourself better than yourself.

For this moment, "Doctor" Omega has already deduced countless times how "Starting Point" will react in various environments, and has planned countless sets of different plans according to different occasions.

The one that is about to unfold at this moment is the one with the highest success rate.


"Starting Point" certainly knows that even the created "self" will never be a worry-free existence.

Therefore, when creating slices, they have left a "back door" in their spiritual world that can easily wash away their souls and recycle materials.

And after creating all the slices, the "starting point", which is too worn out and old and frail, handed over the management rights of the "doctor" network to the slice in its heyday - "doctor" Omega, including these backdoors.

And myself, apart from creating "backups", seems to have completely faded out of the "Doctor" network's field of vision.

This kind of unreserved trust means that "Starting Point" regards Omega as the continuation of its own life... Bah!

Omega is very sure that he must have the same back door, and even the state of all slices can be monitored by "starting point" in a special way.

Otherwise, where do those overly timely "backups" come from?

It disappeared several times for no reason, and where did the slice that was replaced by "backup" go without knowing it?

These situations, only Omega, who is the hub, can vaguely perceive.

This old thing that always hides in a safe place fully shows the ugliness of mortals when they are at the end.

In order to avoid letting himself be "written" into a new carrier at the last moment of his life, it was time for him to exit.

Therefore, Omega, who was connected to the "Doctor" network invisibly, used his authority to easily kill the slice code-named Gamma first.

"What are you doing? You bastard!" Gamma, who was defenseless, only left this sentence, and it became a "material" that could be recycled.

The slice code-named Gamma represents the period when he was the stupidest and most passionate about research.

Indifferent to everything but research.

This is good.

However, a few times when the slices were unknowingly replaced with "backups", Gamma didn't stay in his laboratory honestly during that time, which was not good.

Everyone is a "doctor". If anyone can be bought and used easily, it is probably only this idiot.

So no matter whether he is the "starting point" eye or not, it is always no problem to let him exit first.

In the cabin of the warship in Port of Ormos, the slice code-named Gamma fell silently on his desk, and no one knew about it.

After years of observation and eliminating the biggest hidden danger, Omega began to make the script he had planned for a long time.

I need to create an opportunity to make emergency contact with the "starting point" before any slices urgently contact the "starting point".

That hypocritical old thing, for his own safety, has almost completely disconnected from the "Doctor" network on the surface.

He would never accept his own emergency link without creating a crisis situation.

Therefore, 5 minutes later, Sliced ​​Alpha, which represented the passion of the "Doctor" boy, was killed by Omega with authority.

"You must be joking!?"

The young "Doctor" couldn't imagine why the "hub" would kill him, obviously he had enough use value.

But it is a pity that the brave died first, which is very reasonable.

Fifteen minutes later, the elderly Slice Sigma, who was most closely related to Alpha, was also killed by the authority.

At that time, he had just discovered the abnormality of Alpha, but in the next moment, the "doctor" had already activated the authority.

"Hmph! I was taken a step ahead of you!" Sigma sat on the ground calmly, tilted his head, and his soul became blank again.

Old Slice Sigma is very aware of the existence of "starting point" and also understands Omega's choice, because he is also trying with the same effort.

However, he didn't find allies and didn't have enough authority, so he simply admitted the failure and didn't try to connect with "Starting Point" urgently.

This is a dangerous enemy, age endowed him with enough wisdom and patience,

So Omega waited patiently for him to discover Alpha's abnormality, and after losing his mind for an instant, he launched his own trump card.

If he doesn't spend his time in unproductive associations, maybe he needs to do more.

Looking for youth and passion that no longer exist from "myself"?

act of weakness.

Then, it is reasonable to die because of this friendship.

Or, Alpha has already become the body of Sigma's plan, and lost his calm after losing the long-planned spoils?

It doesn't matter what the truth is.


After killing the third slice, the state of affairs is enough.

If "Starting Point" monitors the use of erasing authority, and continues to kill, the other party will not give themselves a chance to explain, and will directly clean themselves up.

If "starting point" is monitoring the living status of the slices, it is enough for him to accept his emergency contact to understand the situation.

Thinking of this, Omega urgently contacted "Starting Point" through the "Doctor" network.

However, while sending out the link application, he hurriedly said to Jiang Yan:

"Quick! Seal me!"

Then, without any resistance, it was completely sealed again by Naxida and Jiang Yan.

This is one of the conditions for the cooperation between Omega and Jiang Yan. He never believes that "Starting Point" has no back-hand for his betrayal.

The seal is both confinement and protection. Only if you are completely sealed can you escape the punishment of betrayal.

When the seal was completed, the link from the "starting point" also arrived here.

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