Then in the next moment, without any precautions, the consciousness of the whole person was firmly imprisoned by the joint efforts of everyone.

The seeds of dreams passed through this passage, polluting his consciousness, and under the unreserved drive of Jiang Yan and Naxida, they proliferated and spread crazily.

Feeling the huge power of the gods, why doesn't "Starting Point" know that he has been betrayed?

Although he is indeed prepared to replace Omega's existence when his life is about to end, so he has always been on guard against him.

But with all his advantages, how could he have thought that the other party would seek help from those hypocritical "men of justice"?

As the "starting point", he can perceive their conditions from all sliced ​​souls;

And be able to know everything that happened in the "Doctor" network.

In the entire Tivat, the only one who can cover up this perception is the god in front of him who manipulates consciousness and dreams.

What price did my own slices pay to allow this group of self-proclaimed righteous gods to carry out such a despicable sneak attack?

"Starting Point" did not hesitate to launch a backhand, preparing to restore Omega to materials, but found that Omega had been completely isolated by the seal of the gods.

At this moment, "Starting Point" can clearly perceive that his own existence is being irreversibly transformed into a group of flowers in a dream.

All my ideals, all memories, all strength, and all existence will disappear in the blooming flowers.

And his soul and consciousness are tightly bound, and he is no longer able to modify the authority of the "Doctor" network.

So with strong obsession, "Starting Point" launched the last resort.

"You will regret it! Prepare to face the challenge of "yourself"! "

Seeing that "starting point" could not take revenge by himself, he forcibly opened Omega's "backup" with the last power he could drive, and issued the most vicious curse on Omega.

Every time all slices connect to the "Doctor" network, they will upload their own data to the "backup".

Therefore, "Doctor" is never afraid of losing his own slices, because as long as the hub and network are still there, they are immortal.

However, when the backup and the main body are activated at the same time, there will be infinite chaos.

same authority;

the same channel;

the same ability;

the same memory

These two beings who are exactly the same but closely related to each other will be forced to kill each other endlessly until only one is left.

And because ability and memory are like mirror images, the most likely outcome is to die together.

This is the final revenge from "Starting Point".

After completing all of this, under the effect of the dream seed, in the violent resonance and transformation, he turned into a flower blooming in Naxida's dream world in a blink of an eye.

A dream flower that has all the consciousness and memory of "Starting Point", but cannot think, can only grow, breathe and bloom forever.

And his body also fell to the ground in the distant solstice, and has since become an empty shell.


Jiang Yan and Naxida, who had completed their work, slowly changed back to their original forms. After clapping their hands in celebration, they sat back to back and began to rest.

This is the first time that Jiang Yan and Naxida have released this kind of move on a living being. Of course, whether this original version of "Doctor" can still be called a human being remains to be discussed.

Ordinary soul-devouring demons would not be able to achieve his level.

So when the two of them were at their best, there was no psychological pressure at all, even "himself" couldn't stand his guy... It would be better to disappear from this world.

However, as a price, the consumption of this trick is really not low.

This trick has surpassed the so-called profound meaning of the gods, but a cognitive weapon that Nasida can only use the power of the world tree to achieve.

To be able to "drag" a strong man thousands of miles away to change the soul form alive through the spiritual channel, one can imagine the power required.

In order to avoid amnesia caused by too much use of power by the Lannaluos, almost all the power was activated by Jiang Yan and Nashida this time.

Just helping the original version of "Doctor" to transform gorgeously, the two have almost exhausted all their strength.

After resting for a while, Nacida, who recovered some of her strength, released the "Doctor" Omega who had been firmly sealed.

"I thought you would turn me into such a flower by the way, what a pity, you missed the last chance to kill me."

"Doctor" Omega's stubbornness, and skirmishers can also be called crouching dragons and phoenixes.

Just escaped from death, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at the dream flower that "starting point" turned into, and habitually began to mock Jiang Yan and Naxida.

Jiang Yan retorted mercilessly:

"Kill you, then revive with a "backup"? "

"Nothing like that, go back to Solstice and have fun with your "backup". "

When "Doctor" Omega used the rules to kill slices, the data returned through the "Doctor" network did not hide the truth from Naxida and Jiang Yan.

Although it was not confirmed at the time, the revenge words of "Starting Point" before his death confirmed the real existence of "Backup" for Jiang Yan and Naxida.

If the Omega in front of him is also killed, then the "backup" will become the only Omega, seamlessly connected with the current Omega, which is equivalent to his complete resurrection in Solstice Winter.

So only by letting go of this Omega, he will fight the "backup" to the death because of selfishness.

"Doctor" Omega didn't care about that.

If you are perfidiously killed here, it's okay to take the "backup" as yourself;

But since he was able to live, he would naturally not be willing to be a sacrifice for "backup" to become a regular.

He got up, and with Nasida's permission, he connected to the "Doctor" network, planning to kill all the "slices" according to the rules to prevent future troubles.

However, soon, "Doctor" Omega disconnected his thinking with a complex expression, and said to Jiang Yan and Naxida:

"I tell you a good news, all remaining slices and all "backups" have been killed by my "backup" exploit authority. "

The flat tone made black lines appear on the faces of two people, one big and one small.

This guy is really a pure 24K bastard from the past, to the future, to the mirror image, the kind purer than distilled water.

"I thought your "backup" would attract other slices to besiege you who killed your "self" first. "Jiang Yan complained maliciously.

A person can bite himself so wonderfully that he can bite himself so well that Swan, who can only bite his tail, will call him big brother after seeing it.

"A shallow question, I thought we could have more consensus with you." "Doctor" Omega shook his head in disappointment.

"My backup is also "I", showing a strong "I", who may be besieged at any time, and of course will not give the weak any chance to form a group. "

"And, who knows which of them are the backups of "Starting Point"? "

"If it hadn't been for my "backup" to kill the grass and roots as soon as it woke up, I don't think I would have had the opportunity to speak to you here. "

The ghost wants to agree with you!

Although Jiang Yan doesn't think he is a purely good person, but in the face of this kind of scum at the lowest level of human beings, it is still not good to have such a "consensus".

Not wanting to talk nonsense with him, Jiang Yan and Naxida used their power to send him out of the dream.

Considering that everyone has fought side by side, Jiang Yan finally sent "Dr." Omega a gift:

"Although it doesn't matter to us whoever wins, but for the sake of everyone's happy cooperation, don't lose."

However, the rare goodwill was exchanged only for the exaggerated sigh of the other party:

"Although you are far above ordinary people, but if you want me to give you equal respect, you should think more carefully before speaking."

"How can I, who is about to have two hearts of gods, engage in such a stupid fair competition with him?"

After saying that, "Doctor" Omega turned around and slowly disappeared from the dream.

The arrogant look looks like a winner.

"This defeated general, what is he proud of?"

Jiang Yan scratched his head, for Zhidong Technology's blunt technology, he was really willing to bow down.

It doesn't matter if he, the straggler, or Dadalia;

The mouth of the solstice, dreams cannot be cut open with a knife;

Next time you fight, aim for your chest.

After seeing off Zhidong's second tough official, Jiang Yan turned around and asked the sixth tough official who had been watching from the special seat:

"We have done everything we promised you, are you satisfied?"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 618 Chapter 598 Is there something wrong with the ride and forgetting?

Skirmisher is very happy with this drama full of betrayal and betrayal, that's all she wants.

Although I didn't see the two Omega die together with my own eyes, I can only see this in my own situation.

Being able to persevere until now is completely dependent on his obsession with revenge.

At this moment when the revenge has been basically completed, it is time to think about his own end.

The skirmisher tightly grasped his Thor's Heart, and said:

"The Scarlet King's divine gnosis I have is not complete."

"It's not incomplete, but it is naturally covered and tampered with, as if it should be like this."

"If I hadn't learned from the authority, what a powerful existence he was, I would have believed that these were all in my hand."

"It wasn't until I obtained the message left by King Dacishu from the mind of my disciple Hypatia that I was sure of this."

"You who control the World Tree have the power to make the world forget an existence."

"What a handy feature..."

"I can give this Thor's heart to you. I have already become a god, and I have no intention of continuing to accept this kind of charity."

"However, my last request is: Let me be forgotten by this world together with King Dacishu!"

This is the escape route that the stragglers have planned for themselves for a long time.

From the beginning, she was not stupid enough to believe that Dottore would wholeheartedly help her "become a god".

However, the betrayal in his imagination will only be seen by Dottore after returning to the fools' own territory.

So her preliminary plan was to run away directly after she became a god. As a god, the cost of arresting herself was definitely greater than the range of fools.

Or, simply taking refuge in this group of mediocre idiots in the Holy Order, and being a patron saint in Sumeru are all options that can be considered.

However, the front foot became a god, and the back foot was stabbed in the back. It was true that the skirmishers couldn't hold back.

Fortunately, due to the extremely rich failure experience of the skirmishers, they formulated a backup survival plan after the crash after negotiating with Jiang Yan in the Wisdom Palace.

During the negotiation, although Jiang Yan did not disclose all the details, the stragglers also had their own unique intelligence channels.

Thousands of years ago, the Dacishu King and the Red King concealed the taboo knowledge, but she, who inherited the Red King's divine gnosis, couldn't hide it.

And her "believers" are mostly in the period of raving in the forest. For example, Hypatia and others have accidentally linked to the residual consciousness of the Great Mercy Tree King. In fact, there are quite a few of them.

After connecting the phrase "World, forget me", the stragglers pieced together the general outline of Jiang Yan and Xiaocao's plan to purify Sumeru.

The weakness of skirmishers has never been intelligence, but mentality.

She, who used to be named "National Beng", soon had a bold idea:

I have risked everything to become a god. If even Dottore backstabs, it will almost offend Tivat all over the place.

Being homeless, she has no plan to go to the sea to seek a living in secret, nor does she plan to live in pursuit for the rest of her life.

Incognito, how could it be easier to really bury everything about yourself?

In the first half of my life, is there any relationship worth maintaining with the world?

So she resolutely relied on the heart of God that affected the fate of Zhidong and Xumi, and proposed the most important and final deal in her life as a "straggler".


"Can she do it?"

Faced with the idea that the stragglers were going to tear up Tiwat's ID card to become an old Lai, Jiang Yan was stunned.

After all, after understanding the great power of World Tree, the first reaction is to be a ruthless old man. I am afraid that there is only one such person in the world.

Generally speaking, shouldn't it be to seek wisdom or power from the great World Tree?

"I think, in theory, probably, no problem."

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