Nasida's small face was also full of question marks.

As the god of wisdom, she really doesn't have this kind of "wisdom" to solve problems.

The world loves her very much. Even though she has experienced all kinds of bad things, she has already felt very happy in exchange for a warm sun.

To what extent have you failed in life, and how disappointed you are with the world, before you can think of cutting off all ties with the world in such a cruel way?

One big and one small looked at each other in blank dismay, and more technical problems arose in their minds.

"Will she disappear from the world after she does this?" Jiang Yan was a little suspicious of deleting the account from the world tree, and it was very likely that people would be deleted as well.

Nasida frowned, thought for a long time, and said hesitantly:

"No, the World Tree will not affect the existing body."

"However, everything about King Dacishu can "jump" to me, but everything about "Scatterers" does not have such an "address". "

"So, as long as this body still exists, it means that it cannot be completely "forgotten", and must be cleared first. "

Facing Party A with a big brain hole, even Nashida, who is the strongest code writer in Tivat, has no choice.

You can't complete "Forget" by killing "Scatterers".

It's no wonder she didn't detonate the Heart of God on the spot.

Facing this unavoidable technical problem, Jiang Yan and Nasida struggled for a long time.

In the end, Jiang Yan looked at Naxida in front of him, and suddenly triggered a good inspiration:

"There's no time to hesitate, so just delete them all according to King Dacishu's method."

"As for her, use a new address to create an identical "her", just like King Dacishu created you, isn't it considered to be alive? "

The moment he said this method, both Jiang Yan and Naxida felt the bad taste of fate.

Fate always mocks those arrogant people who think their fate is in their own hands at the most unexpected moment.

Yet she has no favor with the humble either.

Presumably Tivat, the great god in charge of time and destiny, must be a guy full of evil tastes.

But right now, it's not the time to respond to these ridicules.

Seeing that the stragglers' consciousness was gradually confused, and the heart of God in their hands was getting tighter and tighter, Naxida could only end the conversation with Jiang Yan in the dream and return to reality, and told her plan:

"Different from what you might imagine, "forgetting" is by no means protection, but the cruelest punishment. "

"Your past, present, and future will all be completely wiped out by the entire world."

"Not only the world's memory of you, but even your own memory, the powerful body you possessed, the power comparable to a god, and even the favor of elemental forces for you, all disappeared in this "forgetting". Can you accept it? "

Nashida's expression was very serious, even if it was Xumi's life or death, she would never speak falsely to others.

Because helping the other party choose "forgetting" means taking on this important cause and effect.

If the other party does not have a clear understanding of what he is about to encounter, and has the corresponding awareness, this behavior will become a great tyranny and sin.

This answer did not surprise the stragglers.

In the memory and cognition of all living beings in Tivat, erase your own existence, even including many gods and powerful beings.

The power and price required for this kind of behavior cannot be overstated no matter how high the imagination is.

She just has one question:

"What will happen to me who has done all this?"

Facing the problem, Nasida thought about what he was about to do to King Dacishu, and said with a heavy face:

"I will create a brand new body for you as your new reincarnation."

"And as a witness and bearer, I will keep a memory of you now. If you are brand new, I still need it."

"Other than that, you'll have nothing."

How much Naxida wished to keep a memory for King Dacishu, but due to the existence of forbidden knowledge, she couldn't even do this.

It is precisely because of this that she decided to try her best to keep the last trace of her existence for the "other me in the world" in front of her.

This kind of kindness made the straggler feel extremely uncomfortable. She subconsciously shook her body and said with self-deprecation:

"Nothing? I like having nothing."

"I don't remember ever having anything but my sins and my debts."

After saying this, the thunder light in the skirmisher's hand that stimulated his temple surged, but he found nothing but pain.

She shook her head helplessly, trying to bring herself the last trace of sobriety:

"That's how it is...Weak god, I have no time, count your luck."

After all, she, who was about to lose herself almost immediately, threw the God's Heart that she once held tightly like her life to Naxida without mercy.

"I kept my promise, not I believed you."

"But even in the end, I don't want to do what "she" wants. "

After she uttered her last words as a "straggler", her whole body suddenly exploded into a ball of violent lightning.

At least, having the ability to destroy the heart of God is by no means empty words.

Do not hesitate to destroy, but also protect the "container" of God's heart?


Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 619 Chapter 599 Is there something wrong with the underlying operation

Of course, Jiang Yan would not pin his hopes on "Scattering" being a good and trustworthy boy.

After finishing the "Doctor", he pretended to rest in the dream, but in reality he started to rush with all his strength, and arrived at Lidu Valley in a blink of an eye.

However, Jiang Yan, who arrived in time, did not show up, but concealed all his aura, preparing to snatch the heart of God from the hands of "stragglers" at a critical moment.

It's a pity that he only used half of his calculations.

When "Scatterers" blew themselves up, Jiang Yan saw that the opportunity was not right, and before he had time to think about it, he rushed over with a violent thunder and storm, and held Naxida in his arms with one hand, blocking all the aftermath of the explosion for her.

After feeling the familiar breath, Nasida chuckled happily, and skillfully found the most comfortable position in her embrace.

Although as early as the conversation, she had used the power of dreams to distort the distance between herself and her in the eyes of "Scatterers".

Even if there is no close rescue, he will not be injured.

However, vines do not reject walls, and fish do not reject sea anemones;

Since you are a "little grass", it is natural to enjoy the sunshine to your heart's content.


"This bastard, it doesn't make people worry about death!"

Although it was only after rushing over that the distance was safe enough, Jiang Yan, who was in a cold sweat, cursed angrily.

Although this blew up, the skirmisher just blew up his own body.

However, God knows if this "God of Righteous Opportunity" that is only half left will die in the explosion, and how much area will it cover when it explodes?

She never thought, if she blows up too hard and takes all the grass away, who will "resurrect" her?

This kind of awkward guy, after his resurrection, he definitely needs to learn a sound childhood education!

Coincidentally, Nasida thought so too.

Nasida has been thinking about how to deal with the stragglers after "Reincarnation".

Recreating a puppet so powerful, but with a blank mind, could easily wreak havoc.

However, sending this memory and emotion, which is full of dark psychology towards the world and has been injured like a hedgehog, into a new body, it might be even worse.

As "another me in the world", as the creator and responsible bearer of the new "Scatterers", Nasida is going to start with these memories and discipline her well.

The two guys who hit it off very much reached a consensus in an instant.

Golden Apple Islands dream-making golden partner, cooperate again!

Nashida still constructs the dream, and Jiang Yan writes the script through the memories and emotions preserved in the World Tree.

This time, if she is not allowed to let go of the past completely and become a sunny rainbow little white horse, she will never give up.

This freshman and boy thought of the happy time in the Golden Apple Islands, and the heavy atmosphere was immediately swept away.

Then, the final work should begin.


Modifying the cognition of the entire Tivat from the world tree is as difficult as climbing the sky.

Now in the mortal world, only Nasida, who was born from the branches of the World Tree, has this qualification.

No matter how powerful you are, if you don't come from the same source, World Tree will simply ignore you.

However, the young Nasida wanted to modify the bottom foundation of this world tree, just like the "sprout" wanted to shake the huge branches.

To achieve this, only with the help of huge external force.

She had to use all her strength to activate the Heart of Grass God bestowed on her by Sky Island, and with the help of enormous power and grass elemental power, she could accurately touch the relevant "cognition".

But to modify it, an extremely huge force is needed to move this "pointer" that is related to countless fates.

Another God's Heart is needed, and that's exactly what it is.

Performing this level of operation twice in a row has already exceeded Nasida's upper limit of ability.

Fortunately, she now has a "sun" who will always help her unconditionally.

Jiang Yan and Naxida stood back to back, and they held the heart of God with both hands at the same time.

Even though he is extremely close to Ying, this is the first time Jiang Yan has activated Thor's Heart.

It's not that Ying is stingy about sharing power, but that she has always been vigilant towards the Heart of God.

What is the essence of God's Eye, several earthly rulers know it well;

And as a high-end product, the Heart of God, wouldn't there be any hidden dangers?

Believe it or not, many powerful earthly rulers don't believe it.

What's more, for them, there is no reason to use God's Heart at all.

Without this crap, they are also the strongest!

So even if they get along day and night, whether it is Jiang Yan, Ying, or Zhen, they have never considered letting Jiang Yan have nothing to do with God's heart.

But this time, for Nashita, it's okay to simply draw out power.

Of course, security measures are also indispensable.

The way Jiang Yan thought of was to impersonate.

At this moment, the domain and elemental force attributes he drives are almost the same as the shadow except for the strength.

In fact, the two quarreled with each other every day, Jiang Yan's thunder elemental power and the expanded thunder field, there was no need to deliberately pretend, they had long been indistinguishable from each other.

The Heart of God didn't even have a delay, and it unleashed some of its power in a blink of an eye, leaving Nasida dumbfounded.

I even shared my dreams, but not to this extent... How did you do it?

Her little head was full of question marks and curiosity, and she finally resisted the urge to turn around and ask.

But even if she was puzzled, her progress was not slow at all.

As a young shoot of the world tree, even if the power is not as good as other earthly rulers, the purity of its own personality and power is not inferior to any of its colleagues.

In the blink of an eye, the huge green light made her small body wrinkled and glowing, and it was incomparably harmonious with the purple rice light behind her.

World Tree will never refuse her daughter's request, but she can only rely on herself for such low-level operations.

The "shoots" at this moment have already connected to the branches she has been away for a long time.

Countless data, countless pictures, and countless images are flying past in her four-leaf clover eyes, which are all the past, present, and countless possible futures of the world.

At the moment of connecting to the World Tree, everything in the world is no longer a secret to her, as long as she has enough strength to explore.

The world tree is such a magical existence:

Its foundation is all history from creation to the present;

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