What flows in its trunk is the entire destiny of all living beings in the world.

Its branches stretch out all possible futures of Teyvat.

The name of the World Tree is definitely not a lie.

However, as much as you want to get, you have to pay as much, which is the iron law of the world.

Even with the power of two God Hearts, Nasida can only pick up two "shells" in this ocean.

Because the web of fate closely links everything in the world, behind the two "shells" are countless connections, and the infinite connections after the connections.

For this mighty power, Nasida has always been full of humility.

Since connecting the World Tree, she has carefully guided the power of the heart of God, and in the long river of fate, she patiently searched for the existence of the King of Great Mercy Tree and "Thunderbolt".

This kind of work like finding a needle in a haystack requires a lot of patience and time.

It doesn't matter, Naxida, who has infinite power behind her, is fearless.

But soon, the boat of fate moored in front of her shattered her plan.

The familiar power, the strong beacon, seemed to be smiling at her and telling her:

"Get on board, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 620 Chapter 600 Is there something wrong with Zhumuyumu?

After King Dacishu found out that he was polluted, he began to arrange all funeral affairs in an orderly manner.

All his power and memory must be isolated and waited to be deleted, which did not hinder the wisdom of King Dacishu.

Although the power is polluted, it is the "address" of the power that is polluted, not the power itself.

She can still use her power to guide her new reincarnation to the greatest extent.

This boat anchored in the long river of fate, waiting for the little auspicious grass king to find his own destiny along the established track, is the result of the great compassion tree king spared no effort.

From looking for a needle in a haystack to simply driving the power in the heart of the Grass God to sail.

Even the power can directly use the power that King Dacishu intercepted from the dreams of the Sumeru people.

This simplicity, which was far beyond imagination, made Naxida completely relieved, and began to focus on searching for the existence of "Thunder and Lightning Kingdom Collapse".

Fortunately, the Thunder Kingdom Beng, which has just fallen, is much easier to find than the Dacishu King.

Soon, Nasida found her like a feather in the river of fate.

500 years of life did not allow her to leave too many traces in this world.

Born, abandoned.

He was discovered in an accident and lost everyone he cared about.

In despicable use, he became a marionette for others.

In the end, he fell in endless conspiracy and betrayal.

No one cares about her.

No one misses her.

Even if the hatred she imagined was on the other end of the thread, the other party had either already put it down, or it was completely aimed at the heart of God, and didn't care about her at all.

No one even hated her.

Naxida almost cried out of sympathy because of this guy's pitiful experience.

How can a person fail to be a good person, or even a qualified villain?

Naxida carefully copied her past, gently put away this "feather", and then recorded the "address" of all these, waiting for "forgetting" with King Dacishu, and then moved on. Arrived at the end of this voyage - the "address" where King Dacishu is.

And there, there was already another "Naxida" who was exactly the same waiting here.

"Meeting for the first time, no, it should be meeting again, the new "me" of reincarnation. "

"You've met the 'I' who told you the truth. "

"I'm here to help you with this."

"The God's Heart of other attributes will be fully activated, and it will cause great harm to you. This work, I, who has already fallen, will complete this work."

The Great Mercy Tree King never prepares without fault tolerance.

What if the newly reincarnated self fails to obtain the computing power of "Aru"?

What if the newly reincarnated self didn't borrow the heart of God in time?

What if the new self of reincarnation can't control the berserk Thor's Heart or Vulcan's Heart.

So, she created a phantom to guard in front of her "address".

When necessary, you can sacrifice everything to become the bearer of the violent power of the heart of God, or to buy some more time for Sumeru.

"Thank you, King Dacishu, my sun will help me accomplish everything."

Seeing this phantom made Naxida very happy.

Although the Dacishu King in front of him is just a phantom, it only entrusts a trace of emotion and a part of the Dacishu King's strength.

But the wayward demands of the stragglers completely inspired Nasida:

For things like reincarnation, the bottom line can be more flexible.

Those who don’t inherit anything like me are reincarnations;

The stragglers who can only inherit a little memory and emotion are regarded as reincarnation by the other party.

Then, pack the emotions and power in front of you, and then make a new body, wouldn't it be more like reincarnation?

Of course, the biggest obstacle is that after completing the law of "forgetting", I and Jiang Yan will completely forget the "existence" in my hands, which originated from my most beloved King of the Great Mercy Tree.

Even the phantom itself will forget that it is the King of the Great Mercy Tree.

In this way, facing the "material" that appeared inexplicably in his hand, which could not be called a soul at all, how could it be possible for Naxida to spend a lot of time creating a body to arrange "reincarnation"?

But for this problem, Jiang Yan and Nasida thought of a solution almost at the same time, because the solution was almost in front of them.

——A fish's eyes are confused with real things, no, real things are mixed with fish's eyes.

Nashida happened to have a piece of "material" for stragglers in her hand, and only needed to mix the "material" of King Dacishu.

When she creates a body and seeks to revive the "Scatterers", she will naturally discover that this power and emotion originates from others.

At that time, with Naxida's personality, she will definitely make another body that matches the power attribute of the Great Mercy Tree King to properly dispose of it.

In this way, no matter whether everyone still remembers the Great Mercy Tree King or not, even if the new body is almost blank except for a little power and emotion, the Great Mercy Tree King has finally reincarnated in this way, just like the original Naxida.

That's fine, isn't it?

Soldier, you are really everyone's lucky star, you died so well!

Thinking of this, Naxida's small face swept away the haze of sadness before, and walked over happily, telling the phantom in front of her her plan.

However, what King Dacishu paid attention to was not Naxida's plan, but Jiang Yan who was holding the Thor's Heart behind her.

From her eyes, one can clearly see that the dreams of the two are inseparable.

"How can you do this? You are only five hundred years old!"

In the eyes of the world, the always loving and gentle King Dacishu completely broke his defenses, almost crying.

I have lived for thousands of years, no matter how good my relationship with Patti Sharan is, it is only a few months or once a year to meet, feast, sing, dance, nothing more.

In the end, my own reincarnation was just five hundred years old, and it was still a bud, so did I play it like this?

Neither Patti Saran nor that idiot are to that extent.

I will never admit it!

When I think about being "forgotten", my reputation among the demons and gods will become "after reincarnation, before my body grows, I can't wait to find a partner, even the cubs of mortals." ", the phantom of the Dacishu King wished to explode on the spot, pretending that he never existed and knew nothing about it.

As the incarnation of the World Tree, the relationship network of the Great Merciful Tree King is not comparable to that of an ordinary demon god occupying a country or a party.

Countless demon gods and strong men have come to Xumi and sought her wisdom for guidance, and she has also gained countless friendships by relying on her wisdom and character. It is no exaggeration to say that friends are all over the world.

She doesn't mind being forgotten by the whole world in order to protect the World Tree.

But after a forgetfulness, the little auspicious grass king in front of him will become a brand new self.

Give everything in exchange for becoming the eternal laughing stock among the demons and gods, and even the reserved jokes of the lively atmosphere during the gathering, which will be remembered forever until the end of the world?

World, forget me!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 621 Is there something wrong with the professional counterpart Chapter 601

It is actually not uncommon for mortals to be favored by demon gods or gods because of the brilliance they radiate from their short lives.

But that is mostly mortals serving the gods as servants or witches, and the gods give power to respond to this kind of gameplay.

Naxida's ruthless work of completely opening up and sharing power with an equal status has never been heard of even in the era of the Demon God War. How could King Dacishu not break his defenses?

Thanks to the fact that Jiang Yan's status as the heir of the Ruo Tuo Dragon King has not been made public, otherwise, if he did such a thing to a 20-year-old dragon-born cub, the deep-sea dragon lizards in Yuanxia Palace would like to call the police.

However, in the face of the accusation of the phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King, Naxida had a rare disturbance.

When I was imprisoned in the Jingshan Palace and no one cared about it for 500 years, what were these demons and gods doing?

Facing the only outstretched hand, I was like a vine seeing the wall, climbing hard, leaning on it tightly, what's wrong?

He was my everything, so I will give him everything!

Nashida is the only one who does not intend to accept any opinions, even if it is the King of the Great Mercy Tree that she most admires.

The two little loli stood facing each other so cutely, with the corners of their mouths pouted.

In the end, it was the phantom of King Dacishu who gave up the dispute, after all, he was just the "past" that would dissipate at some point.

Even if it is unacceptable, the current Sumeru is already the Sumeru of the Little Auspicious Grass King instead of the Great Merciful Tree King.

As for the "reincarnation" arranged by the unlovable little Naxida, the phantom of the Dacishu King did not resist, after all, the way of endless life is her thought.

She loves this world very much. If she can continue to see this beautiful rainforest and desert under the premise of successfully isolating taboo knowledge, she will certainly accept it.

Of course, the premise is that little Nashida and her "wall" can really solve all this without relying on their own strength.


"Please watch us carefully!"

Naxida was very excited when she got the chance to perform in front of the long-awaited King Cishu.

Especially being able to show off her unique "sun" to her is a double joy.

Naxida triumphantly pulled Jiang Yan forward, stood with him in front of the World Tree in the dream, and started this huge "project".

If we say that the "weight" in the long river of fate of stragglers is like a light and fluttering feather;

Then the Great Mercy Tree King is a branch with countless flowers in full bloom.

For thousands of years, on the land of Sumeru, her footprints have been left everywhere.

And in Xumi's history, she is everywhere.

Just to "wrap" all the traces of the existence of the Great Mercy Tree King, it would take all the Sumeru people's 500-year dreams to create enough knowledge.

This is the gap between the self-proclaimed god and the real god.

But now, it is really not the time for emotion and admiration;

The stronger the Great Cishu King, the more difficult it is to "wrap".

For the 500 years of knowledge in the entire country, the "quantity" aspect is naturally enough.

However, it is conceivable how difficult it is to guide this chaotic power that originates from thousands of different individuals and is extracted unconsciously.

In the original plan, the phantom of King Dacishu planned to use his own existence as a "catalogue" and help Naxida to "encapsulate" himself completely.

However, seeing Naxida and Jiang Yan cooperating in an incomparable tacit understanding, driving this power as complicated as stars and turbulent as the sea like fingers, King Dacishu completely gave up on this plan, and at the same time, he looked at it with a look on his face black line.

Why are you so skilled.

It's obviously little Nasida's dream, why can you easily provide the power of the dream to maintain it, so that little Nasida can use all her remaining power without any worries?

Why can the two of you carry out such a high-efficiency and stable dream power transmission and joint force?How many times have you done this?

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