This is posting, this must be posting.

When the three kings gathered, the Great Mercy Tree King ate the dog food of Amon and Patti Saran.

Of course, there are also intimate posts with Patti Sarah, so that the fool only has to watch.

However, this dog food that originated from "myself" in front of me, whether it is the lethality or the sugar content, from the perspective of the demon god, completely killed the same dog food that I ate thousands of years ago, and let the Dacishu Wang Ming know that he was just an illusion. There is a wonderful feeling of "sufficiency".


In fact, King Dacishu overestimated Naxida and Jiang Yan.

For 500 years, he has been traveling in the void network all the time, giving Nashida a skill far beyond the imagination of the Great Mercy Tree King.

It may not be good for Naxida to give birth to a plant, but when it comes to the void network, even the creator, the Great Mercy Tree King himself, may not be able to compare with this Internet addicted girl who has not been offline for 500 years.

Even Jiang Yan was completely taken astray by Naxida. Almost all mortals are playing with the grass element power of plants, which has completely become all kinds of illusions and long-distance communication in his hands.

The progress is so fast, although the tacit cooperation is true, the main reason is actually the "professional counterpart".

Of course, in addition to this, as a demon god, Naxida is simply unparalleled in diligence.

Since she was born, she was disliked and abandoned by the Holy Order. Ever since she became wise, she has been training herself all the time, hoping to make herself a qualified god.

This level of effort, among the demon gods and gods who have been sleeping for several years, is simply the king of rolls.

If King Dacishu took his five hundred years old as the standard, he would of course be frightened.

Soon, under the joint efforts of Jiang Yan and Naxida, while being stunned by King Dacishu.

The Great Mercy Tree King, as well as the entire existence of the stragglers recorded before, have been firmly wrapped with the power of emerald green dreams.

And the next step is the most difficult step that King Dacishu thought—deletion.

The Heart of God has never been a stable prop for energy supply.

But only the heart of God, which has sufficient personality and power, can meet the threshold of operating the bottom-level command "forget" on the world tree.

If the Great Mercy Tree King himself drives his God Heart with all his strength, he can reach this threshold, but Naxida can't.

So the Great Mercy Tree King made a plan to drive the two God Hearts synchronously to make up for the effort.

In the plan, King Dacishu will sacrifice this phantom, forcibly drive the heart of God that does not match his own attributes, and use the advantage of the same origin as Naxida to achieve the synchronization of adjustment as soon as possible.

However, from Naxida and Jiang Yan's point of view, all kinds of difficulties—that's it?

When Jiang Yan skillfully extracted the powerful power and power from the Heart of Thunder God, and perfectly cooperated with Nashida to clean everything in the "package", the illusion of the Great Merciful Tree King had already given up thinking.

After all, I'm not the main body, so it's reasonable that I can't understand everything in front of me.

Where did you find this "good friend"?I want too......

If there was such a body back then, would it have fallen to the end?

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 622 Chapter 602 Is there something wrong with the underlying modification

The birth of Naxida was definitely not a helpless act of the Great Mercy Tree King in order to survive.

When she decided to impose "forgetting" on herself, she had already prepared to sacrifice herself in exchange for Xumi's safety.

However, in the thousands of years since her birth, she has already established countless karma lines representing destiny with the whole world.

There are feelings and memories in it;

There are stories as well as knowledge.

These lines of karma permeate almost every corner of Tivat, linking countless existences.

To delete all of one's "existence", it still needs to integrate Xumi's hundreds of years of knowledge to do so.

If you want to delete all the other end of the line of karma, and all the parts about yourself, it may not be possible to reshape the mighty power of the era.

Therefore, the most important purpose of King Dacishu creating Naxida is actually to carry these countless threads of karma.

After all, "renaming" and "jumping" are infinitely easier than "deleting all associations".

This is also what Nasida is about to do: to hold the threads of all destiny in her hands and connect them to herself.

From then on, she will carry everything that King Dacishu has done for the world, and all the rewards that the world has given to King Dacishu.

With the cooperation of the phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King, this work went very smoothly.

This phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King completely "recorded" all the threads of fate linked to the main body.

I saw that she was driving the powerful intelligence that had already been reserved, and these lines of karma that had almost all been silenced were revealed and activated one by one in the world tree.

The activated silk thread soon sensed the homologous force that Nasida was fully driving, as if discovering a new connectable network, and connected the other end of the thread to Nasida in a blink of an eye.


However, a silk thread can only have one exit.

In order not to cause confusion in the connection, before connecting these threads, the phantom of the Great Mercy Tree King beside him must be the last item to be "deleted" by Naxida.

Although it is only a remnant soul that will dissipate at any time, in order to completely avoid the resurgence of "taboo knowledge", all consciousness must be erased, and only the clean and pure emotions and powers will be kept, which will become the basis of a new reincarnation.

Even so, everyone will forget this precious feeling, who and where this kind power comes from.

Seeing Naxida's reluctant eyes, King Dacishu understood that it was time to say goodbye.

She stepped forward, "wrapped" herself with the huge intelligence around her, hugged Naxida lightly, and said softly:

"Don't be sad, little Nashida."

"I am already very happy to be able to continue living in this beautiful world in another way."

"When Lannaluo is strongly hurt, it will become a seed, and when the sun shines on the rainforest again, it will germinate and grow, becoming a new reincarnation of itself."

"Even if the memory is blank, even if the strength needs to be re-cultivated, Lan Naluo will not be suspicious or sad because of it."

"Not only themselves, but their friends as well."

"As their gods, we must be stronger and braver, don't lose to those cute little guys."

"My "seed", I leave it to you, little Nashida. "

Lannaro's story is really convincing.

Thinking of this group of little guys who would soon be "resurrected" carefree after being turned into seeds, Naxida's sad mood was diluted a lot.

Nashida tightly hugged the King of Cishu that she had been looking forward to for 500 years, and nodded vigorously on her shoulder.

She had all this awareness as early as the first time she had a deep connection with World Tree.

But she just wanted to feel this kindness and tenderness for a while longer.

Feeling Naxida's reluctance, King Dacishu helplessly touched this cute little guy.

In order not to cause haze to her innocent heart, this last job should be done by myself.

So, after rubbing against the "new self" that although a little too precocious, but also liked very much, King Dacishu drove to "wrap" his own intelligence, and issued the final order: erase all of his consciousness .

In the blink of an eye, the false body turned into pieces of green leaves, which disappeared with the wind.

The remaining sincere emotion and pure power turned into a green seed and slowly fell into Nashida's hands.

Nashida, who was completely empty in her arms, staggered forward two steps.

However, in front of him, there was only a trace of warmth left.

Holding tightly the seed that represented hope and reincarnation, Nasida wiped away her tears, mobilized the power of dreams, and placed the seed and some of the straggler's obsessions and emotions clearly and clearly.

If you forgot to disassemble it after "amnesia", and accidentally created an awkward Leziren Dacishu King, even if you imagine it, it will make Naxida's eyes go dark.

After carefully completing this "processing", Nasida began to complete the work of "deleting" the stragglers.

Unlike the Great Mercy Tree King, the straggler like a feather did not leave too many traces in the world.

This is a great tragedy for her, but it is actually a good thing for her to "delete her account and run away".

Nasida only needs to delete all traces of her existence, and to nullify or slightly modify the thin threads of karma pointing to her.

With the joint efforts of Jiang Yan and Naxida to write the script and "arrangement", soon there will be no more "stragglers" in the world.

The powerful Narugami has never made a simple "container".

No one has ever discovered a pure and flawless wonder-turner from the Pavilion of Borrowing Scenery.

He was powerless to do anything about all the stories that happened in Ta Tara Sha.

In a story without him, the ending would not have changed in any way.

The first half of the straggler's life was so pale that it only needed such a few strokes, and it was completely over.

The difficulty lies in the story after joining the Fools. As the core of many disputes, it is difficult to simply delete the matter.

So after discussing with Naxida, Jiang Yan chose to use "truth" to disguise the truth:

The former sixth seat of the Fools committed the crime of usurpation and blasphemy in the plan of "man-made gods".

In order to maintain the majesty of the law of heaven, the little auspicious grass king wiped out his entire existence through the world tree.

In the world, no one will be able to remember his name and appearance.

Only the sins he committed are deliberately reserved to serve as a warning to the world.

The struggle and tragedy of the stragglers for 500 years, just like that, there are only a few threads that cannot be completely erased.

Even if there is a powerful existence to explore, they can only find a completely broken thread at the other end of the thread, because it is all "truth".

From now on, only Naxida and Jiang Yan will remember this poor puppet.

So far, all the work is left with the last item:

——Jiang Yan and Naxida will modify each other's cognition about the King of the Great Mercy Tree in their minds, and remove the last trace of the King of the Great Mercy Tree in this world.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 623 Chapter 603 Is there something wrong with the time history book

No matter how powerful an existence is, it is difficult to modify one's cognition.

Because what can modify the cognition can only be another cognition.

Even with the strength of the Great Mercy Tree King, the only way to isolate the pollution of cognition is through the decisive fall.

Naxida and Jiang Yan are no exception, as for the modification of cognition, they can only be manipulated by each other.

As two people who are tightly entangled by fate, of course they don't want any sense of disobedience in each other's cognition.

So the two most tacit dream screenwriters in Tewat began to work together to create a story written for themselves.

First, of course, is the background of the story.

After replacing King Dacishu, the history of Sumeru will look like this:

The ruler of Sumeru, the incarnation of the World Tree, is the auspicious and wise Lord of Moco Shandharma from beginning to end, that is, Naxida.

500 years ago, just like a thousand years ago, Nasida once again lost her strength and memory and became a child.

But this time, Nasida, who had sacrificed everything to seal the disaster, was greeted with a despicable betrayal and coveted by mortals for the power of the gods.

In order to obtain the power of the gods, this group of usurpers even cooperated with fools to create "artificial gods" under their control.

Fortunately, under the guidance of fate, Naxida, with the help of her friends and faithful believers, defeated the conspiracy of the Holy Order and was about to regain control of Sumeru.

The background of this story is so simple that Naxida, who was still sympathizing with the stragglers just now, was surprised to find out:

It turns out that "Vine" was not as good as that poor doll before meeting its own "wall".

In order to dilute the sad past, Naxida took Jiang Yan to recall the details of the two people's acquaintance from the Golden Apple Islands happily and carefully before starting to revise the "text".

Soon, the two found the first BUG:

- Nacida cannot be imprisoned helplessly for another 500 years.

You know, as the God of Wisdom and the incarnation of the World Tree, countless powerful beings have come to Sumeru to seek wisdom from the Great Mercy Tree King.

But after the fall of the Great Mercy Tree King, there is only a trace of incense left in this karma.

Naturally, they would not pay special attention to the new relationship between gods and mortals.

But if the gods have not been replaced from the beginning to the end, and only lost their power and memory, it is another matter entirely.

In the past 500 years, there will never be fewer strong people who come to visit and visit.

Once you find out that your friend or even your benefactor is being bullied and imprisoned by mortals?

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