I'm afraid that the entire Holy Order has already been turned into ashes by a large group of powerhouses who can't see it, and it can't be explained at all.

And "500 years of imprisoning the unchanging gods" also creates a serious follow-up problem:

After this "truth" was exposed, all the sages who were "ungrateful" and "devoted the Lord" for 500 years would be deprived of all honor by the angry Sumeru people and nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

And their descendants, covering almost all the famous families in Xumi, such as "Pulshina" and "Purbiruni", will also die together.

Although Nasida also has a lot of dissatisfaction with these sages who treat her slowly for 500 years.

But most sages do this out of their love for the Great Mercy Tree King or their desire for the protection of powerful gods, not out of coveting the power of gods.

She is kind, and she doesn't intend to put such a big blame on so many people, especially so many people who have died.

Therefore, Nasida is going to "repair" the plot as follows:

The Little Auspicious Grass King exhausted his strength 500 years ago and fell into a long deep sleep. He could only entrust his consciousness in the void network.

It wasn't until a few years ago that he gradually woke up, but just after he woke up, he was betrayed by the council headed by Azar.

As for the council that was blamed?

For those who colluded with foreign enemies to murder the gods, is it important to be charged with one more crime and one less?

"Cheap, it's cheap for a bunch of bastards in the past 500 years."

Jiang Yan has always been worried about what happened to Naxida in the past 500 years.

He has absolutely no objection to slapping them with a big black pot and making future generations suffer.

"But what's the difference between giving up on these children and giving up on me? I've forgiven them."

Naxida took Jiang Yan's arm and shook it gently, begging for almost all of Xumi's academic families.

Since I have spent 500 years in exchange for the present happiness, it is worth the money, and there is no need to retaliate, Naxida said to herself silently.

None of the parties had any objections, so Jiang Yan had no choice but to accept this kind of history book.


Inspired by the first BUG, ​​the second and third BUG were quickly discovered:

In Sumeru City, the belief in the Little Auspicious Grass King was originally a minority belief, and most of the people were followers of the Great Merciful Tree King.

Because of this, Nasida cherishes her few believers extremely, and never spares her time and strength.

However, when all Sumeru people have become believers of the Little Auspicious Grass King, and devout believers are everywhere, how can she explain the special favor she gave to a few believers?

More importantly, Xu Mi, who is full of believers in the Little Auspicious Grass King, how can he make so many people abandon their beliefs and join the "artificial god" project?

These two questions made Naxida and Jiang Yan scratch their heads incomparably.

Although the sense of disobedience will not make people lose a piece of flesh, but the cognition that even oneself feels disobedient, written into the minds of other people, will definitely cause greater discord.

Neither Naxida nor Jiang Yan wanted to create any weakness in the other party's soul.

For the second BUG, ​​Nasida once again chose to use "truth" to cover up the truth:

——A pure heart is easier to be favored by oneself, just like it is easier for a child to see Lannaro.

This is indeed true. At the beginning, most of Nasida's believers were children. For example, Dinazide became a Nasida's believer at that time.

As for the third bug, Jiang Yan compromised again under Naxida's arm-shaking offensive.

In the brand new "setting", the despicable council strictly blocked the news that the god had awakened.

And the god who has been sleeping for a long time makes the Xumi people extremely long for the sense of security protected by the god.

Therefore, for Azar's act of "creating a god", many followers chose to support rather than abandon their faith.

The bad things are all done by the Six Sages, everyone else is innocent, perfect!

Faced with Naxida's doting on mortals, Jiang Yan had no choice but to follow her request and use this method to continue the harmonious history.

This historical drama full of intrigue and betrayal has been dyed a harmless green in large swaths.

Of course, it really doesn't matter what the truth is.

The real truth will soon be "forgotten" by the two of them.

Whitewashing or distortion, what is it in the face of real "forgetting"?

Soon, all bugs have been fixed.

Just as Jiang Yan squatted down and was about to start operating cognition, Naxida suddenly decided to put a "patch" on herself:

500 years ago, in order to suppress disasters, she turned all her memories into power and exhausted them. Since then, she has completely lost all previous memories, and it is impossible to recall any "past" in the future.

Jiang Yan didn't want to understand the key, and asked curiously:

"It's not necessary, anyway, "amnesia" is a universal reason, emphasizing that you can't recall, on the contrary, it will make the old friend of King Dacishu pay extra attention. "

And Nasida shook her head, uncharacteristically insisting on her own "willfulness":

"This setting is reserved for myself."

"I don't want the new "me" to compare the inherited line of karma with the "truth" between us. "

Having said that, Nasida lowered her head shyly, but thinking that after this, she would become a "new self" and would never have the chance to say these words again, she summoned up her courage again and said:

"You are my "first" and "only", although after today, my memory will no longer be like this, but I still hope that the "new me" can still maintain this feeling. "

After all, this "patch" was written into the latest version of the "script" of the two.

Faced with such extremely sincere feelings, Jiang Yan could not say any words of rejection, and could only gently stroke her little head in response.

After calming down, Jiang Yan squatted on the ground and lightly touched Nasida's forehead.

The "script" written by the two repeatedly revised and written is shrouding the heads of the two in an intellectual way, and the boundary line is their respective "drama".

"Together with me, mark a new beginning for Sumeru."

Naxida drove the power, and the emerald green intelligence began to roll, modifying Jiang Yan's unresisting cognition.

"Sleep, the Sumeru who wakes up will be the Sumeru of the Little Auspicious Grass King."

Jiang Yan carefully drove this power, stirring Naxida's completely open heart.

Soon, all the revisions were completed, and the centuries-old intellectual power of all Sumeru people finally completed its historical mission. Under the guidance of Naxida and Jiang Yan, it turned into a breeze covering the entire Sumeru, blowing Spread over every corner and blow into everyone's sea of ​​consciousness.

After the two people who had accomplished this feat, after disconnecting the deep link with the World Tree, Jiang Yan sat down on the spot, lying on the ground without any image, and fell into a deep sleep.

The extremely long day finally came to an end. At this moment, all the exhaustion flooded his body, and he was completely knocked down in an instant.

And Naxida gently gave birth to a piece of green grass, and after gently cushioning Jiang Yan's body, she sat down gently, leaning against Jiang Yan's stomach with a relieved smile, and fell into a deep sleep .

Today's activity exceeds the sum of her 500 years.

After finishing the final work, she didn't want to move, she just wanted to lie in the safest and most comfortable place.

what does it feel likesatisfy?happiness?expect?exhausted?

Can't be split, but has no intention of changing, so be it, good night!Or good morning!

After waking up, say hello to the "new you" from the "new me".

The two bodies, one big and one small, just fell asleep under the breeze of knowledge, and enjoyed the long-lost real dream without power to drive them.

After waking up, the world will be what they want.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 624 Chapter 604 Is there something wrong with work for relief?

Recently, a big event happened in Sumeru.

The great sage Azhar, who deserves a thousand knives, actually took advantage of people's dependence on the void network, and with his highest void release authority, completely isolated the news that the little auspicious grass king has awakened, and instilled in the void The cognition of "the little auspicious grass king has not yet awakened".

The little auspicious Grass King who had just woken up and hadn't recovered his strength was actually confined in the Jingshan Palace like this, and almost no one knew about it.

And the arrogant Azar is planning to use this opportunity to cooperate with the fools to create a brand new god!

Fortunately, with the help of her friends and believers who were not completely obsessed with the void, the little auspicious Grass King thwarted Azar's plot and regained control of Sumeru.

And Azar and his lackeys, who were full of crimes, also reaped the rewards they deserved. They all died of their own arrogance, and their souls were completely absorbed by "man-made fakes".

The foolish executives who attempted to subvert were even charged with the crime of usurpation and blasphemy, and their entire existence was wiped out by the little auspicious grass king through the world tree.

In the world, no one will be able to remember his name and appearance.

Only the sins he committed are deliberately reserved to serve as a warning to the world.

It's really heartwarming.

However, after this incident, the little auspicious Grass King also discovered the huge disadvantage of mortals completely relying on the Void Network, so he decided to use himself as a new hub of the Void Network, and closed all cognitive writing functions of the Void Network.

Although the brand-new Void Network still retains functions such as uploading and viewing, it is unable to write any knowledge into the mind.

It can only be presented in front of the eyes for simple viewing;

Or temporarily appreciate the feeling of mastering all this in the form of a dream, which will be completely forgotten soon after waking up from the dream.

Although the Little Auspicious Grass King promised everyone, the Academy of Teaching Orders will soon develop a Void Terminal 2.0 version that does not rely on the human brain to store data, and can even help people use a small amount of elemental power.

However, it is obvious that the research and development will be completed in a short period of time and popularized by the whole people, so don't even think about it.

So during this period of time, all the major colleges and even all walks of life in Sumeru are all swearing at the eighteen generations of Azar's ancestors in a fancy way, while doing data migration in great pain.

You know, the entire Sumeru paperless office has been around for 500 years.

Almost the data, materials, and classics of the entire country are all placed in the void, but now, seeing with eyes and experiencing with dreams, how can it meet the needs of research and inquiry?

Therefore, before the popularity of the second-level void terminal, scholars can only be forced to turn all commonly used materials into extremely backward paper products, so that they can consult and use them at any time during their own research.

This workload simply makes most scholars despair.

For a long period of time that can be seen, most scholars will be forced to transfer to "clerks" who are hard-working copywriters.

What's more terrible is that whether it is the review of thesis or the application of the project, it is necessary to check the duplicates in the vast 500-year knowledge base, which cannot be solved by knowledge transfer.

This most important academic work for scholars has now come to a complete standstill.

Therefore, in the anger of the whole people, even though Azar and his henchmen were dead, they were tried in absentia and deprived of all honors and titles.

Even the peripheral members and mercenaries who are only participants have been imprisoned one after another.

Even the two sages who were imprisoned by him because they opposed Azar were dismissed from their posts under the name of "serious dereliction of duty" under the agitation of the public.


It's a pity that after a carnival, even if everyone's resentment has been vented, the problem still exists.

The most desperate thing is that no one is going to solve these problems at all.

The little auspicious Grass King is doing his best to adjust the functions and scope of the Void Network, and to design a new Void Terminal. He is very busy.

But today's high position in the council, almost all scholars avoid it like a tiger.

"When will Void Terminal 2.0 be released?"

"Can data migration increase manpower?"

"Can the paper review and plagiarism check be made faster?"

"When will the annual budget be allocated?"

All kinds of problems that could not be solved at all flooded from bottom to top to various colleges and then to the council.

However, except for the sect of life theory and the sect of cause theory, all the sages and their loyal followers died. Who should they ask for the temporary replacement?

In the chaos, countless voices converged on El Hesen, the number one hero who saved the gods.

This is a high position;

He is also the leader of Huachengguo to bring order out of chaos;

And personally risked his life to save the gods and repel the horror of the Fools Executor;

He who has made great contributions, who should he be this great sage?

It's a pity that Elhessen has no interest in being an official at all.

If it weren't for the smoky Holy Order that made it almost impossible for him to conduct research, he would not even overthrow Azar's rule.

He loves the truth and loves to reveal the true face of all ancient civilizations, and the power of the world is meaningless to him.

It's a pity that if he is not the number one hero, others won't be able to convince others if they want to.

The more he evaded, the more violently he was entangled.

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