When all the scholars in Sumeru hoped that he would quickly clean up the mess and restore order, what Elhaysen himself thought was completely unimportant.

In the end, his life was messed up, and Elhaisen, who couldn't do research with peace of mind, was finally forced to compromise and accepted the temporary position of "Temporary Head of the Order Academy" personally appointed by Lord Xiaojixiangcao.

Great Sage?No dog is right.

After taking office, Elheysen stopped the never-ending data migration work without saying a word.

In his view, with 500 years of data, even if it takes Xumi 1000 years, it is impossible to convert so much data into paper.

Now that the gods have created the "One-eyed Flying Bunny", it is only a matter of time before the Void Terminal is transformed into Void Terminal 2.0.

The reason why various colleges and industries are migrating data in a panic is that in the final analysis, after the dissertation review and plagiarism check channels relying on the void terminal are completely finished, the majority of scholars have nothing to do but migrate data and continue to conduct research habitually.

So Elheysen cut off their thoughts without saying a word.

The Holy Order publicly admitted that due to the impossibility of completing the migration of the vast knowledge base in a short period of time, the paper review and plagiarism check, as well as the application for new projects, were all suspended before the launch of Void Terminal 2.0.

This kind of hard work directly and completely destroyed the daily life of scholars.

Can't publish papers, can't apply for projects, why do research?

But if you don't do research, what can you do?

Countless scholars have completely walked out of the ivory tower and fell into a state of confusion.

At this moment, Elhessen revealed his real purpose:

A huge sand sea construction plan was announced by the Faculty, and there is no limit to the demand for scholars from all factions to join.

The remuneration for the task is extremely rich, and it aims to help everyone provide funding and living sources for independent experiments during the transition period when there is no experimental funding.

Of course, this part of the remuneration actually came from the experimental funds that should have been approved.

Not everyone is like Tirzad, who has a huge family that allows him to conduct research with peace of mind.

There is a famous joke in Xumi's academic circle:

When I have research funding, what do I eat and what do dogs eat;

When there is no research funding, I eat what the dog eats.

As an academic country, Xumi has never been stingy in his approval of research funding.

But this also means that once there is no research funding, experimental equipment, experimental consumables, and experimental costs are enough to drive a scholar crazy.

Faced with high rewards, most of the grassroots scholars chose Congxin without hesitation. Under the leadership of the new leader of the Miaolun School, Kawei, they went to the Dachishahai where only exiles and archaeologists went. .

This project is not to build a certain village, but a whole set of ambitious systems.

In addition to the Port of Harvest (Nashida), which has been owed to Munata for a long time, all the settlements in the sand sea should be included in the scope of the void terminal.

The planning of one hundred "palaces" in the era of the Red King gave Kawei great inspiration, so elemental towers based on the lost city front technology and rooted in the leylines rose up around the settlement.

These elemental towers can not only attack the monsters in the sandstorm autonomously in the activated state, protect the safety of the settlement, but also provide a signal for the void terminal of the settlement, and provide urgently needed knowledge for the people of the desert.

At the same time, the scholars who are stationed and maintained can also provide sufficient guidance and training for desert education.

The people of the desert responded with great enthusiasm, and deeply felt that the previous blood tax was paid well.

So they took the initiative to provide escort and guide services for scholars going to their hometown settlements at extremely low prices.

Soon, the entire Sumeru changed from a situation where everyone was complaining and complaining, to a scene where the whole people were building a new sand sea in full swing.

As a result, Elheisen's reputation exploded directly, and applications to nominate him as an official great sage filled the desks.

It's a pity that power was not what he wanted. Even if the colleges tried to persuade him to stay, he resolutely retreated directly and returned to his comfort zone of "only recording and not speaking".

However, "Heaven" does not follow people's wishes.

A few days later, because the word "great sage" has become the most vicious swear word in Sumeru, the little auspicious grass king made a new structural adjustment to the Academy.

The brand new Holy Order Academy will be presented in front of Sumeru with a more academic attitude.

Therefore, the person in charge under the new structure will be the clerk of the Holy Order, named "Chief Scribe".

On that day, countless scholars and people praised the wisdom and wisdom of the little auspicious grass king, except for the chief scribe himself.

Elhaysen: "???"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 625 Chapter 605 Is there something wrong with the inertia of fate?

The development of mortal Sumeru is booming, but at the extraordinary level, it has experienced many twists and turns.

First of all, the "forgotten" punishment of the stragglers caused a great disturbance.

The fools who were waiting to find the heart of God suddenly found that everyone had forgotten the sixth seat's name and what he looked like?

It is only known that after he cooperated with the "Doctor" and became the God of Chance, there is no further news.

It wasn't until Sumeru City issued an announcement that he or she was known to have been "forgotten" by the little auspicious grass king himself.

When the news came out, not to mention the fools, even other earthly rulers were taken aback.

Soon, Ying controlled the general's body remotely and came to Jingshan Palace.

"General, no, Ying, why are you here?"

At this time, Jiang Yan was studying the remnant souls of the stragglers together with Naxida, as well as the inexplicably extra parts.

Seeing the general coming, Jiang Yan was surprised at first, but soon recognized the user of this puppet from the way he looked at him.

Ying was very satisfied with Jiang Yan's sensitivity, first responded to him with a gentle smile, and then greeted Naxida cordially:

"Long time no see, Boyle."

Nashida felt the change of the puppet that was still helping her the day before yesterday, she was smart and immediately understood that the puppet in front of her was already being controlled remotely by Dao Wife's colleague.

So she stepped forward and saluted solemnly:

"Long time no see, but to be precise, it should be the first meeting, Balzeb."

"I'm Bouyer, nice to meet you again."

The strange statement made Ying look confused.

Although I heard a long time ago that the little auspicious grass king will lose his memory after losing his power, but it has been 500 years since the disaster, has he not been found?

Seeing this, Jiang Yan hurriedly explained to Ying with a wry smile:

I couldn't find it after looking for it. Today's Little Auspicious Grass King, apart from the familiar power, can be regarded as a new god.


In order to avoid Jiang Yan having some strange views on herself and the inexplicable entanglement of her "new self", Naxida carried out a little "artistic processing" on her rebirth.

In the new "setting", unlike 1000 years ago, Nasida, who exhausted her strength in the disaster 500 years ago, was even forced to become a seed for a new "reincarnation".

Therefore, although she is still the Little Auspicious Grass King, she is already a 500-year-old bud who has been reincarnated, not a thousand-year-old old aunt who has lost her memory and pretends to be tender.

Through "artistic processing", let the lie achieve the same result as the truth, perfectly bypassing the BUG caused by "forgetting".

This kind of information operation full of Naxida's characteristics, even Jiang Yan, who is a master of reorganization, can only say admiration.

Who would want to let their youthful and invincible five-hundred-year-old become an ancient god who is thousands of years old inexplicably?

Regarding this girl's little thought, Jiang Yan could not laugh or cry, but she also followed her "settings" kindly and operated.

However, in the end, it did yield good results.

Neither Nasida, who thinks she is a new reincarnation, nor Jiang Yan, who knows something about the way of endless life, is not affected by the "past", and completely regards Nasida as a lovely young god.

Rounding off, there is no difference from before.

However, in order to guarantee Jiang Yan's "first" and "only" price, Naxida had no choice but to give up the friendship between King Dacishu and other earthly rulers.


After hearing Jiang Yan's explanation, Ying suddenly realized.

As an elemental creation creature, she has never had the "reincarnation" of losing her memory, whether it is her own entanglement.

As long as the characteristics of power remain the same, it is rebirth, memory and emotion don't matter at all, just re-establish.

So the three of them chatted enthusiastically very quickly.

Only then did Jiang Yan have time to ask Ying why he borrowed the general's body to come here.

And Ying's answer is also very direct:

I was attracted by the punishment of "forgetting".

You know, it's not a big deal for the ruling world to shoot down a few mortals.

But to completely obliterate it, if there is no special reason, it is absolutely impossible to take so much trouble.

This method of punishment makes it hard not to think of the long-silent law of heaven.

If it is really the little auspicious grass king who has hooked up with Tianli after waking up this time, Ying will consider trying to take Jiang Yan away from this dangerous place.

And the attitude of "everyone" towards this "old friend" whom I haven't seen for a long time, whether it is an enemy or a friend, and the follow-up actions also need to be reconsidered.

However, Naxida's situation also made Ying completely at ease.

It has already "restarted" to such an extent, at least it can be determined that the "old friends" are still friends if Gao Tianshang has not cast his eyes on the world again.

With this major premise, coupled with Jiang Yan's face, many things are very easy to talk about.

Naxida explained to Ying very frankly that she needed to "delete the number and run away" for the sixth seat of the fools, arrange reincarnation, and showed Ying the remnant soul with only a trace of obsession and emotion in her hands, and her love for her. memory.

All the past of the stragglers have been deleted from the world tree.

Even in the memories of Nasida and Jiang Yan, there are only her images and some emotional impressions such as "awkward brat", without any experience.

Therefore, Jiang Yan and Naxida had no idea that the god in front of them was her creator, and even Naxida had set her mind on the original owner.

Nashida's frankness is not without reason. Although she is a god of wisdom, her level of making dolls is far inferior to that of Narugami in front of her.

Just looking at the general in front of him who can fight against the God of Righteousness, it can be seen that such a perfect doll is unique in the entire Tivat.

Since I promised the sixth member of the Fools to reshape her body, even if there are two powers and emotions in this remnant soul for some reason, Nashida decided to make two bodies separately to fulfill the promise as perfectly as possible.

The strongest master is here, and my "sun" has a lot to do with it, why not ask her for help?

Sensing Naxida's begging eyes, Jiang Yan smiled dotingly, and simply invited Ying to stay and help.

And Jiang Yan hadn't seen him for many days, and he wanted to get together for a while, so he accepted it without any hesitation.

There is no need for any politeness between the two of them.

With the help of the strongest puppet master in Teyvat, the progress of body remodeling is almost rapid.

Especially for some reason, Ying himself feels that his performance is extremely perfect. According to the video provided by Naxida, all the steps are almost completed in one go, and soon he made a body that is exactly the same as in the video.

However, the production of the other half of the remnant souls did not go so smoothly.

There is no image, no memory, and there is only a powerful force and emotion. How does one make a body?

What is even more concerning is that this power makes Nasida feel extremely kind. The breath of the World Tree is even stronger than her own. No matter how you think about it, it has nothing to do with the sixth seat of the Fools.

Who is this guy?Why are you here, and what does it have to do with you?What does it have to do with World Tree?

The extremely curious Nashida finally decided to use herself as a template and also use the buds of the world tree as the base to make a most suitable body for this remnant soul.

Even if this remnant soul won't remember anything, time will eventually give her the answer...

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 626 Chapter 606 Trouble is not something wrong

When facing the spindle of fate, everyone should remain in awe.

Forcibly inserted into the demolition project of King Dacishu and became a straggler of the "returning house", which brought countless troubles to Naxida.

Especially for the sake of rationality, the punishment of "forgetting" was forcibly rounded out, and it really got "people from friendly countries, inexplicably surprised".

Just after receiving Ying and completing the exorcism of the demon scale disease in Huacheng Guo, True Monarch Zhuyue Zhuyang came to Sumeru City to "visit his disciples".

If it weren't for the red king, the culprit who could take the blame, he finally discovered the root cause of the magic scale disease after exhausting himself, and almost all the research results were forced to be deleted by Naxida.

In the modified world, this bloodline curse became the last remnant of the forbidden knowledge from the Scarlet King, and was finally cleared by the World Tree, but it was no different.

When Jiang Yan saw the master who had worked hard for his disciples for many days, he naturally received him respectfully.

After exchanging pleasantries, Jiang Yan knew that the master came here in the name of the emperor, and greeted the little auspicious grass king.

The little Auspicious Grass King has been sleeping for 500 years, and it didn't take long for him to wake up to make such a big news. As a neighbor, the emperor didn't say anything, which is actually a strange thing.

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