It just so happened that True Monarch Cleave the Moon and Zhuyang was getting rid of a strange disease called "Magic Scale Disease" in Sumeru, so under the message of the emperor's talisman, there was a trip to Sumeru City as a guest messenger.

Jiang Yan was not surprised by this answer.

Compared with Ying worrying about himself and directly visiting the door remotely, Dijun is much more tactful.

When Zhenjun Qiyue Zhuyang wanted to come, since his disciples could ask him to help deal with the magic scale disease, they must have some connection with Xumi's teaching institute, so it would be best to recommend them for him.

But Jiang Yan was a hundred times more capable than he had imagined, so without saying a word, he brought him to the gate of Jingshan Palace.

"This is too rude!"

True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun was very dissatisfied with his disciple's "straight to the point" arrangement, and his deer face was full of seriousness.

Although as a messenger of the gods, it is true that you don't need to pay attention to the red tape of mortals.

But no matter what he said, he was just a messenger, so how could he just knock on the door directly?

Generally speaking, for such a visit as that of True Monarch Moon Cutting and Building Sun, one should find the relatives of the gods or mortal servants to report on his behalf, and then let them lead him to accept the interview.

But even if he was far away in Huacheng Guo, Zhenyue Zhuyue Zhuyang also knew that Lan Naluo, the family member of the Little Auspicious Grass King, did not take care of general affairs at all, and the Academy was in extreme chaos, and no one could be found at all.

If it weren't for this, True Monarch Moon Cutting and Yang Yang wouldn't ask his disciples to help him find a way out.

But your "doorway" is literally pushing the door and walking?

Seeing that his disciple didn't listen to dissuasion, and pushed open the gate of Shanjian Palace without saying a word, Zhenjun Qi Yue Zhu Yang was so angry that he could only blow his beard and stare and followed him.

The misfortune caused by the disciple, as the master, has to bear it no matter what.

True Lord Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun made up his mind to apologize to the noble incarnation of the World Tree, and decided to return to Liyue to give his disciples a long lesson in etiquette.

However, as soon as his disciple entered the door, although he lost his power and turned into a young girl, the Lord of Plants and Trees, who could still be recognized from his strength, happily ran over and plunged into his disciple's arms.

The completely undisguised joy and dependence almost shocked the deer eyes of True Monarch Moon Slicer and Yang Yang.

Come again?

Didn't you just come to Sumeru for a few months?

Didn't the little auspicious grass king just wake up not long ago?

Why is it like Narugami again, sticky like this?

Why hasn't lightning struck you to death?

What should I say?What should I do?True Monarch Moon Cutting and Yangyang was completely in chaos.

Thousands of years ago, when the Seven Gods often held banquets in Liyue Port, Zhenjun Moon Cutting and Zhuyang, as the first disciple of the emperor, had received the incarnation of the World Tree many times.

The other party is noble and not under the emperor, so even if the other party is very easy-going and unassuming, every time the real monarch of cutting the moon and building the sun will treat each other with respect and courtesy.

But when they meet now, if they bow their heads and salute to the other party who is in the disciple's arms, they really can't bend down.

But not showing courtesy on such a diplomatic occasion would be a shame for the emperor and Liyue.

Fortunately, Jiang Yan, who had an experience in Liyue Port, was very sensible. Seeing that Master was in embarrassment again, he quickly let go of Naxida, gave her a brief introduction, and then resigned. Finally, he saved the extremely awkward atmosphere return.

"I've seen His Majesty the Little Auspicious Grass King." Due to his rich experience, the True Monarch Moon Cutting Zhuyang quickly switched to the state of "I didn't see anything".

Although Naxida has reincarnated, there is never a lack of knowledge in the Void Network, and naturally there will be no lack of etiquette. She saluted and greeted Zhenjun Mooncutting and Building Yang very kindly:

"There is no need to be too polite. The real gentleman is Xumi's great benefactor who found the root of the demon scale disease for Xumi. Because of some unavoidable things, I can only see the real gentleman today, which really makes me feel guilty."

After some conversation, Nashida finally explained clearly her reincarnation and the things that had nothing to do with the laws of heaven.

And Zhenjun Moon Cutting and Zhuyang also expressed the greetings from the old friend passed by the emperor, and hinted euphemistically, "You just woke up and didn't know, everyone is actually acting, so don't really be cruel."

Naxida readily accepted this, who would like a bastard upstairs who just throws a projectile at high altitude?

Just when I wanted to express my opinion to Zhenjun Qiyue Zhuyang, "Although Naxida is not the Naxida of the past, but the little auspicious grass king is still the little auspicious grass king of the past", the gate of Shanjian Palace opened again, and came with the wind The poet walked in under the leadership of Jiang Yan.

"If you don't bring him in, you'll have to explain to Naxida a third time later, so let's come together," Jiang Yan said helplessly.

In order to ensure Jiang Yan's "first" and "only", even though Wendy had visited Naxida before Jiang Yan came to Sumeru, this cognition was ruthlessly revised by Naxida.

Now in the minds of Wendy and Nasida, the two gods did not "re-recognize" until Nasida, who had just woken up, accepted Wendy's suggestion of cooperation in Port of Harvest.

As the messenger of the gods, Wendy is really afraid that the little auspicious grass king who has just "reincarnated" will make a big news without knowing it, and after killing the fools who came to Sumi with ruthless hands, then "Return to everyone" the hearts of gods that were taken away one by one.

At that time, everyone's tacit understanding, well, there is no tacit understanding, and prepare to fight the ice queen who thinks she has been cheated.

So after hearing the news from Qianfengzhong, he hurried to Sumi, ready to play a series of plays for the newly joined actors.

Naxida and Jiang Yan looked helpless, this wave after wave, is there an end?

Do you want to hold a press conference and make a solemn statement in the "Steambird Daily"?

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 627 Chapter 607 Is there something wrong with violent dumping

Naturally, there is no press conference, but the poet in front of him is the messenger of the gods. If there is any news for other earthly rulers to know, just look for him.

Wendy is also here for this, and his reason for coming is very simple, everyone believes in you, even if they don't believe in you, they also believe in the guy you are sticking to.

But the Ice Queen can't delay any longer. If she wants to act together, she will give a letter of approval right away. Wendy doesn't mind going to Zhidong to pass the information on to the other party.

However, Jiang Yan and Naxida responded with helpless expressions:

"That's all up to you."

There is no way, there is a serious problem in the communication with Zhidong.

Nasida and Jiang Yan knew that the matter of "erasing" was a bit over the line, so after the battle, they prepared to hand over the two hearts of gods to the fools who were still in Port of Ormos as promised.

However, the other party did not accept Nashida's sincerity at all, and was still gathering troops.

This inexplicable firm attitude made it impossible for Jiang Yan and Nasida to fight or talk about it. He couldn't figure out why.

There is no way, and ten gods of wisdom will not figure it out. Such a big contradiction actually originated from the post-war summary meeting of fools.


This rotten battle in Sumeru made all the executive officers angry.

When Dadalia crossed half of Sumeru and returned to the Port of Ormos, both his physical strength and elemental strength were overdrawn, and the "Captain" Capitano, who was almost played badly, was also released from Nata. In order to "summarize", the meeting of "catching war criminals" was held in the warship soon.

"The news I have received from Zhidong is that everything is going well and it is going according to plan. The other party's cooperation is very sincere."

"As a result, we have lost a companion and lost all the initiative. We can only rely on the glory of Her Majesty the Empress and the charity of the enemy."

"Dottore, can you tell me why?" "Harlequin" was extremely dissatisfied with "Doctor"'s performance.

For Dottore's plan, the Fools gave him all support.

In terms of material resources, the "artificial god" plan was barely passed under the fierce opposition of the "rich man" Pantalone.

In order to realize this plan, Zhidong invested countless time and precious materials in Xumi, and even directly built a huge workshop for Xumi that Zhidong had never had before.

In terms of manpower, including myself, half of the executives participated in this event.

But what did all this get in exchange for?

Prove that the attitude of the gods towards usurpers is no better than the existence above the sky?

To prove that the glory of Her Majesty the Queen is so great that even if she loses, she can still get alms from the other party?

To prove that as long as a person is selfish enough, he can even kill "himself"?

Thinking of this, "Harlequin" looked at "Doctor" even more unkindly.

The slice of "Doctor" is naturally not a good thing.

Before being killed, several slices left accusations against "Doctor" Omega through various emergency communication methods.

These slices consumed countless resources and time of Zhidong, and in the end, they all died of internal strife because of their own selfishness?

The whole incident must be held accountable no matter what.

However, "Doctor" Omega didn't panic at all in the face of severe accusations, not even nervous about having a life-and-death fight with his "backup".

Making mistakes has never been a big problem. There is only one reason for an individual to be abandoned by the organization in the eyes of the "doctor" - no use value.

As long as the follow-up development work of God's Heart can only be completed by himself, no matter how big the thunderstorm is, it can only bring down tiny raindrops.

Of course, the majesty of the commander-in-chief must also be respected, so the "doctor" explained in his usual arrogant and confident tone:

"The experiment did not fail. I would like to remind everyone that the "artificial god" and Inazuma's god substitute fought for a long time, and the defeat in the end was only due to being outnumbered. "

"And the cruel punishment of the Sumeru God also tells us that the "God of Opportunity" really threatens those hypocritical gods. "

"In addition, we have also acquired important data and experience in the development of the Heart of God. What I promised has been fulfilled. Is there any dissatisfaction?"

"Yeah, the six of us are really amazing!" Dadalia sneered, who had just returned, exhausted but with unabated fighting spirit.

One person's work now requires six people to work hard, is it reasonable?

Although being the last, Dadalia has never had any fear of authority and strength.

With one against three, I used up all my cards from day to night, but when I came back, I found that everyone except the "captain" was unscathed. It seemed that there was no battle at all. The aftermath of Liyue's battle brought to me Instant onset.

Selling teammates again, watching me fight to death?

This time there was no secret order from Her Majesty the Empress, Dadalia immediately became furious when thinking of Li Yue's old grievances, and jumped out directly to ask for an explanation:

"I just want to know, what were you doing when I was besieged by Sumeru's strong men?"

Facing Dadalia's anger at being betrayed by his teammates for the second time, the "doctor" also got angry when he mentioned this.

"I also want to know, what are you doing when I am fighting against the enemy gods and their retinues, as well as Liyue's monsters?"

As proud as he is, when has someone put his head on his head and signed an alliance under the city?

Even if he took the opportunity to fulfill his long-cherished wish of being an "Omega", the humiliation would not be relieved by half.

I was four-in-one, you watch a show?What teammate is this?

"When I waited for help in Sumeru City and activated all the dark lines for many years, why did the reinforcements not move at Ormos Port?"

"What happened here, I will definitely report the truth to Her Majesty the Queen."

Arechino's voice was as cold as ice, and of all the people here, her loss was the greatest.

Except for the dark lines in Xumi City who fell into a dream, all the dark lines and strongholds that Xumi spent years building were thrown on the gambling table by her, and then she lost everything. How could she not go crazy?

However, no one responded to her question. After all, everyone now knows that Dottore and Capitano were taken hostage at that time.

Doing everything for the mission is just a slogan in the final analysis, who would sell two generals and force them to change their homes, just to complete a mission that doesn't really matter whether they win or lose.

Facing this question, before the "doctor" had time to refute, a voice that was also full of anger raised a direct question:

"Arechino, I also need an explanation, why the information leakage from Nata's side is so serious that I was surprised by the other side's god just after I arrived?"

"The relationship between the other party is so close, why haven't we obtained any relevant information?"

Speaking of the worst, "Captain" Capitano deserves it, and he has had a hard time in Nata.

Being beaten in all directions, let you rest, eat and drink when you are tired, and continue beating when you are well.

Although he is obsessed with martial arts, ghosts like to be unilaterally beaten.

Especially the other party's undisguised attitude of using himself as a toy, which is almost driving his anger crazy.

The order Capitano accepted was to "investigate the rumors of the revival of the god Nata, and be ready to reinforce Sumeru at any time."

Before arriving, he also thought that this was a pioneering trip to recruit and establish the forces of fools in the local area.

In the end, before reaching the royal city, he suffered a "heavenly misfortune". He was extremely angry at Arechino's incompetent intelligence network.

During the conversation in the dialect, it was obvious that he had an irresistible relationship with that bastard of Liyue, and he was blocked halfway, most likely because of the sharing of information between them.

You didn't even find out about this, but with a large sum of money, you found loneliness in the investigation? ?

Arechino was not afraid of this kind of name-calling and questioning, and directly retorted:

"I don't need to explain anything to you. Due to Nata's closed environment, building an intelligence network is by no means a one-time effort."

"Besides, it took less than two months for the old god of Nata to wake up. Do you think the gods can be peeped at will?"

The truth is such a truth, but people who have been hanged and beaten for many days obviously need no reason.

Difficult to peek at the gods?That Liyue man, why did he become so familiar with Nata's god in a blink of an eye, why can't you?

No one had a peaceful discussion, and in a blink of an eye, the entire meeting room started to fight with each other, and the poison flew around.

"Why don't you zoom in? Neither does Sumeru City, nor does Ormos Port."

"Dadalia told me to go, how can I go?"

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