"You are cowardly, you have a problem with your thinking!"

"Do you have any sense of honor?"



Seeing that the collection and exchange of information had completely turned into a farce, the "clown" resolutely stopped everyone from throwing the blame.

In his view, the other party has assembled two gods, two demon god-level high-end combat power, and launched an astonishing demon-level strategic weapon. It is acceptable for everyone to be able to retreat without any precautions. As for the individual Responsibility in terms of responsibility is not an issue that needs to be dealt with immediately.

This meeting was held to discuss what actions the fools should take next if the other party gave up the tacit understanding between the gods, instead of endless quarrels and blame.

But it is true that the crowd of fools who are always invincible have suffered such a big setback here, there must be a way to revive their morale.

Since you can't blame your teammates for being good, you can only praise your opponent for being strong.

Thinking of this, "Harlequin" decided to tell his colleagues what he discovered about Jiang Yan's "details":

"Everyone, I know that you are wondering in your heart."

"Our real opponents are by no means ordinary humans, but the representatives created by the gods of Liyue, the dolls made by the gods."

Everyone's slump is probably related to that Liyue man, and no one wants to get back and take revenge.

However, there was not even a single bit of useful information on Arechino's entire shelf of information.

In summary, there is probably only one sentence, "I know everything about him, but I don't know why he became so powerful."

Everyone's evaluation of this kind of "detailed" information that is too hard to use as toilet paper is completely summarized by Dadalia's sharp evaluation:

"Liyue's storytellers know a lot more than those bastards."

Now I can finally hear some details about this bastard, even if he is as arrogant as a "doctor", he pricked up his ears.

"More than two thousand years ago, under the guidance of Barbatos, the seven rulers of the world were in power in Liyue Port. They gathered, feasted, and made a covenant to watch and help each other."

"And when conflicts arise between them, the usual mediation and adjudication responsibilities are in charge of Morax, who was the host at the time."

"I have already confirmed the authenticity of this matter from Her Majesty the Empress."

"Now that Morax has surpassed the True Monarch Moon Slicer and Sun Builder, and the Great Sage Conquering Demons and other outstanding immortals, and directly handed over this responsibility to this Liyueren, what does this mean?"

"Harlequin" glanced at his thoughtful subordinates, and said confidently:

"The other party is definitely a puppet carefully made by Morax, and a representative trained by himself!"

This explosive theory stunned several executive officers.

Although this statement can indeed explain the source of the opponent's strength, is the inference without any evidence really suitable for this kind of strategic analysis?

The "doctor" who is an absolute rationalist first put forward his opinion:

"As far as I know, we were the first to collect the opponent's combat data. The swordsman's fighting style is based on the power of the thunder element. Whether it is attribute or weapon proficiency, it is inconsistent with Morax. Is this inference a bit unreasonable? …”

However, the "truth" carefully prepared by "Harlequin" is naturally not so simple. He glanced at "Doctor" and said in a deep voice:

"That's right, because of this, it proved my inference."

"Among the mortal rulers, only Balzeb, the rice wife, has the ability to make god-level dolls."

"According to the information left by the sixth seat who has already sacrificed, Inazuma's General Raiden is the first doll made by the other party that is so lifelike that it can even have a demon-level power, and fight against the "God of Chance". Totally proves it. "

"Considering that the earthly ruler has the duty of watching over and helping each other, it is obvious that this puppet named "Jiang Yan" was made by Balzebu, and was subsequently transformed and cultivated by Morax. "

"And a few years ago, it borrowed the identity of a real Liyue person and placed it in Liyue Port."

"In the beginning, he could only use the elemental force of thunder, and his style was very similar to that of Balzebub. Later, he gradually mastered the elemental force of rock, and even Morax's moves, which is the evidence that the transformation has been gradually completed."

"If not, would we believe that a 20-year-old youth has mastered the power of two gods without any inheritance?"

The "clown" categorically stated his conclusion.

This well-founded and self-consistent derivation chain soon convinced several executives.

"Being defeated by a puppet made by God" is much more acceptable than "being defeated by a 20-year-old ordinary person".

Several executive officers recalled briefly, and soon found some "clues" from their respective experiences.

"It's no wonder that in the data, he had never been to Inazuma at the beginning but mastered Naruto's technique. It turned out that he was sent to Liyue after the secret production was completed. This is indeed a blind spot in the investigation."

Arechino decisively dumped the blame by admitting his insufficiency.

How can I, a mere mortal, know about the transactions of the gods?

Thinking of this, she felt very comfortable, and at the same time, the stack of nonsense on the bookshelf in the archives room fell to the ground with a plop.

She decided to follow this line of thinking and "sort out" all the unexplained information again.

The human brain is such a magical existence, as long as it is given a direction, it will reach its destination in countless magical ways.

Arechino has always been worried about Jiang Yan's information, and she knew a lot of information by heart. Soon, she raised her voice and said:

"I support the commander-in-chief's point of view. Based on this critical information, many violations can be explained."

"His stay in Mond was very short, but he fought for Barbatos many times."

"The stay in Sumeru was only a few months, but I got along very closely with the little auspicious grass king."

"He stayed in Nata for no more than half a month. According to Capitano, he has a close relationship with Nata's newly revived god."

"Only by being the god-made puppet and the representative of Morax, can the rulers of the world accept him so quickly."

After Arechino added decisive evidence, more executives began to believe this point of view.

Especially Dadalia, who had fought against him, firmly believed that the reason why he lost was because Morax operated the puppet with the joystick and transmitted the elemental force remotely, so he was defeated.

Only the "doctor" who also has a deep research on dolls is still full of doubts about this.

I have really dealt with the other party, so I don't look like a puppet.

Could it be that the craftsmanship of the gods surpasses itself so much?Can't.

Based on his confidence in his abilities, "Doctor" raised his final doubts:

"I have seen the way he gets along with the little auspicious grass king. That kind of intimacy cannot be achieved by Morax's message or arrangement."

"According to Arechino's records, the other gods are roughly the same. How can this be explained?"

How to explain?This cannot be explained.

Morax has always been famous for his unsmiling manner. He himself can't be so close to his colleagues. How can a mere puppet do it?

But if "Puppet Talk" can't explain it, "mortal talk" is even more nonsense.

Everyone has served Her Lady Queen for hundreds of years, and has never seen Her Lady Queen smile. Why should he?

So everyone had to brainstorm collectively to continue thinking about "why does this puppet always get so familiar with gods".

This kind of thinking of presupposing the starting point and ending point can always lead to an incredible process, and this time is no exception.

After ruling out countless unimaginable and groundless inferences, "The Harlequin" pondered for a long time, and told the history he unearthed from the dusty memory with a deep expression:

"The puppet technology of the ancient country Kanria, under the leadership of the sage, far surpassed the seven kingdoms of the world. The dolls will carry out corresponding function enhancements and transformations according to their respective places of use."

"In the royal court, there are a large number of dolls used for banquets, serving the most distinguished guests."

"Is there a possibility that this puppet has the function of pleasing the gods?"

Many executives know the background of the commander-in-chief, so they naturally believe this statement.

However, when you imagine it with colored eyes, things explode.

The desire to gossip is deeply engraved in the soul and instinct of mortals. Even a "doctor" who believes in absolute rationality cannot stop his thinking as if he had wings when faced with such an amazing secret. , Constant association and flight.

Of course, after flying, thinking that the other party has been seeking to see Her Majesty the Empress, a huge sense of anger arises spontaneously.

Everyone has accepted Her Lady Queen's power, and from Tivat's point of view, they are all descendants of Her Lady Queen.

Morax seems serious, but the methods left behind are so dirty?Sooner or later, he will expose his hypocrisy to the world!

Everyone was so angry that they immediately passed the decision unanimously:

Turn all the information about this bastard into top secret, and replace it with the internal code name "Icarus", so as not to arouse the curiosity of the noble empress.

And refused to conduct any negotiations with this puppet with ulterior motives, let alone allowing him to enter the territory of Zhiwinter.

Don't talk about any conditions, even if the other party comes to your door with two hearts of God!


There was a power outage in the community yesterday, and more than half of what was owed was made up today, and the rest will be made up tomorrow.

Don't panic, there is a stable 15 words per month, and it has been unshakable since the book was opened.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 628 Chapter 608 Is there something wrong with insider trading

No matter how strict the fools are, it is meaningless in front of Wendy who flew directly into the Winter Palace through the window.

knock on the door?Wendy has never knocked in her life!

Although fighting is not good, in terms of self-acquaintance and familiarity, Wendy is definitely the only one in the ruling world.

Even Barnabas, whose heart has long been sealed by ice, has no choice but to meet Wendy.

The relationship between the two is far closer than the world imagines, even if she has been serious for hundreds of years, she will only listen to Wendy's jokes with a blank face.

Of course, the effect of this kind of enthusiastic performance is naturally embarrassing.

Fortunately, Wendy didn't care whether her performance was cold or not. Anyway, all of her colleagues always had the expression of "please start your performance", and they were not bad for this cold face.

Anyway, even if "Ice Cube Face" didn't reply a word, but since he was not chased away by the only Beifeng who was not within his authority, it meant that the other party had accepted his mediation, and Wendy was very happy to succeed retreat.

In a sense, this model can be regarded as a tacit understanding between the earthly rulers.

Could Wendy hold the heart of God and send it to Barnabas?What else is it called acting?

No traces of any kind, no words of any kind.

The two sides of the transaction can only be "aggressive" fools and gods, which is called "forced".

So soon, although there were no twelve gold medals, with the arrival of the "girl" Grumbia, it meant that all the calculations of the angry fools in Ormos Port were in vain.

After being seen through the conspiracy, he actually made a small report?

Is he still a person?

No, he is not human at all!

Facing the shameless Liyue doll, "Harlequin" has nothing to do.

Her Majesty's order was absolute, and soon, this secret negotiation of Nasida's "heart-wrenching and humiliating country" officially began in the Palace of Good Views.

Faced with this kind of negotiation whose outcome has been determined, all executives are not interested. The more "aggressive" they are, the more they look like a clown.

Whether it is as the general manager of Xumi Strategy, or considering that the sixth seat that has not been found so far has been wiped out, the doctor has been "recommended" with one voice, and he can't wait to label him a "clown" on the spot mask.

Although the "doctor" was furious, but he was about to fight the "backup", and he didn't want to make troubles at such a juncture, so he could only grit his teeth and accept this "appointment".

So, "Doctor" Omega, who thought he would never see him again, met his "old friends" again with an expression that could be seen through the mask to kill someone.


"It really is you, everyone is really destined recently, haha"

With no danger of destruction, the "broad-minded" Jiang Yan finally had the opportunity to repay the great yin and yang technique given to him by the "doctor".

Long before the negotiation, Nasida had already guessed who the fools would come to "play".

This guy will definitely create a situation where he will take the blame. After all, he needs to use the heart of God to threaten his colleagues to stand on his side and destroy his "backup".

Perhaps Jiang Yan's expression waiting for a joke was too "sunshine", "Doctor" frowned and examined Jiang Yan:

"Don't use your shallow wisdom to guess my intentions, doll of the gods."

The doctor looked up and down carefully for a long time, and found no signs of any dolls at all, but after everyone's information sharing, it was "conclusive evidence", and the "doctor" could only accept the fact that Balzebu's technology far surpassed his own.

This kind of "scientific gaze" made Jiang Yan baffled, and he didn't understand what the other party meant, but he didn't delay in his words:

"Okay, let's be honest and honest, if you want to add some tricks to the Heart of God here, we can provide you with venues and help, of course, as long as you can provide enough "price". "

Jiang Yan didn't get any wool from him, and Jiang Yan always felt that this victory was a bit of a fly in the ointment.

It's rare that he came here with a request this time, and Yan Guo didn't pluck his hair once, I'm really sorry for this bastard's stinky expression.

However, what responded to him was the "doctor"'s usual mocking face, covering half of his face with a god-level Yan Yi who could fill people with hatred.

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