"Price? Interesting, what price do you want me to pay?"

Seeing his confident expression, Nashida suddenly caught the source of his confidence and took over the topic:

"Well, you really don't need to pay us the price. It seems that only real villains can understand the effect of a bad reputation."

Hearing Naxida's words, Jiang Yan realized that his blackmail was totally untenable.

The "Doctor" only needs to take these two hearts of God back from him, and that's enough.

No matter what you do to God's Heart, there will be traces, and even if you solve the immediate problem, it will make you completely unable to stand in the organization.

With his reputation, there is no need to do any tricks at all. Just having this possibility is enough to tilt the scales of his colleagues to choose between the two, and there will be no talk.

Things like fame really made him understand.

Jiang Yan shrugged helplessly. No matter how powerful the opponent's stop loss method is, it can't change his identity as the winner. There is no need to get entangled in the details.

So he threw out the topic directly:

"So, are you ready for the "trade item" of the two hearts of God? "


Although "give the heart of God to the fools" is an established matter that was agreed as early as the negotiation in the Palace of Wisdom.

However, everyone is well aware that this VAM agreement has two outcomes: "lose" and "deal".

Now that Xumi has won the battle, the fools need to provide enough "trade items" to make this "transaction" at least look fair, just like the heart of the rock god, so as to prove that Xumi did not participate in the fools. In plan.

This is the greatest meaning and result of this battle, and now is the time to reap the fruits.

How to match the value of the two hearts of gods is a problem that the other party needs to worry about. Anyway, Naxida is not in a hurry.

"Since you are the God of Wisdom, how about I exchange knowledge with you?" "Doctor" proposed his plan without hesitation.

Hearing this plan, both Jiang Yan and Naxida had black lines on their faces.

Why don't you go to Dachishahai to sell sand?Can you show some respect to the God of Wisdom?

However, since the other party raised it swearingly, Nasida decided to let it go:

"There have always been legends in the world that people exchanged knowledge from the God of Wisdom, but now you want to exchange knowledge from the God of Wisdom...Although it is arrogant, it really makes me curious."

Seeing that the God of Wisdom wants to listen to his wisdom, the "Doctor" became proud again, and said in a flamboyant tone like showing off:

"You who have all the knowledge, have you heard this rumor? It seems to say that... "The starry sky of Tevat is false." "

But what responded to him was Jiang Yan and Naxida's strange expressions.

After looking at each other, Jiang Yan said to "Doctor" with a sympathetic expression:

"You who hold such a secret, have you ever heard of this rumor? It seems to be said..."The Red King of the Great Red Sand Sea descended from the sky""

The matter of the false starry sky may be regarded as a secret in other places, but in Sumeru's extraordinary world, almost everyone knows it.

Of the three original gods, two came from the sky, and one was connected to the root server, which made Sumeru completely different from other countries in terms of "secret information".

Unlike being the incarnation of the World Tree, the consciousness is connected with the World Tree, which is different from the Dacishu King.

The scarlet king is polluted by taboo knowledge, and will not be traced back to the world tree, and naturally there is no need to delete the entire Tivat's cognition of him.

Dachishahai is full of his legends;

Numerous believers are familiar with his deeds, and his origin is no exception.

In addition, the Red King built a moon girl city for the fairies who escaped from the moon palace. They are also the witnesses of the legend, and they have left a strong chapter in the history of Sumeru. There are countless in the ballad.

Thinking of this, Naxida sighed helplessly. It seems that the reconciliation between the desert and the rainforest still needs a lot of effort.

Even the villain in front of him, who is not tolerated in the mainstream academic circle, looks down on the people of the desert, and he is exactly the same as the guys in the Holy Order.

As long as you chat more with the people of the desert, you won't be able to ask such stupid questions.

Facing the two faces filled with "The news about "Doctor" is so incomprehensible", "Doctor" directly overturned the coffee table in his heart.

——Are you still acting?

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 629 Chapter 609 Is there something wrong with fancy renegades

As the crown awarded to the seven "kings" by the law of heaven, any measure of "wealth" in the eyes of the world is a kind of blasphemy.

The reason why the fools were able to obtain so many hearts of gods, the real "trading object", is actually the resolute attitude of taking the lead against the high heavens.

Of course, although the positions are similar, the importance of this "attitude" is not the same for earthly rulers.

A powerful emperor does not need to put his hopes on others, so in addition to the "trade item", he needs to make up a contract to end everything.

As the incarnation of the World Tree, Nashida does not think that the existence above the sky is qualified to punish herself.

Therefore, in addition to the "trading objects", the fools must add the corresponding "truth" in order to form an equal transaction.

That's right, when the fools were staring at the God's Heart in Nasida's hands, Nasida was also staring at the truth in the hands of the fools.

The disaster that caused him to "reincarnate" 500 years ago caused a huge catastrophe in Sumeru.

The catastrophe never ended, it just stopped.

Now, countless knowledge and information are telling Nasida that this catastrophe is about to reignite, and no one can stay out of it.

But she, who has almost all the knowledge in the world, lacks one of the most important "truths":

500 years ago, in the center of the vortex of catastrophe - the ancient kingdom of Kanria, what happened and what was discovered?

There must be a strict contract binding several colleagues behind the huge action of the six earthly rulers gathering without any words.

After Naxida confirmed this point from Dao Wife's Naruto, the only possible way to know it was the fools.

Any signs of abnormality must have a reason.

The most discord among fools is their firm belief from top to bottom.

An executive with different thoughts but the same goal cannot be achieved by empty "giving power".

What did my colleague who changed his temperament drastically share?

Nasida, who has seen countless destructions from the branches of the fate of the world tree, is eager to learn more information that she does not know.

It's a pity that I learned from the "doctor" that the gods never told them what happened in Kanria, and their information came from a few words from the commanding officer, which didn't have much meaningful content.

Naxida nodded helplessly, expressing her understanding.

It seems that Barnabas has no way to bypass the contract, which is not surprising. No one can break the contract in the sky since ancient times.

However, instead, the "Doctor" very cooperatively shared the real secret passed down by word of mouth among the executives of fools, which was hidden by the World Tree, the secret about the "truth" of the entire world.

The secret is great, but it is a pity that it is not much more than Jiang Yan's discovery and deduction in Yuanxia Palace.

But he was not disappointed.

Truth is not power, truth needs power.

In the final analysis, the truth only matters when it has enough power.

Otherwise, being a sensible ghost, can you really smile at Yuan Hai?It's not right to die with peace.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan nodded to Naxida.

Although I don't know what other channels Jiang Yan learned about, but out of unreserved trust, Nasida also recognized the value of this "truth".

After all, when you have enough power, you can naturally find the hidden information by establishing a deeper link with the world tree.

Just the secret "existence" itself is enough to supplement the "trading object".

However, the "doctor" who invaded Sumeru with a disagreement, prepared to create a new god to replace him, and cut off his own net, has already entered Naxida's small book.

Before the negotiation, Nasida and Jiang Yan had already arranged the script for him.

Want to complete the mission without paying anything?dream!

According to the "script", Nasida simply handed over her God's Heart to the "Doctor".

"... Where is Narugami Inazuma's heart?" "Doctor" suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, what responded to him was the innocent expression of the God of Wisdom:

"After defeating the man-made fake that stole the heart of God, the Inazuma Narugami doll handed over the heart of God to my friend for full disposal."

"As the spoils of Naruto, I don't think I have the right to dispose of it."


Since "Scatterers" became the "Sixth Seat", the relationship with Ying naturally had to be repaired.

In the new cognition, under the mediation of Wendy, Ying decided to trade the heart of God to the fools.

So the "Sixth Seat", the executive officer who had been punished by the shadow seal for many years, was "released after serving his sentence" just right.

As expected, the "Sixth Seat" was not popular, and once released, he ungratefully stole the heart of God from the Narugami Taisha Shrine, which was kept by Yae Miko, while he was in the shadows to practice his skills in seclusion.

As the lost owner, Yae Shenzi led the general to track all the way to Sumeru, and finally completely defeated the sixth seat who had become the "God of Positive Opportunity" in Lidu Valley, and handed over the heart of God to Jiang Yan for disposal.

So, even though Nasida promised to borrow two hearts of God during the negotiations in the Palace of Wisdom, she would return them;

But since the stolen goods have been recovered by the original owner, the part of this promise about Narugami's heart is naturally "powerless".

Hearing this, the expression of "Doctor" couldn't hold back at all.

no power?You two look in the mirror, what rights do you have if you are stuck like this?

But the other party's explanation, whether it is on the surface or underwater, is completely fine.

On the bright side, the reasoning makes perfect sense. It is only natural for the opponent to take back the Heart of God if one's own side wins the Heart of God first.

Under the water, the Fools did not give this God's Heart any "trade items", and it was no problem for the other party to ask for it.

How did the "sixth seat" negotiate the conditions?

Was he really brave enough to steal it from under Naruto's nose?

No way, with this ability, can it be only the sixth seat?

The "sixth seat" was wiped out completely, leaving the "doctor" ignorant of the specific situation, so he could only helplessly accept this blackmail:

"Tell me, what do you want?"

The expression of "Doctor" is like eating a bad stomach. Even though the mask covers most of the face, the remaining part can still be seen to be wrinkled.

He was in a bad mood, but Jiang Yan was in a very good mood.

Although I don't know why the fools left such a big loophole, but it's rare to see this arrogant guy deflated, how could he not make good use of the opportunity?

"I said it last time, it's just tuition fees."

Jiang Yan played with this chess piece in his hand, and drove the power to make it flicker indefinitely, proving his ability to control and forcing the "doctor" to give up all unrealistic ideas.

"But the tuition fee for a heart of God is much larger than expected."

"The noble empress, you must be generous and give me guidance with all my heart."

Jiang Yan's tone of a great onmyoji is full of "longing" for the future, so exciting that the "doctor" can't wait to fight on the spot:

"Dream! Fools never compromise!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 630 Chapter 610 Is something wrong with a misunderstanding

Since this condition cannot be negotiated, then other aspects will naturally have to compensate.

For example, should the new version of Summoning of the Seven Saints be made for free, and Barnabas use the few hearts of God in his hand to provide power seeds?

The fire attribute Jiang Yan can mediate. Is it the lack of water attribute that should be figured out by fools?

The technology of this man-made god is so dangerous, shouldn't Xu Miliu be given a backup and necessary materials?Once threatened, Naxida, who is not good at offline PK, can drive the King of Trees to protect the country?

In order to get back the lost property, the general had to grind the skin and polish it for a little maintenance. Shouldn't Zhidong compensate a batch of materials as a backup?


"Don't be greedy! God's doll!"

"Doctor" interrupted Jiang Yan's wild asking price with a black line on his face.

Returning to Solstice with these conditions, the "rich man" Pantalone will definitely exchange one with himself.

The artificial god project has almost exhausted all the reserves of precious materials involved in Zhidong over the years.

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