Seeing years of savings being transported to Sumeru one by one, Pantalone looked at the "doctor" in the eyes, and wanted to sell his slices to pieces to stop the loss.

Now that the news of the loss of money spreads back to Zhidong, God knows what that miser will do.

Even if he was as arrogant as a "doctor", he didn't expect to get the budget and materials from him in a short time, let alone apply for a "compensation".

No matter how Jiang Yan fought, the "doctor" only let go at the technical level and agreed to provide related technologies for artificial gods.

In terms of resources, the attitude is very clear, if you want money or not, you will die!

However, in terms of the new version of the Summoning of the Seven Saints, which can test the potential of the elemental power of mortals, the negotiations progressed extremely quickly, and the "Doctor" agreed to all the conditions without hesitation.

Since the artificial god project has been unable to apply for funding, as a top scholar, applying for a new topic is naturally a routine operation.

Testing the potential of mortal elemental power is of great significance to the construction of the evil eye army. The "doctor" understood its value at the first sight of the plan.

So the focus of my next research will definitely be on this.

However, due to the failure of the artificial god project, he must be at a great disadvantage in his recent fight for the right to speak in the budget.

That being the case, it is better to let the enemy speak for you.

In terms of budgeting, even Party A and Party B, who wished to kill each other a moment ago, would instantly become brothers in the same trench.

And Jiang Yan is just one of them.

If it wasn't for the "rich man" Pantalone's ability is unquestionable, he would not rub the sand in his eyes;

Jiang Yan and the "doctor" can't wait to discuss some kind of yin-yang contract, so that everyone can "win-win".

In the end, the Heart of Narugami was made free of charge with the summoning of the Seven Saints infused with the power seeds of many gods, plus most of the technology of artificial gods to reach a deal.

Although there were many twists and turns, both parties were satisfied with the result.

The "Doctor" has achieved the goal of the Sumeru Strategy, and sternly rejected the entry of the "God's Doll", which is considered a fulfilling mission.

As for Jiang Yan, from the beginning it was a drunkard who didn't care about drinking.

Fontaine's major affairs have not yet been settled, and even if he is invited to Zhidong for the time being, he is not free.

What's more, since the "doctor" has already agreed to "go dreaming" during the negotiation, why is Jiang Yan so polite?

Since all your subordinates have been sold to you, after the end of Fontaine, wait for the meeting in your dreams, Barnabas!

Looking at the leaving figure of "Doctor", Jiang Yan thought silently.

But suddenly, he remembered a question that he had forgotten to ask all the time:

What does it mean when the other party bites a "god's doll"?

Accusing me of being too close to the gods and not sitting on the side of mortals?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Jiang Yan shook his head and gave up pursuing these baseless accusations.

Why should he pay attention to this kind of dog barking when he created the Immortal Cultivator for All, the Seed of the West Wind, and the upcoming new version of the Seven Saints?

Brother, what do you contribute?


Half of the executive officers came to Sumeru's move, and the fools actually took a huge risk.

Once the beast tide in the land of extreme night broke out at this time, it can only be filled with the lives of a large number of evil eye legions.

So, having obtained the Heart of God, they quickly gathered their troops and prepared to pull the anchor and set sail. El Hessen, who had been staring at Port of Ormos all this time, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

During this period of time, he has been using the ruined colossus with only one shape left to strategically deceive the port of Ormos, and the psychological pressure can be imagined.

At the beginning, when the three of them beat the last member of the Fools, they barely resisted until everyone was wounded. This made Alheisen have a clear understanding of the combat power of the Fools' executives.

But it's so stupid, according to the investigation results, there are still several more in Port of Ormos, where can Xu Mi go to find twenty Xenos and Dishiya?

No matter how bad the Holy Order is, it can still stand if it solves problems independently and is not a giant baby.

Naturally, Elheisen had no intention of transforming the Order Academy into a Giant Infant Organization.

Therefore, in the face of the huge gap in high-end combat power, he can only silently make preparations for destroying the entire Port of Ormos through landslides and explosions once the conflict breaks out completely.

The fools without water reinforcements, even if they have high-end combat power, without an army, it is impossible for them to occupy Sumeru.

However, less than half a day after this breath was exhaled, Sino, who was sitting in Port of Ormos, sent a shocking news through emergency channels:

The evacuation of the fools is actually a strategic deception in preparation for a surprise attack.

And the person who discovered this scam was Yae Gongji of Inazuma Narujin Taisha Shrine!


As early as when the leaflet of the Yuelian Cup Beast Taming Contest appeared in Inazuma, the clever Yae Kamiko felt the taste of conspiracy.

Such a wide range of cross-border publicity can be carried out in a short period of time, and it can be put on the rice wife who has just ended the lock-up. The organizers with such cross-border capabilities are almost clear about the forces behind them.

But what kind of conspiracy it is, Yae Miko doesn't care, what she cares about is the so-called "device for freely controlling mushroom beasts".

The manipulation and elimination of low-level creatures has always been a hot research topic in Tivat, especially in Daozu.

Whether it is the development of Qinglai Island or Haizhi Island, the endless floating spirits have become a great obstacle.

If it is really possible to achieve "zero threshold" and "large scale" as stated by the organizers of the competition, this trap is completely worth stepping on, and it will be of great significance to Daozuma.

Floating Spirit was really angry, and Yae Shenzi only revealed the possibility of solving this problem, so Xinhai almost joined the ranks to go to Sumeru together.

It was only after hearing that Sumeru was about to become a battlefield where demons and gods fought, that he was afraid of being caught by the feudal lord, so he resolutely gave up.

But even so, Yae Miko came to Sumeru contentedly after receiving enough gratitude and commitment from this "deep-sea flounder fish" lady.

As a result, when he came to Sumeru, Yae Kamito was shocked to find that the "Wisdom Orb" he had been looking forward to for a long time actually had many similarities with Inazuma's All-Directions Net, but the function of activity inhibition was added to make it easier Just capture.

The so-called "Flower Agar" has the function of increasing the activity of the captured objects.

Through constant conditioned reflex stimulation, let low-level creatures get used to accepting human instructions?

In theory it works...

Yae Kamiko thought about it carefully, and thought that this method does not have much merit in technology, and Inazuma's shikigami control and enslavement techniques can be completely replaced.

In terms of cost performance alone, the materials consumed are enough to kill several times as many captured creatures.

But the value of this scheme lies in the thinking behind it.

The biggest reason why it is difficult to completely eliminate the floating spirit is that there is no benefit.

After being beaten to death, there are only a small amount of useless materials, so who will continue to do this?

But if you use "playing methods", "competitions" and "interests" to maintain a large group of people to do this, the problem will naturally no longer be a problem.

In Yae Miko's mind, a series of strategies such as light novel packaging, event management, high reward incentives, festival creation, peripheral sales, etc. have already appeared, and they only need to return to Inazuma and hand them over to Miss "Deep Sea Tongue Flounder" to complete .

Although it is the best time to withdraw at this time.

But how could the "magnanimous" Yae Gongji keep those who dared to deceive him safe?

After a real-name report letter was delivered to the 30-member group at the port, the two event organizers became the focus of attention.

And Yae Shenzi happily became the fun person mode, waiting to reap the ultimate happiness.

This guy who lied to himself will definitely be captured by the Holy Order because of his report.

Generally speaking, such dangerous things will inevitably be sealed up by the Holy Order, and never see the light of day.

As an international friend who has contributed to the report, he proposed to purchase this batch of dangerous goods for research at this time, and it will almost certainly be approved.

So she can easily return to Dao's wife with all the skills and achievements of the little guy who deceived her, and let him reflect in prison that some existences cannot be used.

In order to ensure the joy of revenge with his own hands, Yae Miko also deliberately collected some evidence, ready to wait for the other party to deny it with the final word, and take a look at the other party's desperate face by the way.


But it's a pity that her report letter encountered the other party's magical operation, which produced a wonderful chemical reaction.

Perhaps it is because ordinary people's hobby of watching small animals fighting is rooted in instinct, and the enthusiasm for participating in the competition is far beyond anyone's imagination.

By the time the qualifiers, which were ten times larger than expected, were over, the war between the Fools and Sumeru had ended, and one of the organizers of the tournament, Winter Spy Elchingen, wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the sea.

His purpose of organizing this competition is to create a large-scale commotion and assist the man-made gods in their plan to master Sumeru.

There is already a back door in the "Wisdom Orb", which can be remotely controlled by him to attack all living beings around.

As long as this sport becomes popular in Xumi, it can plunge Xumi into great chaos at any time.

The plan was good, but from the very beginning, it fell into a mess.

First of all, his own game was inexplicably used as a punishment tool, which really offended his colleagues thoroughly.

Seeing his colleagues tied up in the auditorium, Elchingen trembled, fearing that he would be shot in the face afterwards.

What's more terrible is that before this plan was approved by the executive officers, it had already missed the opportunity.

In fact, most of the lurking missions in foreign countries are under the premise of ensuring that they conform to the strategic direction, and the lurkers are flexibly looking for opportunities, and this plan is no exception.

However, the number of participants was ten times higher than expected, making the schedule infinitely longer.

Now that the battle is over and I am still engaged in foreplay, what is the point of writing approval now?

Now there are only two paths before Elchingen:

Otherwise, he would really think that he was being taken advantage of by Fontaine, and give up the 400 million moras that had been delivered for the first time, and disappear directly from the world.

But the 400 million moras are all the funds he has spent operating in Sumeru over the years, even including some gray "accounts".

If he did this, not only the Sumeru people would chase and kill him, but the organization would probably execute him internally for "serious waste of public funds".

There is no way to go this way, the only way left is not to report to the higher authorities at all, but to forcibly kill the plan first and then launch the plan.

Although most of them will be chased and killed "on their own initiative", they are also very likely to be appreciated by a certain important person.

The executive officers lost the battle, and there must be many people who are upset, especially the tough "servant" Arechino-sama.

If I can get Sumi to be ashamed, and if I'm lucky, I might be recognized by her afterwards, at least it's better than the current ending of stable death.

Therefore, Elchingen, who didn't want to die, had to prepare to make a big news alone to save himself.

However, in the eyes of Sai Nuo, who rushed over after the war, it was a clear proof that the fools were preparing to withdraw their troops in a false manner, and were ready to kill their carbine at any time.

After discussing with Elhaysen, the frightened Sano began to mobilize troops and deploy them based on the previously shelved "Battle of Ormos Port", and reported it to Nasida.

Nasida: "???"

Naxida and Jiang Yan looked at each other in blank dismay, no matter how much they thought about it, they couldn't figure it out. Everyone had a good talk, what kind of madness is this returning the carbine?

The heart of God is given to you, what can you get if you win?Battle of dignity?

But no matter what kind of madness the opponent has, the necessary preparations must be made, so Jiang Yan and Naxida had no choice but to come to the hillside near Port of Ormos and wait in full force, ready to directly greet each other, waiting for the opponent's non-existent backhand.

In Ormos Port, when he sensed that under the stage of the competition venue, all the mountains in the port were secretly set up by the 30-member group in the name of "safety inspection".

The Xumi people's method of solving the conspiracy is too violent, isn't it, the other party is just going to put a few mushrooms to cause chaos, and they are going to send the entire port area to the sky?

Not so much!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 631 Chapter 611 Is there something wrong with Resident Evil

As Inazuma's No. [-] figure on the surface, of course no one dared to blow up Yae Shenzi to the sky.

Before Jiang Yan sent a message, Sai Nuo had already secretly invited her to the hillside where everyone gathered through the disciplinary officer disguised as a contestant.

Although Yae Kamiko is a fun person, he is not a lunatic who will feel very hungry when seeing blood and flesh flying.

After meeting, he took the initiative to share the information he had collected.

Only then did everyone know that the seemingly miraculous props are actually a big stick with sweet dates, which is essentially no different from taming cats, dogs and birds.

But even though I learned the mysteries of "Wisdom Orb" and "Huahua Agar".

However, the information at hand is completely unable to piece together the real purpose of the Fools.

There is only one thing that everyone has full consensus on:

——If it was that "doctor", the conspiracy would never end there.

The reason is simple, it would be too slow to rely on mushroom riots.

If the organizers are given another five years to make the fungus beast battle completely popular in Sumeru, then an order will be issued, and the fungus beast will betray collectively, which will indeed cause a lot of trouble.

But now, although the competition is very hot, in the final analysis, it is only concentrated in the port of Ormos.

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