Even if the fool has an army of mushroom beasts, what's the point?

There is no army, so the mushroom beasts are used to occupy Sumeru and establish the mushroom beast kingdom?What are you kidding?

No matter whoever was present, it would not be a problem to wipe out thousands of fungus beasts. In this situation of strict defense, the fungus beasts couldn't get out of Ormos Port at all.

Following this line of thought, everyone kept imagining what kind of conspiracy the sinister and cunning "Doctor" would have, but they still couldn't figure it out.

In the end, it was the God of Wisdom, who surpassed everyone in the leap of thinking. After a while, Naxida, who had been frowning tightly, suddenly turned pale with shock:

"No way, how dare they do this?"

Then he told everyone about a plan that was extremely vicious:

Inexhaustible mushroom beasts, and inexhaustible slimes and floating spirits, the situation looks very similar, but in fact they are completely different.

Slimes and floating spirits are pure elemental creatures. As long as the single elemental force in the veins is rich enough, they will be born continuously, so no matter how you kill them, it is useless, and new ones will still appear after a while.

Although the mushroom beast relies on elemental power to grow, it is still a living creature in essence, and it is inexhaustible to kill, relying on its incomparable reproductive ability.

Mature mushroom beasts will continuously emit spores, and the spores of a mushroom beast will float with the wind. If conditions permit, it is enough to make an entire area full of mushroom beasts.

There are only two reasons why Sumeru was not overwhelmed by mushroom beasts:

There is no endless elemental force in the leylines for the fungus to grow, and most of the spores will not turn into a fungus at all.

In addition, mushroom beasts do not have enough combat power, even ordinary hunters can easily defeat low-level mushroom beasts.

However, if the Fools use the "Doctor"'s biological transformation technology, and then use the moon lotus cup to specially cultivate mushroom beasts to make them stronger, and finally put the mutated spores into a more suitable environment for them, what happens?

Hearing Naxida's pale narration, everyone's faces turned green.

The original version of the mushroom beast has almost occupied the entire Sumeru, and for hundreds of years, neither the gods nor the sages have been able to do anything about it.

If fools are allowed to spread all kinds of modified spores to all parts of Sumeru through ubiquitous spies, and the ground is full of mutant mushroom beasts that can fall from the sky and smash King Qiuqiu, Sumeru will really become The mushroom kingdom.

The other party can't afford to lose too much. If they lose, they will have a biohazard?

Now it's no longer a matter of backhanding, the other party is going to flip the table!

Everyone was completely shocked by the madness of the fools, but they couldn't think of any way to stop each other.

Even if Nashida and Jiang Yan worked together, they would not be able to kill all the executive officers in Port of Ormos in an instant when the other party was obviously ready for battle.

What's more, the bastard "Doctor" is both a slice and a backup. God knows how many life skills he has. Once such a deep hatred is formed, this Resident Evil will definitely not be able to escape.

After some discussion, everyone can only helplessly admit that when the other party pushes the limit to the limit, they are invincible, unless everyone does the same.

"Although mushroom beasts live in the rainforest, they may not be able to live in ice and snow!" Sai Nuo squeezed out such a sentence coldly.

"All fools have Doctors, and we have Tinari! "

"No! Do you want to destroy the entire Tivat?"

Nasida flatly rejected this plan that would destroy the entire world with one kick of the gas pedal.

She is the Little Auspicious Grass King, not the Sumeru King.

She said that she couldn't figure it out even if she died. How could the negotiations, which were all going well, turn into mutual destruction?

In the end, it was Jiang Yan who had richer knowledge about flexible moral boundaries, and proposed a solution that everyone could accept:

The mushroom beasts that can live in the ice and snow and absorb the ubiquitous ice element force to grow must be transformed, but then they must be destroyed immediately.

You only need to send a pile of completely inactivated spore powder in an envelope to the "doctor", and he can understand it naturally.

Fools who don't want to exchange one with Xumi will definitely make the right choice.

So, after Tinari, who rushed over to provide ideas, Nasida gave birth and deactivated it with divine power, an envelope containing green powder was quickly delivered to the "doctor".

The "doctor" who is originally a Sumeru, of course, recognized the inactivated spore powder. After some analysis, even he, who is known as a crazy researcher, was horrified. He quickly called all his colleagues and explained to them the "gift" he had received. :

This time, it was the turn of all the Fools executives to turn green.

Although the Fools have always been known for their lack of scruples in doing things, they are still completely shocked by this kind of god's unique "heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog" when they are planning to turn Zhidong into a kingdom of ice mushroom beasts.

"What a little auspicious grass king! Does she deserve to be a god?"

"Let's take a look, to what extent has a once kind god been bewitched by that doll?"

"She is the lord of plants and trees. In her opinion, there is no difference between humans and mushroom beasts?"

"Didn't the negotiations go smoothly? Why did they have such a violent reaction?"

Everyone talked about it, but they couldn't do anything about the ruthless work of the little auspicious grass king.

The merchants of Zhidong spread all over the six countries. Even if a strong man cut off his wrist immediately and turned to seclusion, how could he guard against the spore powder blowing in the wind?

What's more, since the other party dared to do this, it showed that he didn't care about reciprocal revenge at all.

After all, Sumeru itself is full of mushroom beasts, and the gods have no objection to this, and it probably doesn't matter if there are more.

As long as I'm bad enough, I'm invincible?

Fortunately, the other party didn't do such a cruel job before trading the heart of God, otherwise everyone would have to be honest, give up the heart of God and leave.

But what exactly does the other party want?

Or, what is it that makes the other party so dissatisfied?

Thinking of this, everyone patted the question mark on the "doctor" who was in charge of negotiating with the little auspicious grass king.

Is this what you call "everything goes well"?

Is there a word of truth in your bastard's mouth?

Sumeru is labeled like this, isn't it because you are "everything goes well" from the beginning to the end?

Faced with a murderous gaze, the "Doctor" was filled with more question marks in his mind.

It's really smooth, you ask me, who should I ask?

But he understood that if he didn't say anything, he would really be doomed, so he hurriedly looked for "clues" that the other party was dissatisfied with during the negotiation process:

"It's materials. The other party asked me for materials to make artificial gods, but I sternly refused."

"It should be that god's doll bewitched the little auspicious grass king, and was going to use this kind of threat to forcibly blackmail this part of the material."

The quick wit of the "doctor" fit Jiang Yan's image in the minds of fools. Everyone thought about it, nodded, and started another round of denunciation of Morax's dirty tricks.

"Enough!" "The Harlequin" interrupted this senseless venting of emotions.

He had nothing to do with the king's partial trust in the sages back then, and he had long been used to the existence of such sycophants.

"Give him the remainder of this plan."

The Fools have invested a large amount of resources in the God of Opportunity Project. Of course, this part of the resources will not be handed over to the Holy Order for disposal, and have been scattered and kept in various secret strongholds of the Fools.

"However, fools will not accept endless blackmail. If the other party is still not satisfied, then prepare to go to war on the premise of destroying this country."

Even in the face of the crisis of national destruction, the "clown" did not intend to make excessive concessions, because things like the bottom line, if you take a step back, you will retreat again and again until it becomes a habit.

Take a step back here, and the other five countries will follow suit. It is better to defend this bottom line at all costs.


Although he knew that the envelope with spore powder would scare a lot of people, even Jiang Yan himself did not expect the effect to be so outstanding.

Everyone was very happy to see the letters sent by the Fools that recorded the addresses of the hidden warehouses line by line.

I thought that the hard-headed organization would never make any concessions, and I planned that the other party would be successful as long as they canceled the event.

But I didn't expect that the other party would apologize so simply, and the organizer of the event remained silent in front of the stage. It seemed that he was treated as an abandoned pawn and given to Xu Mi as a gift.

Sure enough, selling teammates is Zhidong's corporate culture, so you must try it, and everyone is not surprised by this at all.

Since the other party is full of sincerity, Naxida will naturally not be too persuasive.

Soon, the group of 30 people who came for reinforcements began to evacuate one after another, and the scholars in charge of the giant relic statues that looked like shit also began to return to Sumeru City.

And this kind of performance was also interpreted by the "clown" as a signal of "satisfaction" to the fools, and he was also relieved.

Who would want to fight a life-and-death decisive battle here for no reason?

In order to avoid further incidents, the warships of the Fools simply pulled anchor and set sail, returning to Zhiwinter.

And Elchingen, who was trying to turn things around, but watched the warship go away in despair, had no chance to jump into the sea and commit suicide. The discipline officer had already surrounded him and accepted this "gift".

"Catch it with nothing, your plot to destroy Sumeru has been exposed!"

"Destroy Sumeru? What are you talking about?"

"Don't deny it! Wait to be purged, bastard!"


After being tortured and tortured, Elchingen, who did not want to be sentenced to death, honestly explained everything, he just wanted to show some "subjective initiative".

Everyone, dumbfounded, finally let go of their hearts hanging in the air.

Naxida didn't know how to explain, so she had to pack the clown and send it back to Zhidong as a gift and evidence to clear up the misunderstanding.

However, for Elchingen, perhaps it would be better to die in Sumeru.

As for how the executive officers who almost engaged in a decisive battle because of him, how to angrily deal with this smart bastard, no one knows.

Anyway, no one has seen him since...

The man behind the scenes was sent away, and the next unlucky person naturally became the culprit—Cautrilia and his gang who engaged in this kind of illegal research without security measures.

The accusation of "slowly talking about mysteries and nothing to fear" fits these bastards [-]% of the time.

Sumeru used to have a large-scale disaster period of "fungus beasts flooding", so there have always been strict control standards for mushroom beast research.

Going to the desert to conduct illegal research, cooperating with overseas groups, and absorbing research funds from unknown sources are almost taboos of the Holy Order.

So this group of bastards who almost destroyed Xumi were all sent to prison by the angry disciplinary officer. By the way, they were punished to compensate the contestants with the final payment of 3600 million moras, which is believed to be enough for them to live in debt repayment for the rest of their lives.

The truthful distribution of rewards also made all the participants completely ignore the fact that the event organizers had changed all over again.

Whether it's the scholar of the Holy Order who can only brag, or the wealthy businessman of Fontaine who doesn't have a strong sense of presence, for the players and the audience, they are not even as important as a piece of "Flower Agar".

When the award was presented, Yae Miko came to the stage to give a speech, and when he changed the theme of the next competition to "Coral Pearl Cup Floating Spirit Beast Taming Competition" with a sky-high price of [-] million moras, the audience burst into applause.

Compared with the garbage event party with a small stage, a long process, and poor organization, isn't the high-ranking rice wife and rich woman in front of you attractive?

The Beast Taming Contest is getting better!

After seeing the image of the beautiful Haizhi Island, the lovely floating spirit, and the rich woman's promise to reimburse the round-trip travel expenses, everyone has no final doubts, and they all gear up to meet Haiqi Island to fight again.

And all the remaining "Yizhi Baozhu" and "Huahua Agar" were naturally handed over to the new organizer of the event, Narushin Taisha, on the grounds of the benefits of hosting the event.

In this way, the ambitions of Kautria and Elchingen's life were all cheap for Yae Miko.

For this, Jiang Yan has only one comment:

"Offending the fox, being eaten with skin and bones, doesn't it deserve it?"

"It's okay to be idle, why are you messing with her?"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 632 Chapter 612 Is there something wrong with the explosive news

With the departure of the fools, the whole world suddenly became quiet, and everyone could finally sleep peacefully.

But Nasida does not have this abundance, she still has too much work to do.

Before the heart of God was handed over to the fools, Nashida extracted as much power and elemental power as possible from it, and poured it all into the twigs of the World Tree that she had broken off.

Although this remnant soul only possesses a trace of emotion and its own source of power, it makes Naxida extremely concerned.

The reason is very simple, the power of plants and trees in this source of power is even stronger than myself! How is this possible?

As the incarnation of the world tree, Naxida thought that even if she had reincarnated, in terms of the power of plants and trees, except for the oldest master of all plants and trees dormant in the yellow sand, there could be no second existence surpassing her.

But where did this remnant soul come from, and why did it appear in the remnant soul of the "Sixth Seat"?And why was it damaged to such an extent?Nasida was full of curiosity about this.

However, after she spared no effort to connect to the World Tree again, she couldn't find any answers.

Is it that World Tree deliberately hid it, or is it an omission that World Tree did not record?

No matter what the answer is, Naxida also decided to revive it as quickly as possible.

The catastrophe is approaching, and the self who has just reincarnated does not have the confidence to retreat completely, and it is not known whether he will even have a chance to reincarnate again.

Once it suddenly falls, it will take at least a thousand years until the next incarnation of the World Tree is naturally born.

For 500 years when she lost her power and could only wander in the void, Nasida has always vividly remembered the fear, hesitation and helplessness of ordinary people, and felt deeply guilty.

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