In Nasida's view, this remnant soul must be a revelation and a gift from fate.

That being the case, why resist this future?


Although Nasida had anticipated that this "gift" was full of threads of fate, she never expected that fate would be so arrogant that she wouldn't act it out.

The huge and pure power extracted from the heart of God, just after being injected into the newborn white branch full of the same power, it made it grow vigorously visible to the naked eye.

A trace of emotion lodged in it has gradually perfected the original wisdom.

What's even more miraculous is that this white branch, which has just acquired intelligence, began to actively follow the instinct of the soul to create the most suitable body for itself.

This situation shocked Nashida and Ying as a technical support.

This is too outrageous!

The original plan of the two gods was to refer to the real plan of Ying's first resurrection. After making a ready-made body, they would transfer the spiritual wisdom lodged in the newborn white branch through the soul-transferring circle.

At that time, it was really through this method, through Meng Yixin and the branches of the sacred cherry tree as the carrier, that the memory and emotion were transferred and gathered into the body given up by the shadow.

But even if he had almost collected all his emotions and memories, he didn't say that he would directly give birth to a shell.

There is only one explanation for this twig in front of me that grows as fast as it has been sprinkled with "fertile fertile soil":

The fit between this remnant soul and the World Tree is ridiculously high. The World Tree directly creates this body according to its own appearance, and it can be fully adapted.

With this almost [-]% fit, Nasida can almost conclude that the other party is the consciousness born from the World Tree.

The world tree has existed since the birth of Tivat, and it has spanned countless epochs. Of course, Nasida does not think that he is the first incarnation and agent.

However, those memories and emotions have long been hidden by the World Tree with the change of eras. This is the agreement between the sky and the earth.

Is this remnant a relic from the previous era?

Or before his reincarnation revived, the world tree was conceived, and the "aborted" backup was not activated?

But the answer is not important anymore.

Compared with the truth that is almost completely pieced together, this remnant soul of unknown origin only has the source of power and some positive emotions. Even if it is created, it will only be a new life. What's the point of going deeper?

So, only one month later, a "little Naxida" who had the same appearance as Naxida, but was slightly smaller, opened her eyes in the Jingshan Palace, and said in her immature voice:


"No, it's my sister."

Nasida looked at this little guy who was almost exactly the same as when she was just born, and she felt full of intimacy.

Thinking about the helplessness and loneliness of being forcibly imprisoned by the sages of the Order Academy just after reincarnation, when her spiritual intelligence was not yet complete, Naxida vowed silently that she would never let this little guy be tortured. Treat yourself the same way.

So Nashida hugged this little guy whom she felt extremely kind, and guided her to use her innate power to connect to the World Tree, acquiring the basic common sense and knowledge of this world like a sponge.

"Tell me your name." Nasida whispered in her ear.

A powerful existence, whose name is engraved in the soul at the beginning of birth, and can be found soon through the connection between the world tree and oneself.

But it's a pity that although the little guy used her innate strength to follow Nashida's guidance, she swam freely and smoothly in the ocean of knowledge of the World Tree, and acquired countless knowledge she was interested in in a blink of an eye.

However, no matter what, I couldn't find any content in the "address" where my soul was.

"Sorry, I can't find it." The little guy shook his head sadly, and rested his head on Nasida's shoulder.

Nacida lent her her power and channeled it again, but still got nothing.

After all, Nashida herself is just a bud.

Even if the Heart of God is still there, it is difficult to find the knowledge that World Tree deliberately hides, let alone now.

So she quickly comforted the little guy:

"It doesn't matter. In this world, most people will choose a nice name for themselves by their relatives."

"My name is Nashida, and your name is Weisnuo."

Nasida gently touched the little guy's face, and gave her a nice name.

"Wei Si Nuo?"

"Nice name, Weisnuo, I have a name, thank you, Sister Naxida."

Nasida saw Weisnuo's cute appearance, hugged her again, and continued to guide her to obtain knowledge from the World Tree and the Void Terminal.

Naxida, who has always been brooding about her experience just after reincarnation, has been obsessed with bringing her baby to the Internet since that day. Pity.

And Vesnor's starting point is far higher than that of Nasida.

She was born with great power, although she was blank but also full of intelligence, and Naxida guided her meticulously, and she had initially adapted to this world in a blink of an eye.

Faced with this situation, Nasida certainly would not imprison her in the Jingshan Palace like she was back then.

When Vesnor had just had a basic understanding of the world, Nasida asked Jiang Yan to be a guest bodyguard, leading Vesnor to truly understand the world.

Weisnuo, who has inherited the incomparable intimacy with all plants and trees, is full of interest in going out. As soon as she stepped out of the Jingshan Palace, she was addicted to having happy exchanges with plants and plants.

Sometimes it helps the grass to grow taller, and sometimes it helps the trees to prune their branches. Even the sacred tree was disturbed and dropped the most sun-shading huge leaves for her.

This talent of communicating and guiding plants and trees made Nashida feel ashamed.

When I was just born, I was no different from a girl of a few years old, and it took me a long time to successfully communicate with the holy tree.

Is he the weakest one among the previous World Tree incarnations?

Naxida, who discovered the talent of Vesino and felt that Xumi had a bright future, took her to every forest in Xumi together with Jiang Yan, helping her understand the world as soon as possible.

Vesnor was a very good child, and soon became an equally intelligent "little Nacida", and her knowledge of the world was increasing day by day.

However, the real Nashida feels more and more strange to the world;

Because of an explosive gossip, in Sumeru City, in Huacheng Guo, in Heng Na Lanna, in Kawan Station, in Aru Village, in Ormos Port, and even in the dreams of Sumeru people, it is like a storm. general spread.

"Have you heard? Little Auspicious Grass King, I haven't seen you for a while, but he gave birth to a daughter! Recently, the family of three is playing everywhere in Sumeru!"

"Bastard!!! Can he handle the little auspicious Grass King who looks like this now?"

"What about the 30-member group? Why aren't they arrested? Isn't this a hanging?"

"Can't beat it? You have to fight if you can't beat it!"

"Wait a minute, how can the demon god have the ability to reproduce? Besides, that little highness is too big, isn't the little auspicious grass king waking up not long ago?"

"But the little auspicious Grass King is the master of plants and trees in charge of the power of life. It must be different from the demon gods of other elements. Isn't it normal for a prunus peach to mature in one year and one plant to bear four fruits?"

"In other words, we will soon have countless little auspicious grass kings? Why do I think this is a good thing?"

"Uh... Your idea may not be too profane, but I agree with it privately."

That is to say, the review of papers and projects has not resumed now, otherwise the Shenglun School and the Sulun School have probably fallen into madness, frantically writing related papers on "Reproduction of Demon Gods".

Of course, even now, Nasida doesn't want to know how many people have started writing.

She only knew that if she didn't refute the rumors, her reputation would be completely resounded throughout Tewat, and she would become the number one god of demon god reproduction.

So Nasida and Jiang Yan hurriedly named Weisuo a nice name based on her talent—Little Mercy Tree King.

And ordered the Holy Order to hold a grand birthday of the tree god to commemorate the birth of the young bud of the world tree, the younger sister of the little auspicious grass king, and the little Cishu king.

The event was very impressive, and the people began to gradually believe in this fact. After all, Tivat has never heard of the reproduction of demon gods since ancient times.

Compared with mother and daughter, old branches sprout new shoots are obviously easier to be accepted by people.

However, at this time, Nasida encountered the vicious revenge of the fools—the spies of the Hearth House were actually not doing their job properly, and crazily spreading all kinds of love stories of gods that the people of Sumeru loved.


After hearing the urgent summons that "Master Little Auspicious Grass King gave birth to a daughter", the executive officers were all stunned.

After being shocked, he was convinced by the commander's insight that "that doll has the function of pleasing the gods", and he brainstormed tens of thousands of words of the plot.

After brainstorming, the executives finally understood how gods who have no carnal desires can be pleased under the explanation of the "doctor" who suddenly realized.

As early as after the battle of Guyun Pavilion, the extremely shocked fools conducted a detailed analysis of the remains of Guyun Pavilion, and obtained some samples of meteorites at any cost.

The "doctor" exhausted all means, only to discover that the extremely lethal component added to the meteorite was a by-product produced in small quantities during the process of purifying precious gold.

From this, it can be concluded that this shocking move was not violently compressed with elemental force like others, but purified.

Even though the strongest executive officers already have demon-god-level combat power, they still find it inconceivable how this power is used.

How is it possible for humans to do this?

After linking up the information of "god doll" and "demon god giving birth", the "doctor" thought he had finally cracked the core secret of this doll.

It turned out that everyone was thinking about it, the transformation of Morax was not yellow, it was actually a centrifugal separator of the power of the demon god!

Being able to centrifuge part of the power from the demon god to create a newborn demon god is indeed the mighty power of a god!

So he solved his doubts for a long time, and proudly announced his discovery to everyone.

It's a pity that although the executive officers are better at fighting each other, when it comes to their knowledge level, they are a bit uneven.

The "Doctor" gave a passionate explanation with dances and dances, and no more than three people understood it in the end.

In the end, being forced to do nothing, the "doctor" brought everyone to his laboratory.

When everyone intuitively saw the cylindrical test tube in the hands of the "doctor", under the high-speed centrifugation, the elemental force was quickly enriched and precipitated at the bottom, and then they realized how outrageous the transformation of the other party's doll was.

And, I have filled my mind with tens of thousands of words of novelty-hunting plots.

However, the novelty is the novelty, the fact that the Little Auspicious Grass King has an extra powerful larva with the same power is real.

Numerous spies have seen with their own eyes that Weisnuo can easily communicate with and drive the grass, otherwise they would not hesitate to expose and summon them urgently.

To be honest, if it weren't for this kind of behavior that would greatly affect Her Majesty's noble reputation, the executive officers would all want to borrow it.

Who doesn't want to add a small, cute queen, so that everyone can have an extra protection, or protect her?

No, I can't think about it anymore, the more I think about it, the more shaken I become.

It was not easy for everyone to get rid of the thinking of "borrowing your magic tool for use", and began to discuss how to destroy Liyue's "technology and ruthless work" left by the gods, and carry out a joint plan between countries.

But he couldn't beat him again. The opponent had successfully created a young demon god to expose his ugly face. Instead, they advertised him live. Maybe even the unknown demon gods were interested. What should we do?

In the end, the "servant" Arechino, who is still proficient in intelligence operations, proposed a solution:

——Using the trend of public opinion, deeply bind the doll and the little auspicious grass king in public opinion.

In this way, no matter which god, it is impossible to ignore the opinions of the World Tree incarnation and share.

It would be even better if he could fight for it and chop this bastard into pieces.

This method of killing people and killing people's hearts was strongly approved by the suffocated fools and executives, and it was announced in a blink of an eye.

Therefore, the "servant" resolutely mobilized all the spies who escaped in Sumeru City due to falling asleep during the war.

Make it up for me according to a love story!Make it up to me!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 633 Chapter 613 Is there something wrong with the literary war

When it comes to intelligence operations, "Servant" Arechino has absolute confidence in himself.

Even in the face of the gods who controlled the entire void network, and even the entire Sumeru, Arechino didn't think he would lose.

Because in the field of intelligence, there has never been a pure enemy and friend.

As long as you choose the right angle, your enemy at one moment will become your friend at the next moment.

Therefore, Arechino did the opposite, and did not fabricate bad things about Jiang Yan and Nacida, but created their "beautiful story".

The life of wandering in the cold winter and death, the long winter days, the excitement brought by strong wine, these environments make Zhidong Country rich in all kinds of short-lived artistic geniuses.

Among the countries, only Mond, whose four seasons are like spring and the people have no worries about food and clothing, can rely on a huge base to compete with it.

"Servant" Arechino gave an order, and a group of geniuses filled with "fire water" began to create various stories with ups and downs for the spies according to the information given by the fools, and sent them to Sumeru.

Generally speaking, purely literary works cannot be played in Xumi.

Because the void terminal under the leadership of Azar does not allow any literary and artistic works to be uploaded.

And offline, people in the desert are good at singing and dancing, even the robbers in the wild, everyone can play the oud proficiently, shake their waists, and entertain themselves with a song and dance combination, Zubair Theater Even the venue was full, isn't this more delicious than reading novels?

However, it’s better to come early than to come early. Although Naxida canceled all the upload and download permissions of Void, and forbade everyone to write directly into memory, everyone’s Internet addiction cannot be eliminated in an instant.

Countless scholars and ordinary people habitually open the Void Terminal every day to search for unlimited knowledge aimlessly, but because they are used to writing directly, they can't absorb any of it, and it is tortured to the extreme.

In this way, I don't know who is so clever and innovative, but all of a sudden, "reading online articles" has become the most popular trend in the whole Xumi.

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