The reason is very simple. You don't need to use your brain to write online articles, let alone write them, and you can view them anytime and anywhere to kill your Internet addiction. It perfectly meets Xumiren's requirements.

Soon, all literary works on the market have been uploaded to the void network.

However, Xu Mi, who has been suppressing art, how can there be too many novels to read?

Taking up the energy of gnawing papers, Sumiren, who gnawed at online articles, can read ten lines at a glance.

In a few days, everyone has recorded the bard stories in cafes and bars, and the script of Zubair Theater, but it is still a drop in the bucket.

At this time, the "literary works" originating from the solstice just arrived, and in a sense, it was a timely gift.

Although "Shenetsvna" and "Shenetsvich" are not afraid of life and death in order to complete the task, they are very worried about what sensitive words this thing will trigger, and they can't upload it at all.

So after making secret contact, they carefully obtained some "black void terminals" that are now extremely rare, and uploaded them through some technical means.

Their worries were completely superfluous. This little trick Jiang Yan just played did not hide Naxida who had replaced the lost God's Heart and became the core of the Void Network.

However, Nacita did not delete them, just as Arechino expected.

Instead, I read it several times carefully, and corrected some description errors with administrator privileges, and then read it again and again until late at night, only to roll around and fall asleep with occasional "hehe" laughter.

He has even become the first reader of these "literary works" ever since.

The safest security measures do nothing, and others naturally don't meddle in their own business.

After all, during the Yueling Cup Mushroom Beast Competition, Yaedo also took advantage of the opportunity to sell "Reincarnation as General Thunder and Invincible", a literary work that seems to be "rebellious" from the name.

There is such a precedent, and the gods probably don't care about it.

As a result, these "literary works" began to sweep the entire void network by hoisting up and hammering various scripts with the attitude of dimensionality reduction and attack.

It even started to reverse the output, and after the Zubair Theater changed its name, it began to arrange "The Love Story between the Queen of Winter and the Youth of Liyue".

As for why the cast of the Empress of Winter looks a bit small, that's not important, everyone understands it.

After all, Mr. Zubayr’s head is not broken, and the Zubayr Theater finally escaped from Azar’s hand, so there is no need to take the lead in testing the scale of the new Faculty.

As for blaspheming the gods of friendly countries, he didn't have the guts either.

However, he not only has the guts of the Zhidong people who have just finished a battle and is scolded by the whole people, but he is also very brave.


Jiang Yan, who suddenly discovered that he has become the leading actor in many literary classics and dramas, is not as happy as Naxida at all.

By seeking help from the disciplinary officer, Jiang Yan quickly identified the source of the rumors.

As a victim of wind criticism, Jiang Yan was more dumbfounded than angry.

It's not that I haven't done other people's "literary creations", but I always kill people after winning, and do this after losing. The style is too low.

And strictly speaking, the other party didn't blackmail him at all.

This kind of thing that uses characters as the starting point to describe the style of the entire era, the plot is ups and downs, and the writing is excellent, is it a bit too talented to spread gossip?

But not to mention, the other party's "reasonable collision" really made Jiang Yan at a loss.

It's just gossip. You spread black material on a large scale in response, but you seem stingy.

What's more, when have fools ever cared about fame?The label of being rampant, domineering, and committing all kinds of evil has long been withheld.

Write Xing Qiutong series "Liyue Masterpiece" for several executives?Not to mention.

"Liyue's masterpiece", the most important thing is to attack from the dark, otherwise, what's the point of everyone's unrecognizable cards to blacken each other and become notorious together?

Maybe a few years later, "ten years is not too late", but it is definitely not now.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yan decided to ask his own fox to help. After all, he is not alone. You have literary and art workers in your hands. Don't I have a publishing house in my hands?

Let's see if the classics are good or the popular literature is good!

So, Jiang Yan provided the outline, Yae Miko was in charge of reviewing the manuscript, and with the joint efforts of a large number of light novel authors and illustrators regardless of cost, a light novel titled "The Queen's Executive Officer" was released at the speed of light.

The plot is very simple. Every hundreds of years, the seal of the Land of Polar Night will be lifted, and the monsters from the abyss will rush out, destroying everything in the winter.

And the queen's golden saints, ah no, the executive officers, will use their lives to defend the peace of the solstice winter. This is the jihad of the solstice winter.

But now, the sixth seat died in a conspiracy, but the jihad is about to start again...

The person who knows you best is your enemy. With the support of information from the intelligence department, coupled with Jiang Yan's magic modification, coupled with the brain hole of the light novel author, ten cool executives have been selected by the author team The blowout praise:

For example, the general of the ancient country who declared angrily "↑Gold↓↑Sage↓, I will kill you a thousand times!"

For example, the Xumi researcher who was retired from marriage shouted "30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor".

For example, a female singer with a mysterious background, a love of art, and singing "Do you remember love" before the war.

For example, after being injected with the serum of the gods, any part of the body is the captain of Solstice Winter.

For example, due to the need to guard the seal, the time was frozen by the Queen, but the ordinary old man could regain his youth at any time.

For example, the Fontaine doll firmly believes that "there is no perfect puppet, no perfect human being, but there is a beautiful death."

For example, she is extremely gentle and loving, known as the "incarnation of the goddess of spring", but in order to protect the healthy growth of the children, the female head of the orphanage voluntarily joined the war.

For example, a female dancer who wears the most gorgeous costumes to fight and dances the last dance with her life.

For example, using technology to fight, like the banker in Versailles "The biggest mistake in my life was to found the Northland Bank. I just wanted to start a small business."

For example, the mantra is "the same move, you can't use it twice on the executive officer." The grassroots boy.

This kind of similar character design, coupled with the illustration of "if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental", the effect is simply explosive.

Of course, Jiang Yan didn't come to advertise for them. He wrote this novel just to make them feel embarrassed.

Under Jiang Yan's retaliation at any cost, this light novel has almost become half a manga.

In the plot, each executive will shout the incomparable second-level lines, swing the incomparably cool big moves, and fight to the death with all kinds of abyssal monsters, until the heroic sacrifice, the classic lines will never stop.

And in order to strengthen the memory, every classic line and scene has close-up illustrations of various cool poses, almost forcing the painter into a modeler.

"Hey, hey, little guy, will this thing of yours turn into an enemy!"

Because the packaging is too strong, even a fun person like Yae Shenzi feels a little too hard, and it will become an important advertisement for fools to recruit soldiers.

"Ah, no, this is too strong, they can't resist." Jiang Yan is full of confidence.


Soon, the first edition of "The Queen's Executive Officer" came out in Inazuma. Of course, it was only released on outlying islands.

Thanks to the reputation of fools in various countries, no businessman from any other country is interested in this novel about fools.

However, in the hands of the Solstice Merchant and fools, the book sold like crazy!

No one felt that the content in the book was a slander to the executive officers. The executive officers should be so strong, so handsome, and so cool!

Moreover, many appearances and stories are completely consistent with what everyone knows, making it hard to believe it or not.

Tivat does not have any copyrights for transnational supervision, and there are not many idiots in transnational businessmen. In the blink of an eye, there are countless pirated editions of publishing houses in Zhidong.

In Tivat, a lot of exaggeration and beautification of stories is simply a routine operation.

Neither the merchant nor Zhidong's review department felt that anything was wrong.

Compared with the bard who split the ground with a knife in his mouth, the description in this light novel is not excessive at all.

Considering the pure positive energy in the plot, Zhidong's review department did not set up any obstacles.

How do they, who are still in the age of bards, understand the lethality of "secondary school"?

As for the "protagonists", although the eyeliners of the fools are all over the six countries, it is difficult for such "playing things and losing one's mind" to enter the vision of these big figures, just like the so-called "darkness under the lamp".

Until the children of Hearth House began to write down the "Executive Officer's Quotations" in the comics in a notebook, and followed suit one after another.

Areccino, the "Incarnation of the Goddess of Spring" who accidentally saw this scene, saw himself blinking his cute big eyes, letting countless birds sing on his shoulders, and flowers blooming at his feet, he immediately froze this book. Became ice cubes, pinched into flakes of powder.

Except in front of her children, she, who is always unsmiling and unscrupulous, really can't stand this persona.

In one confiscation, a small orphanage confiscated dozens of copies of "The Queen's Executive Officer" from different publishing houses.

It was only then that Arechino realized that his image in the hearts of the children of Solstice Winter had already changed.

When she was angry and smashed the confiscated books onto the conference table, the number of people who broke the defense quickly became nine.

"Puccinera, why are these stupid prints allowed to go around?"

Although I feel "Gold ↓ Sage ↑ ↓, I will kill you a thousand times!" This sentence is very touching, but the "clown" who is more than 500 years old and has all white hair and beard can't stand his own " A brand new image", cast his anger on the mayor.

"I don't know...nobody reported it to me."

The "rooster" Pucciniella, who has no ability to regain his youth and has become a strong man, also has black lines on his face.

Although the stories of bards are always full of exaggeration, this kind of thing with rich pictures and texts is completely another dimension. Some people will really believe it. Which idiot just approved it?

"Oh? It seems that the mayor really has the ability to lift the seal and restore youth, so he feels that this book is authentic. I wonder if you can let us experience it?"

Iron Man of Winter, "Rich Man" Pantalone said eccentrically.

Who would fly around inside a stupid iron man, and I'm not Sandonne the Puppet.

And what the hell is the cover of a magazine that has been sleeping all over the place for a year?Moraxel has never insulted me so much!

"So, why are we having this pointless spat with that bastard?"

In the character design, Dadalia, who can only shout "My Lady Queen, give me strength" every time after being beaten until his nose is bruised, is extremely dissatisfied with his new image.

What is he, an unkillable cockroach?

"The revenge plan was passed by you collectively!" Arechino was furious at this kind of collective dumping.

Isn't that what wars of public opinion are about?You are only allowed to hack others, and others are not allowed to hack you?

Is it not because of Pucciniera's ineffective control?

But even she didn't expect that the other party's way of revenge was so...unique.

What kind of mental state can a person come up with so many disgusting lines and weird gestures?

Considering the vivid imitations of the children, at least in the past few months, Arechino has not wanted to return to his spiritual sanctuary—the Hearth House.

Even Arechino, who is a master of intelligence operations, can't think of how to fight back against this kind of mental pollution.

The warning is far away in Inazuma's Yaedo?Is it reasonable for you to print other people's pirated books?

Create a bunch of messy settings for the other party?Splash dirty water directly without going through the process?

As a dirty god doll, he doesn't want to criticize at all, if he blackmails each other, he is not the one who is unlucky?

Arechino, who is an expert in information operations, couldn't think of it, and the other executives were even more so.

When the opponent is completely shameless, he is invincible.

Many people even began to reflect on why they reduced their style to the level of a doll because of a moment of anger.

At the end of the discussion, everyone has even started to use the settings in the novel to ridicule each other, which shows that the "toxicity" of this information is too great.

In the end, "The Harlequin" had no choice but to decide: buy the copyright of this book and seal it up forever.

In this way, the attitude called "good people don't fight with dolls" is released to Dao's wife, which is actually an attitude of "admitting counsel".

At the same time, inside Zhidong, kill all pirate printers and confiscate all illegal publications, so as to completely eliminate the pollution of these "toxic information".

The first half of the goal, after Yae Shenzi ruthlessly collected a copyright fee, announced that it had been successfully completed.

The second half, however, was completely unattainable.

No matter how powerful the investigators were, they also confiscated not only the light novels under the children's pillows, but also in the secret base.

Apart from making this novel a legendary existence and a hard currency for mutual borrowing, there is almost nothing to be gained.

In the end, in the face of this extremely stubborn "taboo knowledge", the executives who were physically and mentally exhausted from their "new image" had no choice but to give up, allowing themselves to become the new generation of idols of Solstice Children.

"Toke! I really don't know any white whale super twist! Don't open that damn book in front of me!"

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 634 Chapter 614 Is something wrong with the cultural victory

When it comes to cultural attacks, defense is always infinitely more difficult than offense.

Zhidong's side was flying like dogs and dogs, but Xumi's side actually didn't stop.

It's just that the problem doesn't stem from Solstice, but from within.

After Zhidong's novel was successfully uploaded, Naxida, who became the inner ghost, did not resist at all, and even guarded the Void Network, waiting for no further updates.

Only Jiang Yan himself is trying to dilute the information through his rich information confrontation experience.

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