How to hide a black spot on paper?Just throw a big blob of black dots on it!

Outrageous stories about gods are actually not uncommon in Tivat.

Yaedo's light novels with the theme of General Raiden have always been a mainstream theme. There is no way, the editor-in-chief loves to read them.

The only taboo is that the leading actor must never be a former servant, otherwise the stingy fox will never pass the review.

And Liyue, who was walking with the gods, was even more exaggerated.

There are stories from all walks of life about Yan Wang Ye visiting privately in micro-services and having fun with the people.

There are stories like putting on a cloak and singing on stage, punishing a profiteer in person, becoming a mature big sister, playing games, etc.

In addition, the devout Mond is also inexplicably popular with many absurd stories about gods.

In the story, "Barbatos" will always experience some bizarre adventures, doing strange behavior recklessly.

For example, steal the ice god's scepter and put a Qiuqiu stick in place as a substitute.

After the books purchased by Jiang Yan arrived, he uploaded all these stories to the Void Network.

These absurd stories, but they were confirmed after asking the natives, opened the eyes of Xumi people, and all of them picked a "6" in the void network.

The little auspicious grass king who has a love story with ordinary people has become the most normal god in the eyes of Xumi people in a blink of an eye.

And the previously popular story was picked out by everyone in a blink of an eye with a lot of flaws.

The rhythm is too slow, and it is difficult to read. Most importantly, where is the sense of substitution?

In the story of our Sumeru, why is there a Liyue male protagonist?

The better the story is written, the more everyone feels that there is more grass element power on the head, which is "blessed" by the gods himself.

Everyone is a person without the eyes of God, and they cannot bear this, nor can they have it.

What, real?

The reality is so heart-wrenching, I came to Void Network to see the truth?

So soon, only the "renamed version" with Xu Mi's name changed, and the "localized version" with the playwright personally modifying the background and fine-tuning came out one after another, and the number of views instantly killed the original version.

After all, no one likes to see a foreigner show off his prowess in his own country and embrace a beauty, no matter how good the relationship is.

But unfortunately, these "optimized versions" were quickly taken off the shelves by Naxida, who was awkward, with the high-sounding reason of "no double check".

Although I don't understand why one can't have 1 key and 3 links, and the void network without citation factors needs to be checked for duplicates.

However, the brand-new Faculty of Faculty can't keep up with its predecessor, and the chief clerk, El Hessen, can only take the big pot on his back with a helpless face on the grounds of "guaranteeing the accuracy of the information".

However, this kind of order that goes against the aesthetics of the Sumeru people is useless at all.

The Xumi people may not be able to do anything else, but they are not as good at tying the seven gods together as far as avoiding the weight check.

Soon, with the joint efforts of playwrights and scholars, a "coincidence version" with no similarities except for punctuation was uploaded to the void network in a grandiose manner.

The whole story has been completely summed up.

Jiang Yan, a Liyue youth, became Akbar, a deserter who was reincarnated from the Red King. Although he had completely forgotten the memory of the past, he still stood up from the desert according to the guidance of fate and soul, and bravely saved thousands of years ago. god friend.

Along the way, Xumi's stunts and Xumi's singing and dancing continued.

Akbar regained the reincarnation of the jackal and goshawk gods who served him thousands of years ago through fighting songs and fighting dances respectively.

And through wonderful fate, they got acquainted with the reincarnation of their former lover Flora, and the two regained spiritual resonance through singing duets.

And the background of the enemy is not ordinary, it is the oldest master of all vegetation, a disaster caused by a claw of the Dragon of Grass.

This group of disasters was discovered by Zhidong's fanatics, and with the help of his taboo spells and the crazy Azar, he sought to occupy the body of the main body and subvert Gao Tian's established order.

In the end, in the unity of the people of Xumi, the great hero Akbar defeated the crazy dragon's body and the powerful foreign enemy, and finally the story ended in the collective celebration banquet in Xumi City.

In a short novel, twelve singles and descriptions, six dance fights, and three large-scale collective singing and dancing are inserted, and music scores are attached for readers to hum to provide a sense of substitution.

It doesn't matter if the sense of substitution is not strong enough, the live version of the song and dance of the same name is being performed at the Zubair Theater!


The pure curry taste of this story made Nashida almost helpless.

Duplicate check?I read this story a whole time before I realized that it was my own story.

Rebuke in the name of fiction?There are a lot of fictional stories about every god, so you can't jump to the foreground for this matter...

Nashida had to give up the treatment and let the curry version of the story spread.

Obviously, Xumi people prefer Xumi stories.

So in a blink of an eye, the original version became an old almanac that no one cares about, submerged in the ocean of stories.

Faced with this weird trend, even Zhidong's artists and spies were completely helpless.

How can I continue editing?The male lead is gone, so what else is tied up?

When everyone only recognizes the great hero Akbar, no one will read your Liyue youth no matter how well you edit it.

What's more, everyone can fight for writing, plot, quality, and quantity. Zhidong's artists are not afraid of anyone.

But to fight curry flavor, in front of this group of happy Xumi people, Zhidong artist can only bow down.

In this way, Sumi's singing and dancing defeated Zhidong's artist, Mond's poet, Liyue's storyteller, and Inaozuma's light novel.

With one against four, a great victory was achieved, successfully defending the cognition and memory of the Sumeru people!


It's a pity that such a great cultural victory did not please their own gods at all:

"This is too unfair to you, you are the hero who saved me and Sumeru!"

Naxida complained to Jiang Yan angrily, wishing to get back the heart of God and go to the World Tree to directly modify the cognition.

However, Nasida also knew that even if she got the heart of God back, nothing would change.

Even if World Tree can modify cognition, it can't modify Xumiren's preferences.

Can't fight dance, but also have the nerve to save the world?

"It doesn't matter, things like legends have almost nothing to do with the truth."

"At the end of the day, I'm not here to save Xumi, I'm here to save Xiaocao. As long as we both remember, isn't that enough?"

Jiang Yan touched Naxida's head to comfort the little guy.

Jiang Yan really dare not refute this rumor, whoever loves to be the "big hero Akbar"!

Rather than recovering his subordinates by shaking his shoulders and dancing, he would rather learn some kind of white whale super twist!

Brother Xumi, you have won!

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 635 Chapter 615 Is there something wrong with deleting the number and retraining?

In the chaos, the only one with a stable mind was Ying who was on the remote number.

Recently, she has been obsessed with the production of dolls, until the disturbance outside has almost faded, and it is considered to be completely completed.

Jiang Yan's letter with spore powder allowed Xu Mi to obtain an unexpected large amount of materials for making the "God's Body", which also made the plan to reshape the "Sixth Seat" body a long time in advance.

A powerful doll requires not only god-level technology, but also precious materials that can be encountered but not sought after.

For Ying, this is also a good opportunity to practice his mobile phone. By trial-making the body in front of him, he can have more experience when strengthening the general.

Therefore, she worked extremely hard to make it, and the production process was completely unexpected and smooth, which suddenly raised the expected parameters of the puppet to a higher level.

Of course, no matter how easy it is, it's just a god-made puppet, and naturally it can't be compared with the little compassionate tree king Weisnuo cultivated by the twigs of the world tree.

Whether it is personality or strength, there is a decisive gap.

However, this one-piece doll has an advantage-it can be richly "factory pre-installed".

Knowledge, memory, emotion, obsession, power seeds, and all kinds of things can be pre-installed, so that the doll can fully adapt to the world just after waking up, and even achieve a "rebirth" level effect.

Not long after being "born" again, the general can cut down the artificial god, which is enough to prove how powerful this "factory pre-installation" is.

But this time was different. Although Naxida forgot a lot, she remembered that she had promised the "Sixth Seat" a clean reincarnation.

So this time, the brand-new body will only be pre-installed with a lot of knowledge and common sense to enable it to live in this world smoothly, the agreement of "reincarnation", and the obsession belonging to the "sixth seat".

There is almost no "original" content, so this kind of reincarnation can be said to be a brand new life in the eyes of most people.

However, Nasida believes that no matter how the body and memory are changed, the unique soul will always reshape its own carrier into its own unique appearance.

I and Vesino are sufficient proof.

So this seed in front of me will definitely not let "her" herself down.


Under the watchful eyes of Naxida, Jiang Yan and Ying, the "Sixth Seat" opened his eyes in the training tank.

In order to avoid the bug of "Why are they similar in appearance", Nasida does not have the detailed appearance of the "Sixth Seat" either in her own memory or in the image given to Ying, only the outline of her figure.

However, the strong inertia of fate still makes Ying use herself as a template to create a doll of her own appearance in the form of a girl, which is no different from before reincarnation.

"You're awake, how are you feeling?"

Nasida was inexplicably concerned about this supposed former enemy, and lightly touched her forehead.

"I feel very light and quiet now..."

The puppet, who was born with a lot of knowledge and common sense, quickly understood his current situation.

"That's what it's like to reconnect with the world, and it's the same when I first recovered, like a dandelion floating in the sky." Nasida nodded in agreement.

At the beginning of her reincarnation, she also felt this way.

It took a long time for Nashida to realize that she is a god who protects Sumeru, and to truly establish a connection with this world.

"However, living beings live in this world, and they always have to find a place that belongs to them. Why not give yourself a nice name first?" Nasida suggested.

"No, I want to use my own eyes to really see the world first, and then decide what my name should be." The puppet said politely.

Polite and distant, as if deliberately keeping a distance, and the eyes of the puppet are always looking at the maker who silently looks at him from the corner of his eye.

A sense of intimacy from a creature to its master arises spontaneously, but there is an obsession that keeps urging her to escape from all of this as soon as possible.

"You have a "past" deposited with me, do you want to take it back?"

Nasida left some impressions of the character and obsession of the "Sixth Seat", and remembered "If the other party needs it, give these impressions to the other party."

Now is the time to fulfill the promise.

The puppet sat up slowly and waved its hands.

"A faint voice echoed in my mind, and she kept telling me: Go forward, don't look back."

"I don't know if the voice is "I," or if it's right or wrong. "

Having said that, the puppet's face showed a rare sincerity and desire:

"But at least for now, I want to know more about the world before making my own judgment."

Naxida, Ying and Jiang Yan looked at each other. Although they didn't know what happened to the "Sixth Seat" at the beginning, but since they had such an enlightened obsession with reincarnation, it would be impossible to bring any troubles to the world again. .

After nodding, Naxida said:

"It seems that we will definitely become good friends." Nasida said very happily.

Possess countless knowledge, but hope to understand the world first-hand before making a judgment that belongs to "self" rather than "knowledge".

Nashida has always had this wish.

It is rare to meet a "confidant", and Naxida can't wait to chat with her more.

But precisely because she understood all of this, Nasida would not prevent the other party from writing down a "world in her own eyes" in her heart as soon as possible.

Being entangled in common affairs, she can only envy the other party's freedom and ease, saying:

"When I'm not busy, I will go with my friends to see the world."

"Hopefully by that time we'll be good traveling companions."

The puppet smiled slightly, but did not answer. Instead, it got up from the training tank, like a famous lady, slowly put on the coat Naxida had prepared for her, bowed its head to thank its creators and witnesses, and brought Put on a big hat.

"Thank you for everything you have done for me, whether the "last me" paid or not, but I will still remember it all. "

"After all, this is my first connection with the world."

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