"If there is nothing else, please forgive me and leave first."

After finishing speaking, he turned around freely and walked towards the outside of Jingshan Palace.

It is rare to meet a person who has a common language, but she is about to leave when she was born, Naxida can't help but feel a little bit reluctant.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Naxida took two steps outside and asked:

"Before you give yourself a nice name, what should I call you?"

The puppet had just pushed open the gate of Jingshan Palace, and when it heard this sentence, it also stopped and fell into deep thought.

At this moment, the hanging ornaments on the bamboo hat swayed slightly, and the morning breeze brushed over the doll's cheeks, bringing her the world's first greeting to her.

This situation made her heart move, and she said softly:

"The sky will be clear, the old dreams of the past and the past are like dust shadows, floating in the wind of Hagi, just call me a wanderer for now."

After all, the bell rang lightly, and the people went away.

Is there something wrong with the Trojan horse in Sumeru: Chapter 636 Chapter 616 Is there something wrong with offline power leveling

Facing such a handsome former enemy, Jiang Yan and Naxida were puzzled.

After human reincarnation, has there been such a big change?

Although the memory of getting along has been deleted, in the impression Naxida and Jiang Yan kept, it was a happy person who switched from triumphant to frustrated repeatedly, either watching others have fun, or becoming a happy person.

Seeing the calm expression now, a strong sense of disobedience arises spontaneously.

It seems that after this person goes out, he will soon forge some kind of grievance with others in a fit of anger, this is the correct way to open up.

Well, no, at least not yet.

Under Jiang Yan's secret observation entrusted by Nasida, this "wanderer" really did not make a mistake in his name. He wandered around aimlessly all day long.

Sitting for a long time on the top of the mountain;

Chasing a rain cloud, just to capture the scene of sunshine after the rain;

Walk barefoot in the stream.

Sleeping in the lush woods, being found by the ranger, stay away.

He found another quiet place, and soon immersed himself in it, and fell asleep peacefully after a while.

Although I still feel that this style of painting does not match her at all.

Even if you trip over a rock, you have to give a victory speech after kicking your face like a kitten, that's right.

But at least it was confirmed that this guy would not have too much interaction with the mundane smoke and dust, at least in a short period of time, so everyone was relieved.

As for the future, let's talk about it, after all, everyone's karma is nothing more than that for the time being.

The body of the god-made puppet is enough for her to resist any maliciousness and conspiracy, but it will not be absorbed into the high-end combat power of a hard-mouthed organization again.

Of course, if she forcibly returned to these disturbances, it would have nothing to do with everyone.


The last trouble has been resolved, and it's time to say goodbye.

As a reward, Naxida readily handed over all the remaining materials of the "artificial god" to Ying, and Ying readily accepted it.

When making the body of the "Sixth Seat", she had a lot of new ideas, and she couldn't wait to return to Inazuma, and began to strengthen the general twice to make her closer to her original combat power.

More importantly, if you continue to "remotely log in", the general will be so ashamed that he will blow himself up...

Although it is said that "remote registration" is the main function designed by the general.

But since the heart-to-heart exchange in the consciousness space of Shenyingshu, as a proof that he has moved forward, General Shadow no longer simply thinks that he is "the self in the hang-up state", but his "past" and "sister" ".

That being the case, there are still a lot of things that need to be respected a little bit... such as being intimate with other people's bodies.

But this kind of respect is a bit tormented for the two of them.

It was really uncomfortable for the two of them to suddenly return to the polite and distanced way of getting along.

I often accidentally return to the original mode habitually, and then it takes a long time to react, and I can only apologize to the general.

The general was very pleased with the creator's "reasonableness". She kept her duty and did not comment on the master's behavior.

However, with the number of "reasonable" times, after more than a hundred times in just a few days...

Even an honest kid like the general can't stand watching this kind of endless somatosensory movies.

The general has never regarded himself as a half body and younger sister, even if he really dotes on her abnormally, Ying has a cold face and a warm heart, but she still sticks to the identity of a puppet, and her only duty is to obey orders.

However, this logic was put to the most serious test in Sumeru.

I am the god's substitute doll who protects Inazuma, not some remote somatosensory doll!The general who forced to feel all this in his body was very wronged.

The creator used his own body, in addition to making the dolls of the "Sixth Seat", to be obsessed with the experience of Sumeru style. Does this have anything to do with his mission of "protecting the rice wife"?

Are you really so anxious that you can't wait for so many days?

Fortunately, both Ying and Jiang Yan have the most basic human nature, and they didn't really ignore the body in front of them and another user.

Otherwise, the general has really started to think about whether he, who can't refuse the order, should just blow it up.

Fortunately, just before the general died, the puppet of the "Sixth Seat" was finally announced to be completed. After saying goodbye to Naxida and meeting Jiang Yan to meet his wife, Ying finally "offline" and returned his body to the puppet. General.

However, the next moment, the general broke open the gate of the Jingshan Palace, and under the astonished eyes of Jiang Yan and Naxida, a ray of thunder crossed the sky and went straight to the Port of Omos.

The general, who was ashamed to the limit, couldn't face his master with any expression, and didn't want to stay in this ghostly place for another second.

Incarnate as Thunder, she flew directly onto the deck of the clipper that welcomed her and Jiang Yan to leave without stopping, and issued a majestic order:

"set sail!"

Facing such a horrifying scene of the Great Imperial Palace descending from the sky, the crew looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally the captain had to ask fearfully:

"I don't know my lord servant..."

"set sail!!!"

In this way, Jiang Yan's return trip was forced to be postponed.


To be honest, Jiang Yan is also homesick.

Few Liyue people like to stay in a foreign country all the time.

Even in the small courtyard where Liyue Port can't sleep a few times a year, Jiang Yan still spends a lot of money hiring people to maintain and maintain it, and the same is true of thousands of ships and thousands of merchants overseas all year round.

An environment that is extremely familiar to oneself, allowing people to open and close their eyes with peace of mind, is the most important part of life for Liyue people.

This life-and-death series from Mond to Sumi really exhausted him physically and mentally.

At this moment, Jiang Yan just wants to go back to Dao's wife to live a decadent life where she opened her mouth for food and stretched out her hands for clothes.

The keen Nasida did not try to keep her, but took advantage of the extra time in the past few days to make a proposal:

"Let us revisit this beautiful story, not the story of the great hero Akbar, but the story of the sun and the grass."

Jiang Yan, who was not in a hurry to fly all the way back to Daoqiu, had to wait for the boat to return anyway, so naturally he would not disappoint Naxida, so he agreed.

So Nashida reluctantly bid farewell to Weisnuo, who had been inseparable all this time, and the two started this journey of memories from the Jingshan Palace under their feet:

"Remember, you jumped out of this big hole, and that was the first time we met in reality."

"This big hole, I asked the holy tree not to repair it, and it agreed."

"Azar's birthday, hehe, what a strange knowledge. I saw everyone so excited for the first time, just like seeing a camel beast in an oasis."

"Remember, the first time I bought an unsigned void terminal here, I was taken aback. It turns out that there is so much knowledge that void will not know."

"The wisdom of mortals is really amazing. I never thought that the relic colossus is so powerful!"

"I didn't expect that I've been reincarnated for so long, and everyone in Lannaluo is still so close to me. I should have found them to play with earlier."

"There are no enemies this time, so let's play with peace of mind!"

"I finally saw the sand. It is said that the original me was born from the Eternal Oasis, but I don't have any memory anymore. I only have the memory of coming with you."

"I can continue to maintain the void network, thanks to Aru's computing power. Therefore, the real hub of the void network should be here."

"A lot of elemental towers built by Kavi! I'm happy to see that the sand no longer fights with the rainforest!"


Nashida, who temporarily put down all responsibilities and work, was as happy as a bird out of the cage, chirping non-stop.

And Jiang Yan patiently responded to these emotions one by one, and perfected the memories that were gradually fading away, until the last stop of the journey—the port of Ormos, where the express ship returning to Daozuo had already docked.

There is no heavy parting feeling, after all, in Naxida today, the dream can easily overcome the distance.

And, even if it's a story only two people know, Nasida wants a happy ending.

So she just smiled and waved a mischievous farewell with a sentence Jiang Yan said:

"Sun, don't forget when the mountain sets, Naxida is waiting for you to fall asleep~!"


No.20 volume [-] is over, sprinkle flowers!

Please look forward to the No.20 three volumes - did you make a mistake in printing cards in Tivat.

Is there something wrong in Tivat Inka: Chapter 638 Chapter 617 Is there something wrong with boring life

Ying was very happy staying in Daozu, and even a little reluctant to miss her brother.

Compared with Mond's empty title honorary knight, Liyue, who is not even a new star of the Adventurer's Association, Dao Wife really made Ying feel the joy of "there is someone above me", and she was so grateful to Jiang Yan.

You don’t have to worry about basic necessities of life every day, you don’t need to do tasks, you don’t need to sleep in the wind, you only need to practice martial arts and thunder elemental power under the guidance of Naruto, and you can play sandbags as a sidekick, and you will naturally enjoy the treatment of the honored guest of the castle tower.

And as a person who roams the stars and welcomes the world with its doors open, Ying's fighting talent is beyond doubt.

Soon, she was able to skillfully use the Great Thunder Sword, and suppressed Ying with the same output for dozens of rounds. Ying was very satisfied with this gift from Jiang Yan, and she devoted herself even more to teaching it.

If it weren't for the idiot elder brother who always misses, Ying would wish to practice in Daozui to reach the full level in one go, and then go to other countries.

But it's a pity that the idiot brother is obviously doing some extremely dangerous things, and he needs to quickly adapt to the power of this world, and find the answers to everything 500 years ago and everything.

Therefore, when Ying learned what was happening in Xumi, she said goodbye to Ying without hesitation and embarked on a journey to Xumi again.

One day, Dangying suddenly discovered that the world's impression of King Dacishu had completely disappeared, and the little auspicious grass king became the original god of Sumeru, and she was completely stunned.

When helping to purify the dead zone, whether it was from the mouths of Sumeru or Lannaluo, I had heard countless praises of the Great Mercy Tree King, how could I remember it wrong?

Repeatedly confirmed, and even verified during the duel with Naruto, but for any answer, there was no "King of the Great Mercy Tree" anymore, which made Ying ecstatic as well as astonished.

——I have finally approached the core secret of this world called "Tevat".

In particular, the appearance of a new god named "Little Cishu King" made Ying very sure:

The cognition of this world can be modified.

Reminiscent of both the Narugami in front of me and the Fengshen in Mond, who said that they hoped to "remember" them and connect the facts in front of them, Ying couldn't help but have a lot of terrible conjectures:

Is this world really real?

The idiot brother joins the organization that destroys the world. Is what is destroyed real or unreal?

Ying is eager for answers to these questions.

In this way, she, who was looking for the answer, and Jiang Yan, who had given up the answer, crossed the sea and headed towards the future chosen by each other.


Jiang Yan got his wish and lived the decadent life he wanted, but after only one month, he couldn't take it anymore.

No matter how hard he tried several times, he still couldn't learn the longevity mentality.

For a month, for Shadow and Truth, it still falls into the category of "reunion after a long absence".

But in Jiang Yan's world, the world has already looked differently:

He said everything he could think of.

Tell all the stories you can.

I have read all the new series of Yaedo;

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