The boring high-level entrusted task of exercising the muscles has also been cleaned up.

Hanamizaka’s snacks, I have eaten all the snacks in the last vacation, and I have recollected all of them this time;

The wild cats that often come to the castle tower have been frightened by me, and they ran away when they saw them;

Even Taromaru is already familiar with each other, and he starts to wag his tail unenthusiastically when meeting each other.

So what is left in life other than the habitual effort to become stronger?

Jiang Yan's depressed state of mind naturally cannot be concealed from the truth and the shadow, but it did not surprise them at all.

The young little ones of the longevity species will always switch repeatedly between the state of being full of passion and being bored.

Only after living another two or three hundred years will you understand that a happy life is actually just a state, not an action, and no action is required.

Of course, they just don't dislike the hotness of Jiang Yan, which is hard to have for the long-lived species, and they can even say that they like it very much.

Who hates extra surprises when you're happy?

Therefore, Zhen Yuying has no intention of dispelling Jiang Yan's passion at all, and is even willing to help him maintain it until he loses it.

So the castle tower issued an order, and the number of festivals to be held this year doubled, whether it was amusement items or the scale of the festival, it even doubled.

Aside from Ayato Kamisato, who was blinded by the order, the festival accompanied by beauties is indeed an effective means to relieve boredom.

Jiang Yan's mental state after successive "Coral Pearl Cup Floating Spirit Beast Taming Contest", "Qiujinsen Night Courage Test", "Hanamizaka Ghost Puppet Contest", and "Mullow Tea Room Cup Seven Saints Summoning Contest". Obviously much better.

However, in the last competition, Jiang Yan discovered a huge loophole that he had overlooked before:

"Why is your call of the Seven Saints completely different from Sumeru's?"

Jiang Yan was bewildered when he saw the summoning of the Seven Sages, all of whom were Daozu's ancient characters.

"Master Attendant, the summons of the Seven Sages of various countries are all printed by their own country."

Although she has long since resigned, Inazuma's admiration for Lord Odaisho, ah no, Lord Attendant, remains undiminished.

Even for such a very ignorant question, he still answered respectfully.


After careful questioning, Jiang Yan found out that apart from the basic gameplay of Summoning the Seven Saints, the card packs used by different countries are completely different, and even in the established rules, except for private friendly matches between players from different countries, it is not allowed to use cards from other countries. printed cards.

And the reason for this is very simple and true:

"Why do you make our country's character cards so weak?"

Relying on Liyue's status as a business hub and the impartial reviews of Liyue's people, Liyue's version of "The Call of the Seven Saints" was once all the rage in various countries.

But unfortunately, with the continuous release of expansion packs, everyone is becoming more and more dissatisfied with the strength of their respective countries and character cards of other countries. Finally, they split up and printed separately.

And Zhidong also tried the same thing relying on his own strong business network and the "rich man" Pantalone's strong comparison with the rock king.

Unfortunately, the result was even more miserable. Just after the card pack was launched, players from all over the world thought that the strength of the basic card of the winter was too high, and voted directly with their feet.

No matter how powerful Solstice's force is, it's impossible to force everyone to choose the Solstice card pack with a thunder hammer... So Pantalone's plan can only be declared aborted amidst the ridicule of his colleagues.

After figuring out the reason, Jiang Yan slapped his forehead in frustration.

Miscalculated!No wonder the Solstice conditions were promised so quickly.

Since every city has its own way of playing poker, and every province has its own way of playing mahjong, why is it so strange that every country has its own way of calling the Seven Saints?

The other party just prints the card, so what does it matter if the card can be promoted?

If a card cannot be sold, people just save energy.

But after being annoyed, Jiang Yan's boredom that had been deeply rooted in his bones during this period was instantly swept away, and his fighting spirit was instantly full!

You bastards can't do it, can't I do it too?

No one knows mustache and imka better than me!

Is there something wrong with card printing in Tivat: Chapter 639 Chapter 618 Is there something wrong with the failure of card printing

Jiang Yan is not a hardcore card player, the kind of bewildered person who will never stop turning Liyue Port into a dueling city.

However, through the summoning of the Seven Saints on the dynamic card panel, screening out people with various elemental qualifications for directional training, and improving the national combat power of mortals is the most important part of fighting disasters, and it must be done anyway.

However, with the ten-fold and hundred-fold increase in the number of qualified people with the Eye of God, Sky Island will be overjoyed, or it will be thrown into the sky directly on the charge of "coveting the power of the sky", even a few earthly rulers are not sure.

That's why the Return to the Wind Wine Festival's decision to "replace the pot with technology" was made.

Since the script can only be "the cards printed by fools are popular in the Seven Kingdoms", there must be no official coercion in the whole matter.

In this case, Jiang Yan, as the proposer of the plan, is naturally duty-bound to make this new version of the Seven Holy Summons voluntarily accepted by players from all over the world, and to discover the mystery and "correct method of use" as soon as possible.

Therefore, Jiang Yan, who didn't want to leave a bad impression of "cowhide blowing" in front of the emperor, bid farewell to the decadent life of salted fish, and transformed into a master of printing cards.

Jiang Yan thinks that under Wendy's long-term training, his current computing power has already surpassed any so-called genius of human beings. Isn't it easy to catch a card game?

So he took the Daowife version of the Seven Saints summoning card, and started to make the expansion pack with confidence.


5 minutes later

"Xiaocao, rescue the world!"

Jiang Yan, with a face full of black lines, decisively connected to Nasida's dream and asked her for help.

The reason is very simple. He is not a historian. Where can he learn more about the historical figures of the Seven Kingdoms?

Liyue doesn't have the subject of "International History".

The character card in the Summon of the Seven Saints needs to make three skills: normal attack, elemental combat skill, and elemental burst.

Although ordinary attacks can rely on the mustache, but the elemental combat skills and elemental bursts that are the character's signature, if they don't match the real person, ghosts will play.

For example, if any Liyue card player encounters a Monarch card that uses a bouncing bomb, they will probably take out their special card - Fist, and turn into an attacking state.

Fortunately, the materials in the Sumeru Void network can be called the most complete in Tewat after the Mond Library fire.

As for the idea of ​​Seven Saints summoning, Naxida had a share in it, so she was naturally very happy to help Jiang Yan.

Well, Naxida took Jiang Yan's face into account by "fighting", but Jiang Yan actually did it for her.

Relying on the huge historical documents in the Void Network, Nasida listed the famous historical figures of various countries and their signature moves one by one;

And Jiang Yan only needs to be responsible for applying a set of templates according to the attributes of Dao Wife's character card:

"Cause XX points of X element damage";

"Cause XX points of X element damage to everyone";

"Cause XX point X element damage, summon XX";

In short, it is not so much a balance value as a penguin-style skin change.

Inazuma has a big tengu, and every country must have a big tengu with a completely different name.

His idea is very simple. The card pools of all countries are the same, so wouldn't it be naturally balanced?

Anyway, to talk about breaking the sky, everyone's moves are nothing more than single-body, range and summoning, and it is not particularly inconsistent to copy them mechanically.

As for the characters whose signature moves are too individual, I'm sorry, see you in the expansion pack, you can live in the newly created folder!


In this way, it took Jiang Yan three days to successfully change the skins of all the prop cards and effect cards, and successfully changed the skins with Naxida to produce the Seven Kingdoms version of "Seven Saints Call" 1.0.

High position and weight naturally have the benefits of high position. With one order, the top [-] masters of the "Mullow Tea Room Cup Seven Saints Summoning Competition" were all seconded to the Mu Leu Tea Room and became testers for the new card pack.

Everyone is also full of enthusiasm for the new cards developed by Master Shizhong, who has always been known for his resourcefulness.

But it's a pity that Jiang Yan, who was playing tricks, was brutally slapped in the face on the first day:

"The combination of Daitengu, Rai Yasha, and Hermanubis is invincible, hahahaha!"

"This is basically three big tengus! Such a strong card, why are there three? Stop! This is not a duel at all!"

Looking at the scene where the quick-playing decks were triumphant and the later-stage decks were dropping cards, Jiang Yan discovered a key problem:

A lot of cards, one is already too much, let alone seven.

But if cross-border grouping of cards is prohibited, and the players are not fools, what's the point of changing the game without changing the medicine?What is the attraction?

So the Seven Kingdoms version of "Summon of the Seven Saints" 1.0 took only half a day, and Jiang Yan, who couldn't hold back his face, announced that it would be reworked.

After Jiang Yan invited everyone to a card game, he returned to the castle tower, gave up the idea of ​​stealing, rape and playing tricks, and began to really plan a huge system that brings together the characteristics of the characters of the Seven Kingdoms.

A week passed like this...Jiang Yan was numb all over.

The Summoning of the Seven Saints is not a complicated card game. How can the simple gameplay of character card collision create too many skill systems?

The reason why the promotion of the previous Liyue version and Zhidong version failed one after another is that there is no new work to do.

Jiang Yan, who is a third-rate duelist himself, is no exception. After designing more than fifty character cards, he only feels that the skills of each new character are full of strong sense of sight, which is more and more different from the previous skin-changing version. more like.

What's more terrible is that as the skill design becomes more and more "creative", the balance has also begun to be outrageous.

Even if I didn't play it myself, I knew that some cards might be turned into banned cards by players if they were printed, but if they were weakened a little, they would become useless cards and could not be dealt with at all.

After thinking about it for a while, Nasida couldn't do anything about this situation.

In terms of "people's hearts", this is her weakness, which has always been isolated from the world.

No matter how strong the computing power is, it can only calculate the winning rate of the formed deck. Regarding the structure from scratch, she can only frown and think with Jiang Yan.

With the help of Nasida, Jiang Yan finally bit the bullet and finished the Seven Kingdoms version of "Seven Saints Call" 2.0, but neither he nor Nasida had any confidence in it.

In the test of calling the Daozupai friends back to the Mule teahouse, it really was a scene of demons dancing wildly.

Once used, there are ten friendship cards that will lose friends.

There were also more than fifteen cards that were never used.

Although everyone did not express their views directly because of their admiration for Master Shi Zhong, their faces were filled with "What kind of crap are you doing?"

Seeing this situation, Jiang Yan resolutely gave up on being smart, and instead borrowed "collective wisdom":

"Have you ever thought about making the cards you designed popular in the Seven Kingdoms?"

Is there something wrong with card printing in Tivat: Chapter 640Chapter 619 Is there something wrong with collective card printing

Jiang Yan's idea was very simple, since he couldn't print cards well, everyone should print them together.

Remove a bunch of highest scores, remove a bunch of lowest scores, and the rest will not be too bad.

And Dao's wife's card players were also very excited when they heard that Master Sizhong planned to unify the Seven Kingdoms' Seven Saints Summoning gameplay.

This kind of opportunity is probably only once in their life.

Once successful, they are destined to be famous in history and become immortal legends in the development history of the Seven Saints Summoning.

Any card player has no resistance to words such as "limited", "rare", "epic", and "legendary";

Not to mention, although Jiang Yan is a low-level card printer, he knows very well what card players want most.

The bait he throws is very simple and crude:

As long as the cards printed by everyone are successfully added to the deck, the designer of the card will get a gold-edged card limited by the "creator", and the entire Tivat will only have this one.

Hearing this news, the eyes of Dao Wife brandies were all red, and they all swore to the servant, as long as they can still breathe, don't be polite, and put the task on themselves as much as possible.

So for the next period of time, under the guidance of She Fengxing, the card players lived in a secluded villa arranged by She Fengxing, and devoted themselves to printing cards and testing.

The agency pursued well-intentioned arrangements, but did not reap any results.

No matter how good the environment is, they can't calm down their mood.

Under the lure of the "creator" limited gold-edged card, the entire villa exploded violently like the fireworks workshop of Naganohara's family, and continuous fierce quarrels broke out every day.

"What do you mean☆unknown☆unknown card?"

"If you throw this card in, the environment will be completely out of balance, do you understand?"

"Print a card with 1 and 32, do you feel a sense of accomplishment?"

"Event cards are for making the game more interesting, not for destroying the fun of the game!"

"Do you think it's fun to start the game with a Wind Eagle sword and keep regenerating blood? Hurry up and tear up that stupid equipment card of yours!"

No one thinks that the cards designed by others look pleasing to the eye;

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