No one felt that the cards they designed were lacking;

Voting is meaningless, and almost every card is greeted with raging opposition.

In front of this group of poker players who have devoted themselves to the poker career, Jiang Yan does not think that his final judgment will always be correct.

There was no other way, so Jiang Yan had no choice but to turn to Naxida for help, using Aru's computing power to simulate each deck thousands of times to provide the most accurate winning rate of the game.

Once there is an outrageous winning rate, or there is a rock-paper-scissors level of restraint, a mandatory modification request will be made.

The players who didn't know the truth, admired the accurate judgment of Master Sizhong.

However, even if the numbers are in front of them, the players still cannot accept them.

Their point of view is simple: the winning rate is the winning rate, and people's hearts are people's hearts.

The same 50.00% win rate, a deck that requires skills, and a deck that has no brains to install a wind eagle sword on the character, can the body feel the same?

Is the deck that needs to do everything possible to get the dice for the elemental burst the same as the deck that equips a sacrificial sword with an infinite loop of elemental combat skills?

A balanced deck should encourage patience, wisdom, and luck. Otherwise, why would you still play Summon of the Seven Saints? How about throwing dice to compete?

Jiang Yan was completely unable to refute this point of view.

After all, even if it is yourself, after a chain operation to exchange five for one, you will get angry if you find that the other party has no brains to take a picture of "send you a ride" and send away the summoning thing you have worked so hard to make.

However, if the winning percentage cannot be used as a reference, what else can be used as a reference?Do you have a mustache ability?

Jiang Yan was completely lost.

Fortunately, even if the winning rate is not considered, no one is so stubborn as to think that a deck with a winning rate of more than 55 is balanced.

After half a month of survival of the fittest, Daozuma’s card players finally selected a hundred cards from hundreds of new cards to put into any deck, and the winning rate is not too outrageous. Handed it to Jiang Yan full of anticipation:

"Master servant, all our hard work is here!"

There is no problem with this statement. Every card here has gone through at least dozens of match tests every day, as well as countless attempts to form cards.

Even Jiang Yan, who considers himself as strong as steel, admires this kind of spirit and fighting spirit.

If this group of guys used this energy to practice martial arts, they would have already become the banner of the shogunate army.

However, Jiang Yan, who took the card, was not at all happy about his success.

Without reading minds, he can clearly perceive that behind everyone's expectations, there is no confidence, only anxiety, because he is the same.

Gently caressing the crystallization of this set that everyone has exhausted countless efforts during this time, Jiang Yan only asked two questions.

"Do you think this new set of cards is really more balanced than the original Daozuma version?"

There was only silence in response to him.

Dao Wife's version of Summoning of the Seven Saints, after many years of revisions in countless versions, is naturally not comparable to the product of this half-month.

"Let me put it another way. Do you think this card group can attract people to give up the original card pack and play this card pack in other countries?"

There was still only silence in response to him.

Playing Summon of the Seven Saints, the most important thing is not any rare cards, nor any decks, but a card friend who can always play with you.

Rare cards can be bought, decks can be changed, and skills can be practiced, but without card friends, the cards themselves are no different from waste paper.

So as long as a small number of people are unwilling to take the time to adapt, it will affect their opponents, which will affect more opponents' opponents.

In this case, no matter how good and balanced the card pack is, it will be difficult to popularize it.

No one is willing to lie to Lord Waiter, because this is simply the greatest insult to his status as a player of the Seven Saints Summoner.

This answer did not surprise Jiang Yan.

While everyone was racking their brains, he kept thinking. After half a month of observation and induction, he finally came to a conclusion:

If you only start with balance, it is impossible to defeat the own card packs of various countries that have gone through many years and countless games.

No matter how high the wisdom you have, it will take time to gain the real reward.

After figuring this out, Jiang Yan decided to give up trying to make a fool of himself and give full play to his strengths - shaking people and working hard!

Balance this kind of thing, in the final analysis, is just the most important condition for retaining players.

To attract people to play this game, what is needed is not balance, but "cool" and "fun".

In this regard, as a master of rectification, who was he afraid of?

So when it comes to game balance, just shake people.

Isn't it good to focus on your own life?

Why bother with a human flesh card counter who scratches his head every day?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan immediately rekindled his fighting spirit, clapped his hands vigorously, and issued a mobilization call:

"Don't be discouraged, everyone, you are doing a great job."

"However, the real summoning of the Seven Saints, of course, must gather the strength of the players from the Seven Kingdoms to truly complete it!"

"Next, let's go to the Duel City, ah no, Liyue Port, let's meet some poker players from the other six countries!"

Is there something wrong with Yinka in Tevat: Chapter 641 Chapter 620 Is there something wrong with fighting wits and courage?

The most powerful card maker in Quantiwat is actually an acquaintance of Jiang Yan.

It is none other than Liyue's Tianquan Xingguang.

When Jiang Yan led a group of card players to suffer for half a month, and finally came up with a version of the card that he was not satisfied with;

Liyue Millennium, which Ningguang designed in her spare time, has already been updated to the sixth sub-version of the second edition of No.30.

Even if it is released to the outside world, the eighth edition, nicknamed "village rules" after being extremely simplified, has not caused many balance problems.

The few complaints are just that the rules are too complicated.

Although the gameplay is close to "Monopoly", the rules are much simpler.

But being able to balance countless event cards, turning the game from a game of luck into a game of wits, only after "I can't do it" did Jiang Yan understand how outrageous this thing that was originally Liyue's fun talk was.

So without further ado, Jiang Yan dispatched a passenger ship and dragged Dao's wife's card players to Liyue Port.

After asking the Department of General Affairs to receive him temporarily, Jiang Yan passed the pumice stone and set foot on the Qunyu Pavilion, which had initially restored its old appearance.

Whether it's pavilions or exquisite layouts, the Qunyu Pavilion at this time is almost the same as before.

Even the light of the world already has a door standing on the edge of the floating island. God knows where Ningguang got so many valuable and unmarketable materials.

It has only been about a year since the last Qunyu Pavilion was scrapped.

The second wonder has been built in such a short period of time. Does Ningguang really have no black money?

Under the guidance of secretary Bai Shi, Jiang Yan entered the door. Although it was different from the previous version, the interior was still priceless, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"The growth rate of Mora actually doesn't depend on how smart you are, but on how much you have now..."

"Ten thousand moras become [-] moras, and [-] million moras become [-] million. The time and effort required are actually similar."

A graceful and luxurious voice suddenly came from above. Jiang Yan looked up and saw Ningguang, surrounded by two secretaries, Baiwen and Baixiao, walking slowly down from the upstairs of Qunyu Pavilion, with a half-smile Looking at Jiang Yan:

"Do you know? Your expression now is almost exactly the same as when Keqing first came here."

"Long time no see, Master Ningguang."

Jiang Yan didn't care about this kind of ridicule at all. Of course, he didn't really think that Ningguang would engage in such low-level methods.

As the person who controls the pulse of Liyue's economy, there are countless ways for Ningguang to earn money from Mora.

For any trend, she will be the first to know that she just needs to simply enter the market, and she can make a steady profit without losing money.

But as proud as she is, she doesn't even bother to take advantage of this natural advantage, and only likes to wrestle with giant businessmen to make them give up their profits sincerely.

For Shenhao who was willing to smash a Qunyu Pavilion at his own expense, Mora was already just a sign of victory in the game called "Business War".

Of course, Ning Guang was just teasing, she never underestimated Jiang Yan's wit.

In her eyes, all living beings in Liyue are like a board of Liyue for thousands of years, and there are very few who are qualified to jump out of the chessboard and become "partners" or "opponents" from chess pieces.

And the rapidly rising little guy in front of him has both.

In the matter of the emperor's "flying to the moon", Ning Guang, who handed in a qualified answer sheet on behalf of the mortals, thought that the mortals in Liyue would take on the duties of the original emperor to a greater extent from now on.

However, it is a pity that after that, although the annual invitation to the immortal ceremony and the annual decision-making were delegated to mortals, the content related to the supernatural was obviously all handed over to the immortal disciple in front of him.

Ningguang, who is not good at killing, does not insist on turning Jiang Yan into a subordinate, but also very much looks forward to making Liyue a more powerful whole dominated by mortals through closer communication and cooperation.

However, this guy is so mysterious that he can't see the end, and he doesn't even stay in Liyue territory most of the time.

how?Do you also want to learn from Dijun to meet once a year?

Now that she finally waited until the other party wanted something from her, Ning Guang didn't intend to "forgive" Jiang Yan so easily.

Thinking of this, Ningguang leaned on the reception sofa with the frightening smile of everyone in the Liyue business world, played with his cigarette stick with his right hand, and said in a meaningful tone with his slender red phoenix eyes:

"I thought you would come to me from the beginning, it seems that I am being sentimental."

Although the plan to transform the summoning of the Seven Saints is still being planned, it has already been guessed by the scheming gaze, and it is almost inseparable.

After all, it was she who personally approved the dispatch of the Qianyan Army to Mond to experience the "Seed of the West Wind" project that was against Liyue's "Cultivation of Immortals for All".

After returning, Keqing also truthfully reported what happened in Mond.

The developer of All People's Cultivation of Immortals appeared in Mond, and the Seed of West Wind appeared in Mond.

This fact, in itself, represents many things.

Since the Qianyan Army is not suitable for all people to cultivate immortals, and some of them can be adapted to the Seed of the West Wind, can other elemental forces also be tested in this way?

Several things are connected in series, and considering that the martial idiot in front of him is suddenly interested in the summoning of the Seven Saints for no reason, and has made such a big battle, does he even need to think about what he wants to use this card for?

Since Jiang Yan found Ning Bald, he naturally wouldn't hide anything, so he revealed the whole plan in detail, excluding the emperor's part, of course.

After hearing all this, Ning Guang's face remained unchanged, and he was still playing with his cigarette stick, as if lost in thought.

However, her heart had already set off a turbulent sea.

The biggest human self-improvementist in Liyue Port is actually not Ke Qing who dared to ask Xian Dianyi to dance in public, but the controller of Liyue Port in front of him.

Ke Qing, who is outspoken and quick-spoken, does things vigorously and without leaving any room, without her secret support, how could it be possible to shoulder the responsibility of the General Affairs Department and the Qianyan Army at a young age, and give orders so smoothly?

Of course, Ke Qing is also well aware of this, since the purpose is the same, it doesn't matter who is in the dark and who is in the dark, who is popular and who is not.

Therefore, facing this irresistible temptation, I love the "game" of the world, and I am full of interest.

Printing out a set of summons from the Seven Sages, which is popular in the Seven Kingdoms, can greatly improve the combat power of mortals?What kind of script is this tailor-made for yourself?

In the world, is there anyone more suitable for this job than me?

However, even if there is interest, it will not affect Ningguang's asking price.

Her asking price is not fame or profit, but dominance:

"Give me the card, within two months, I will give you what you want."

Ningguang straightened her body, and put forward her own conditions to Jiang Yan in a sweet but strong tone that could not be rejected.

Fame and fortune mean nothing to her, and the gods need to withdraw from this matter to avoid suspicion. Except for fools, no one will leave their names on the final product.

As for Mora, it was even more of a joke in front of the richest man in Tivat.

But the honor of "picking off the seed of power from the origin of the world for mortals by hand" is bound to be won by Ningguang!

But it's a pity that although Jiang Yan doesn't care about this honor, he doesn't believe in Ningguang's creativity.

Ningguang is the world's top planner, but that's all.

Without the imagination and insight beyond this world, it is impossible to quickly let the players of the Seven Kingdoms give up their inherent stubborn inertia.

Facts have proved this point. Although her Liyue Millennium defeated the balance, it could not overcome the inertia.

So Jiang Yan very happily took out the brainchild of the Dao Wife brand guys, and handed it over to Ning Guang, but said without any compromise:

"I will hand over the balance of all the cards to you, but the entire system must be led by me."

Ningguang was very surprised by this answer.

From her point of view, even if she could be said to be extremely smart, the little guy in front of her didn't have enough experience and experience to support the establishment of a high-level system.

In this regard, there are not many people in the entire Tivat who can be compared with themselves.

Faced with such an overwhelming challenge, Ning Guang's smile soon became dangerous.

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