This smile has made countless Liyue Haoshang tremble with fear.

Whenever they try to be smart and hope to gain extra income, Ningguang will always bring this beast with a smile before eating, which will bring them multiple losses.

"Oh? Do you know what you're talking about? After bathing in the light of wisdom, did it give you some strange illusions?"

The gossip between Jiang Yan and Naxida has already traveled across the ocean, from Ormos Port to Liyue Port.

For such a hard-core and ruthless person, even Ning Guang couldn't hold back her gossip.

Of course, here, the main role is to stimulate and shake:

"That's how it is. Let me have a game of Liyue Qiannian, each according to his own ability. If he wins, let you arrange it, how about it?"


Hearing these words, Jiang Yan understood that Xirou had finally come, and even without the summoning of the Seven Saints, this would have happened sooner or later.

As the representative of Liyue mortals and the extraordinary world, the relationship between Ningguang and Jiang Yan is very delicate.

After the emperor's "flying to the moon", the old relationship of obeying the emperor's orders has been invalidated, but the new relationship has not been established for a long time.

Even for nearly a year, there was no connection between the immortal and the Liyue Seven Stars.

The reason is very simple, everyone can't find the new boundary, and they are afraid of hurting each other for no reason, so they simply put it aside for the time being.

Liyuegang, who has successfully proved himself, is full of energy. Although he is full of gratitude and respect for the immortal masters, he also hopes that his parents will respect him more like a young man who has passed his coming-of-age ceremony.

And the few true monarchs strictly follow the emperor's order and do not want to interfere in the affairs of ordinary people, so naturally they will not come together to cooperate closely with ordinary people.

This kind of misunderstanding has led to the current gap between immortals and mortals, which is more obvious than before.

And the person who can break this deadlock and establish a new bond of relationship is naturally none other than Jiang Yan.

As a second-generation immortal born as a mortal, even if his posture is low, he can only be regarded as not forgetting his roots, not to mention insulting the reputation of three eyes and five appearances.

And as the great hero who saved Liyue, Liyue Seven Stars would not lose face no matter how much respect and reverence they give, since they are "one of their own" after all.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best way for Ningguang to determine the boundaries in this harmless way.

Whether you win or lose, it's all within everyone's limits.

But neither he nor Ningguang is willing to make a step for no reason, so it's up to each other according to their own abilities.

And "Liyue Millennium" and "Each according to his ability" are the true portrayal of the bargaining chips in the hands of the two.

The thousand-year-old chessboard of Liyue not only reproduces the topography and streets of Liyue Port in proportion, but also has vendors, teahouses, shops, hotels, and miscellaneous shops. It is also equipped with six-sided, ten-sided, twelve-sided dice.Players use dice to determine the number of moves of the chess pieces, and different events will be triggered when they fall at various locations.The whole game is determined by the final number of chips in the hands of the players.

This game is naturally extremely unfair to Jiang Yan, all the environment and rules are designed by Ningguang, why would he use to fight her?

However, this situation is just a portrayal of the real situation of the two of them. Ningguang owns the entire Liyue Port, the streets and alleys, all walks of life, all the order and rules, all in Ningguang's hands, and can be used by her.

As for Jiang Yan's method of breaking the game, Ningguang has already reminded him that "each person depends on his own ability". His immortal skills, his martial arts, and his connections are all his "abilities", which can be written into the rules at any time.

This plate of Liyue for thousands of years is essentially taking the heaven and the earth as the plate, and all living beings as the chessboard. Let's see who is more suitable to be the leader of this matter and the future!

After carefully thinking through all these joints, Jiang Yan admired Ningguang's courage and ingenuity, and at the same time, his fighting spirit was spontaneously born.

How many times in life do you have the chance to fight wits and courage with this kind of person?

Then let's see who is better between your "geographical advantage" and my "skills"!

"No problem, please!"


The "battlefield" of the two soon came to the top floor of Qunyu Pavilion, in the condensed office.

On the huge table, Baiwen, Baishi, and Baixiao quickly placed a huge "chessboard" full of lifelike pavilions, railings and water pavilions.

It is not so much a chessboard as it is an exquisite model of Liyue Port.

Every building on the "chessboard" is made of exquisite solid wood or white jade, which can be called a work of art.

In fact, this is also the case, even if they don't know how to play Liyue for thousands of years, there are still an endless stream of people who buy this kind of chess for these pieces, not to mention the special version for their own use.

On this chessboard, the chess pieces representing the two have been placed on the model of Qunyu Pavilion, ready to start a game that will determine the fate of Liyuegang for many years to come.

"In Liyue Port, Tianquanxing knows everything. Lord Ningguang, please go first." Jiang Yan politely gave way.

Since the world is a game of chess, it is necessary to tell the truth, otherwise a game in which the rules are completely in the hands of one side cannot be played at all.

"Then I'm welcome."

The twelve-sided dice is lightly thrown, and the number is eight.

Bai Xiao moved the chess piece representing Ningguang from Qunyu Pavilion to Rongfa Shop.

When Baishi just missed the event card of Rongfa Shop, he was interrupted by Ningguang waving:

"Bai Xiao, for the record, the character condenses the light, through policy guidance, prompting Rongfa Shop to introduce 500 sets of the new version of the Seven Saints Summoning, the character condenses the light, and the chips increase by 500."

Although Jiang Yan was prepared, his face was blackened by such a real operation.

Good guy, the first step is to start swearing and printing cards on the spot?You are a worthy duelist.

Is there something wrong with Inka in Tevat: Chapter 642 Chapter 621 Did the Plague Company make a mistake

Jiang Yan thought that the other party's thoughts turned to shock after his secretary Bai Wen handed him the business data of Rongfa Store last year and the turnover in the first half of this year.

This guy actually figured it out?

According to the data, Dongsheng, the owner of Rongfa Store, is very willing to try new products;

Considering the size of Rongfa Store, Jiang Yan made a simple calculation, and it was indeed this size that could be digested in the initial stage.

Well, since it is reasonable, then it is acceptable, Jiang Yan nodded, and also rolled his 12-sided dice.

"12 o'clock, Yanshang Teahouse." Bai Shi moved the chess piece in front of Yanshang Teahouse.

"Please tell me the size of the crowd at Yanshang Teahouse last year and this year, as well as the age distribution." Jiang Yan put forward his request to Baiwen.

Yinka, which completely uses the summoning of the Seven Saints as a bargaining chip, of course cannot rely on speculation to make fun of it. Jiang Yan unceremoniously asked for this kind of confidential data that is limited to the internal circulation of Qunyu Pavilion and Yuehai Pavilion.

"Of course!" Ningguang gestured to Baiwen with a playful smile, and a few pieces of paper were quickly delivered to Jiang Yan.

Ningguang didn't mind Jiang Yan using her data directly, because the data she said casually was of course not calculated on the spot.

Behind the simple piece of data is the "future" regularly depicted by Yuehaiting's countless resourceful people, based on data from all walks of life and ubiquitous intelligence, after brainstorming and planning.

As the helm of Liyue Port, these "sea charts" are an important reliance for her to never lose her way, and it is also the mystery of her never losing a game against others in "Liyue Millennium".

Even if the data is given to you, how can you overcome the wisdom and energy of everyone in Yuehai Pavilion?And how to balance calculation and planning?

Ning Guang looked forward to Jiang Yan's follow-up actions with great interest.


Jiang Yan is not worried about this, his "capability" is very great.

All the data was sent to Nashida's dream soon.

Although it is impossible for even the God of Wisdom to calculate people's hearts, relying on these incomplete information to calculate an accurate "future".

But if only to obtain a simple "result", the wisdom of the gods is enough to defeat time.

To use an analogy, dropping a bag of beans on the ground means nothing.

But what about spreading the beans evenly on an even square floor and drawing the largest circle?

You only need to do the same thing countless times in the dream, and then count the ratio of the number of beans, and you can get the pi that countless Minglun scholars have worked tirelessly to calculate.

This is the power of "wisdom".

Although Jiang Yan understood the principle of Nasida's magical method of skipping calculations and derivations and directly getting the answer, if he did all the calculations by himself, he might not be able to take a single step in a whole day.

That being the case, simple calculations can only be handed over to Naxida "by ability".

And he only needs to be responsible for thinking about the follow-up tactics against the clock.

This game already had a tacit understanding in this regard, so Jiang Yan felt at ease about it.

Soon, the data was sent back by Naxida, and after Jiang Yan inspected it, he said with confidence:

"The character Jiang Yan uses Dao Wife to promote the new version of the Seven Saints Summoning. The character Jiang Yan increases the chips by 300."

After contemplating for a moment with his eyes fixed on his brows, he revealed an excited smile as if he had met his opponent.

Although I don't know how the other party jumped through countless data and materials to get the final result.

But the other party has a lot of tricks, which I expected.

It would be better to say that only in this way can he be qualified to play this game of chess with himself.

For this challenge, Ningguang couldn't wish for it.

After the emperor "flying to the moon", the annual ceremony of inviting immortals has become the biggest challenge to Ningguang.

Even with the ability to condense light and the prestige in Liyue, it is still being questioned.

"I feel inferior to the Emperor"

"Foresight than the king of God"

"Remembering the Emperor's Oracle"

There are endless folk sayings like this.

No matter how hard a mortal's mind works, it won't be worth the magic calculation of the fairy family?

Ning Guang did not believe such incompetent rhetoric.

So this challenge is of great significance to Ningguang.

Only by defeating the second-generation immortal in front of her can she continue to firmly believe that as long as she puts in enough effort, man can overcome the sky.

So as the twelve-sided dice were thrown again and again, the port, teahouse, restaurant, bookstore, shop, and clubhouse were successively cast by the two of them.

"Player Ningguang, by modifying the export tax rate of Liyue's specialty entertainment products, increase the export volume of the Seven Saints' summons by 2000"

"Player Jiang Yan, use the brand-new storybook to promote radiation and attract 500 Seven Saints Summoners."

"The player focuses on the wind, and attracts 200 Seven Saints Summoning shallow players through top-to-bottom chasing the wind."

"Player Jiang Yan, attracted 2000 players through Daozuma's large number of printed materials."


Based on Liyue Port's traffic data, business data, similar product data and other dimensions, the two of them calculated their expected results according to the promotion plan in their minds.

Although Ningguang cannot use the power of Tianquanxing to forcefully promote it, it can use various means to subtly create a form that is conducive to the spread of this game, and through the high liquidity of thousands of ships and merchants, this game can be used as much as possible. Radiate out.

And Jiang Yan's method is the same as before, using the pursuit of businessmen from all over the world to create a trend, and then using poetry, story books, light novels, posters and other forms of three-dimensional propaganda to radiate the concept to the people of Liyue as much as possible.

Soon, the chips of the two had piled up like a mountain.

However, in this chess game, the outcome of the game is not determined by the number of chips, because no matter whether they win or lose, the two sides will cooperate closely without reservation.

The two sides keep printing cards here. In fact, the competition is to increase their lead by "what can I do that you can't do", and to offset the opponent's advantage by "what can I do that you can do".

Because only these will determine the final dominance of the two.

The pile of chips that piled up like a mountain only proved that on Liyue's chessboard, the two had a tie.

This situation is completely in line with reality. With their respective abilities and connections, both Ning Guang and Jiang Yan have the ability to easily promote an event in Liyue to the public.

No matter whose means, the same result can be obtained in the end.

However, the competition to promote the summoning of the Seven Saints to the Seven Kingdoms will not end because of the draw in Liyue.

Soon, the three secretaries pulled over a few tables, and a chessboard full of lifelike architectural models from various countries stood on it impressively.

Ning Guang's expression didn't change color at all, he waved his hand lightly, and said in a natural tone:

"Since the shadow of the Jade Pavilion will one day cover the Seven Kingdoms, what's so special about making some preparations early?"

If there were no mountains of data beside the table, Jiang Yan would really believe this statement.

Thousands of boats and thousands of merchants in Liyue have unimpeded access to the various countries, not just relying on the efforts of the merchants themselves.

Because Dijun is an overly successful role model, in Liyue, he is not qualified to be a leader if he does not have a detailed plan and overall guidance in advance.

Therefore, the Department of General Affairs has always shouldered the responsibility of always controlling the pulse of the business routes of various countries.

From the trend to the market, from the policy to the form, and even the details of the opponents in the business war, the General Affairs Department has special staff in each country to be responsible for the collection.

And after gathering and organizing, they will provide necessary guidance and reminders for businessmen in a timely manner.

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