What Congealing Light uses is precisely this part of the precious raw data.

Of course, Jiang Yan will not reject this fair and objective way of playing.

So the battle situation expanded from Liyue to the entire Tivat, from a monopoly to a plague company.

And at this moment, the two sides finally revealed their trump cards:

Ningguang showed that she spent countless moras, time and energy through the General Affairs Department, and finally successfully established a large network woven with countless funds, trade and favors in various countries.

This should be an absolute secret, except for Ning Guang himself and the three secretaries who can be absolutely trusted, no one can see the whole picture of this big net.

However, the sword is covered with dust, and there will be unwillingness in the end.

Facing his comrades and opponents whose vision has already transcended the mortal world, Ning Guang doesn't mind lending him a look at the "sword" that he has spent half his life honing.

Rolling dice again and again, each event means that each silk thread is activated.

And the other end of each silk thread represents a business route, an industry, and even a wealthy merchant who can completely use it for himself.

This net has long been like a condensed rhetoric, and its shadow has covered the Seven Kingdoms.

Under the banner of "possibility", Ningguang launched the big net with all his strength, setting off a frenzy of energy.

One wave after another, the waves naturally spread out, rise up, cover, and replace everything that existed in foreign countries.

Of course, this is just a "possibility".

However, as long as there is no hindrance from strong external forces, this will be the final effect.


Faced with such sincerity, Jiang Yan naturally would not hold back.

His trump card is simple and brutal - connections and connections in various countries.

In his plan, he will have the unreserved support of the four kingdoms of Sumeru, Inazuma, Liyue, and Mengde.

Except that officials and gods will not enter the arena directly, all other wisdom, resources and power can be used by him.

Every time he rolled the dice, Jiang Yan said that there was a powerful person who provided him with all-round support and convenience, and even entered the platform in person in his personal capacity.

Ning Guang's face was filled with black lines, how many great things did this guy do in other countries?Did Liyue Shao give you a salary?Do you have to be a hero in foreign countries all the time?

What?Did not give?That's all right...

Thinking about it carefully, this guy has only been the coach of the Qianyan Army for a short period of time in Liyue Port, and he really didn't receive much salary.

However, shouldn't the mission of the immortal be to protect Liyue and find a mountain to squat for hundreds of years?How can there be such a "lively and active" person?

If you want Mora, you can say it, as long as you stay in Liyue Harbor and give you a Kaiyang star, so what if the golden house is yours?

Although he is a human self-improvementist, Ningguang is not living in a dream. He still very much hopes that there will be a "lively and active" powerful immortal who can help Liyue, who is away from the emperor, to deter the Xiao Xiao of all countries.

Although Miss Gan Yu and Zhenjun Gechenlang City are based in Liyue Port, they still don't have the deterrent power that this guy in front of him is fighting the Demon God head-on.

But this guy is almost becoming a Tivat international fighter. When it comes to sudden danger, where can he be found?

The slander in his heart could not be stopped.

However, there was no doubt about what the other party said.

Among other things, during the first battle of Guyun Pavilion, Dao Wife's attitude towards him was like a god, and Miss Gurnhilde's closeness to him was witnessed by himself.

The information sent back from Xumi is even more exaggerated. The favor of making friends with the gods and saving a country is enough for Xumi to do anything for it.

It's just that when the other party talked about it one by one, Ning Guang knew how many favors the other party had gained in their transnational operations again and again, and how much of a trend these favors could stir up.

Thinking of this, Ningguang decided to admit defeat decisively.

It's not because I'm doomed to lose this game, but because I don't want to lose the guy in front of me.

Half of this guy has already been stolen by Dao Wife. If conditions are not created to let him consume all these favors, God knows whether he will be stolen by other mortals or gods due to the deterioration of favors.

For example, Miss Gurnhilde whom I admire more than myself, or all kinds of outrageous rumors from Xumi, etc., I really have to guard against it.

Thinking of this, Ning Guang couldn't help feeling a lot of resentment towards Ke Qing.

Obviously she was the first to discover such a lost treasure, but she didn't hurry to grab it, fortunately she was from a famous family.

What about your swiftness?What about your straight?How about arresting your son-in-law under your list?

If he had left his heart in Liyue Harbor early, why would "Liyue of Mortals" be so difficult?

If it's not that I don't have this intention, and the age gap is a bit big, it's the turn of foreigners to steal the house?

No matter how the meat is divided, it will rot in the pot.

But being picked up by wolves is another matter.

Thinking of this, Ningguang put down his pipe and applauded softly:

"Okay, I admit defeat, your talent is beyond my imagination."

Jiang Yan, who was using all his energy to figure out how to widen the gap, had a question mark on his face when he heard that the other side had voted directly.

what's the situation?Isn't it [-]-[-] now?

After fighting for hundreds of rounds, Jiang Yan reluctantly admitted that even though his trump card is absolutely irreplaceable, the trump card hidden by Ningguang is also completely beyond his reach.

Although the gods and powerful people from all over the world are easy to use, it is difficult to quickly cover the entire people under the premise that everyone must leave no trace.

What's more, most of these noble-born guys, how many people can have enough influence on the bottom, and it's not some optimistic data. It can't compare to Ningguang, who has set off a trend of moistening and silent level ?

Even if you stuff all the silk thread ends into this dense net, you can't master it in a few years, and it can't replace the effect of condensing light at all.

After Jiang Yan threw out his final trump card, seeing that the draw was a foregone conclusion, he had already made plans to "separately do their own thing" with Ningguang.

But why did the other party vote? ? ?

Jiang Yan was completely lost.

Is there something wrong with printing card in Tevat: Chapter 643 Chapter 622 Is something wrong with the battle manager

A big game of chess that will determine Liyue's fate for a period of time in the future, just like this with a condensed surrender, or a concession to announce the end.

Not a single word will be spread outside Qunyu Pavilion.

But with the end of this game of chess, all the resources and power of Liyue Port have been opened to Jiang Yan and can be used by him at any time.

Of course, Ning Guang did not lose completely, and the draw is the true portrayal of the strength of the two of them. Both Ning Guang and Jiang Yan are well aware of this.

So judging from the results, Jiang Yan just obtained a magical lamp named "Liyue Port" that he could make wishes to at will, but the spirit of the god is still called "Congealing Light".

Ningguang confirmed that not all immortals can utter seventeen oracle in one day, and beat the efforts of mortals to pieces, and she has a little more confidence in "Liyue of mortals".

And Jiang Yan never planned to pretend to be a big hand in front of dragons and phoenixes like Ning Guang from the beginning to the end. He was already satisfied with being able to use it for himself.

This is a good result for both parties.


After a fierce chess match, both Jiang Yan and Ning Guang were exhausted.

In this situation, it is definitely not suitable to discuss any cooperation, so Jiang Yan can only resign first.

When we talked about the real cooperation content, it was already the next day's revisit.

During this visit, Jiang Yan finally expressed his confident mind:

Turn the core of the game "Seven Saints Call" into a paper man fighting crickets-the super god's eye battle manager.

Tivat is not a safe world. The force of the strong is the guarantee for the happy life of the mortals under their protection.

Therefore, the powerhouses of various countries with the eyes of gods are far more concerned and admired than idols in any industry.

And who is stronger and weaker among them has become an eternal topic.

For example, in Mond City, the debate over who is stronger between Captain Qin and Master Di Luke will break out in the tavern almost every week.

Similarly, the merits and combat power rankings of Liyue's immortal masters are also a daily topic in teahouses and taverns.

As for Dao Wife, Princess Bailu and General Kujo are stronger and weaker, the shogunate army's messy five guns, and the ranking disputes of three people are countless.

If there is a super robot war, ah no, a super God's Eye war, where the powerhouses of all countries are brought together to fight on paper, and they can operate by their own means, Jiang Yan knows what it will be like just by imagining it. The explosion scene.

"Master Ningguang, what do you think?" Jiang Yan respectfully described his thoughts to Ningguang carefully.

No matter whether he won or drew, Jiang Yan didn't intend to put his head on his lips.

After all, this kind of large-scale event that needs to connect six countries in series, without the full cooperation of Ningguang, it is difficult to quickly realize the promotion.

What's more, when the other party was powerful in Liyue's business world, he hadn't been born yet.

People respected me three points, and it was also for the sake of the emperor and the immortal, so it was only natural for me to call "Master Ningguang".

And seeing that the little guy in front of him still respected himself even after winning, Ning Guang silently praised him.

Ningguang has never cared about something like "calling" that does not bring any real benefits.

Even though Ke Qing, who had just passed her age, always called her by her name, Ning Guang didn't take it seriously at all. After all, although everyone in Liyue knew that heaven was respected, at least on the bright side, the seven stars of Liyue needed to show Parallelism in responsibilities.

As for the little guy in front of him, it is even more so, even if he directly puts on a condescending attitude as a "disciple of the immortal" and "disciple of the emperor", it makes sense.

No one hates a polite collaborator, but she is more comfortable with the cooperative attitude.

Although the Immortal has done a lot to Li Yue, but the arrogance in his bones makes people dare not accept it.

Fortunately, this little guy in front of him is not contaminated with that kind of arrogance, which means that future cooperation will at least reduce many unnecessary conflicts.

Ning Guang, who was very satisfied with the other party's attitude, thought carefully about Jiang Yan's statement, and raised his own doubts:

"Will so many people really be interested in this kind of change?"

Although most people like fighting crickets on paper, they never worship the gaze of others, which is obviously an exception.

She couldn't understand the sense of substitution in such a calculation based entirely on irrationality.

Facing Ning Guang's question, Jiang Yan was not surprised. This set of things was not originally designed for people like Ning Guang.

He stretched out his right hand full of confidence, pointing to the three secretaries standing by:

"We might as well ask about Baiwen, Baizhi and Baixiao."

"If Lord Ningguang is made into a card and played against masters from all over the world, would you be interested in trying it?"

The answer is obvious. As early as when this plan was first announced, it has already attracted the interest of Ningguang's three secretaries and three Ningguang fans.

After looking at Ningguang's face, the three secretaries said without hesitation in turn:

"Although I haven't played card games before, I think I'll give it a try." Baishi thought for a while and replied.

"Then I will definitely keep a copy!" Baiwen, who admired Ningguang the most, said without hesitation.

"Master Ningguang's cards must be made stronger!" Bai Xiao didn't talk about any routines, and just played the truth.

Sure enough, as Jiang Yan expected, even if the world is changed, the psychology of groupies will always remain the same.

Not to mention the cards, even if only a batch of exquisite papers of these powerful people are printed, they will probably be sold at a high price, not to mention the cards that can satisfy their fantasies.

Staring at the few able-bodied men who are usually busy with work and are almost the least likely to be the audience of card games, they are all very interested in this plan. After thinking about it, they suddenly understood the mystery.

But soon, she seemed to have caught something, and frowned her slender eyebrows.

After a while, Ningguang lightly lit the model representing Qunyu Pavilion on the table with a cigarette stick, and questioned:

"Is there really a set of cards that can satisfy everyone?"

"The "fairness" in everyone's eyes is vastly different, let alone the "fairness" brought by foreigners. "

Ning Guang pointed out the problem Jiang Yan had been struggling with for a long time:

"Everyone's "fairness" cannot be achieved even if the emperor returns. "

"The three words "foreigner" are enough to make most people open their eyes wide and find fault everywhere. "

"Tell me, what weird solution did you think of?"

Ningguang didn't think that the little guy in front of her who kept surprising her would leave such a big loophole for her to discover.

So she didn't give Jiang Yan any chance to show off, and directly took the lead in the topic.

Jiang Yan smiled. Talking to smart people is a way to save worry. This method is his biggest gain during this time:

"Of course there is no absolute fairness, Lord Ningguang"

"But there is a fairness recognized by me"

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