"Constantly Adjusting Fairness"

"And fairness with a sense of engagement."

Jiang Yan paused, and after seeing Ning Guang's thoughtful expression, he began to explain in detail:

"First of all, we need to ask the owners of most of the cards to accept their own cards and express no objection to them."

"Subsequently at launch, our pitch was "balanced by myself""

Ning Guang nodded, she had expected this idea a long time ago, and it would be a strange thing not to use the connections of this guy in front of her.

But the card balance was messed up, and it was the character's shamelessness, which she didn't expect.

How many of these strong men with the eyes of God are good at card games?

When asking for authorization, don't you just say what you say?

Jiang Yan was not surprised by Ningguang's sensitivity, and quickly continued:

"Secondly, we will announce that the new version of "Seven Saints Call" will continue to make balance adjustments based on the opinions of players from various countries."

"And describe any subsequent patches as the result of the hard work of the poker players."

This is also what it should be, and Ningguang was not surprised at all.

The "Summon of the Seven Saints" in any country has gone through countless iterations, otherwise it would not make this gameplay very popular in all countries.

However, it is a good idea to push the credit to the poker players to gain their support.

Ning Guang nodded approvingly, tapped the armrest of the sofa with her fingers, and waited for what kind of surprise this little guy could give him.

"Finally, we will announce that based on the active performance of these characters in various countries, we will constantly modify their moves and statistics, add equipment cards and event cards for them, and show their strength as much as possible."


Hearing this, Ning Guang finally smiled playfully.

Although this little guy's control over people's hearts is not thorough, he is really ingenious in guiding or inducing people's hearts.

Ningguang simply simulated it, and easily imagined a picture:

Whenever a major event occurs in a country, countless poker players and admirers of that character will happily look forward to the strengthening of this character, or the addition of corresponding event cards to highlight the idol's prestige, and through word of mouth Word of mouth made this card even more popular.

This kind of wisdom is not political wisdom, nor military wisdom, nor is it academic wisdom, but the technique of breeding goods that Ningguang is extremely familiar with.

This kind of wisdom that can only be born from experience in the business world cannot be taught by immortals, let alone passed down by families from the Qianyan Army. So, where did this little guy in front of him acquire it?

But it doesn't matter, Ning Guang never gets to the bottom of the secrets that are beneficial to him.

Of course, she won't get any results if she digs deeper. After all, no matter how powerful Jiang Yan is, he can't let Ningguang play a game like "XXXXXX Manager", which is dedicated to cheating money. He can only pick up some simple strategies.

When it comes to defrauding money, the world without gods is more fierce. Even Jiang Yan thinks that if he doesn't keep up, it is easy to be suspected by Ningguang that there is something wrong with his mind.

Fortunately, this kind of "Weapon Spectrum Ranking" and other rules are not new in Wanwen Jishe's novels, and it makes sense to insist on borrowing from there.

Ningguang didn't pay attention to Jiang Yan's careful thoughts. After listening to all the ideas, she was leaning on the sofa, using her long armor, and gently tapping her temples, falling into high-speed thinking.

In her opinion, the idea of ​​the little guy in front of her is very creative and feasible.

However, this is not a complete solution.

It is even said that this is not so much a plan as an idea.

In addition to the impressive start, there are so many things that have not been considered, and there are too many things that are taken for granted.

It is imperative to promote the new version of Summoning of the Seven Saints.

But Ningguang would never bet her credit with Liyue Port on such a rough plan.

After all, credit, no matter how reliable it was before, can only be broken once.

If a hasty start leads to failure, the next time the difficulty will be at least ten times and a hundred times that of the current one. This is by no means Ningguang's style of doing things.

Thinking of this, Ningguang made up his mind, pointing at the tobacco rod to represent the model of the Winter Palace:

"I heard that Zhidong has recently become popular with an interesting rice wife novel? Let's use it to test your thoughts first. What do you think?"

To be honest, Jiang Yan didn't even have the slightest idea about this brilliant plan.

Although it is said that working together with Ningguang is enough to promote a set of cards to the entire Tivat.

Relying on one's own marketing methods, it is no problem to attract a large number of people in various countries to try it in a short period of time.

However, I really don't know how to keep players with stickiness, how to deal with nostalgia after the freshness has passed, and how to deal with various impulses to abandon the pit.

After all, I only know how to print and play cards. When it comes to business, as Liyue's strongest card player and businessman, Ning Guang's opinions are more reliable than her own.

Since she said she needs to test, let's test.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan nodded kindly.

"Then follow what Lord Ningguang said."


Jiang Yan didn't discover the beauty of Ningguang's proposal until it was implemented:

If you choose other countries, it will take a year and a half for the process of collecting materials, authorizing, painting, and producing, which is already the smoothest estimate.

After all, if there is no lifelike original painting and skill effects, it will never be recognized by the natives.

Although he has the fruit of face, he can definitely deal with many strong people.

However, it will take a long time to send a painter to take pictures with a camera when the opponent releases a move, and to paint according to the photos.

However, if the card is produced according to the novel, the difficulty will be completely different.

Yaedo is very familiar with this set of gameplay for popular light novels.

The book "The Queen's Executive Officer" has already drawn a large number of ready-made original paintings.

Taking the ready-made original painting, it is very easy to make a card, of course it is a [-]% restoration.

And because the characters are all "if any similarity is purely coincidental", authorization is naturally saved.

Since it is destined to be an illegal printed matter, the formalities are naturally saved.

In this way, it was saved by going back and forth, and everyone didn't do anything, and "everything is ready, only the east wind is needed", which made Jiang Yan admire Ningguang's smart plan.

Children, big friends, gather all the little raccoons, ah no, have the seven saints summoned all the executive officers?

No?What are you waiting for?Come and buy a pack of Call of the Seven Saints!

Is there something wrong with printing cards in Tevat: Chapter 644 Chapter 623 Is there something wrong with the game push

In Solstice, card games were already very popular.

In the long and cold winter, people are not bears. If you don't have some fun for yourself, it is really difficult to survive the long winter.

Not to mention children, without all kinds of games, this group of lively and active little guys will really be able to go to the house.

The card game, which takes into account both entertainment and social attributes, is simply tailor-made for Zhidong.

When you are extremely bored, visiting your friends or neighbors under heavy snow, sitting by a warm fireplace, and playing a few rounds of "Seven Saints Calling" is simply the simplest and most pleasant way of entertainment.

Although the copyright of "The Queen's Executive Officer" has been sold to fools, it is only a copyright.

Light novels are a special product of rice wives, how do fools know what peripherals and derivatives are available?

Therefore, even though novels have been banned and turned into hard currency, things like pictures, posters, and figures are still quite popular, and they are hard to catch.

When the brainchild of Jiang Yan and the Daozuma brand guys were used as the basis, after the skin-changing Zhidong customized version of the Seven Saints Summoning was registered in Zhidong, the popularity instantly surpassed other peripherals such as pillows and posters, and became the children of Zhidong. new dream.

Jiang Yan knows card games very well. Well, the essence of cheating money. Character cards are very easy to collect. Any player can buy a few packs and get the executive they want.

But equipment cards, event cards, and scene cards are all based on luck, and the element of luck is "slightly" more than [-] million points.

Probably just drawing a gold-edged legendary event card is enough to make children and big friends get into the snow with excitement and run wildly.

Who can resist the temptation to assemble a complete set of divine costumes for their idols?The New Year's money and pocket money of Zhidong's children and big friends flowed into the hands of Zhidong's peripheral sellers like water, and then turned into pure happiness:

"Let me show you the Dottore deck I just built!"

"Without special martial arts, no events, and no venues, you can still talk about card groups? See how I can teach you how to be a man with the white whale fighter!"

"Impossible! Could it be...?"

"Hahahaha, that's right! Who is the White Whale Fighter? I will end his life——Dottore's Quick Attack Instant Kill deck has been adapted!"

"Event Card: Artificial God, when our character is Dotores, equip this card. After equipping this card, immediately use the Dotores Network once. When equipping this card to summon slices: Deal 1 additional damage."

"Equipment Card: Two-Handed Sword—The damage caused by heresy characters is +1. When launching an attack, if there are slices on the field, it will perform a coordinated attack and cause an additional 2 points of damage."

"Field Card: Dottore's Laboratory Throwing Phase: 2 elemental dice are initially always thrown with the element of our character's type"

"My turn, consume all energy, use three ice elemental dice to use elemental burst"

"Due to the addition of equipment cards and event cards, the main body causes 6 points of damage, and the slices cause 4 points of damage. You are dead!"

"Wahhahaha, my instant kill deck is invincible! You, a third-rate gladiator, want to fight me with a fourth-rate deck?"


After the same story happened countless times, even Solstice Publisher, who had just been brutally hit by the "purification of the publishing industry" operation, couldn't hold back completely.

Faced with a 500% profit, even if the executives really know how to wring their fists, they can't stop the businessmen from wanting to make a fortune.

All kinds of pirated card packs appeared like mushrooms after rain in an instant.

When Inazuma's original painting was "accidentally" leaked, it was as exquisite as the original, and at a lower price, the original was quickly wiped out from the market.

If there is no genuine copy on the market, then everyone is genuine.

Of course, piracy belongs to piracy, and the "truth of cheating money" is still a great tacit understanding among all pirates.As the wealth code, it was restored intact.

For a long time, whenever I saw Zhidong Xiongzi crying with one or several boxes on the side of the road, it was probably because his pocket money had all been turned into useless blue and white cards. Another form accompanied him.


Faced with this raging situation, the executive officers of the Fools did not respond, they were already paralyzed.

The more rumors are dispelled, the more people believe them, the more they are banned, the more popular they are, and new tricks are constantly appearing. What can be done about this?Have no idea.

When the "criminals" are all children and older children, even if the fools have the power to fear the gods, it is completely useless.

You can't set up a special department to spank disobedient children. Everyone's reputation is already weird enough, so there's no need to add bricks and tiles to the reputation.

In the final analysis, the Fools are just a fighting group with "lofty ideals". Who has the time to think about the means of these wicked and smoldering disgusting people every day?

Excessively annoyed, they could only use the old method, paying a symbolic amount of extra money to buy all the derivative licenses of "The Queen's Executive Officer", and after warning Yae Mikoshi to be an exception, they began to completely ruin it.

There is no way not to put it badly, the new cards have already wiped out the original cards.

This is not a matter of popularity and balance, but of Mora's powerful magic.

The old Summon of the Seven Saints has been popular for many years, and the card pack has not been updated. Almost every player has already assembled the card set. How does this make the card dealer make money?

So as soon as the new version of Seven Saints Summoning came out, all of these merchants became enthusiastic propagandists of the new cards.

The propagandists are not scary, what is scary is that these propagandists still control what kind of card packs you can buy.

Soon, in Solstice, it will be difficult to buy a pack of the original Call of the Seven.

No matter which card dealer they find, they will only act like a tour guide in a scenic spot, enthusiastically selling new card packs for the card players.

This situation was not beyond Ning Guang's expectations.

When Jiang Yan was thinking about rules, players, and fans, Ning Guang had already set his sights on the merchants who circulated goods.

For Mora, they can be a powerful boost to promotion at any time, or they can seamlessly transform into a huge resistance.

Jiang Yan originated from a world with abundant materials and logistics, completely ignoring that in Tivat, you can’t buy whatever you want.

In fact, with the exception of capitals and large cities, it is often the merchant who decides what you can buy, and the buyer often has no choice.

Therefore, Ningguang is going to use the facts to give Jiang Yan a vivid business lesson, and by the way, show him what the power of a mortal is.


Of course, no matter how eloquent the merchants are to sell violently, if the card itself is not powerful, it will not be able to carry the goods.

Otherwise, the original Summon of the Seven Saints would have long been replaced by other card games developed by merchants.

The quality of the Seven Saints Summoning, which is jointly produced by Congealing Light & Yazhongtang, is the most important reason why it can replace the original card.

In addition, there is another important reason, that is, Ningguang's attempt to use fool executives as character cards has really identified the needs of the Winter Kingdom.

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