The hanging basket lost power in an instant and fell sharply downwards. Jiang Yan and Gan Yu jumped out. Jiang Yan exploded downward with the force of the wind element, forming a thick layer of wind cushion, which made the two of them land slowly and unharmed.

Gan Yu looked at Jiang Yan with admiration, remembering what he said yesterday in Captain Qin's office while pointing at the map

"On the way to Shimen, only this place has enough height, and the "lady" will definitely launch a long-range attack from here, Miss Gan Yu, I need you to prepare in advance, so that we will not be harmed under the premise that the hanging basket is destroyed "

Jiang Yan suddenly took a step forward, blocked Gan Yu, and stopped Gan Yu's memories. The next moment, a large amount of gravel splashed, and a gravel rainstorm came, and was immediately blocked by Jiang Yan's rock shield.Jiang Yan and Gan Yu didn't care at all, because a bigger horror had appeared

The burnt blazing witch transformed from a cocoon into a butterfly from the ice coffin!

"You all have to pay the price! Don't even think about leaving ashes"

The "lady" is already mad, Fengshen hasn't seen it yet, all the troops are dead, and he has been severely injured. The power of the evil eye and the blessing of the goddess are all exhausted. If you don't tear these two bugs into pieces, it will be hard to get rid of it. Hatred.

What greeted him was Gan Yu's Erlian Shuanghua Arrow. The power of the immortal and the powerful power of ice are the nemesis of the Blazing Witch. defense.

The air was filled with the ice element power released by the "lady" before. Gan Yu could easily guide these powers, and the other party's demon-like form made Gan Yu merciless.

"The epitome of wind and snow, falling like glass." Gan Yu took advantage of the blazing witch's block, condensed the ice elemental force in the atmosphere, and summoned the ice spirit beads that expelled demons.The bitter snow with the power to repel demons shot out from the Ice Spirit Orb like fireworks, causing great damage and pain to the Blazing Witch in a blink of an eye.

"Until everything burns!" roared the "lady", and turned into a flame tornado, directly confronting the ice spirit orb.The water mist filled the air, and the countless ice spirit beads that had been expelled from the demon gradually developed cracks under the high temperature of the tornado, and finally shattered.However, "Lady" was also seriously injured in the huge ice blast caused by the bursting of the ice spirit bead, so she could only escape backwards to recover from her injuries.

"Get ready, let's go!" Jiang Yan's voice came from behind Gan Yu

Continuous bursts of charged arrows and the trick was broken. Gan Yu, who was almost out of strength, did not want to fight. Followed yesterday's plan and jumped back. Jiang Yan caught Gan Yu's slender waist with both hands and turned into a princess hug.

At this time, the surface of the river behind him had already been frozen for a long time by Jiang Yan, who played the role of True Monarch Congealing Ice and Crossing the Sea. Jiang Yan turned around and rushed, the ice element force under his feet continued to activate, and the wind element force pushed behind him. The whole person was like a speed skating team , flew away tens of meters away in a blink of an eye.

The Blazing Witch just took a step forward, and found that her hot body had already melted the thin layer of ice. She stepped into the river, and the evaporated water vapor overflowed, and she could no longer catch up with Jiang Yan's footsteps

"Beast! Beast! Beast!" The flame whip swept across the entire river bank, and the impotent and furious roar resounded through the mountains.

Is it wrong to want to live in Mond: Chapter 67 Chapter 66 Is it wrong to sue after winning?

Jiang Yan, the master of short track speed skating who rushed several miles in one breath, finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the lady did not chase after him, and put down Gan Yu who was blushing with embarrassment.It's a pity that the lady didn't take the bait, otherwise PlanB would have lured her to Dihuazhou, and dared to shout and kill Gan Yu in this land.That's all for now.

The real Liyueliu swordsmanship should be to bury tens of thousands of catties of explosives in advance to send the enemy to heaven.This time, if it wasn't for blowing up her god's blessing and ice shell directly, God knows how long it would take to scrape by herself and Gan Yu.This person's strength is a bit outrageous, Jiang Yan sighed.

This is a big throw, quite like smashing the Jade Pavilion.All the fire element spar, thunder element spar and fire thunder broken crystal in the warehouse of the Knights were transferred to the alchemy studio with a swipe of Qin's pen. Sugar and Timaus refined the explosive powder for a day. They were all called to work for a whole day before making the "Jia Jia Enhanced Big Bomb", which was packaged, arranged and remotely detonated by Abedo himself. times.

Counting the manpower cost, let alone a mushroom cloud of tens of millions of moras, it only exploded to the forced transfer stage. This defensive power is probably on par with Oser's wife.With such a ruthless person, Jiang Yan's reputation is endless, and Jiang Yan also has a headache. It seems that before he can learn the Wuxiang knife, he must use dozens of death machines to "fair duel" with her next time.Ever since I came to Tivat, when have I been output by someone riding my face like this, and I was forced to run and pass by?She never dies?It's not over for me!Jiang Yan said harshly in his heart.

"Mr. Jiang, should we take a break?" Recovering from her embarrassment, Gan Yu saw that Jiang Yan's elemental power had been exhausted, and suggested to fix it in place with concern.

"In order to prevent the lady from calling fools to chase, let's go to the Wangshu Inn first and then rest." Jiang Yan rejected the proposal and continued on the road with Gan Yu.Trim?What I want is to look disheartened, how can I complain to my parents if I don't want to be miserable?

Gan Yu thought about the fact that there was such a risk, and then worked hard to rush to the Wangshu Inn, where the senior Sage Conquering Demons lived there, and he would be able to protect the two of them, so she agreed with Jiang Yan's opinion.The two of them kept walking and continued to fly south.

Half an hour later, Jiang Yan and Gan Yu were completely paralyzed on the armchairs of the Wangshu Inn. In a short period of time, they were parachuted into the orbit, with full firepower, and then fled in a hurry, squeezing the physical strength and elemental power of the two of them. After all, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief when we arrive at Mandrill's territory.

Said the great sage, the great sage arrived, the young immortal saw Gan Yu come to the Wangshu inn with disheveled clothes on his face, and with a flash of figure, he came to the two from the top floor of the inn.

Gan Yu is Zhenjun Liuyunjuefeng's lover, who is short-tempered and good at chatting. If Gan Yu really wants to do something in Dihuazhou, she will call her friends to come and sweep him up.

"What happened?" Mandrill glanced at Gan Yu, then he was relieved, there was no injury on his body, it was just a loss of strength.

"I have seen the Great Sage Conquering Demons." Gan Yu stood up and saluted. Although he may not be younger than Mandrill in age, when he was still practicing under the disciple of True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind, the Great Sage Conquering Demons had already gained a great reputation in the battle of demon gods. , Gan Yu has always been called "you".

"A few days ago, I was invited by Yuheng star to go to Mengde to invite this distinguished guest. As a result, I was blocked by fools and powerful enemies at the border. Gan Yu was ashamed of being a master and lost to the opponent. I made you laugh." explain why.

"Has the other party gone away?"Mandrill was ready to raise his gun to talk to the other party about the "truth".

"It must not be done. The other party has the blessing of the Queen of Winter Ice, which represents the will of the gods. I will make a decision after I have to report to the emperor." If you beat her, the ruler of the world should not be taken lightly, it will add trouble to the emperor.Gan Yu herself doesn't like conflicts between emotions, since she wasn't injured, she wanted to calm down and let things go.

"Great Saint, the other party is the eighth member of the Eleven Executive Officers of the Fools—madam, who is currently carrying out the task of the Ice Queen in Mond. It may be related to the wind god Barbatos who reappeared after a thousand years. Here is the matter. Great, I wonder if the great sage can report this matter to the emperor?"

Then Jiang Yan gave Mandrill a brief introduction to the whole story of how the fools arrogantly bombed down the hanging basket and forcibly stopped people.

Although Mandrill didn't know the inside story, but after hearing Jiang Yan's introduction of the outrageous unscrupulous methods of the fools bombing people down from a height of hundreds of meters, he also wondered if there was really some conspiracy.But as long as it's not a major event related to Liyue's life and death, even though he knows that Dijun is probably wandering around in the Hall of Rebirth, he doesn't want to disturb Dijun's interest.

"The Emperor Shenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end. Except for the invitation of Xian Dianyi, I am waiting for the call." How many mortals?Anyone who dares to come to Liyue to make trouble, just suppress it.Mandrill, who was free from karma recently, thought so.

Seeing that Mandrill was not taking it seriously, Jiang Yan turned his head to Gan Yu, "Miss Gan Yu, the lady came with bad intentions, and this matter involves the gods, please tell the respected master, let Liuyun borrow Feng Zhenjun to tell the emperor to make a decision together. , and we will meet again in Liyuegang later, what do you think?"The broad-minded Jiang Yan definitely disagrees. He is good at fighting fires. Mandrill will not cause trouble for the emperor, but as long as the matter is a little bigger, let the real chatterer see the disheveled look of the precious apprentice who was brought up since he was a child. What happened? Need I say more?

"Yes, yes, please allow me to resign first." Gan Yu felt that it was true. Anyway, it was certain that he had disturbed the layout of the gods. He had to report to the emperor. It seemed that he could only contact his master first.Gan Yu, who suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder when she mentioned work, immediately got up, and after retreating to the mandrill, she raised her hands and prepared to turn directly to Jue Yunjian.

"No, you rest for a while, I'll tell True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind" just as he finished speaking, he saw his figure flash and disappeared, forget it, let's run for a while, so as not to report the truth later Being complained by True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind.

As Jiang Yan expected, Gan Yu grew up under the watchful eye of a fairy with three eyes and five appearances. She can be called the daughter of a fairy.And when the Great Sage Conquering Demons went to pass on the message, he was inevitably called by Liu Yun, who was in a hurry, to borrow his fist from Zhenjun Feng to vent his anger for his daughter, which can be called buy one get one free.

"The Great Sage has good intentions, and the footsteps are much faster than ours, so let's obey the decree and have a good rest." After doing everything that should be done, Jiang Yan is waiting to see the good show

"Okay." Gan Yu is easy-going, and the two of them opened two rooms and had a good night's rest.

At the same time, between the clouds

"What? Gan Yu was blasted to the ground by fools from a height of [-] meters? It's unreasonable! Great Sage Conquering Demons, please follow me to use some thunderous means, and see what this group of lunatics who don't respect immortal masters can rely on!" The angry big bird Furious, he rushed straight to Mingguan Mountain under the leadership of Mandrill.

Did I make a mistake when I wanted to live in Mond: Chapter 68 Chapter 67 Did I make a mistake when I called the younger one to the older one?

The "lady" who regrouped the troops in Blue Wind Highland felt deeply that the passing years were inauspicious.

The number of times the Ice Queen has directly blessed mortals can be counted on the fingers. This time, she is entrusted with the important task of fighting the gods, which makes her deeply honored. However, since accepting the task, the unlucky things have never stopped one after another. .

Before the winter solstice came out, I heard that the idiot Skirmisher went to Longji Snow Mountain to hunt for treasure for no reason, and found the power of the abyss, and was sanctioned by the god next door, Liyue, and all became criminals.This is an executive officer, no, this is something a normal person can do?No wonder I felt that this person was neurotic during the solstice winter, quite like a rice wife shutting her head, and she really fell ill after the solstice winter.

According to my own mind, this kind of black sheep who insults the executive's average IQ should be left to Mond to deal with so as not to fall into the ground.It's a pity that Her Majesty the Empress was so kind that she summoned herself to send this idiot back to Zhiwinter.No matter how reluctant he was, he had no choice but to do so, and the price was that he had almost become a polished commander as soon as he came out of solstice.

Negotiations with Mond also made me furious. The Knights of the West Wind said "collusion in the abyss, plotting wrongdoing". Is it news that we are plotting wrongdoing in Winter?But what about the Collusion Abyss?Isn't it ashamed to rely on the gods of neighboring countries, the lion?

The problems that Mora can solve are not problems in Solstice Winter.I didn't have time to worry about these minutiae, and with the continuous concessions from Mo La, the negotiation was finally declared complete.

After ignoring red tape and briefly assembling a group of high-level cadres of fools who were released, the "Lady" finally has the opportunity to carry out the long-delayed plan-to capture Barbatos' friends and force him to show up, and use the power of the gods to sneak attack .However, the good plan was torn apart by various accidents.

When watching the high-altitude gondola flying across the sky, the "lady" was in a bad mood... After Her Lady Queen told her Barbatos' real body, she never mentioned it to anyone, and planned how the other party knew of?The lady was puzzled.He had no choice but to spread his legs and chase desperately, but was attacked by a powerful bomb and was escaped by the other party.

Up to now, the key figures have run back to Liyue, and the country that walks with the gods is not something you can belittle, so the "lady" had to gather the troops of fools who had fallen behind before, temporarily camped in the Blue Wind Highland, and planned other plans.

Just after settling down, a huge ice sword fell from the sky and hit the center of the camp. The biting cold wind blew out and turned into a large ice fog. The fools who just got into the tent after a busy day should realize that it was suddenly very cold. By the time, the tents had condensed into igloos, and all of them were trapped in them.

On the top of the giant sword, Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed Feng to stand on it.The crane sound was clear, although they were far apart, but for some reason, it clearly reached the ears of every fool.

"My disciple is under the care of everyone today. Who is the mortal who shot down my disciple from a height of [-] meters? How many spells do I have, can I come out and taste them?" Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun You are always rude with ordinary people you don't know, just look at Shen He and you can imagine that he is very good at chatting with Zhenjun's daily "social" way

Again? The "lady" was so angry that she wished to release the Blazing Witch form again to fight this Liyue bird, but the queen's mission was the most important, and she really didn't want to waste her blessing, so she had to break through the igloo and come forward.

"Immortal Liyue? This is the territory of Mond. What do the fools do to you? Is that girl your apprentice? The man who is walking with him is the most important criminal in Zhidong. Of course the fools have the right to stop him."

Liu Yun tilted his neck on the basis of Feng Zhenjun, "Don't you think that this immortal came here to argue with you mortals?" As soon as the words fell, the sky above his head was covered by black clouds in a blink of an eye, and the goose feathers and heavy snow fell lightly. And falling, every snowflake that landed on the surface of the "lady" exploded into a small ice blast.Utilizing elemental force to draw celestial phenomena for one's own use is the unique skill of Liuyun's lineage.

Not to be outdone, the "lady" shot out a large number of ice cones to crush the snowflakes. However, the snowflakes are endless, and the heavy snow is getting bigger and bigger. In a blink of an eye, the lady will be turned into a snowman.

"Damn it!" Using the power bestowed by the queen twice a day, how will he fight against Barbatos in the future?But there is no other way, if you don't use it, you may have no "future" in front of this furious Liyue bird.

Thinking of this, the lady did not hesitate to guide the queen's divine power hidden in the magic weapon, and with a wave of her right hand, the powerful power from the ruling world was released from the lady's magic weapon, turning into a polar snowstorm, and the lady turned from pale to pale in an instant. Even the dark clouds in the sky were directly blown away by this merciless snowstorm, Liuyun took advantage of Feng Zhenjun's legs to be directly frozen on the giant ice sword he stepped on above.

"Sure enough, it's the power of the gods." Liuyun borrowed Feng Zhenjun's expression to change drastically. Although the main purpose of coming this time to vent his anger on Gan Yu, the "power of the gods" mentioned in Gan Yu's report cannot be ignored.True Lord Liu Yun borrowed the wind to come here this time to personally confirm whether the power of the gods has stepped into the world. Since it is confirmed that the other party has a lot of divine power bestowed by the gods himself, this matter should not be underestimated. We must report to the emperor before making a decision .

"Immortal of Liyue, what about your majestic appearance? We will act as the Queen of Ice's favor, and you will not allow yourself to be rude and presumptuous!" It's good for this Liyue immortal to try the water.Barbatos has not been on earth for thousands of years, so he may not be much better than this fairy. It is better to find a problem now than to overturn the car at that time.

Master Liu Yun took advantage of the wind to look down at his frozen legs, and said disdainfully, "Arrogance? Before the Queen of Ice wore the crown, we had already fought many battles with demons and gods. The generation of foxes pretending to be tigers, today, we will Let me show you the real methods of the immortal family."Huge elemental power gathered in the legs, and in the blink of an eye, the solid ice that condensed on the crane's legs began to gradually shatter little by little.

"Let's fall into the cold abyss!" How could the "lady" let her disperse with peace of mind?A huge ice spear was gradually formed in the right hand, and it was about to be thrown out in a blink of an eye, but a golden light flashed in the distance, and the huge rock elemental force condensed into a rock spear, roaring from a distance.

The "lady" couldn't afford it and had no time to dodge, so she had to throw the ice spear over.The ice spear collided with the rock spear, and both dissipated, shattered ice and gravel splashed everywhere. "Lady" just wanted to condense the ice spear again, but found that the rock spear like flowing water was shooting from a distance.

"Unreasonable!" The "lady" continuously activated the power of frost, and the ground condensed into a smooth mirror surface. The lady slid continuously on the ice at high speed, like dancing on ice.However, the rock spears continued continuously, without stopping at all, and their power did not weaken. After a period of time, the "lady" finally had no power to continue, so she had to use all the power of the ice to condense into an ice coffin to freeze herself to block the endless rock gun.

At this time, Master Liuyun borrowed the wind to dissolve the divine power of his legs, and looked at the lady's ice coffin with disdain, "The death machine developed by this immortal has been praised by the Emperor Yan, I wonder if it can enter yours?" The eyes of the gods? For the sake of the Queen of Ice, I will spare your life today, and if you attack my people of Liyue in the future, you will definitely not be forgiven!" After finishing speaking, she spread her wings and left.

"One or two are like this, Liyue people! You bastards!" The "lady" who appeared in the form of the blazing witch found that the enemy had already flown away, and her mentality completely collapsed. Turn everything around you into coke.

Of course, the hard-working Mandrill jumped up and down carrying the final machine, and it took a long time to return to Aozang Mountain, which is another story of painting style.

Is there something wrong with the Liyue mixed system: Chapter 69 Chapter 68 Is there something wrong with cutting all the mess?

Jiang Yan, who was lying in the Wangshu Inn, naturally did not know that Fengliuyun Zhenjun had fulfilled his dream of a "fair duel" in advance for him, and slept happily until dawn, and returned to Liyue with Ganyu port.

Familiar snacks, markets, teahouses, restaurants, Jiang Yan really wants to shout "I, Hu Hansan, is back". It is true that Mond is a friendly city, but Tiantian sausage, bacon, ham, smoked chicken, no Liyue person can stand it what.If it weren't for the change of profession in Mond to the martial arts faction who kills and kills almost every day, I would like to open a barbecue skewer restaurant in Mond to teach this group of sausage people what the true meaning of meat is.

Together with Gan Yu, they went to Yuehai Pavilion to hand over the task. After a while, Ke Qing, who was dressed in fine clothes, rushed over after hearing the news.Looking at this purple cat head, Jiang Yan was full of emotions. He started to practice with this Yuhengxing since he couldn't hold his sword steadily. He practiced hundreds of thousands of "heart-to-heart friendships" until he taught her skills in turn. Walking all the way, like a lifetime away

"It's the first time we met, my old friend" Jiang Yan said with emotion

Without letting his eyes reveal too many flaws, before Keqing approached, Jiang Yan changed his appearance to the state of "a rational fan meets an idol", took two steps forward, and stretched out his hand, "I have admired your name for a long time, Ke Qing Miss Sunny"

Keqing is always in a rush when doing things, so she walked two steps forward and gently shook Yingying's little hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jiang, the meeting has already started, I'm just waiting for you"

Jiang Yan was startled instantly, started?What about your own preparations?What about the participants?More importantly, I and Gan Yu traveled all the way by sea, land and air. When did you send the news?What if I didn't come?

"Miss Keqing..."

"Just call me Keqing"

"Okay, Ke Qing, Miss Gan Yu only introduced that you want to hold a meeting on the "Yi Jin Xie Sui Jing", I would like to ask, who is this meeting with? Would it be better to give me some time to prepare? "Even Jiang Dahuyou, who can open his mouth to make up, rarely fights such a pure encounter.

"It's okay, this meeting has already been held for the second day. Preparations have been started since the day Miss Gan Yu left. Representatives from all the sects of Liyue Port, Wuguan, and Qianyan Army were present. I am currently hosting it, Mr. Jiang You will be an observer today, and whether you will speak later or not, the time to speak is up to you, and I will never force you to."

It is Keqing's code of conduct to resolutely turn an idea into action.Ever since the "Yijin Ximai Jing" caused a huge disturbance to Liyue for the second time, Keqing had already decided to take over the matter forcefully.

The key to the uproar of this shit is that everyone cherishes themselves and wants to make a fuss.And Keqing's way of solving problems is as straightforward as her character:

First of all, she directly asked Gan Yu to find Shen He, and asked her to participate in this meeting, without revealing the fairy family's decision, just a simple comment.Under the persuasion of Gan Yu who felt guilty, Shen He agreed.

The second thing is to ask Gan Yu to invite Jiang Yan, the founder of "Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing", to come back. Although many people now suspect that the high-level part of "Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing" may not be an empty shell, but as a pioneer of ideas , there are still many people looking forward to Jiang Yan.

With "authority" and "brand", Keqing directly issued the Seven Star Notice in Liyue Port:

Chuan Qixing’s official announcement—everyone’s notice: There are rumors in the streets and all kinds of messages, saying that there is a meritorious method called "The Sutra of Changing Tendons and Washing the Marrow", which can change the tendons and wash the marrow, so that people can become immortals and attain the Tao, which is not true.

Flesh and blood will eventually turn into ashes, but if the body is exercised properly, although longevity is hard to find, health can be expected.The General Affairs Department will take its essence, gather the wisdom of the masters, and the abilities of the immortal family, and make "Liyue Body Training Art" to strengthen the body and the people, so I tell Liyue, don't listen to the lies of villains, and waste your heart and money. "

This announcement directly turned the tables. The original author, the real god, was going to develop the exercise together with Liyue's master. Who would talk about this old almanac?They are all liars!Those who did not write this book are certainly not martial arts masters, let alone believe what they say.

The "immortal direct participation" made this book full of expectations before it even started editing, and it was about to become Liyue's only authoritative body training textbook, and the various sects couldn't sit still after hearing the news.

The roster of authors is also the "wisdom of the master" in the announcement. If there is no one from your own sect, will the sect still be able to recruit disciples in Liyue in the future?Can you get along?From another perspective, if this book, which all Liyue people have to practice, incorporates some moves from their own sect, why worry about the sect's failure?

So in the blink of an eye, all the major sects have dispatched their elders, or simply the head of the sect, to visit the General Affairs Department with a lot of gifts, and strive to participate in the "Liyue Body Exercise" seminar. A martial arts tournament held by Quan Liyue.

In this way, Keqing integrated all the resources together by relying on only two names and an announcement.This is Yu Hengxing's style of doing things, vigorous and resolute, going straight to the point, not entangled in fly-by-night, and using the general trend as a sword to cut off all the mess.

The venue of the meeting was held directly at Yujing Terrace. The disciples of various sects who came and went, and the martial arts masters who were rarely seen at ordinary times, became the live advertisement of "Liyue Body Exercise".And these live advertisements created an atmosphere of heated discussions among the people, and forced the sects that did not come to participate. Jiang Yan chatted with Ke Qing along the way.

If I change myself, I will always consider coordinating interests, tempting people to gain benefits, etc. I am afraid that I am still negotiating interests with the old men in such a short time.How can Keqing's "I'll cut the cake, and those who don't come have no share" come so refreshingly?Love love love.

When they arrived at the Yujingtai, they found that the various sects were arguing fiercely. Shen He sat in the second seat, his face expressionless like an ice sculpture, but everyone who was speaking was looking at this suspected immortal from the corner of his eye. At least she is also a white-haired girl who is a disciple of the Immortal Family.Even the slightest movement of her jaw would be the strongest weapon in their debate.

Shen He didn't find what they said was interesting, only bored.A few days ago there was a big fuss in the Heyu Teahouse, Senior Sister Gan Yu took a lot of effort to calm the matter down, and due to human circumstances, she had no choice but to participate in this boring meeting.

If it's really for mortals' physical fitness, that's all. The Xian family has a lot of common body exercises that can be passed on to the outside world, so the master probably won't care.However, this group of people are fighting with each other for the purpose of writing the techniques of their own sect into the teaching materials. Whether it is right or wrong, it is only for the benefit. It is the practice of mind, and the soul has already wandered into the sky.

When Ke Qing and Jiang Yan came to Yujing Terrace, they immediately became the focus of the audience. Even the people who were arguing stopped talking. They knew that their debate was nothing more than expressing a firm attitude. is the most important.Of course, if this talented girl can't cut the cake well, the people present don't mind spending some time sharing the cake together.

Looking at this group of eager, greedy, flattering, and ulterior motives, Jiang Yan decided to only bring his ears on the first day to see how the famous Yu Hengxing held the scene. Of course, once they dared to group together and bully him old friend to meet", then don't blame yourself for being rude.

Please start your performance, let me see how powerful a genius who became the Seven Stars of the Liyue in his young age and the gods look at him, Jiang Yan is looking forward to it with great interest.

Did something go wrong in the Liyue mixed system: Chapter 70 Chapter 69 Did something go wrong with the 996 boss

It's a pity that Keqing didn't plan to show any cake-cutting ability after the first day of fighting for interests. Today's theme is "Participation of the whole people". In Keqing's agenda, everyone has time To show your sect's understanding of body forging, and the content you want to insert into "Liyue Exercise", each sect, organization or Jianghu loose person will have 10 minutes to explain, and then submit a document to the General Affairs Department.

Even if you make a self-statement, there will always be a villain who has to step on others. Apart from interrupting this kind of speech, Ke Qing did not say a word throughout the whole process. for discussion.

After listening to the ancient road show, Jiang Yan was about to go to Wanmin Hall to comfort his stomach, but Ke Qing stopped him, "Mr. Jiang, wait a moment, can you discuss it with me?"

"No problem, let's eat and talk at Xinyuexuan?" Jiang Yan owed Ke Qing a large amount of favor as a training partner, and he wanted to eat her a meal of golden silk shrimp balls for a long time.

"Also", after a while, the two of them ordered a few quick and convenient meals, and immediately went straight to the point.

"Mr. Jiang, after listening to the exercise experience of various schools for a day today, how do you feel as the founder of "Yijin Ximaijing"?"

"Liyue Martial Arts is really broad and profound, as a junior, I have gained a lot," Jiang Yan said politely

"Since Mr. Jiang has finished all the polite words, let me tell the rest of the truth. In my opinion, if all kinds of martial arts that are completely different from each other can be bettered, there is a library in the world. Enough is enough, what's the use of sects?" Ke Qing said surprisingly.

"Then why did Ms. Keqing recruit them to Yujingtai?" Jiang Yan wondered, you know this, what's the point of having a variety show like "Liyue Good Kung Fu"?

"Sects, organizations, armies, and scattered people from all walks of life cover most of Liyue's martial arts learners. If they are not allowed to come, who is this "Liyue Bone Forging Art" compiled for? For children? Who will let children practice a Do you know whether it is effective or not after ten years?" Ke Qing said bitterly.

"It's a long way to go to get rid of sectarianism, and I'm not immune to it. I wonder if there is anything I can do to help Ms. Keqing?" Talking to this girl was easy, and Jiang Yan was straightforward.

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