"Everyone in Liyue knows that Yuhengxing doesn't respect gods and gods. I hope that things related to the fate of human beings should be done by human beings. But the power of gods and gods is far better than that of mortals, so I won't lie to you. Mr. Jiang, yours "Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing" is fake, but I like the picture you describe very much, and I hope to make it real. If everyone can become a fairy, why do we need a real fairy to protect us?

With such an ambitious goal, Liyue's thousand-year history has proved that martial arts are not good enough, and neither is the eye of God. This road must be built with a new foundation.I wonder if Mr. Jiang can work together with me to create an era that belongs to ordinary people? "Keqing sincerely extended the invitation.

Jiang Yan knew why he admired this girl so much. How could he, who believes in "there is no savior, nor rely on the god emperor", accept even the kind gift from the superior gods?

This persistence comes from the self-improvement of beggars who disdain "come to eat"; from the self-reliance of "it's better to have a father than a mother"; Ke Qing with a proud soul, Jiang Yan agrees that she is a rare compatriot in this lonely world.

"I want to know, if I hadn't come back, if I hadn't participated in this matter, how would you have handled all of this?" Helping a friend is not necessary, but if you want to walk along the way, you need to test whether her ability is worthy of the job Ideal

Keqing took out three documents from his cuff and handed them to Jiang Yan, "The first document is the body training technique you mentioned, which I used the great power of the General Affairs Department and Yuehai Pavilion to integrate medical skills, alchemy and martial arts. , basically analyzed and realized all the content you said, and expanded.

Jiang Yan took a look at the first document. It was very informative. The signatures on it were all well-known doctors, scholars, and instructors of the Qianyan Army in Liyue Port. The deduction, the signing date of many contents, are some time after the bragging in the martial arts gym, it can be seen that it is definitely not a temporary idea, the only disadvantage is - this thing can only be understood by martial artists!

Jiang Yan looked at the second document again. The structure is almost the same, but the content is all martial arts. The research on the human body has been transformed into internal strength, food-related things have been packaged as secret medicine, and things related to exercise have been covered with secret skills. , there is a lot of blank space in the action, it seems to be waiting for the shell

"If the situation goes well, I plan to use this thing as the core, and then apply some actions of the various sects to promote it as a conclusion. After most of the martial arts students get on the bus, I will gradually use the first document to make everything clear. smash them all, forcing them to walk on the right path, as for personal reputation, I don't care about it." Ke Qing said lightly.

Is this more than a personal reputation?So the former and the latter, I am afraid that even the Seven Stars will not be able to do it, Jiang Yan thought to himself.

Jiang Yan looked at the third document again. The structure was still almost the same, but all the process and conclusions were wrapped in the skin of fairy art, turning medicine into elixir and science into mystery, and even removed a lot on purpose. During the process, he emphasized that "immortal family skills, just follow it and you're done", and even simply wrote the words "Dadong Refining the True Treasure Sutra for Cultivating Lingsha" on the cover of this document, which made Jiang Yan speechless for a while. The name sounds [-] times more professional than my own Washing Sui Yi Jin Jing.

Ke Qing saw that Jiang Yan had finished reading the third document, and slowly said, "If I can't win people's trust, I have to use the name of immortals to forcefully subdue all the warriors in this meeting in the name of these man-made immortals. The merit is fake. The effect is real, but once it spreads widely, even if the three-eyed five-display celestial being jumps out in person and says it's fake, it's meaningless, it's nothing more than mutual hostility.

But although this method is simple, I don't want to use it. I want to establish an era that belongs to mortals. Once the authority of immortals is used to make a bad start, it will inevitably be overthrown by others with the authority of immortals in the future.But if there is no other way, instead of regretting because it can't be done, it is better to plant the seeds of making everyone a fairy first. "Speaking of this, he has a hesitant expression on his face. If he does this, even if it is done successfully, there will be disputes in the future.

Yes, Jiang Yan scored 90 points in his heart. He is rigorous in doing things, well-prepared, and spares no effort.

But, since I came here, the remaining 910 points will naturally be made up by myself.

Jiang Yan stretched out his right hand, "In a week, we let everyone know the first exercise, my comrade-in-arms"

"Then let's go, if you waste too much time, you won't be able to finish the job!"

"What's the rush? You haven't eaten yet!" Does this kind of 996 unscrupulous boss really want to mess with her?Jiang Yan suddenly wanted to regret it...

Did something go wrong in the Liyue Mixed System: Chapter 71 Chapter 70 Did something go wrong with the bedside knives

Martial arts is a bit embarrassing in this world full of God's Eyes. Even if he is trained like Master Jiang Yan, a teenage God's Eye user can still defeat him. Zhidong Krypton ordered to play Xieyan, which is outrageous.

In fact, Jiang Yan is quite familiar with this problem. Martial arts masters who found that their magical skills are not as good as foreign guns and cannons have also been confused, painful, and pondered about it, from a hundred years ago to today.Some, like Sha Zilong, abandoned passing on their unrivaled kung fu so that the next generation would not take this dead end; some, like Li Jinglin, joined the army and actively embraced the times; The nature of the struggle.

Although Tivat is slightly different, because the technology is locked and the Qiuqiu people are everywhere, martial arts can be used, and it will not become a stage for clowns.However, the martial arts world that has lost its spirit will naturally not have much positive energy. People who learn martial arts do not talk about martial arts, but they are fighting against each other. The pattern of these people can be seen from yesterday's conference.

If they were all pure warriors like masters, it would be difficult for Jiang Yan to deal with.But it's too simple for this group of scumbags.

After a simple meal, Jiang Yan grabbed Ke Qing who was about to start work, and asked, "Ke Qing, what do you think our Liyue people practice martial arts for?"

Keqing sat down, thought for a while, and replied, "People who need to keep fit, people who actually engage in related occupations, and people who really like martial arts are basically these types. The third type is relatively rare, basically Both of the first two"

Unexpected answer, but not the point, Jiang Yan said, "In the final analysis, there are two types of people, those who spend Mora, and those who earn Mora. The martial arts that seem to be rooted and leafy actually have only one logic in the final analysis. Some people use Mora to buy martial arts to solve their problems, but today the people on Yujing Terrace need these people to support themselves, that’s all.”

The cold logic made Ke Qing frowned, but he had to admit that this logic, which Ning Guang would definitely like, captured the core of the problem.

"If you want to blaze a new path, you must attract these people from Huamora to this new path, otherwise the truth will be the truth, and Mora will be Mora, and everyone on Yujing Terrace today will not Follow you." In the first half of Keqing's routine, the overwhelming force was done beautifully, perfectly achieving the goal of calming the storm.But in the follow-up, Jiang Yan felt that he still took this group of people too seriously.

"So, tomorrow, you should first investigate and sort out who is spending money on martial arts and what is their purpose? Then we will decide what to do next. When the opportunity to try is more precious than time, don't be in a hurry." Jiang Yan said, stood up to pay the bill Leaving, leaving Keqing alone to think quietly.

"Let's slip away, and the meeting is still in the dark, can you be an individual?" Jiang Yan, who was walking home, had just complained about Ke Qing's violent introversion, only to find another famous overtime madman in Liyue Port on the doorstep of his house. Already waiting, his whole face suddenly collapsed.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm very sorry to disturb you so late, but my master has just sent a message. I hope to meet with you and learn about the matter of the fools carrying the ice queen's divine power. Because it involves Liyue's safety, I have to act urgently." Gan The rain is very embarrassing.

"Let's go, let's go." No wonder Yuehai Pavilion is always short of people. With you guys here, I want to go back to Mond tonight, okay?Jiang Yan complained, but after thinking about it, Zhenjun who is very good at chatting does not seem like a crane who can reason. If he really refused Gan Yu's invitation, he would stand on the beam of his house in a blink of an eye and start a violent chat, so forget it.

When Gan Yu brought him back to Xinyuexuan, Jiang Yan refused in his heart. The clerk at the door thought he had forgotten something in the private room and was about to talk to him, but Gan Yu led him to another private room that had already been prepared

A long table, a private room, a crane waiting for him standing on the main seat, gave Jiang Yan a very strange feeling, he really wanted to call the waiter, "The big goose stewed in an iron pot is fresh, let's put it in the pot", but he didn't dare.

"Little apprentice Gan Yu has been taken care of by you today, and I am here to express my gratitude." Zhenjun Jiefengliuyun still treats the mortal who saved Gan Yu's life with special respect.

"Where, I am the one who should thank Ms. Gan Yu for saving her life." How could Jiang Yan have the nerve to admit this?People came all the way to pick me up.

Master Liuyun borrowed the wind and sighed, seeing that everyone was too polite, he was ready to liven up the atmosphere, "Gan Yu, this child..."

These few words seemed to trigger Gan Yu's mysterious switch "Zhenjun!" Instantly interrupted the performance of Zhenjun who is very good at chatting.

"Okay, let's get to the point first." I am very good at chatting, and I regret that I didn't succeed in showing my baby." After being summoned by the Great Sage of Conquering Demons, I found the mortals in Zhidong Kingdom and punished them a little. When I found the leader, It is true that it carries the blessing of the power of the Queen of Ice, the power of the gods should not be underestimated, and the Great Sage Conquering Demons is vague, so I come here to understand the ins and outs and report to the emperor."

Sue the emperor?Behind your screen, isn't there a guest from the Pastoral Hall?Jiang Yan firmly controlled his desire to glance at the screen of the box.If he just borrowed Fengfeng to stay with True Monarch himself, who is good at chatting, where would there be any invitations?It is the demeanor of a goose directly from the sky to chat with him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan didn't dare to talk nonsense, organized his language, and briefly introduced the situation of thousands of people eating chicken in Longji Snow Mountain, as well as the details of the follow-up negotiation between the lady and Qin, and said that the lady's goal should be Barbato Si's speculation.I didn't dare to fight again, there are several books about emperors punishing cunning and profiteers and evil officials in Wanwen Jishe, why can't I think about sending them to the tower?

After the narration, the chatty gentleman asked a few detailed questions, such as the current situation of Barbatos and Twalin, the details of Twalin's corruption, the situation and power of the Abyssal Order in Mond, and so on.

The questions were all very important, but it also made Jiang Yan sure that someone would send a message to him. If he doesn't care about worldly affairs, he can chat with Zhenjun very well. How can he understand these things? "Mortal, heh!" "Disrespect the immortal master, eat me to death!" is its style of painting.

"I have already understood the specific situation. You are very good, mortal. Do you have any wishes? It is rare for a true gentleman who is very good at chatting to praise you."

"I heard that Zhenjun developed the ultimate treasure of the immortal family during the war between the demon gods, which made countless demon gods terrified. I wonder if it is true?"

"It's true" to flatter scientists. It's useless to brag about people. You must brag about its proud achievements. Sure enough, this crane has an expression of "do you understand well?" A big bird has such a rich expression. Worthy of being a fairy.

"Nowadays, the Kingdom of Winter is acting unscrupulously. The Queen of Ice is a god, and even meddles in the disputes between the kingdoms of the world, which makes me and other mortals deeply terrified. How can the mortals with naked eyes resist the mighty power of the gods? I especially ask the true king to give me the opportunity to die." Blueprint, once Liyue becomes today's Mond, we can at least rely on the final machine to resist a little bit, waiting for the immortals to come to the world, and save Liyuegang from the disaster of returning to the original place in the past.

When Zhenjun Jiefengliuyun heard that Jiang Yan asked for the blueprint, he wanted to scold the mortals for their huge appetite, but when he heard him mention Guiliyuan, he fell silent.Guili was the eternal pain of the first generation of three-eyed and five-manifested immortals. The earliest base was destroyed by the melee between gods and demons. What's the use of deploying a large number of ending machines?Thinking about the vicissitudes of returning to Liyuan, True Monarch Borrowing the Wind and Liuyun couldn't help but hesitate a bit.

Jiang Yan saw Zhenjun borrowing Fengliuyun from rage to entanglement, then suddenly tilted his neck slightly as if he was listening to something, and finally sighed, pulled out a scroll from the void and threw it to Gan Yu, "Your wish is over, and Go yourself." Then he turned around and stopped talking.

After Gan Yu sent Jiang Yan out of the box, Zhong Li came out from behind the screen, and it was he who sent the final message to Zhenjun Fengliuyun to hand over the drawing of the final machine to Gan Yu.Zhenjun Fengliuyun bowed his head slightly to pay tribute, "Emperor Rong, the specific situation is just as this mortal said, and the two phases confirm that there is no difference."

Zhong Li stood where Jiang Yan was just now, glanced at the screen with his golden pupils, and shook his head

"The material is not out of the ordinary, the jade is still in the raw"

Did something go wrong in the Liyue mixed system: Chapter 72 Chapter 71 Did something go wrong with the wool gathering in the middle of the night

Jiang Yan, who came out of Xinyuexuan, was in a cold sweat. The district chief had never seen a person in his life. Facing the inspection of the gods, it's no wonder that he didn't panic.What?Qin is also the speaker of Mond?Isn't she Queen Noelle?Is there anyone in the world who can help people find cats?

These gods are not ordinary pickers. Xinyuexuan treats guests without ordering a single dish and drives them away. After all, the blueprint of the final machine was given to Gan Yu instead of himself. Didn't pull it out, despised it.

Jiang Yan said goodbye to Gan Yu, and it was already late at night when he returned home.It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been home. Although someone has been hired to clean it regularly, the house that’s been unoccupied for a long time is still deserted, and people don’t even want to sit. After a few months of hustle and bustle, I’m used to the hustle and bustle. It's hard to get used to the days of hiding in the busy city and leveling alone every day.

It doesn't matter, continue to challenge!The humiliation of being blocked by a lady does not want to happen again. Jiang Yan still has it in his heart, "a small punishment"?What fun is there in not avenging yourself?

Up to now, ordinary skills are no longer of much use to Jiang Yan now, and the application of fairy-level elemental force will significantly improve him. It's a pity that except for Mandrill's vector jet fighter marksmanship, the whole Liyue can learn it. With his reliable fairy art, there is only one Gan Yu left.Let's just ignore Yan Fei who was caught by the Abyss Cult and rescued by Yula...

How to secretly learn Wang Xiaomei's fairy art, Jiang Yan has planned for a long time.Gan Yu's skills are really suitable for him. Shanze Linji is the long-awaited ice bomb. Since Abedo refuses to support it, he can only learn from Gan Yu.What's more important is that Shuanghuaya, who has a second-stage charge, can easily integrate into his own combat system whether it is chasing or attacking fiercely.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.Xianjia archery, with Jiang Yan's previous three-legged cat archery, can't be practiced at all, and he can only sing "cold ice rain on the face" Random shooting", what can we learn from this?

For this reason, Jiang Yan had no choice but to put on a pain mask and start making up lessons.Recently, the time to practice the basics of bow and arrow has reached half of the night.Although Wendy despises the way of using bow deformation and bowstring rebound to exert force, but this kind of Versailles is worth listening to, and I am afraid that I will not be able to practice it in ten years if I only practice the stunt that can only be mastered by Fengshen.

Ordinary skills are naturally strong through fierce practice. With Jiang Yan and the sleeping Wendy practicing for a long time, and with continuous special training with opponents of various styles, Jiang Yan's understanding of archery is becoming more and more exquisite.However, the special training opponents who were hit in the previous period had different opinions on this.

"Meow! I'm so angry! I really want to bite!" Although Little Diona spends her days mixing drinks, in her spare time, she has a strong lineage from the Katzlein family and loves hunting very much.Jiang Yan came to her mainly to train the use of the short bow.

After discovering that the tricks of the ice element were meaningless to the opponent, Diona could only choose to shoot at the opponent. The previous few times, she won the victory through flexible dodge and counterattack in the dodge, but the opponent learned quickly and quickly Become as slippery as the golden loach.Up to now, the opponent doesn't even shoot arrows very much. He stands closer and closer to himself, practicing to avoid his sudden cold arrows, hum!This is a provocation to the Katzlein family!

"Forget it, that's all. Write to her later and send her a few recipes of Liyue vinegar. No matter how delicious it is after making it, you will lose your teeth and can't drink it again before you pass out." Thinking of this, Jiang Yan jumped to hide During the arrowing process, two arrows condensed with ice elemental power quickly hit the target, ending the week-long special training with little Diona.

The special training with Fischer was very straightforward. First, the Thunder Talisman went over and drew a bowstring to stun Ozzy, and then began to practice quick shooting with Fischer.Even without Ozzy, Fischer is actually very powerful. With the addition of the Thunder Element, the speed of Lianzhu Arrow is one of the best among the people Jiang Yan knows.The special training with Fischer was like a cowboy duel in the west, quickly draw the bow, swish, swish, and see how many holes everyone has on their bodies.

"Miss, why doesn't he use the bowstring to slap you? Isn't the battle over?" Ozzy, who received a teleportation attack every time, asked Fischer aggrievedly

"This is the noble soul," Fischer said confidently.

However, Fischel could not fight in just three days. Jiang Yan thought he was no less than anyone in terms of mastering the power of the thunder element. On the third day, Fischel was shot through by the rain of arrows that fired at a crazy speed.

"Very good, I have mastered another skill of abusing cooking" Jiang Yan, who almost pulled the bowstring, commented on this

"Sir, can you teach me how you practice? Why do you improve so fast?" Amber fell into serious self-doubt in the past month.Seeing other people using their physical fitness, getting stronger and more proficient, and even making tricks that I didn't think of, how can I describe the frustration in my heart as sour?The most irritating thing is that Earl Tutu is obviously his own unique skill, but he uses it so colorfully in other people's hands, as if he is a pirated version.

"Study hard, practice hard and be well-informed." Jiang Yan didn't take it seriously. She shoots dozens of arrows a day, and she shoots hundreds of arrows in the arena; normal thing?What's more, after finding Keli to practice bomb throwing hard, Amber's Earl Bunny is not enough to watch, and there is no prediction?Still need to detonate?lame.

But Amber's arrow skills are real. Thinking about when I first came, I thought she was the weakest character in the first place, and I challenged her at the first time. At that time, I was really stupid.It was only after I went to Mond that I found out that Amber shot a foolish cadre with the power of a demon a few years ago. How can Fischer and Diona be compared?

It will take some time to defeat Amber. There is no way. Jiang Yan feels that although his bow skills are good now, he still can't keep up with the adaptability and rhythm. Let's practice slowly.

In this way, with the support of the Mond Archers Brigade, Jiang Yan finally obtained the basic threshold to be able to learn Ganyu archery. Seeing that the time is almost up, Jiang Yan tried to shake the overtime madman who is the most difficult to shake in the entire Tivat, Fortunately, it worked.Gan Yu's sleep time is extremely scary. Before 4:[-] in the morning, Jiang Yan never shook her, so he had to finish the duel with Gan Yu every day.

"Please enlighten me." Gan Yu greeted honestly. She was a little confused, and always thought that this arena was a secret place for her master to help her practice. Since the master didn't say anything, she didn't ask.Except for the master, Gan Yu never thought that such a good thing would be someone else.

"If you can't get the crane's hair, you can get the wool. It's not a loss." Jiang Yan comforted himself

Is something wrong with the Liyue mixed system: Chapter 73 Chapter 72 Is something wrong with the billion mora

It was cool to hang up for a while, and it was always cool to hang up all the time. The reverse deduction of Shuang Huaya gave Jiang Yan a lot of inspiration.Research on this vein has been going on.Comparing Gan Yu and Shen He who has been practicing against each other, I found a lot of interesting things.

They are both under the sect of Zhenjun Bianfengliuyun, comparing the fighting methods of Shen He and Gan Yu, we can find out:

When the use of elemental power is complicated, they will use talismans to assist them, such as Gan Yu's Jiangzhong Tianhua, Shen He's Yang Ling Wei Summoning General Curse and Goddess Sending Spirit Secret Art.

And simple power bursts, such as Gan Yu's Shuanghua Arrow and Shen He's small skills, are basically completed by the Eye of God.

Thinking about Mandrill's big flower arm again, the Great Sage Conquering Demons is definitely not the kind of fairy who paints his body just because he is cool, so, is this actually a kind of magic pattern?

Then the essence of a fairy should be a fairy body containing a lot of elemental power + a talisman that can guide and shape the elemental power.That is to say, cultivating immortals can improve the elemental power in the body through breathing and eating, and then use talismans to store and guide them to form a fixed template to form a powerful immortal technique

Everyone can learn talismans. Alchemists can make a few low-level talismans to exorcise ghosts and evil spirits, regardless of whether they have the eyes of God. So in the final analysis, the difficulty of cultivating immortals lies in the upgrading of the body to reach the level that can drive high-level talismans. Threshold chant.

Jiang Yan thought for a while about the resonant breathing method taught by Abedo. This master alchemist might have touched the essence of cultivating immortals by mistake.

So, most mortals can't cultivate immortals because the elemental power in their bodies is too low to activate even the lowest resonance?

If this is the case, it can be explained that the more Liyue people are, the more powerful the Qianyan Spear and Qianyan Sword are, because the Qianyan Army all practice the same set of kung fu, and it is easier for everyone to resonate when they gather together?

Jiang Yan, whose mind is full of coquettish ideas such as rituals for thousands of people, and collective ascension, can't sleep at all. If this vote is really achieved, it will really not be a dream for all the people to become immortals.

I couldn't fall asleep, so I just got up and started tidying up. There is a living god covering us, and it is not impossible to perform a promotion ceremony.In Jiang Yan's mind, who put on his clothes and stood up to write quickly, pieces of the puzzle are being assembled perfectly.

Just after noon, Ke Qing hurriedly brought Jiang Yan to the General Affairs Department, pointed to two stacks of documents and said:

"300 surveys, covering almost all occupations, ages, personalities, the statistical results are on the first page, please take a look"

"300 copies? How is this possible?" Looking at the statistical report with wet ink, Jiang Yan was a little dazed. Meituan didn't hire you. It's a big loss.

"It's nothing. The General Affairs Department has sent out all except the statisticians. I travel relatively fast, and I'm only responsible for recycling, and then I will work with everyone to calculate the results. It's normal."

Ke Qing, who was sweating profusely and didn't even have time to wipe it off, waved her hand nonchalantly and replied.

In Jiang Yan's mind, the scene of this girl rushing frantically with Lei Qier at all costs.

This is really a wolf off, can't be provoked.

After opening the file, the file details the ages and occupations of these hundreds of people, as well as several mainstream reasons for learning martial arts:

Why spend money learning martial arts?

The largest proportion is naturally those who want to engage in related occupations in the future, totaling about two-thirds;

Among them, there are about 100 people who hope to become Qianyan Army;

More than 40 people who want to mix martial arts and martial arts;

More than 30 people who want to be adventurers;

The target is more than 20 merchants or caravan guards;

There are also some other strange occupations;

Hey, someone actually filled in the questionnaire from the General Affairs Department, and the target is the Treasure Bandit?Is the head so hard?

Secondly, there are dozens of people who learn martial arts because they can strengthen their bodies and prolong their lives, but they include almost all middle-aged and above people who learn martial arts, as well as most of the people from well-to-do families.

There are also a small number of pure hobbies, such as loving martial arts and wanting to become a martial arts master since childhood, but there are no more than 30.

Keqing didn't like this conclusion very much, it was so real that it made people uncomfortable.

She always thought that there was no need for any reason to learn martial arts, and Liyue's people all admired martial arts, so how could they be called Liyue people if they didn't learn some martial arts?

There must be hundreds of people who love martial arts, right?

As a result, after investigation, it was found that the poor are just eating for a living, and the rich are just using it to spare their lives.

I have always claimed to go deep into the people, but I didn't understand such the most basic things.

Jiang Yan said without any surprise, "Understood? Martial arts are nothing more than that, so there's no need to take it too seriously."

Keqing played with her braids, and answered while thinking:

"Since this is the case, if you are rich, I plan to invite Mr. Bai Shu from Bubulu to coordinate with Xinglin colleagues to draw up the content of physical fitness. Mr. Bai Shu has always been critical of the excessive training of martial arts. With this opportunity to speak freely, I think he will definitely make some achievements, after all, in terms of prolonging life, doctors have unparalleled persuasive power."

That’s right, those who sell health care products are all in white coats, and the marketing method of performing arts and selling Dali pills should have been eliminated by history. Jiang Yan nodded in agreement, and suggested that Keqing should focus on calisthenics, which has a low barrier to entry. Intensive exercise is the focus of health preservation.

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