Is there something wrong with the Liyue mixed system: Chapter 84 Chapter 83 Is there something wrong with the triple salary

"The outer six inner seven phalanxes recruit gunners and provide venues"

"A middle-grade gun team needs to add a gunner to make progress together"

"To enter the middle-grade elite squad in March, you need to add a talented gunner with four outsiders and four insiders. Both parties will benefit from cooperation, so don't make mistakes."

Today's Liyue is full of these kinds of Martian advertisements that foreigners looked at with a confused face. With the continuous improvement of the law of resonance, a whole set of procedures has also become more and more professional under the wisdom of the people.

First of all, the current Resonance Gun Array has become two identities: "array owner" and "gun friend". The array owner provides materials, as well as auxiliary materials such as spar powder. The right to be faster or slower than yourself.Although gun friends are free to come and go, it is very rare to find 48 people who grow up at the same speed as myself. It is possible to replace suitable candidates, but the manpower of the General Affairs Department is limited after all, and those who are urgently recruited have to spend money to advertise.

There is no way, the marksmanship and the breathing method each have nine levels, and everyone's learning progress varies widely. There are often people who are talented in one aspect or blunt in a certain aspect. If they are not careful, the internal and external progress is uneven. The same is an unbalanced gun formation.What's more, talent is such a thing that it is difficult to unify even a carefully selected spear formation. You can't see anything in the entry stage. When you wait until the middle-level stage of the fourth to sixth stage, you often have to replace half of the people in a spear formation to maintain it. Resonance frequency stability.The reason why Jiang Yan took shape in one month is entirely because the carefully selected soldiers of Qianyan's army have basically reached the ceiling of the original mortals.

Of course, no matter how good the spear array is, after reaching the top-rank of 7th to 9th rank, there is only one way left to seek help from the Qianyan army. The provision of the fairy family's secret realm and talisman, and the help of enough masters, have made Qianyan's strength even stronger today. The army has become the last single-plank bridge for the whole people to cultivate immortals. The original winding path leading to the secret realm is also directly called "Dragon Gate" by the people of Liyue. Whether they can jump over the Dragon Gate depends on this last leap.

In fact, this single-plank bridge is quite wide, because there is always a small difference in the upper limit of mortals. Various routes and various speeds always lead to the same goal in the end. The output rate is very satisfactory, and every day someone successfully crosses the dragon gate.

Although, compared to the total number of Liyue people, this amount is still a drop in the bucket, even those who crossed the dragon gate can only open a shield, enchant weapons and other simple applications.But this kind of practical path and reproducible way of growth is simply unimaginable for the motivation of Teyvat people.

The Tivat people have accumulated thousands of years of resentment towards the miserliness and injustice of the God's Eye. Once they make an opening, the words "all people cultivate immortals" really don't contain any water.

But the fly in the ointment is that even the Qianyan Spearmanship 3.0 practiced by the whole people is so difficult, and other elemental skills, because they can't match enough companions, they have to die one after another, making Liyue completely become the kingdom of Qianyan, It made the immortal family feel regretful and relieved.

Jiang Yan, who designed and perfected the matching mechanism and ranking system, didn't get promoted step by step, but submitted his resignation neatly.The reason is very simple. Currently, the Qianyan Army is under the direct jurisdiction of the General Affairs Department, and the direct leader is Keqing.

Yu Hengxing currently has a "brilliant" record. No one of her direct subordinates has worked for three months, and Jiang Yan, who still has some modern people's leisurely, lazy, and bad habits, is no exception. He listens to the well-known Three passages from the Bible are chanted, life is so sour:

"If you waste too much time, things will never get done."

"It's good to combine work and rest, but don't relax too much."

"Whether it's an adventure or a business, opportunities are fleeting."

In addition to singing the Bible several times a day, she can always come up with something new to make you doubt life. Take a certain day of work as an example:

As soon as she went to work in the morning, this girl began to explain the work completed in the middle of the night to various departments one by one. Jiang Yan was naturally one of them. When she just went to work and was not in the mood, she was slapped in the face by various numbers and details. With the slogan "Brace yourself!"

Arriving at noon in a hurry "I don't have the habit of taking a lunch break, but if you are tired, go and take a rest, I will wake you up in 3 minutes." ——Jiang Yan, who was about to take a nap after lunch, received this In a word.

"You kill me, I will collapse in the afternoon if I don't sleep at noon." Jiang Yan went crazy

"Sleepy? I'll bring you a cup of my special herbal tea. It's the best way to relieve fatigue." A cup of unsweetened Qingxin tea is out of the oven. don't drink?However, this broken tea is bitter and astringent. People who can drink this thing to refresh themselves will probably be able to do things that are biting and refreshing.

I barely tossed until I got off work, and because of some unexpected situation, I was left to make plans until late at night.

"It's finally over, good night, I'm going to lie down, see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow? Me?...Well, there are still a dozen things to deal with, and I can rest after finishing." Facing Jiang Yan who was about to get off work, Ke Qing said this. At this point, I had no choice but to put down the package and continue to fight.

After completing the work in the secret realm, Jiang Yan only returned to Liyue Port for a month, and Jiang Yan felt that he had returned to 2022. From the very beginning, he was thinking about black silk, friends, loyalty, future and other messy things. It became "whatever her black silk and white silk, even if she calls Dad to take off her silk, I won't do it anymore." Ignoring the retention, I resolutely handed in my resignation.

Of course, in fact, the basic work has come to an end here. Jiang Yan, who has completed the task, has no insight beyond the times. When it comes to daily work level, he also thinks that ability is only average.Even if he is reluctantly bestowed a high-ranking official, he is not worthy of the position and is exhausted and exhausted. He is a cheater, and sooner or later he beats the seven gods and tramples on the laws of heaven. Why hang himself on the system?

Dijun and Ningguang Keqing found out that his ambition was not here, so they didn't force him. Ningguang simply approved a staggering amount of N+36 compensation. must help.As for Dijun, he never played any tricks, and just had a dream in the middle of the night

The emperor in the form of a dragon in the dream scared Jiang Yan out of his body after the challenge, "Liyue will be rewarded for every meritorious service. You have fulfilled your duties well. Do you have any wishes to fulfill?" Morax He is very satisfied with this little guy, although his aspirations are not in the temple, but the friendship with Liyue and the others has already been formed, and he will be useful in the future.

"Dijun, I have a god friend who fell into a deep sleep due to exhaustion of power. He couldn't wake up for several months. He was very worried. Please give me a way to save him, so that he can be revived as soon as possible." Revealed his true purpose.

How could it be so easy to wake up from the deep sleep of the gods?You must know that Wendy fell down twice before, each time lying down for at least 500 years!With Ying's last half-dead appearance, God knows how long the "several months" in his mouth will take!

Jiang Yan, who has been doing crazy things deliberately for several months, actually has only one purpose, to gain the reputation of the emperor, to make himself more valuable, and worthy of some rewards from the emperor.Finally, after I have made enough contributions to Liyue and settled the Twarin series of troubles about the abyss for the emperor to go to Mond, I am finally qualified to speak.

Dijun looked at Jiang Yan with his majestic golden dragon eyes, "If it's that alcoholic poet, don't worry about him, he is about to wake up now;" Then he remained silent, waiting for Jiang Yan's response.

The old man is really difficult to deal with. In the second half of the sentence that he didn't say, Jiang Yan seemed to hear the words "confess the truth".If you can hide the source of your own martial arts from others, how can you hide it from Morax, who has seen the twins of Thor many times?Compared with Dijun looking for himself in a dream, it is to block all the prying eyes from the sky and underground in advance, so that he can confess with confidence.

Jiang Yan smiled wryly. In front of the six-thousand-year-old Morax, he was no different from a six-year-old child. What else could he say?Let's talk, the emperor has stuck a bug for you and bypassed the system, so what else is there to be afraid of being banned?

Jiang Yan fully explained the existence of the arena and the process of communicating with Lei Movie, and was not worried that the arena would be taken over by the emperor.Morax is the god of wealth. Of course, his wealth does not need to be stolen. Ships built for circulation will berth when they encounter ports. Liyue only needs to "precipitate" the wealth. This is the source of "wealth". God's pattern.

No matter what secrets he has, where he learned the Inazuma martial arts, as long as Morax thinks it has "precipitated", he doesn't need to worry.In the past few months, the friendship between Jiang Yan and Liyue has grown deeper and deeper. Although they share similar interests and sincere relationships, in a way, it is also to prove this point.

After listening to Jiang Yan's narration, Morax fell into deep thought. Although this little guy is not honest, his ability to judge the situation is good, and he is worthy of his dream. extreme.

"I see. It seems that the situation of Mandrill and disciple Liuyun has improved, and it is also because of you that it is so good."

After understanding the function of this secret realm, Morax immediately thought of the situation reported to him by several True Monarchs a few days ago.Thinking about it this way, this secret realm that can separate the body from the spirit is quite desirable.

"Exactly." Jiang Yan nodded in agreement.

"Although I don't know the specific situation of General Thunder and Lightning, but according to what you said, even with my ability, it is very difficult for me to chase the soul for thousands of miles and completely copy the memory of the god. It is not uncommon to fall into a deep sleep under severe mental trauma. "Dijun thought for a while and made a suggestion to Jiang Yan

"I have a method called Resurrecting the Dead and Returning to the Bones. For mortals, as long as the soul is still alive, the name of reviving the dead and returning to the skeleton is worthy of the name; even if it damages the gods, I believe it can be effective.

However, this method is obscure, difficult to learn and difficult to use. Back then when three real people performed it together, they were able to release it successfully. Even so, because the injured person's body could not bear too much immortal power, they did not achieve full success.

It's best if you can learn it naturally, if you can't perform it, you can move the body of General Thunder and Lightning to Liyue, and I will call all the immortals to perform this technique as a reward. "

Jiang Yan was overjoyed, isn't this a big move?It turns out that there is such a big background!Think about it too, what is the level of immortality that requires the joint efforts of several immortals?Barbara's six lives can be resurrected in the game, but in the real Tivat, let alone resurrection, she has been well protected by the people around her, and she is still responsible for singing and acting cute. She has fought so many battles in Mond. See take her once.

I thought the best result would be that the emperor bestowed some divine power to stimulate Ying to forcibly wake up.But now that the emperor has directly bestowed this strategic level of immortality on himself, this feeling is too great. In the future, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, the emperor will have to fight with a word.Thinking of Jiang Yan here, he bowed deeply to thank him, "The emperor's great kindness can't be repaid, and it goes without saying that he will form a grass ring in the future."

The emperor showed a meaningful smile, a golden scroll emerged from the dragon claw, floated down, landed on Jiang Yan's head and disappeared slowly, and a long article appeared in Jiang Yan's mind, which is the fairy law. The full text of Huike.After the end, the emperor soared into the clouds, and the dream turned into nothingness.

Jiang Yan got up, studied this fairy method carefully, and suddenly had a clear understanding: Normally speaking, he would definitely not be able to learn it, even if he gave himself 100 years to learn it.This celestial art consists of three parts, Ascension to Heaven, Rescue of Suffering, and Resurrection of the Dead.The first part is responsible for retaining the soul that is about to disappear, the second part is responsible for restoring the human body to its original state, and the third part uses vitality to make the stagnant people start to "flow", and all cycles start to operate.

For Ying, neither the first part nor the second part is needed, the third part is the key, but even if he only learns the third part, Jiang Yan will be overwhelmed.Just this small part contains dozens of combinations of seals, gangs, formulas, magic weapons, and all kinds. The words are obscure and full of terms for cultivating immortals.

Forget it, let's find the person's physical memory to do both. Presumably the emperor also wants to see how far this arena can achieve, otherwise he would not pass on this seemingly impossible to learn big move at all.

"Summon, Qiqi!"

"I'm Qiqi, a zombie... Ah, what else do I need to say?" Qiqi didn't know how to reply to such a scene that was not recorded in the notebook, so she could only introduce herself.

"According to the emperor's order, I will learn the method of raising the dead and returning to the bones. If I disturb you, I will offend you." Jiang Yan saluted seriously, even if this is what the emperor wants to see, but the favor has to be paid by himself, and he will find a way to repay it in the future.

"Did you ask me...? I'm sorry, I don't remember..." Qi Qi had already forgotten her real name, and she couldn't understand what Jiang Yan was talking about. All skills come from the instinct of the body.

Qiqi doesn't hurt anyone, and she doesn't understand the rules introduced to her by the arena, subconsciously let her draw out the sword, and she just wants to subdue the person in front of her, "fight with all her strength"?Qi Qi has no such concept at all

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Yan drew out his long sword and pointed it at his chest heavily. Blood spurted out, and he was about to die in a blink of an eye.

Among Qiqi's orders to himself, one of the most important is to go to rescue the seriously injured people he sees. As a zombie, the order is absolute and greater than all subconsciousness.So Qi Qi came over and said, "Listen to the edict, proclaim this edict." Directly liberating the immortal power in her body, she unleashed the powerful immortal method of saving suffering and disaster.I saw that Jiang Yan's wound healed rapidly, and the scab had formed in a blink of an eye. Apart from losing blood and appearing pale, he was saved alive.

The two looked at each other, awkwardly

The stabbing was too shallow, so Jiang Yan had no choice but to draw out his sword again, and stabbed himself deeply again with all his strength, the scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

Qiqi woke up from the dream, "It seems that something happened, but I don't remember..."

Is there something wrong with the Liyue mixed system: Chapter 85 Chapter 84 Learning to save people and self-explosion, is there something wrong?

It's been a long time since I saw you, suicide is actually a kind of knowledge.Jiang Yan, who is good at Jinpo headshots, encountered the need to chop himself into blood for the first time.But people don't have a health bar, even if they get stuck to 1 drop of blood, they will die suddenly and stably in the next second, which is more difficult to deal with.

After sorting out the needs, what I want is actually to stab myself to the point of death, and at the moment when the immortal method of saving suffering and disasters takes effect, let myself die, trigger the subsequent recovery from death, and then "revenge with kindness" to defeat Qiqi, The first part is over.Jiang Yan's understanding of the immortal method of returning the dead to the skeleton has already made Jiang Yan think of the best gift to repay this little girl.

The scroll bestowed by the emperor was very detailed, with rich pictures and texts, and attached the detailed notes of the revival of Zhenjun Moon Cutting and Zhuyang after he led the treatment of Qi Qi.According to Zhenjun Qiyue Zhuyang, in Qiqi’s treatment process, the step of locking the soul is no problem, and the part of restoring body functions is also no problem, but when it is about to succeed, there is a problem with the step of returning the dead to the skeleton. , because there is no precedent, the amount of immortal power instilled by True Monarch Moon Cutter and Yang Yang is slightly higher than the required amount.

A small loss is a thousand miles away, the speed of the "flow" of the three major cycles of meridians, qi and blood, and elemental power in Qiqi's body has exceeded the limit that this little girl can bear in a blink of an eye, and she is about to explode and die, cutting the moon and building the sun Zhenjun had no choice but to urgently stop the step of "returning to the skeleton", and Qi Qi, who had stopped circulating, turned into a zombie full of immortal power.

So Qiqi's problem is actually that her soul is locked in her body. It's as simple as finding a shadow to be a puppet?The value of the Immortal Art of Reviving the Dead and Returning to the Skeleton is more than enough to exchange for dozens of castle towers. A doll with the body of an ordinary person?Can't even talk about adding heads.

Of course, if you can't copy the skills, everything is in vain. Jiang Yan has stabbed himself no less than 10 times, and he hasn't caught the right time. It's either fast or slow.Why is Erye Guan's bone scraping cure so weak that it really hurts to stab himself.Jiang Yan now feels the illusion of cool breeze in his chest, as well as the illusion of heart-wrenching pain.

Alas, favors are something that I choose by myself, admit it, and draw the sword to the chest again, fortunately, Qi Qi has a bad memory, so it won't cause psychological shadow.

For the tenth time, Jiang Yan finally felt it when he was about to be fragmented, and the powerful immortal power poured into himself, allowing his meridians to flow again, blood to circulate again, and elemental power to resonate again. Gradually restored to integrity, the whole person miraculously recovered

Sure enough, just talking about committing suicide, he has definitely stepped on the Seven Gods.Jiang Yan just wanted to apologize in advance for the upcoming "revenge of kindness and revenge", but found that Qiqi's body began to gradually become pale and stiff after exhausting the life-saving immortal power that he relied on to survive, and his whole body also slowly became weaker. Closing his eyes, a silver-white crystal butterfly floated out and flew into his body, the scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

"This..." Jiang Yan's expression was complicated. Although he didn't repay his kindness, even though it was because of the rules of the edict, but the little girl didn't say a word and risked her life to save herself. This puppet is probably in doubt.

"Call, Seven Seven"

Jiang Yan, who summoned Qiqi again, didn't need to deceive the little girl with a sense of guilt, because the version he needed was much simpler than the full version led by Zhenjun Qiyue Zhuyang.

Ying was not physically injured or died at all, the first step is not needed to lock the soul, the second step is not needed to restore body functions, the first half of the third step, the "death" to return the soul to its original position is not needed, and the second half "" "Returning to the skeleton", there is no need to accurately calculate the amount of immortal power, just use your best, and expect a miracle to be done, the limit?Burst?nonexistent.

So without further ado, Jiang Yan launched "Return to the Skeleton", the effect was outstanding, and in a blink of an eye, he was like a firework, "BOOM" exploded, which is very normal, and now he is using Qiqi's physical fitness, which has not been activated for hundreds of years How can a body with meridians, qi, blood and elemental power perform such a "miracle with great strength"?

It doesn't matter, come again!

"Happy Lantern Festival! BOOM!"

"Look at me blowing up a cloud mountain for you, Bai Yujin! Bounce!"

The joyful self-explosion lasted all night, and Jiang Yan felt that the technique would maintain this link, and if he continued to practice like this, he would soon be ok. After all, no matter how high the level of these gods is, they can't risk their lives to practice, and the learning speed is definitely not at the same level.But how can it be so simple to put it on others?You still have to learn the combination of Yin, Gang, Jue, and magic weapon, and you have to work hard in reality.

The winding path leads to the secret realm, which is the current Longmen. Since the whole people cultivated immortality, it has been guarded by the real king who cut the moon and built the sun. Jiang Yan found this divine deer easily.

Before Jiang Yan could open his mouth to explain his intentions, True Lord Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang took the initiative to tell Jiang Yan that he had obtained the emperor's decree, and he could ask if there was anything he didn't understand.Anyway, in a few years, he will be here to be responsible for protecting the last threshold for Liyue's people to cultivate immortality.

No wonder there are many people in Liyue who are too lazy to use their brains. With the emperor around, why use their own brains?After tossing for a long time, Dijun is at your next stop, and has already buried the solution wrapped in oiled paper. Isn't it good to wait for Dijun to guide you?

Just like this time, Dijun can ask him about the details of the arena, but he doesn't need it at all, and will provide you with solutions directly. If you want to master additional things, you have to find an expert to learn, and you have to take the initiative to learn from an expert Introducing the situation, I am very happy to explain everything, and I have to thank the emperor for his generous rewards. Look, what is the point of using your brain?Thinking too much made me vomit blood.

But forget it, others don't know, but I know that Dijun is going to retire soon, Dijun can guide you, Zhongli can only let you pay the bill, so it's up to you.

The guidance of the three-eyed and five-manifested immortal is so rare, even if he knew that this was what the emperor wanted, Jiang Yan had nothing to complain about, and took the initiative to introduce the situation to Zhenjun Qiyue Zhuyang.Unexpectedly, the True Lord of Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun greatly appreciated his plan of "working hard to create miracles".

"If you don't expect to practice the ancients, the law can always be done." These eight words are easy to understand and difficult to practice. Most alchemists today, after learning the magic formulas of the immortal family, they always regard them as the standard. They only see the law but not the way. It is rare to have it It's really sad and deplorable that Xianyuan bought the basket and returned the pearl. "As a disciple of the emperor, Zhenjun Moon Cutting and Zhuyang is the most friendly to mortals, and has high expectations for mortals.

"True Monarch's Award" Jiang Yan has seen that group of alchemists. In the era when the Liyue gods and humans lived together, the immortals passed down many formulas in order to protect mortals. However, thousands of years have passed, which talisman formulas are still held by these alchemists, If it weren't for the big drama I performed in Liyue Port a few days ago, this group of people probably wouldn't repent when they were swept into the garbage dump of history, and highlighted one dish.

"I am quite interested in trying to awaken a god. Unfortunately, the responsibility of protecting the secret realm is so great that I have no time to do it myself. I can only dismantle and simplify this fairy art as much as possible to make it meet your needs. If you succeed in performing the art in the future , Just remember to report back to the immortal.” True Lord Cutting Moon and Zhuyang is very interested in this matter. Any spell that is useful to gods or demon gods is of high value. There are many sleeping demon gods underground in Liyue. If this If the method is successful, it will definitely come in handy for Liyue, which is also one of the reasons why the emperor is willing to bestow this immortal technique.

"If that's the case, then I'll bother Zhenjun." New teacher GET!

Did something go wrong in the Liyue mixed system: Chapter 86 Chapter 85 Did something go wrong in the Liyue mixed system

Cultivating immortals is a technical job, and it pays attention to speaking, learning and singing, ah no, self-cultivation.But how can Jiang Yan, who is in a hurry to save people, have the time for Fontaine to cultivate himself?In the final analysis, isn't it just to increase the resonance of the elemental force in one's body, and to solidify skills into various rituals?Just do it.

Jiang Yan, who has amassed a lot of elemental power through plug-ins, is not an exaggeration to say "Innate Dao Body" in the words of cultivating immortals. The energy is sufficient and the threshold is sufficient. Unleashing the immortal art will naturally get twice the result with half the effort. The rest is left to memorize Hard back.

Although it is very tempting to systematically study and cultivate immortals, but there are more important and urgent matters in front of us, so we can only "study well without seeking deep understanding".

Jiang Yan pulled out the spirit of memorizing English dictionaries back then, what?Talisman persuasion?Is there any abandon to persuade you to quit?You memorized all 50 words back then, how many seals, formulas, and talismans do you have in total?Is it enough to copy 100 times?Not [-] times enough?

This kind of sprint class style of cultivating immortals really filled the blood pressure of this respected old-fashioned real person. Whether it is seals, gangs, formulas or magic weapons, whoever borrows the power and praises the name, there must be three points of awe. It's just that the real monarch who cuts the moon and builds the sun has a good temper. Instead of the real monarch who stays in the clouds and borrows the wind, the real monarch who cuts the moon and builds the sun can guarantee that he will definitely stage a clean-up.What makes True Monarch Moon Cutting and Yang Yang even more angry is that it works really well!

If Jiang Yan knew what he was thinking, he would definitely not take it seriously. The names of such concept gods are nothing more than a symbol of a concept. Why are you in awe of them?Do I have to chant a Newton's patent when I shoot arrows?

"Ceremony of conversion from the heart to fate, handed down from the wonderful scriptures, lectures in a volume of several chapters, exponents of Ricoh to show people, great compassion and great wishes, great sages and great benevolence, British generalized inertial heavenly gods" Jiang Yanzheng made up one, and wrote it I tried to chant it, but unfortunately the arrows I shot didn’t have a double burst bonus. Alas, it seems that the concept god is useless. Jiang Yan shook his head and continued to be firm. fart.

Putting aside the contradictions between pragmatists and old-school immortals, under the golden combination of patient teachers, off-duty and sprinting students, and uninformed arena sparring partners, in just one week, the shrinking of the immortal method Shrinking bankruptcy mini version, now called "Don't sleep and wake up" fairy skill, Jiang Yan has been able to successfully release it.

Of course, this "release" is too watery. The talismans were carved and painted by Zhenjun Yueyue Zhuyang at the expense of immortal power, and many magic tools of the immortal family were provided by others. Jiang Yan is only responsible for leading this. It's just a long ceremony.

Even so, the True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun has already begun to doubt Lu Sheng. He can't believe that a person who barely understands the basic skills of cultivating immortals can actually maintain the immortal power far beyond his control in a long ceremony. Stablize.In this regard, Jiang Yan, who has blown himself into hundreds of fireworks, smiled and said nothing. The Sea Lantern Festival did not blow up as much as himself, stable?fried out.

True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun has really developed a love for talents. This mortal is worthy of being a person that emperors look at with admiration. With a light step on his front hoof, a few antique handwritten books appeared out of thin air, "I know you have something important to do." Let’s do it, these are the classics of our sect’s practice. It’s over here, I hope you can calm down and start studying from the beginning. Don’t be the one who buys the box and returns the pearl for the short-term benefit of the fairy art.”

Jiang Yan agrees with this very much. No matter how strong the celestial arts are, they have their own strengths with the eyes of gods. However, for thousands of years, countless owners of the eyes of gods have died, and the immortals are still alive and well in Liyue. Art is just a small way, and the rise of life level is the essential purpose of cultivating immortals.

"Thank you, Master." Jiang Yan knelt down and saluted, and took the classics with both hands.There are three levels of preaching, teaching, and dispelling doubts. You only need to be called a teacher for dispelling doubts. If teaching is not your main job, you can maintain respect according to the situation.But these days, the true master of the family is preaching the real Dao, and he has no secrets at all. Now he even gave away the classics of his sect, and it’s over if he honestly kowtows. Unreasonable.

The True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun is also very happy. Gan Yu, a disciple of Liuyun, has dedicated himself to the emperor for thousands of years.And as the emperor's disciple, it's really unreasonable for him to wither under the sect. It's rare for a seedling with temperament, talent, and ability to be accepted as a disciple, so he can have an explanation to his master.Thinking of this, with a step on his front hoof, a long sword made of stone emerald emerged from the void.

"As a teacher, I don't have any good things as a gift for accepting apprentices. Most of the magic weapons of the immortal family are useless with your ability. This blade of Fengfeng is a token of the covenant between the emperor and the people in the past. I have held this sword several times as a teacher. , I was the supervisor of the country when the master went to war. When the contract was completed, the master gave me this sword as a souvenir. This sword is useless to me, so I will give it to you as an apprenticeship ceremony."

"Thank you, Master!" Jiang Yan just remembered that his master, Zhenyue Zhuyang, is a disciple of the emperor. Once he takes this famous blade of Fengfeng, as long as he thinks about it, it may be no problem to cut seven stars up and down eight doors. .This treatment is too good.

Seeing Jiang Yan's joyful expression, Zhenjun Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang said solemnly: "I know that your ambition is not in the temple. In the past, I was also in Tianheng Mountain and didn't care about world affairs. It wasn't until the time when I held this sword to supervise the country that I knew the people. heavy.

Now that you have entered my sect, Liyue is the most important thing for all people, and you always have a share on your shoulders. When you hold this sword, think about its weight. "

"The apprentice knows." Jiang Yan bowed and saluted.I still recognize the identity of Liyue people, and I must be indispensable when something happens, the blade of Fengfeng?The heart is here, why do you need a sword to suppress it?

"Let's go!" True Monarch Moon Cutting and Zhuyang stepped into the void and flew away.Jiang Yan also put away his first five-star weapon other than the scrap wolf end, picked up the made talismans, magic tools, and classics, and returned to Liyue Port.

Three days later, in Liyue Port area, next to the Death Omen, Jiang Yan bid farewell to everyone who saw him off

"When you arrive at Daozuma, don't forget to call. If you have any questions, I will call you." Ke Qing quietly made a gesture representing night.

"It's a pity that Brother Jiang can't see the performance of "Liyue Hero Walnut" written by him. If you have any new excerpts, remember to write to my little sister." Farewell to friends, adapted from Huo Yuanjia + Ip Man + Fist of Fury Liyue hero Hutao, Yunjin thinks it will be another breakthrough after "Qingquan Town" - Kung Fu Liyue Drama

"Brother Jiang's kindness in rebuilding is never forgotten! You must tell us when you return to Liyue." Jiang Yan's reputation in the Qianyan Army has long been adored.

"I will find a solution for you with the original guide, but how many moras you need depends on how many business opportunities you can find in Daozu." Ning Guang, who had a happy cooperation, was very confident in Jiang Yan's opening of the Daozu market, and rushed over specially .

"Bon voyage, Mr. Jiang." The shy Gan Yu came over and said hello.

It's okay, I didn't mess around in Liyue for nothing, Jiang Yan is very happy to have so many friends as a gift, at least it's much better than Hyundai.

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