"Let's sail right away! Brother, if you don't come up again, we're leaving!" Beidou yelled down on the deck.

"Treasure everyone! Don't worry, just wake up a friend, and he will be back soon. See you at Xinyuexuan!" Jiang Yan raised his hand with a thunder talisman, and in the next moment, he was already on the deck.

"Frozen clouds and gloomy weather, a flat boat with a leaf, take the opportunity to leave Jiangzhu. See you later!"

The sixth volume ends, Sahua

Please look forward to the seventh volume: Is it wrong to find a relationship in Daozuma?

Is there something wrong with finding a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 87 Chapter 86 Is there something wrong with Yang Yang's self-respect?

"Towards the eternal kingdom surrounded by thunderstorms, set sail!"

Following Beidou's order, the Southern Cross fleet pulled anchor and set sail for Daozuma. Although Daozuma is currently closed to the outside world, everyone understands such things as being closed to the outside world.No matter which country, no matter what period, it has been inseparable from smuggling and monopoly since its birth, and so is Daozuma.Just to give an example, Inazuma couldn't even get the candles for the ceremony together, and the Mora used for alchemy had to be transported from Liyue. The so-called complete isolation of the country is naturally a joke.

More importantly, whoever has been wronged can't be wronged by San Fengxing and his subordinates who loyally serve General Lei Dian, who have been loyal to the country for a lifetime, what's wrong with buying some luxury goods from other countries?This is the secret of Beidou’s opening of the Daozu route. Taking advantage of the tight commodities in various countries, the Southern Cross can eat everywhere in Daozu, and even supply supplies to the rebels on Haizhi Island. Hearing that, Jiang Yan was taken aback for a while.

"Sister Beidou, do you actually have such a big influence in Daozu?" After many days of dating in the Shanzhai Fools, the friendship has already become warm, and "Teacher Beidou" has long been replaced by "Sister Beidou"

"How is it? Younger brother? Although I don't know what your friend does in Daozuma, do you want me to ask the friend who works in Sanfeng to take care of you? It's not a bad thing."

"Thank you, Sister Beidou, but what I have to do in Daozu is more sensitive. If something goes wrong, it will easily cause you to lose this route. I'd better join Daozu as an individual." Going to save people, but Daozuma doesn't know anyone, and the only one she knows is the lying patient, so she has to use some means, so don't hurt her friends.

Beidou frowned. This little brother who has been crazy about making big news since we met, is actually afraid of hurting others this time?Is this to assassinate General Thunderbolt?Thinking of this, hand Jiang Yan a firework

"No matter what, you have to have a referral. Dao's wife is currently in seclusion. Without an introducer, you can't even go out to the outlying islands. In this way, I will ask Qiuyue, the branch president of the Chuyu Chamber of Commerce in the outlying islands, to help you get one." Passport. Keep this firework boy, and release it at the seaside if you encounter danger. The Southern Cross is in Daozuma, and there is a special supply ship. After seeing the fireworks, they will come back to pick you up."

"Then thank you Beidou sister." Jiang Yan accepted the firework with emotion. This firework means that Beidou would rather turn against the shogunate and throw away the entire rice wife's foundation to help himself. This kind of favor is too great. I can return it after I wake up the shadow in the future.

The straight-line distance between Daozu and Liyue is actually not far. Many people ran from Daozu to Liyue in small boats. Although it is true that they escaped death, they also belonged to the category of "you can swim there with two shuttlecocks in extreme anger". , but the larger the ship, the more it needs to accept the challenge of thunderstorms.

As soon as we arrived at the outer sea of ​​the Inazuma Sea, the calm sea suddenly changed its style. The storm and thunderstorm formed a thick layer like the wind wall of the ruins of the Mond Tower, blocking the arrival of ships.The Death Star, which runs the Inazuma route all year round, has already undergone lightning protection and storm-proof transformation.With Beidou's order, the sails of the Death Omen were retracted, and the metal mesh cover was deployed from the top of the mast, covering the entire Death Omen, making the whole ship seem to be covered by a cage.

As soon as the violent thunderstorm hit the mast, it was scattered by the net. Lightning and sparks flew everywhere, but the whole ship was safe and sound. Jiang Yan was amazed to see that the development of thousands of years of experience and theory always leads to the same goal.After a short journey, we have broken through the barrier of the thunderstorm and arrived at the outlying island port, which is the only place for foreigners to enter Daozuma.

The port on outlying islands is not big, because there are not many ships that can pass through thunderstorms. During the period of the lockdown, foreigners were subjected to all kinds of difficulties in Daozu. Jiang Yan had to leave this ghostly place first.

Beidou brought a wanted criminal on board—Fengquan brother, ah no, Maplebara Manyo.It is really inconvenient to stay for a long time, so people from the Chu Yu Chamber of Commerce will pick them up, and by the way, after helping with the landing procedures, Beidou told Jiang Yan to pay attention to safety and then set sail directly. The rest can only be done by himself

"Since I'm a friend of the Dragon King, I'm naturally a friend of mine. Please wait a moment. I'll go and handle the island landing procedures for you. We'll talk about the rest later." Qiuyue, the branch president of the Chu Yu Chamber of Commerce, came to greet her in person. For the Liyue merchants who take the Daowife route, the Southern Cross is the master of this route. The fastest ship, the largest scale, and the most powerful relationship are all here at the Southern Cross. How can the distinguished guests of the Dragon King dare to neglect?Jiang Yan didn't even let Jiang Yan go through the procedures for landing on the island, and took him directly to his own restaurant to clean up the dust for him.

"Excuse me, what do you call the honored guest?" In a foreign country, a table of local dishes was set up in a blink of an eye, which shows how enthusiastic the Chu Yu Chamber of Commerce is.Of course it is enthusiastic, entertain this master clearly, even if you ask Southern Cross to help bring goods once in the future, you can make a lot of money. This is not just a distinguished guest, this is the living God of Wealth. With a smile on his face.

"I have admired Qiuyue's name for a long time. Just call me Jiang Yan. This time, I begged the relationship of Big Dipper and came to Dao's wife to do some private affairs."

"No problem, if you need to stay on an outlying island, I will help you to go through the residence procedures; if you want to visit Narugami Island directly, it will be a little troublesome, you need to contact the Kandingbushi who manages outlying islands, and I will endorse and sign for you. A passport" Qiuyue directly provided Jiang Yan with various solutions.

But it's not easy for people to go out, and Jiang Yan can't do things like cheating fellow villagers, so he said very frankly, "Chairman Qiuyue, to tell you the truth, what I want to do next is a little sensitive, if you get involved, I really feel sorry, Your Chamber of Commerce, or your trading partners, is there any businessman who is about to return to China and can provide me with an endorsement?"

Qiuyue's smiling face suddenly collapsed, "Little brother is a kind person, so I will tell the truth. With the lock-up order, it is too difficult to do business here, and the oppression pursued by the survey is getting worse and worse. Deportation is often used as a substitute for deportation." Forced, once the handle is taken, the consequences will be unimaginable. I will definitely do my best to deal with the matter proposed by the Dragon King, but if something goes wrong, we may have to meet again in Liyuegang." Speaking of this, think about the recent Qiuyue was already mourning the loss of being determined to pursue extortion.

Since he didn't say anything to death, Jiang Yan understood that this request was indeed a little too much, Beidou's face was not worth the risk of being slaughtered, so he had to take out the special treasure for businessmen.

Jiang Yan took out a large amount of receipt from Beiguo Bank from his pocket, put it on the table, and pushed it over with a folding fan, "I understand President Qiuyue's difficulties very well. It stands to reason that he shouldn't be forced to do so. But, The matter to be done next is really very important. President Qiuyue, can you see if this can be done? Since the business environment on outlying islands is so sluggish recently, it must not be a big deal to find a businessman from the Wanuo Chamber of Commerce who can't continue to work and is about to return home. It's too difficult, please ask President Qiuyue to coordinate with President Jiulisu of the International Chamber of Commerce, can you? Of course, all the expenses of dredging will naturally be borne by me."

Qiuyue didn't look at the data on the receipt at all, but stared at the folding fan intently. To be precise, she stared at the pendant hanging under the golden fan bone. The pendant was carved from amber, and the golden phoenix pattern was extremely exquisite. , it looks like a famous boutique at first glance, but what attracts people to this pendant is not its value, but a saying that everyone in the Liyue business world knows-"Linzhi Fengyi, the problem is less? One is enough", just It is this sentence that makes this specific style of phoenix pattern a symbol exclusive to a certain person.

The president of the Qiuyue branch swallowed a mouthful of spit, "Brother, no, this distinguished guest, what should I call Lord Tianquanxing?"

"It can be regarded as some personal friendship." Jiang Yan said lightly that Versailles, this shining parting gift, is really powerful against Liyue Merchant.Looking at the expression of President Qiuyue Branch, Jiang Yan couldn't help feeling that Ningguang's status in the heart of the businessman was probably comparable to Lord Yan.

"Since I'm a friend of Lord Tianquanxing, I'll do my best." Qiuyue Branch President made a 180-degree turn in his attitude, and didn't take risks to help Beidou. Most of the people have basically transformed from businessmen to manual laborers.

"It's so good, I'm sorry for the president's trouble." The rest is naturally for the guests and the host to enjoy themselves. I don't know if Qiuyue is happy or not, but Jiang Yan is happy anyway.

In just three days, Jiang Yan, who temporarily lived in the Chuyu Chamber of Commerce, successfully obtained the pass signed by Tong Shenjie, the executive officer of the survey.

This thin piece of paper is worth 300 million moras, and the president of Akizuki Branch didn’t make a penny of the difference, because any endorsed businessman needs to mortgage so many goods at the Kanding Enforcement Office as a mortgage for visiting Narugami Island. Once any problem occurs, it will be fully deducted as a penalty.Of course, even if there were no problems with the eating habits that were followed by the survey, it is estimated that there would not be much of these goods left.

Naturally, this part of the cost will not be borne by the Chamber of Commerce of the World. Jiang Yan took out the bank notes of the Bank of Beiguo boldly, but found that the amount was not enough, and made up 200 million moras embarrassingly, and finally bought this business card-sized paper.

Along with this piece of paper came an invitation letter written by Tong Shenjie himself. The sudden invitation letter made Jiang Yan very puzzled. He was a little transparent. Yes, but since he didn't bring soldiers to find him, it meant that there was something to talk about, and it happened that he couldn't find a breakthrough, so there was no harm in talking, so he set off for the Kanding Enforcement Office.When we got there, the person in charge of the assignment was already waiting in the reception room.

"I'm Tong Shenjie, appointed to be the head of the Tong family, it's an honor to meet you"

"Where is it, a humble name is not worth mentioning, I have met Mr. Kanding Xingxing"

"Although Kanding is mainly responsible for outlying island trade, as a window to connect with foreign countries, it is also one of the duties of Kanding to report major events in other countries to the general. Your Excellency, as the person who defeated the foolish executives in Mond, a hero You are a young man, but it is far from insignificant," Tong Shenjie replied with a smile.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Yan's heart was full of alarm bells. He didn't know about defeating Fengmolong, and he didn't know about being a coach in Liyue. He only knew about defeating fools and executive officers?I'm afraid it's not a bunch of fools to decide to carry out the channel of this news.Although dozens of knives and axes are useless to him when the wine glass falls, but if he doesn't show his own value, it will be a matter of time before this Kanding adheres to selling himself to fools.

"Where, it was just ordered by Emperor Yan to deal with some lunatics who disrespected the immortal master. Zhidong Kingdom has risen rapidly, and there are many fools who don't know their dignity. It is only natural that they kicked the iron plate."

Thinking about how arrogant the fools are to him, the head of the family, Tong Shenjie nodded solemnly, although the fools promised himself a very attractive condition and wanted him to temporarily detain this Liyue man on an outlying island.But I'm not a fool, let a person who the executive officer is afraid to wait for support, if there is a real fight, the outlying island is afraid that it will be turned into ruins, so he must be sent away directly.

Moreover, now that I have become the decisive weight, I naturally have to shop around to qualify for the survey and appointment, whether to send him away secretly, or send him to the place designated by the fools, it depends on whether he is on the right track.Thinking of this, Tong Shenjie sat firmly on the Diaoyutai with an expression of "you say, I'm listening".

Jiang Yan thinks he is still a very upright person. Looking at this Kan Ding Xun, he almost has a payment code on his face. If he does not quote, he will be beaten by fools in the wild when he leaves the outlying island. He can only blame himself for being stupid.But when it comes to throwing money, who can throw more than fools?I have to think of a more attractive way than Mora.

"My lord will follow the rules. Since your lord is aware of the details, I won't engage in secret missions. That's right, I was ordered by Tian Quanxing to come to Dao's wife to establish a comprehensive cooperation."

"Oh? Such a big event, do you need me to contact the agency for your Excellency?" Tong Shenjie felt very regretful in his heart. If this Liyue person would only pull a big banner as a tiger's skin, then he could only accept the offer from fools. Don't fools know where they are?

"However, seeing Dao's wife under the lock-up order, I think it's more appropriate to discuss this matter with Lord Kanding, because Liyue's hand of friendship is just icing on the cake for Shefeng, but for Lord Kanding, It can be called sending charcoal in a timely manner." Jiang Yan then said the crucial second half of the sentence

"I would like to hear the details." Hearing this, Tong Shenjie became a little interested. It is worth listening to someone who has just come to Daoqi for three days and can understand the rules of the game of the society and the survey.

"At the very beginning, Lord General set the rules, and the three followed each other to serve Lord General. It has been hundreds of years now, the world has changed, and the three parallel carriages are no longer what they used to be. ; and Tianling Fengxing was domineering because he had been in charge of the senior family members of the banner for many years; and Kanding Fengxing, as the money bag of Dao's wife, had been supporting the whole Dao's wife for a long time, but because of his birth, his rights and responsibilities were constantly being ruled out. Nibbling, I am very sad." Jiang Yan closed his eyes and shook his head, the whole person has already entered the drama.

"Your Majesty, be careful, the general sees thousands of miles away, how can you allow you to tell lies?" Tong Shenjie reprimanded, but Jiang Yan's every sentence touched his pain point. In any case, it can be called a high position and weight, but the people of Shefengxing and Tianlingxingxing have always used him as a money bag for random picking, with no respect or even contempt.The most irritating thing is that his eldest daughter fell in love with the second son of the Tianling practitioner.The Patriarch of the Jiutiao family actually disliked that his beloved daughter was too low-born, so she rudely rejected her!A mere second son!It is really intolerable.

"My lord general sees thousands of miles clearly, but my lord general never cares about common affairs, so how did the struggle between the three obediences catch Gao Tian's eyes?" Jiang Yan said indignantly.

"Oh? Then what can Liyue provide for the purse of my rice wife? Mora?" Tong Shenjie smiled disdainfully. Almighty, why am I here?

"Mola is of course meaningless. If you decide to pursue such a person, everything is mud except for the holy family." Jiang Yan glanced at Tong Shenjie. Although he had no expression, Tong Shenjie nodded slightly. A small amount agreed, so he continued.

"It is precisely because Mora is a vulgar thing that he cannot enter the eyes of the general, but what if there is more than Mora between Liyue and Daoqiu? It's the domain of Heavenly Leaders and Society, whoever writes to the general can say goodbye, but who and where we Liyue talk to, we can also let them talk about it?"

The feudal bureaucrats are self-taught.Tong Shenjie pondered for a while, and showed a bright smile for the first time, "Sure enough, a hero is a boy, come, come, my little friend, let me host a banquet for you, let's talk in detail."

Did I make a mistake in finding a relationship with Daozuma: Chapter 88 Chapter 87 Did I make a mistake in saving Grandpa by the gourd baby

When two people have a lot of space for cooperation, even if one person drinks alcohol or drinks tea alone, they can have a good conversation.

Kanding has been bullied miserably for these years.General Thunder and Lightning, he understands everything.Management is fine, but the word "political opinion" definitely has nothing to do with AI, it's just a humanoid seal.Let the three pursue free play, how can they be equal?

Since the society is in charge of government affairs, most of the officials are of noble origin. Miss Shenli has a good saying, "Everyone who only follows the appointment, you should not be qualified to investigate my actions." The translation is "Which kind of onion are you? "The well-known and approachable Princess Bailu thinks so, and the attitude of other officials can be imagined.

And Tianling is responsible for the army and public security, just look at the attitude of the Jiutiao family.Most of the cadres are members of the military circle, and their attitude towards survey and appointment is very simple and unpretentious—"I, Tianling, pay money!"

The situation is so bad, if there is a chance to hug a foreign thigh, of course Kan Ding Xing Xing will hit it off immediately, as for whether this leg is Li Yue's or Zhi Dong's, it doesn't matter at all.

Therefore, Tong Shenjie didn't pay too much attention to the fool's proposal. What he needs is a leg. What's the use of Mora?The dwarf with the bamboo hat is obviously an indistinct character, and he also has some inexplicable arrogance. Your mother is not a general, so what are you crazy about in this land?Looking at the huge difference in the quotations of the characters on both sides, Tong Shenjie sold out all the fools without hesitation.

It's also a coincidence that Jiang Yan's "old friend" stragglers, after Longji Snow Mountain was devastated, were brought back to Zhidong by the lady, and were sent by the Queen of Ice to Dao's wife to make atonement. The stragglers who vowed to perform well have just arrived here and are in the stage of waving Mora around to clear the relationship. Longji Snow Mountain and the direct subordinates who are in trouble are going through the formalities on the outlying islands. At the time, I happened to meet Jiang Yan who was entering Hong Kong, and hurriedly reported to the stragglers

Enemy's road is narrow. Being lured to Longji Snow Mountain like a fool, and finally being wiped out by the gods of Liyue, is the lifelong shame of a straggler. When he met his enemy, he forgot all about his calmness and composure, and went directly to the Kanding Enforcement Office. An exorbitant price of Mo La was given to Tong Shenjie, just to delay the Liyue Renren's trip for a few days, waiting for him to mobilize troops to encircle and wipe out this bastard.

Although the stragglers have already underestimated Dao's wife's officialdom, they never expected that Tong Shenjie was so unscrupulous that he collected money on the front foot, and not only did not do things on the back foot, but also ate Party A and Party B.Now that the conversation is very happy, friends of Liyue who "follow public affairs and abide by the law", and "clear powers and responsibilities and never exceed their powers" are assigned to follow, it is natural to report the major incidents of "foreign forces plotting outside the outlying islands" to the nine rules that Tianling follows. Sara dealt with it.As for where to plot evil outside the outlying island, it still needs further communication and agreement with the stragglers.

After the safety issue was settled, Jiang Yan felt relieved, and began to insinuate what the general's situation was now. Tong Shenjie's answer shocked him a lot: General Lei Dian suddenly declared a few months ago that he could not see mortals when he practiced in seclusion. Not even a piece of paper has been passed out of the castle tower.Since then, the high-ranking and powerful Yae Gongji has also led a brigade of maidens to stay in the castle tower behind closed doors. Every day, he only conveys his opinions on dealing with urgent issues to the maidens who stay at Narujin Taisha Shrine.

The power suddenly fell into a vacuum, and under the complete free play of the Sanfengxing, Kandingfengxing, as the weakest party, was naturally miserable, which was why Kandingfengxing was desperately looking for allies.

In the land of Daozuma, there are only two ways to meet General Thunder and Lightning. The first one is the passport of Yae Shenzi. The remaining one was discussed and approved by San Fengxing collectively, and the "Liyue secret envoy" was sent to the general.It was really unexpected that falsehood and obedience turned into real cooperation, and all plans had to be overthrown and restarted.

Dao wife and bureaucrats are good at dragging each other's legs, stronger than society's implementation, Shenli Linghua complained that his proposal was rejected by the other two implementations, if he didn't get at least two votes, wanting to see the general is purely a dream, damn it politics!Annoying, if it wasn't for Ying's feelings, I really want to go all the way to the castle tower to see what's going on?

Jiang Yan, who is concerned about the safety of the Thunder God sisters, has made a strong effort to initially establish a cooperation intention in terms of "stance on Haizhi Island", "armament and supply trade" and "military food trade".Ningguang would definitely not object to this win-win framework. As for how much Dao's wife would be squeezed out by her, it had nothing to do with "Liyue Secret Envoy".

After the host and guest bid farewell, Jiang Yan hurried back to the residence provided by the Chu Yu Chamber of Commerce to lie down, and began to shake people to call.

What is the situation?With doubts, Jiang Yan challenged the real god twice after a long absence. When the backboard was useless, the gap with the real god was really invisible, and the situation collapsed in basically 10 seconds.However, Jiang Yan discovered an important problem. During the second challenge, Lei Dianzhen still had no impression of herself, indicating that she is not in a good state now, and she is basically sure that she is not in a sober state.Could it be that this pair of silly sisters, the gourd baby saved grandpa, and she also lay down?

The real situation is actually more serious than he imagined.How can it be so simple to resurrect a god?Relying on the perfect body, the copied memory, and the power supply of the heart of God, the revived Raiden barely regained consciousness, and soon fell into a deep sleep of exhausted energy. The consciousness of the general puppet that has been completely cleared has begun to gradually recover in the divine body of Sister Lei Dian. When I think that two general puppet will be resurrected soon, witty like gods, I have no choice but to "retreat to understand the eternal road" "In the name of avoiding visitors, together with himself, he also settled in the castle tower, mobilized a large number of high-ranking witches, suppressed the consciousness of the general puppet with secret methods, and guarded the two gods.

After Jiang Yan confirmed that all the people he was looking for were offline, he became anxious, what the hell? "Summon, Yae Son of God!"

Let's communicate with the only person who knows the situation first, then kill her and face the base directly, no matter whether it can be done or not, the only quickest way at present is this.

"Little guy, you're finally here. Do you want to say something to me? I'll only listen if you win me." Tingying had mentioned this situation earlier, allowing Yae Shenzi to understand his situation in the first place.Although I have always wanted to say thank you to this little guy, the current predicament is by no means something a mere mortal can handle.If she couldn't defeat herself, she would rather keep Ying's friend away from danger, so as not to be blamed by Ying in the future, if she could still wake up.

"It's just what I want, so come on!" Anyway, you can't say anything until you win, are you afraid that you won't succeed?

Is there something wrong with looking for a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 89 Chapter 88 Is there something wrong with cramming

Although it is not as good as Twarin and Ruo Tuo Longwang, Yae Shenzi is also a genuine family member of the gods. He still has the strength of the immortal level. Coupled with the gap in the proficiency of magic weapons, Jiang Yan, who has been smooth in the arena recently, is a rare one. fell into a disadvantage.

Jiang Yan's style of play is not so much the sky fox, but the nine-tailed demon fox next door. The thunder talisman is constantly teleporting, and the lightning strikes continuously into a sword. When you find the right opportunity, you will explode again. The style of play, although it looks weird, but the scene is not bad anyway.

It's a pity, but in terms of mobility, Tianhu is not bad, and I don't know where this little fox has such rich combat experience in front of the editor-in-chief of the magazine.

Jiang Yan's fast movement relies on the Lei Talisman modified from Ke Qing to pull him, but the Yae Shenzi is faster than him. With a pinch of the magic formula in his hand, the thunder shadow teleports a few meters away, leaving a plant on the ground that keeps attacking. Own Killing Sakura.

It is very difficult to turn the sprint race of running karts into a prop race.Although it is not difficult to deal with them one by one, but after the distance is opened, they will be bombarded by various long-range spells that are instantaneous and continuous, and it will be difficult to get close.

Jiang Yan has been kiting others since his mastery of the lightning technique. The feeling of being kited after a long absence is really sour. In addition, his mentality is not stable, and he is worried about the safety of his friends, which makes it difficult for him to calm down and catch the opportunity.Each time, after a stalemate for a while, it gradually turned from a disadvantage to a defeat.

It was chasing after me again and again. After several flying chases, Jiang Yan didn't realize that the landing point of his Thunder Talisman had already entered the range of the Killing Cherry Blossom Formation.

"This is not a field you can step into, little guy, go back." Yae Shenzi showed a rare serious expression, several beautiful pink tails appeared from behind, and a huge and shocking elemental force gushed out.The next moment, a huge thunderstorm fell from the sky. After Jiang Yan barely cut off a thunderstorm, he was overwhelmed by successive thunderstorms.

Not convinced!Come again!

"Summon, Yae Son of God!"

"Don't try again, my energy is very precious now." The fox who started with the persuasion pulled Jiang Yan's blood pressure to full

"I made Twarin's feather into a bookmark and gave it to Barbatos. Now I need a pink scarf to give to Shadow as a meeting gift. Miss Fox, try not to lose." Speaking of Zaun-style greetings, Jiang Yan can challenge a hundred Never repeat the same.

It wasn't until the third headshot by Tianlei that Jiang Yan had to admit that defeating this contemptuous fox was not a short-term matter. him.

In fact, Yae Shenzi was also quite surprised by the fighting power of this little friend Ying. You must know that Tianhu Xianzhen has such a big move, which he has not used a few times in hundreds of years.How did this little guy practice?Maybe he can be of great help in the future, but at least not now, throwing away the distant expectations, Shenzi continued to fall into a deep sleep.

"The magic weapon is not good? Then I will practice! Who didn't practice it?"——Jiang Yan, who was ruthless, came directly to a magic weapon session.

However, it is really difficult to find a suitable opponent for magic weapons. After Barbara and Mona were directly killed, Jiang Yan realized that weapons are far from being interlaced like mountains, and many fighting skills are placed The universal truth.The two non-combatants whose first reaction was to hide when they saw someone rushing over, let alone holding a magic weapon, what's the use of holding Gatling?It was directly taken down by the water sword transformed by Jiang Yan.

Although Ning Guang has a good talent, she is also a player of the stake class. She may not fight as many times as Jiang Yan in one night in her life.However, her skills are quite desirable. Xuanjiping has a great advantage in long-range battles. Any lol player has a dream of a wind wall. Adc with a wind wall?Isn't this invincible?Tianquan Bengyu's multicolored cannon moves are simple and unpretentious, requiring little energy and concentrating them, making them suitable for kites.Jiang Yan studied Xuanjiping and Tianquan Bengyu for half a night before he was satisfied with defeating Ningguang by burying himself in the battle. The characters of magic weapons generally do not have enough combat experience. There are too few tricks, Jiang Yan easily uses Yanshield to force his skills and then sticks to his face and collapses jade to fight back. Isn't it a magic pill? There is a secret book of Daozuma's martial arts called "Yuyou Hakusho", haven't you read it, Jiang Yan is proud Thinking triumphantly.

Although Yan Fei is a half-celestial being, she is actually on par with Ning Guang. After hundreds of years of accumulation, she has only accumulated her immortal power and elemental power. The little rich woman with 18 Mora an hour, most of the dangerous field work Where do I need to do it myself?They all directly hire senior adventurers as security guards.

However, the half-immortal who was born in Rome still possesses the powerful immortal art tailor-made for her by many immortals.Condensing the unstable fire elemental power into a portable Dan fire seal and releasing it at any time according to the needs. This kind of skill may not be able to be developed by mortals in 100 years. Except for her, who has seen any stable fire elemental power skills? ?Most people can only "let it go!" or "explode!" to compress the violent fire elemental power and release it, which shows how much the god behind Yan Fei has put in her.

But in the next second, this skill is mine!Jiang Yan worked hard for half a night on Dan Huo Yin and heavy blows, and finally achieved initial success.Of course, it must be a dream to release the firework seal in such a short time. Every time it is released half a meter away from the side, the Dan fire seal will explode steadily.How can the skills of the immortal family be so easy to master?I guess I still have to practice for a long time, but Jiang Yan also has a flexible way. If you can't become a battle mage, you can always become a self-mutilation mage.

Using body skills to shuttle around a few times, Yan Fei, who was not good at fighting, was already stunned.After turning around continuously, he found that his neck was suddenly grabbed and lifted from behind. Looking back, the Dan fire seal around the opponent's body had been driven to his arm, and it was about to explode when the opponent grabbed his hand.

"Explosion! Explosion! Explosion!" With three loud noises, both Jiang Yan's right hand and Yan Fei were directly blasted by the detonated Dan fire seal, and the red crystal butterfly flew out of Yan Fei's body, hooked into the account, and the scene disappeared.

"Is there anyone who can fight?" The inflated Jiang Yan was finally sanctioned by Ms. Lisa. The wide-area attack and position made the tactics of the Sumi scholar school of expertise, Jiang Yan who just restrained the body technique, and the rose thunder that automatically tracked down the enemy. , the electrostatic force field attached to the enemy makes it difficult for him to achieve a surprise attack.However, Miss Lisa's physical condition greatly reduced her movement skills, and it was difficult to escape the direct hit of the wide-area attack.

"Little cutie, don't underestimate me." It came from Ms. Lisa's taunt. When the Rose Witch was not fishing, she once convinced a knight captain, and her strength was at least on par with Qin and Di Luke.

"Okay, you're amazing, let's fight again tomorrow." Seeing that the sky was about to dawn, Jiang Yan had no choice but to end the night of the magic weapon.

Elemental strength and physical fitness are good, but they are useless in the arena confrontation with Yae Shenzi. Only skills can be brought over. Jiang Yan tested the Thunder Wall and Thunder Fire Seal, and almost injured himself. , At least a few more days of visual inspection.

It seems that the real world is also working hard. Jiang Yan is looking forward to the scene when he, under the recommendation of Sanfengxing, goes to the castle tower to make a big deal and return the forced palace, and Yae Shenzi has to see him.

Is there something wrong with finding a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 90 Chapter 89 Is there something wrong with spending money to buy officials?

Now that he has decided to sell the fools, Tong Shenjie naturally wants to sell them for a good price, and then discusses with Jiang Yan how to turn these fools into a good gift for Tianling.

In fact, the Fools have been laying out Dao's Wife for a while, at least as far as Tong Shenjie knows, after the Haizhi Island rebellion, Tianling Fengxing and the Fools have already had a certain degree of transaction, and they are getting more and more from the territory of Mingshen Island. The more sneaky fools can be seen.

So if you contact Tianling directly, the other party will definitely ignore you, and even sell yourself backhand and tell the fools, so that you can get a fortune from them.Tong Shenjie will know how corrupt Tianling's practice is by looking in the mirror.

The easiest way to let a bulky big dog bite yourself is to let it chase its tail.Naruto Island's Tianling Xingxing colluded with fools, but Mingshitan's Tianling Xingxing didn't know about it.The person in charge of the front line of Mingshitan, the general of the shogunate army, Kujo Saura, received a fast ship secret letter from Tianling Xingxing the next day - a Liyue businessman who admired Chang Dao's magnificence found a cargo ship carrying Zhidong Kingdom from the open sea. Carrying weapons and evil eyes through the thunderstorm, he came to Daozuma, and reported the situation to the Kanding Enforcement Office.After a secret investigation, Tong Shenjie discovered that the trade partners of these Zhidong people were the rebels in the Coral Palace. The two groups of bandits will meet tomorrow on the island where Wuxianghuo is located.

Kutiao Shaluo was furious. The reason why the suppression of Haizhi Island’s rebel army was not smooth was because Haizhi Island always had inexplicable medicines, weapons, and props suspected of being the eye of God. This group of profit-seeking solstice mice must be wiped out!

Kujo Sara didn't even have time to report, so he directly mobilized the elite troops to the island to the left of the Kujo Jinhouse to debug the Kamiju Island Honk Cannon, and turned to face the big island in the north, preparing to let these Zhidong bastards taste the power of Fontaine.

And Jiang Yan also contacted the contact person of the Southern Cross Fleet in Daozuma on the outlying islands. An old acquaintance, Andre, had been promoted to be the person in charge of the Southern Cross Fleet on the outlying islands because of his outstanding performance in Liyue.Hearing that Jiang Yan wanted to show off to the Fools, the staff of the outlying island branch were even more angry than Jiang Yan, and immediately claimed to contact the Big Dipper of the Death Star, and the entire fleet was dispatched to deal the most cruel blow to the people of Zhidong.The high emotion made the initiator Jiang Yan stunned for a while.

"Don't, don't, tearing face off with fools is not good for the Southern Cross, don't be too exaggerated." Instead, Jiang Yan began to dissuade them from mobilizing the huge arrows of cannonballs and catapults. Is this a war?Favors don't work that way.

"Mr. Jiang, you don't know, we have wanted to fight with them for a long time, and finally found an opportunity." After the staff of the outlying island branch explained to Jiang Yan, he knew that Dao's wife was a small country and poor, so where did the conventional trade come from? ?The profit point is all in the procurement of armaments, food, and medicines of the Shogunate and the Haizhi Island Rebel Army.However, after the executive officer of the Fools, "Madam", came to Daozuma a few months ago, relying on the strength of the soldiers, he dumped the armaments of the Fools at a low price. If you don't turn it up and down, how can you make a head?There are so many fools dumping at low prices, cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents!

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