Beidou came with the Death Omen this time, and he was originally planning to communicate with the fools.It's just that they haven't found a good opportunity. No matter how big the conflict is, in the final analysis, it is to make money for Mora. If they fight against Dao's wife without any scruples, they will definitely enter Dao's wife's blacklist, which is meaningless.The opportunity created by Jiang Yan this time is simply a godsend, so what else is there to say?arrange!

Jiang Yan was stunned when he heard that, you guys have planned to cheat for a long time!Moreover, why are these two people so related to me?After discussing some details with Andre.Back at the Kanding Enforcement Office, in the exchange with Tong Shenjie, the friendship and support of the Southern Cross became "relying on its transcendent status in Liyue, and seconded the Southern Cross Armed Fleet to help Kanding pursue the counter-insurgency." The strength is greatly amazed.

The Southern Cross Armed Fleet is well-known in Tivat, and the captain, Beidou, is also a well-known rebellious character. This secret envoy of Liyue actually transferred as he said, maybe he is not the confidant of King Yan, it seems that he must not wait for this in the future After a lot of flattery, Tong Shenjie asked Jiang Yan to hide behind the screen, ready to watch a good show.

"The distinguished guests of the solstice have arrived!"


"I have seen Master Tianling Fengxing. I wonder if there is a trace of that Liyue man?" The stragglers who claim to be "transcendors" and the creations of Thunder God always have an unconcealable arrogance in Dao Wife. Go straight.

Even though Tong Shenjie had been prepared for a long time, he was almost overwhelmed by this kind of rudeness, but thinking about the fate of this guy, he stabilized his mind, "This distinguished guest in the winter, I have already got stuck with the pass. Now, this Liyueman is planning to take the boat of the Chu Yu Chamber of Commerce and enter Naruto Island from the island on the upper left of Jiutiao Zhenwu by detour."

"Very good." The straggler nodded, and two heavy boxes were lifted by his direct subordinates, and they were placed heavily on the ground. The boxes opened, shining golden light.

Tong Shenjie reluctantly looked at Mo La, who was full of boxes, made a greedy expression, and cursed in his heart, "How can this group of winter savages get such benefits? Is this old man a tax official who has never seen money? "

After a while, Tong Shenjie raised his head and saw that the executive officer who called himself a "straggler" was still admiring his greedy expression. He was almost embarrassed. Is this person a little sick?Is the character so bad?I had no choice but to save the topic myself.

"This honored guest, before Zhidong Kingdom's work in Daozuma was handled by an honored guest who called herself "Madam", are you here to take over from her? "

The stragglers raised their heads, "That's right, I will handle all the affairs of Zhidong in Daozuma in the future. If there is anything important, just contact me at Zhidong's chamber of commerce." Although Zhidong Kingdom has eleven executives Officer, but the plan is too large, so that the high-end combat power is stretched everywhere. A few months after the "lady" was deployed in Daozuma, because the stragglers overturned in the Longji Snow Mountain, there was no one to adjust for a while.He had to transfer her back to Zhidong in an emergency, and went to Mond to clean up the mess.

But Dao Wife couldn't keep herding the sheep, and the Empress Zhidong could only pinch her nose and send the only idler here, and let him pay for his merits. "This idiot is from Dao's wife anyway, so he won't be deceived to a strange place to be beaten up again." "If he is deceived again in his hometown, let the doctor pretend to be more brains and more hearts will help him." No.” Several colleagues are cautiously optimistic.

"Okay, please give me more advice in the future. The Liyue man you want will arrive at that island at noon tomorrow, according to reports from the Chu Yu Chamber of Commerce. As for what happened to you tomorrow, I will not know anything about it." Tong Shenjie inspected the goods and finally revealed his tone.

"My lord, are you sure that Chu Yu Chamber of Commerce will not deceive you?" the straggler questioned

"Hahahaha, don't worry, as long as any foreigner wants to stay on the outlying island, it is impossible to disobey me." Tong Shenjie laughed.

"Very well, then I'll take my leave." The straggler turned and left, this bastard Liyue, this time you will definitely be wiped out!

Is there something wrong with looking for a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 91 Chapter 90 Seeing Guobeng in Guobeng

Skirmishers are still very mobile, good reputations and bad reputations are useful in a sense. Fools stationed in various countries know that skirmishers are moody leaders, and Daozao's is no exception.Regarding his outrageous request to mobilize troops overnight to lay an ambush on a certain island, none of the fools under the former "Madam" wanted to be killed by him as an example to others, so they had no choice but to follow the order and set off overnight. The troops on Haizhi Island were also dispatched urgently to gather in the direction of Jiutiao Zhenwu.

On the side of the Jiutiao Zhenwu, Jiutiao Shaluo also regained his composure at this time.

Jiutiao Shaluo, who grew up in the military camp, is definitely not someone to be fooled with. After calming down, he felt that there must be something wrong with this matter.The enemy's transport team joins up next to your own base camp?Do you think they are idiots or am I?This kind of nonsensical thing, no matter how you think about it, it's outrageous.But just because this news is outrageously false, it might be true. For fear of provoking the powerful Formless Flame, the patrols on that island have been very neglected. Could it be that this is another trick of the present Goddess of the Coral Palace?

snort!No matter how terrible the trap is, what am I afraid of at the gate of the base camp?Thinking of this, she ordered the elite troops to guard the turret and the tidal flats where they landed on Jiutiao, and waited for the enemy's further movement, until she saw from the watchtower that there were ships of fools coming from the direction of Haizhi Island and the direction of outlying islands, Jiutiao Only then did Sara finally become convinced that the information was indeed true, and this group of Zhidong bastards would treat us as blind?Thinking of this, Jiutiao Shaluo's teeth itch with hatred, I finally caught these bastards.Hurriedly ordered his subordinates to quickly adjust the bombardment of the elements, and strive for the first shot to come to a center to bloom.

While preparing intensely, the messenger reported to Liyue that the special envoy had requested an interview with the letter of the appointment, but Kutiao Saluo was confused. During the period of the lockdown, diplomacy was cut off. Why did Liyue send out a special envoy?Even if a special envoy comes, it is still the work of the society, so why come to the battlefield?But everyone is here, so I have to call them up before we talk.

"General Jiutiao Shaluo, long-awaited, in Jiangyan, under the order of Tianquanxing, came to Dao's wife to talk about important matters"

"The next samurai, if there is an important matter, I can recommend for you the Lord Kamori Rinto, who is enshrined by the agency." Kujo Sara refused, what joke are you talking about?The matter of the military's private communication with the enemy's country can be big or small, no matter what, it's not her turn to talk about it.

"General Kutiao, please listen to the next sentence. The important thing I want to talk about is related to the fools in front of me. Because the safety of General Raiden is involved, I can only act in a hurry and come directly to Master Kutiao, who is famous for his loyalty. up"

"What? What does it have to do with Mr. General? Come quickly." Jiu Tiao became anxious. He hadn't heard from Mr. General for several months, and he was very anxious. Any news related to Mr. General was worth paying attention to.

"The executive officer of the Fools in front of me is called Skirmisher. He used to seek the forbidden power of the abyss in the Longji Snow Mountain, and was personally sanctioned by the Lord Yanwang Dijun. After that, the Fools still did not know how to repent and sent another executive officer." Ms. ", the Queen of Winter personally blessed the divine power, conspired against Lord Wind God Barbatos, fortunately, we discovered and thwarted it in time, and now I am still staying in Mond and eyeing the power of the gods.

Ever since he found out that the "lady" and the stragglers had come to Daozu one after another, Master Tianquanxing Ningguang was deeply concerned and suspected that Zhidong Kingdom would plot against General Lei Dian. May I ask Mr. Kujo, is there anything unusual in the Inazuma territory or the castle tower recently? "

Jiutiao Shaluo matched the news he knew, and suddenly couldn't sit still. It was no secret that the "Ms." came to Daozuma. A few months later, the general stayed behind closed doors, but no one connected the two. Now it seems that this group of people are repeat offenders!Now this lunatic who seeks the power of the abyss came here to replace the "lady" and even colluded with the Haizhi Island rebels. Is this trying to overthrow Dao Wife?How can this be reasonable!

"Thank you, Lord Tianquanxing, for your concern. Your information is very important. After we wipe out this group of lunatics, I will definitely report the news to Lord Patriarch for a decision."

"It doesn't matter, to fight against the madmen who seek to steal the power of the gods, the Seven Kingdoms should stand by and help each other. This time, the Southern Cross Fleet is ordered by Lord Tianquanxing to provide support for the general and guard the sea area. Make sure these gangsters cannot fly. "

"It's so good" Although Jiutiao Shaluo is quite resistant to foreign intervention, but the banner of "fighting against the power of seizing the gods" is too grand and upright, and since they have explained that they only help fists and do not land, in this case It is not impossible to accommodate in the case of major events.

While the two were discussing, the stragglers had already set up a trap.Although this island is not small, about half of it is the territory of Wuxiang Huo Yain. The stragglers have no intention of collecting materials, so they will not provoke them. The steep mountains in the north are inconvenient to encircle and suppress, and the east and west sides are flat. The sandy beach cannot hide people.The stragglers looked around for a week, and finally chose near the stranded ship in the south, set up a camp, and prepared to wait for the rabbit.

"Look, he went to this place by himself." Jiang Yan and Jiutiao couldn't help smiling when they saw the stragglers plunge into the range of Shenju Island's Beng Cannon. This is the fun of waiting for rabbits.

It was early in the morning, with their backs to the rising sun, a small boat slowly arrived at the southeast of the island, and the stragglers quietly waited and ambush behind the stranded ship. The thunder light soared, and the several-meter-long thunder light giant blade directly slashed at the boat, vowing to smash the boat and catch the turtle in the urn.

It's a pity that his thunder light giant blade slashed open the ship's cabin, and hit the piled fire element spar and saltpetre charcoal powder. With a loud bang, he was blown away from the distance. , Only then did he avoid being directly blown to death by his own knife overload self-mutilation.

fire!Kutiao Shaluo ordered loudly, and Guobeng from Fontaine sent a cordial greeting to Guobeng of Dao's wife. Brother has no sense of intimacy at all. He was just blown away by the bomb in the cabin, and he can no longer protect his subordinates. He can only watch helplessly as the fools hidden in the stranded ship eat such a giant thunder element force shell alive. However, powerful war weapons cannot be blocked by individual protective equipment. Many cadres directly smashed their shields and killed them, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

fire!Beidou also gave the order happily. He thought that he would have to stay in Daoju for a long time before he could find a good opportunity to attack the fools. It seems that the younger brother is really his lucky general, hahahaha.The writing on the talisman on the ship's ballista gradually disappeared, the yellow light on the giant crossbow became brighter and brighter, and the crystals on the arrow grew bigger and bigger, and finally shot out with a piercing sound.

After obtaining the blueprints and the Minato arena, the imitation of the final machine has entered Liyue's schedule.From Ningguang, Beidou obtained the first batch of imitation end machines at a sky-high price and countless additional conditions. This is the first time it is used on the battlefield, and it can be regarded as a blessing for stragglers.

The second brother of the skirmisher with the same name, Fools can't do anything about it. The effect of the elemental shield against this powerful double blow of kinetic energy and elemental force is not very obvious. Directly penetrated, the target hit by the crossbow arrow was directly crystallized and shattered by the powerful rock element force, turning it into gravel.After two rounds of shelling, the Fools suffered heavy losses, and the third and fourth rounds of shelling were ready to go.

"Rush with me! Don't go back to the boat" the straggler shouted, although he, who claims to be a transcendent, doesn't care much about the lives of these subordinates, but if all his subordinates are killed, who will do the follow-up work?What's the use of going back to the ship when you see the giant gunboat firing at you?It's better to go directly to the battle and then break up into pieces and escape from Tadasha to the territory of the rebel army.

Thinking of this, the straggler directly stimulated the power of thunder in his body, shouting "No one has the qualifications to judge me!" directly stimulated the power of thunder in his body, the huge thunder blade swept across the entire battlefield, and immediately opened the defense line of the tidal flat

"This is! This is the power of the General! Damn thief!" Seeing this scene, Kutiao Shaluo's eyes were shattered. She has served the General for many years, of course she knows the power of the General. How does this damned thief steal? To the power of Lord General?Did the bastards from the Winter Kingdom do it, General, to stay behind closed doors?

"Mr. Jiang, I implore you and Liyue's warriors, in the name of the Seven Gods, to fight side by side with us, and to keep this damned thief behind!"

"The power of the gods cannot be blasphemed by mortals, and Liyue is obliged to do so." That's it, you can bear the blame for the stragglers

Is there something wrong with finding a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 92 Chapter 91 Is there something wrong with selling teammates in one second?

Although the straggler is not very smart and has a bad personality, no one has ever doubted his strength. It is produced by the Raytheon factory store and hand-made by the internationally renowned master "Doctor". This kind of top matching co-branded model can be said to be full of buffs. Back to Dao's wife, she should have turned her mouth and shouted for the return of the Dragon King.

It's a pity that the authentic Dragon King sent someone to hammer him, and the so-called Dragon King was shooting him with a dead end machine. He had no choice but to block several dead end machines with a thunderbolt sword several meters long. The Beidou ship was far away in the sea and there was nothing to do, but this fort arranged on the hills could easily rush into the blind spot of the range.

After Kujo saw the stragglers using the power of General Raiden, he was already furious and began to snipe the stragglers condescendingly in the mountains.The precious Tengu Black Feather Arrows are shot continuously like the free ones. This kind of feather with powerful thunder element power will bring up a powerful Tengu Curse Thunder every time it hits the enemy. The entire tidal flat was shrouded in thunderstorms.

Jiutiao Shaluo's operation is as fierce as a tiger, but this kind of thunder-type skill with too scattered power, you can imagine how much output it can hit Thor's creation. Jiang Yan can't even see the scraping. This Jiang Yanshu, although he didn't have an AWP in his hand, took out a cold longbow like the evening moonlight, formally used the blank obtained from the piano at the end of the wolf, and then made a trial-produced light bow by the old chapter of Hanfeng Ironware. moon.

Jiang Yan's suppression is different. Shuanghua arrows, bouncing bombs, charged rockets, and all kinds of messy skills fly wildly, perfectly filling the gap between the magic drama island collapse gun and the final machine continuous shooting, Let the stragglers get tired of parrying, and they ate several times in a row to end up.

The stragglers who have been hit hard again and again make up their minds, if they can't stop them, they won't stop them!The straggler directly released the power of Xieyan under the rage, and the purple armor full of ominous atmosphere covered his whole body. The thunder light on the long sword exploded and became several meters long in an instant. The straggler raised the thunder light giant blade with both hands , He chopped down heavily, trying to split the fort and the entire hill into two halves.

"Run!" Jiang Yan, who has seen the 40-meter broadsword before, knows how powerful this move is. He throws a thunder talisman and wraps his left hand around the slender waist of Jiutiao Shaluo. The next moment, the two of them have reached a few meters away. The giant blade slashed down, followed by a heavy sweep, and the entire hill turned into a cloud of smoke and dust completely collapsed into ruins under this terrifying move. The precious Shenju Island Beng Cannon also fell from the air, and the base directly crashed. Seeing that it is no longer usable.

"Thank you for saving me." Jiutiao Shaluo stood up straight in shock, and let go of the hand holding Jiang Yan's shoulder.Legend has it that Tengu has the supernatural ability to control wind and thunder. The round fan in his hand breathes wind from the front and thunder from the back. He is famous for his top speed among monsters.It's a pity that this is not the case. Most of the tengu who can call the wind cannot call thunder, and most of the tengu who can call thunder cannot call the wind.Jiutiao Shaluo is different from his compatriots who love photography. If he really had a good breath spell, he would have already flown to the sky and outputted face riding to his heart's content.If Liyue's friend hadn't saved her life with this sword strike, there was absolutely no reason for him to survive.

Seeing the stragglers who were bleeding in many places, panting heavily, and whose elemental power was not stable, walking over with a long sword in their hands, Jiang Yan suddenly had a strong sense of déjà vu.It's a pity that this time the tengu's attribute has been suppressed, and it is completely incomparable with the coconut sheep who can single out the "lady" with C, so I have to play C by myself.

"Oh, long time no see. Where did that big rock on your back go?" Zaan-style greetings are always a pleasant start. The little tengu is not good at movement, and his hatred must be stabilized. If she is killed by a knife What's the point of winning?

"After killing you, I will definitely put the biggest piece on you." The biggest shame in life was brought up by the enemy, and the stragglers jumped into a rage, and directly raised their swords horizontally to cut them in two.

"Mom loves you again!" Jiang Yan didn't wait for him to draw his sword, his figure was like lightning, and he "slid" in front of him in an instant on the ground. And Zi Dian lifted him up from bottom to top, facing the horrified eyes of the stragglers, they actually wanted to disembowel him directly.

The stragglers had no choice but to explode the power bestowed upon him by the Ice Queen. Jiang Yan's swift sword slashed heavily on the ice shield that appeared out of thin air. The shield cut a huge crack and then shattered, but it blocked the knife after all.

"Oh? This is from your stepmother's love?" Jiang Yan didn't take it seriously when the trick that was almost sure to be successful was blocked after he practiced it.The strength of the skirmishers is still higher than that of the "lady". Even if they are half-disabled now, they cannot be defeated by themselves.What I should consider is when to run away, not how to win him.

The skirmisher was in a bad mood because of this familiar knife, how could he not recognize the source of this knife?In order to retaliate, I personally destroyed the four branches of "Thunder Five Legends", and now someone uses that woman's most original technique to kill him?This Liyue man really makes him hate every cell, who is he?What do you know?The stragglers don't want to know at all, they just want to tear him into pieces

The left shoulder was out of force, the left leg was injured, the left arm and the right thigh were cut and bleeding, and the continuous overload of elemental force caused disorder. Jiang Yan, who had been fighting to the death all day long, soon understood the situation of the stragglers and was bombarded by several cannons. Jiucai suffered such a slight injury, he deserves to be a body made by a god, and he must not be given a chance to recover.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan began to use the advantages of movement to fight infinite reflexes, but the armor obtained by liberating Xieyan from the stragglers has a very high density of thunder elements, and the sharpness of the blade of the peak can only cause a small amount of skin trauma, while the stragglers counterattack , Basically eat it and you will be buried in the ground, it is difficult to play.

"Huanghuang Qiandao Town Style - My Realm" Jiutiao Shaluo finally thought about it and stopped scraping. In the dog fight between Jiang Yan and the stragglers, Jiutiao Shaluo fell into an awkward situation and did not dare to shoot randomly.Because of this kind of infinite switching style of play, and I don't have the firepower of allies, it is easy to be a disservice, so I can only use Tengu Kuroba to assist in blocking positions.

However, how can it be justified to ask others to come over to help you punch, and then concentrate on pedicuring the enemy's feet?Kutiao Shaluo thought about it, and when he saw the lightning-like figure of Liyue's friend, he immediately came up with an idea—to fully bless his teammates with spells.

"Finally waiting for you to be abducted by lightning injury." Jiang Yan was overjoyed, beating an enemy at the executive level, is there any use for this kind of scraping arrow?He watched the skirmisher step on the Tengu Kuroba, and the thunder struck him. He couldn't even catch his breath, and even suspected that the doll might have charged 1% of the battery.

Is there any use for this kind of teammate?Jiang Yan is deeply ashamed of this kind of behavior of the team-playing master taking out Thor to beat his teammates.Fortunately, she finally thought about it now, and realized that she was actually a thunder crutch. Jiang Yan began to feel what kind of skills this person called Thunder Bennett was like?

"Oh, not bad, this diao" Jiang Yan of Jay Clan's third company found that this skill was underestimated in the game. The huge thunder elemental power spread all over the space with the huge thunderbolt, and Jiutiao Shaluo seemed to be I have given myself a certain authority to easily drive these thunder elemental forces, so let's parade in the sky, let's go!

For a long time, Jiang Yan rarely used this move. If he used it continuously at high speed and in a straight line, the power would inevitably decrease. If he could kill with one sword, he should not use the second sword.But now that someone is using a power bank, and they can't be killed with a single blow, naturally it's Ke Qing's turn to show off his famous skills.

In the next moment, the entire tidal flat was full of Jiang Yan with afterimages of thunder light. The sharp blade of Fengfeng combined with the power of thunder element condensed to almost liquid, could cut off a small piece of shield from the armor of skirmishers every time, almost After a round of movement, the powerful shield has already begun to crumble.

Just as Jiang Yan was about to break the shield and make a contribution, a few light blue jellyfish suddenly floated out of the sea near the tidal flat, protecting the stragglers and healing his wounds. One was dressed in blue and white silk, with long pink hair mermaid emerging from the sea.

"Coral Palace Xinhai! Are you sure you want to protect this shogunate criminal?" Kutiao Shaluo was furious, and was about to succeed, but his old opponent appeared in this way!

"I'm sorry, this guest is very important to the rebels. The Umejima rebels were originally a group of rebels from the shogunate. Who is not going to commit crimes?" Coral Palace Xinhai looked directly at Kujo Sharo, with an elegant and clear voice Said.

At this point in time, Xieyan has not yet been tested on a large scale. Zhidong Country is one of the few supply suppliers on Haizhi Island. Due to the low-price dumping policy, in the heart of Coral Palace Xinhai, the status of fools is even better than Southern Cross fleet.

When it was learned that the fools who were trading were evacuating urgently, Xinhai of the Coral Palace realized that something was wrong. Due to the sudden incident, it was too late to mobilize the army, so Xinhai could only take a small boat with Goro and secretly followed the fleet of fools all the way. From the south of Wanglong Village all the way to Mingshii Beach

When he was about to reach the sea area of ​​Kujo House, Xinhai knew that this must be a conspiracy of the shogunate, so he asked Goro to wait outside the sea area, and dived into the water to wait for the most critical moment to come out to give charcoal in the snow, and it really reaped good results.

Facing this kind of nanny from the sky, Jiang Yan can only feel that the stragglers should not be killed. When Xinhai fills up the stragglers, it will be his turn to run away. Completely torn face, Xinhai can come here, it shows Beidou's attitude.

Jiutiao Shaluo also knew this, the situation in front of him must be unstoppable, Liyue's people could not be directly involved in countering the rebellion, Coral Palace Xinhai was full of tricks, maybe there was an ambush buried somewhere.

"Harbor important criminals from the shogunate, do it yourself. When the general's thunderous wrath descends in the future, you will be reduced to dust. The evil king who was beheaded with Orobus is your lesson." Kutiao Shaluo put down his cruel words. .

"The descendant of Dongshan King? I accept this reputation." Xinhai is not afraid at all, General Lei Dian really plans to march in person, how can he wait for today?The tacit understanding between the gods, as a living god and priestess, she also knows a thing or two, otherwise she would not be able to launch a rebel army.

King Dongshan, the protagonist of the dungeon Evil King Pavilion, was slashed to death by General Lei Dian, but the gods couldn't resist the slash. What shame is there for a mortal who hasn't beaten him?He has always been a hero extolled by the sea islanders.

Just as Jiutiao Shaluo and Coral Palace Xinhai were exchanging harsh words, the straggler who had just recovered from his injuries felt that he was alright again. "I said you can leave?" The long sword in his hand flashed with lightning again, and the stragglers were ready to continue to use their evil eyes to kill the enemy in front of them at any cost.Coral Palace Xinhai frowned, how confused is this Zhidong person?Do you want to continue calling at other people's doors?If the fight continues, will Tianling continue to block the sea?

"Miss Xinhai, I am Jiang Yan, the special envoy of Liyue. This shogunate is definitely not an ordinary criminal, but is trying to commit the crime of blasphemy. Because of his repeated attempts to steal the power of the gods, Lord Morax ordered me to assist in the encirclement and suppression of these Scoundrels. Do the rebels only want to resist the order of hunting, or are they planning to fight against the Seven Gods at the same time?" Before he finished speaking, the stragglers had rushed up to fight with him.

"Stealing the power of the gods? Do you have proof?" Coral Palace Xinhai was frightened, and regretted wading in this troubled water to steal the power of the gods?Is this solstice man crazy?Haizhidao really can't bear the responsibility of covering up such criminals.Although the anti-flag of Haizhi Island has been pulled, but unlike the optimistic sea people, Coral Palace Xinhai clearly knows that without the protection of gods, all resistance should be based on the level of mortals. Yes, it gave General Thunder and Lightning a reason to take action. The so-called rebels, that is, the issue of God's sword.Offend the Seven Gods at the same time?I am not crazy, without the medicines and supplies from the Southern Cross trade, Haizhi Island will not be able to survive for three months, how dare I offend Lord Moraxel?

Jiutiao Shaluo pointed with his finger. At this time, the stragglers were fully fired, and the whole body was surrounded by lightning, which made Jiang Yan unable to attack for a while.Others may not be able to see it, but Xinhai, who is the goddess and witch, can clearly see the divine power that should belong to General Thunder and Lightning contained in Zhidong's body.

With the facts in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but not believe it. She was involved in such a troublesome heart, and immediately changed the subject, "Well, it turned out to be like this. The general is the great suzerain, and we, the people under the rule of the Seven Gods, naturally cannot tolerate such blasphemy and arrogance!" After finishing speaking, a few blue jellyfish floated out and healed the wounds on Jiang Yan and Jiutiao Shaluo.

This kind of determination to sell teammates in a second shocked even the stragglers.But deeply ashamed of being a doll, he would rather die than say "I didn't steal it, I made it".Besieged on all sides, the stragglers, who were extremely inferior and angry about their identity, unleashed all the power of Xieyan. He fled in the direction of Tarasha, his figure was like lightning, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"I admire the loyalty and patriotism of the Haizhi islanders!" Jiang Yan gave Dao's wife and good teammate Xinhai a thumbs up!

Is there something wrong with looking for a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 93 Chapter 92 Is there something wrong with the ignition of the battery?

What should I do if an executive officer with a demon-level contribution at full firepower wants to run away?

Jiang Yan: I can catch up, but I'm in a hurry. Let him change one with me, why bother?

Jiujo Shaluo: I want to chase, but I can't catch up, I can't beat

Xinhai: What does it matter to me?

But if you don't chase this Zhidong man, if you let him run to the heart of the shadow imperial furnace and then stare at the power of the gods, you will die.This lunatic has a history of seeking the power of the abyss. Once he does a violent operation and blows half of the rice wife into the sky, it will be too late to cry.The three of them looked at Shadow Yuluxin in the south, and they all thought of this, feeling deeply troubled.

But no matter how big the problem is, I have to go back and discuss it for a long-term plan. Jiutiao Shaluo originally planned to catch an ornamental fish if he couldn't catch the big one, but seeing that Xinhai was a few meters away from the shore and had no intention of getting close at all, he had to give up.Seeing Jiutiao Shaluo's eyes, Xinhai shook his head, and jumped back into the water, only to see a silver line in the water, which was gone in a blink of an eye. Who can catch up with a mermaid in the water...she can be in the water swim all day

After a side-by-side battle, the relationship between the two naturally warmed up. Under the enthusiastic leadership of Kujo Saura, Jiang Yan was led to Kujo's house, and he and his brother Kujo Masahin hosted a banquet in honor of the "Liyue Special Envoy".

Kujo Sharo is a pure warrior, but Kujo Masahito, as the heir of a famous family, of course knows the history of neighboring countries, which is equivalent to the blade of the rock king's token, the special envoy of Tianquan star?This is probably sent by Emperor Yan to kill the blasphemers.Kutiao Zhengren, who thought he had seen through the other party's true identity, spoke and behaved extremely politely, for fear of treating this envoy of the gods slowly

Jiang Yan noticed the way Zhengren Jiutiao was staring at the sword, and immediately understood what he had misunderstood.But it doesn't matter, being able to pretend to be a tiger can save a lot of trouble.I came to Dao Wife to save people, so I can save political troubles if I can.The immortal master really didn't say anything to himself. The fellow who distributed gifts in the sky in the twelfth lunar month was not as strong as this immortal master.

However, Jiu Tiao Zhengren's attitude also sounded a wake-up call for Jiang Yan. This sword is too flamboyant, so try not to show it off when you are not desperate, especially in front of Li Yue's own people. How to be friends?

When it comes to getting closer, Jiang Yan naturally has his own way. He took out the series of photos of the big stone crushing skirmishers taken by the fun person Kaiya, and gave them to the Kutiao Zhengren brothers and sisters to appreciate. By the way, it proves that this group of people is indeed He is a habitual offender who seeks forbidden power in vain.

Looking at the stragglers with their necks stretched and their bodies thrown to the ground, the atmosphere of the banquet suddenly became lively. After everyone circulated it, the inside and outside of the Jiutiaozhen house was filled with a happy atmosphere.Kujo Shaluo immediately made a decision to use this photo as an accompanying picture of the arrest warrant, so that Quan Dao's wife would know the villain's ugly face.

Any general who is famous on the front line of Shiitan, there is no one who does not hate these dead merchants, especially the armaments of the fools are extremely eye-catching, which caused a lot of damage to the shogunate army who was still in the cold weapon era and held spears and armor. Full of hatred of the shogunate army.This time I finally found the right owner, how can there be no reason not to retaliate?It’s true that the leading brother ran away, but all the idiots who were still breathing on the tidal flats have been tied up in Jiutiao’s house and are being tortured. It really proved the fact that they supported the Haizhidao rebels.

At this point, in Kujo Masahito's view, it can be declared over, and the enemy troops have been wiped out.As for the thief who has the ability to steal the power of the gods, if he can repel it with mortal strength, he can already boast.If we continue to chase, it will be useless except to increase the loss. Reporting to the general and Yae palace secretary, and letting the gods personally punish the gods is the right way. Although Jiutiao Shaluo wanted to relieve the general's worries, he had no choice but to give up considering the difference in strength.

So Jiutiao Zhengren and his sister jointly signed a letter to report to the general to ask for credit, exposing the major conspiracy of the subversive forces in Zhidong Kingdom.Everyone carried the sedan chair, and in the report, Liyue's special envoy sent a message a thousand miles away, approving and pursuing a clever strategic deception to lead the enemy into an ambush circle. Finally, Tian Lingxing launched a thunderous blow to completely defeat the thieves in the Zhidong Kingdom, and discovered They stole the power of the general and coveted the huge conspiracy of the heart of the shadow imperial furnace. At present, the blasphemous thieves have fled to the south. I hope that the general and Yae Palace will be punished by God.

A document asking for a reward from the two Fengxing himself, She Fengxing would not be in vain to block it, but when the document arrived at Yae Shenzi, the "stealing the power of the general" that Jiang Yan deliberately planted immediately attracted Yae Shenzi's attention, stragglers?Isn't this the puppet released from the shadows?

The key to the problem of the Thor sisters is that the power consumption is too large and they fall into a deep sleep. How to deal with the car that cannot be ignited due to the battery loss?The easiest way, of course, is to find another car for a pair of electricity.Of course the skirmisher Yaeko knew him, as a prototype doll, isn't this a living battery?Now that it's delivered to your door, who cares what executive you are now?It's time to be filial!

Yae Kamito, as a "family member of the gods" rather than "Master of the Narugami Taisha", directly issued a strong order to Sanfengxing to capture this madman who "steals the power of the gods" alive at all costs. All the high-level priestesses and occultists outside the important seal rushed directly to the Kujo array to wait for dispatch.

San Fengxing received such a strong order and looked at each other in blank dismay.Since General Raiden set the rules hundreds of years ago, serving the general and governing the world has become the fixed pattern of Daozuma.Theoretically speaking, Narujin Taisha only has management rights related to religion and supernatural power, but Inazuma, overlapping responsibilities is a routine operation.Yae Kamito's identity is detached, many jobs can be directly entrusted to Sanbong, but in most cases, Yae Kamiko who disdains the power of the world rarely gives such orders, and the editor-in-chief of Yaedo is her serious job.

But now, the Yae-san directly lifts the table to give orders on behalf of the gods as a "familiad of the gods". The power of decree.

A rare sight that has been rare for hundreds of years appeared just like this. The Three Elements and One Society gathered in the meeting hall of the Jiutiao Zhenwu military account. No one dared to neglect a piece of diplomatic document, and was directly invited to the second seat as an observer of Liyue.The Shenli brothers and sisters, the Jiutiao brothers and sisters, and Tong Shenjie, the Kanding executive, all had to sit down, which showed the seriousness of this meeting.

Daocheng Yingmei's face is serious, "Master Yaegong has an order to capture this thief who stole the power of the gods at all costs, and return the power to Lord General. Anyone who neglects, evades, and does not serve the public wholeheartedly, including me Can be killed on the spot"

To think that the generals who were only responsible to the general were even sent here. Thinking about the general's avoidance of visitors for several months, this matter is completely confirmed. How dare the fools dare to attack the general?How insane?Immediately, the atmosphere in the entire military tent became boiling, and everyone swore to show their loyalty, and they would be absolutely heartbroken for the general.

The fox has completely filled up the hatred of the stragglers!Jiang Yan, who was watching coldly, thought to himself.

Is there something wrong with looking for a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 94 Chapter 93 If I lose, I will cheat

Even if the high-end combat power has already arrived, encircling and suppressing a consul is not an easy task. In fact, Jiang Yan is the only one who can resist the stragglers head-on. In one battle loss, only one fox remained.If you can't handle it yourself, no matter how many people you have, it's useless.

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