"I think, if you chase eternity again, you have to change your password frequently." Jiang Yan couldn't help complaining. Although he was the same, he still couldn't help but sympathize with the stragglers who thought they were safe for a second.I don't know if he is convinced or not because of the leak of common passwords.

"You guys! How did you get in? It was that woman, and she gave up on me again?" The happy straggler, the fun was on his own head, but he was not happy at all. At this moment, his face was full of disbelief, Yan Yi is angry and sad.

"To deal with this kind of monster, you don't need to talk about samurai morality. Let's go together!" After saying this, Jiang Yan was refreshed, with a happy righteous backstab. Without this sentence, he always felt almost meaningless.

"Everyone, let's die together!" Seeing the stragglers who couldn't escape, their divine power was fully activated, and the lightning armor was armed again, and then it exploded directly, and the powerful electric ring radiated outward.The sudden dog jumped over the wall in a hurry, causing everyone to rush to fight, but the stragglers seized this opportunity and went straight to Daocheng Yingmei who was ordered by that woman to unlock the barrier that he hated the most.

Just when his Thunder Blade was about to pierce Daocheng Yingmei, the guard on Daocheng Yingmei's chest suddenly glowed, and a huge pink fox tail popped out from the guard, and then a powerful thunder fell from the sky, splitting a straggler is on.

From the beginning to the end, Yae Shenzi did not expect a group of mortals to be able to capture the prototype doll of the general alive. 500 years ago, although he was still young when he dealt with the stragglers, he was already at Ying's side. She knew very well that this grand siege would eventually end in the Pavilion of Borrowing Scenery.The guard bestowed on Daocheng Yingmei had hidden her strongest blow long ago.

Jiang Yan didn't waste this opportunity. Seeing the familiar guard, Jiang Yan knew that this fox must have a backhand.The moment the fox's tail appeared, he had already pulled out his sword. The purple and gold sword light drew a long full moon in the sky, and slashed the straggler's body from the back heavily.Then he struck the back of his head with the hilt of his sword, making the first strike at the same time, and the skirmisher immediately fell to the ground.

"Freeze him, seal it up, and move it to the Tianshou Pavilion!" The voice of Yae Shenzi came from Daocheng Yingmei's mouth, and the real trump card of Yae Shenzi was to use the guardianship of the lodging consciousness to possess the sky fox , From the beginning to the end, she has actually been watching coldly, even in the end, she only used the power of Yushouli, waiting to give a big blow to the skirmishers.

But it is a pity that scattered soldiers have no blessing to enjoy.

Is there something wrong with looking for a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 98 Chapter 97 Is there something wrong with deleting my own authority?

Finally subduing this powerful enemy, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Coral Palace Xinhai left contentedly with a verbal agreement for a three-month truce.

It's not that they don't want to sign for a longer period of time, it's just that the people present are not qualified to sign anything with the rebels, so they can only use the "Liyue Mediation" model to create a short-term negotiation period, which can be regarded as keeping their promises.Xinhai also understood this, and bid farewell to Jiang Yan cordially. After making an appointment to host a banquet at Haiji Island in the future, he boarded the boat that the guerrillas received. When Xinhai returned safely, he finally felt relieved and returned to Haizhi Island with Xinhai.

Seeing Goro and the others leave, Jiang Yan also gave up the idea of ​​transforming Guyun Pavilion into the Auxerre Ironworks.Goro's motivation here is self-evident. These days, no matter whether it's a cat or a dog, they dare to threaten to detonate the stove. Liyue should not engage in such a risky project. Mora can never make money.

The way to send the stragglers who had been frozen into ice coffins back to the castle tower went smoothly. When they arrived at the gate, Jiang Yan was invited in without waiting for San Fengxing to write a letter.

"They're all local foxes, why are you pretending to be a Liao Zhai?" Jiang Yan sighed at Yae Shenzi's superiority, although he didn't know his name after the victory, but now his own fighting characteristics are so distinct, saying that foxes can't see it is purely an insult to IQ.In order to be able to talk with Yae Shenzi on an equal footing, Daozuma fights from beginning to end here, fights for the three obediences offline, and fights the executive officer hand-to-hand; practice hard martial arts online and beat the scumbag fox, and finally exchanged this ticket after working hard. , worth it.

It's a pity, it's not that Yae Shenzi is on the road, but that she really doesn't have the energy to toss the little guy any more.After many days of research and confirmation, in order to prevent himself from becoming an eternal obstacle, Shadow designed a mechanism for General Raiden to automatically recover after being deleted, and a mechanism to automatically transfer to Shadow's own body after the general's body is destroyed.

The restoration process begins when the general is restored to its original state.After Zhen's resurrection, due to the low power and consciousness, he did not gain a clear advantage in the competition for consciousness. The two consciousnesses worked together on this weak body, directly causing Zhen to fall into a deep sleep again.

The general couldn't recover successfully, and Ying's body fell into a deep sleep again, which directly triggered the second rule. The general was uploading consciousness and logic in reverse through the two people's normal consciousness transmission channel, and wanted to be resurrected in Ying's body.

Therefore, Yae Shenzi can only continue to suppress and cleanse. The logic and memory in Ying Yuzhen's body come from the general. Although it is stupid, but before Ying wakes up, there is only this stupid way.

After confirming that the stragglers had been captured, the power-drawing ceremony and related preparations had already overwhelmed the dual-purpose Yae Kamiko, who had no time for revenge and tossing.

When Jiang Yan entered the castle tower, he was taken aback. He didn't know that he thought he had entered Kanria's laboratory. Zhenheying was sleeping naked in the nutrition tank. Jiang Yan didn't dare to look at his beautiful body. On the other side, a container filled with catheters and talismans has already been prepared for the stragglers, and the God's Heart of the Thor sisters is impressively on top of the container.

"Little guy, I don't have time to chat. Ying's condition is very bad. It takes a strong force to wake her up. Only when she wakes up can everyone find a way to wake up Zhen." Yae Miko's tired expression could no longer be concealed.

"That's why I'm here. I'm going to use Liyue's strongest immortal method—the immortal method of raising the dead and returning to the bones, so that Ying's body will be more active."

"I'm going to use the heart of God to extract the god of thunder in the straggler's body, and then revive the shadow first." Yae Miko exchanged the diagnosis and treatment plan of the two sides.

"Then let's do it at the same time." Without time to be polite, Jiang Yan directly took out all the resurrection suits prepared for him by the Moon Cutting and Zhuyang Zhenjun - the talisman that seals the immortal power, the magic weapon and the props, each of which is of inestimable value .

At the same time, Yae Shenzi put the straggler's ice coffin into the container and thawed it with fox fire. After the power was drawn, the talismans and conduits on the container gradually lit up with purple thunder, and the heart of God, which was like a chess piece, also began to explode. Windless rotation.

Seeing that everything was going well with Yae Shenzi, Jiang Yan nodded, and finished arranging the talisman and props in the shape of a Nandou spoon. He picked up the first talisman representing the command in his hand, took a deep breath, and cut the moon to build the sun. Zhenjun's huge immortal power was inhaled into the body.For an ordinary person, this would be the end of self-explosion on the spot. However, Jiang Yan, who has obtained many cheats, just felt a burst of swollen meridians and palpitations, so he gritted his teeth, held the soul-calling bell high, and started the first part of the ceremony.

The extremely simplified ritual is very simple. Create an energy transmission channel, and then use celestial power to "promote" the circulation of Qi and blood, meridian circulation, and elemental force in the patient's body.

The circulation of qi and blood is very simple, the qi and blood of the gods are strong, Jiang Yan casts a talisman on his chest, and it is easily completed

The circulation of the meridians is more complicated. Jiang Yan needs to maintain the stable delivery of the immortal power of the twelve talismans. One line on the abdomen, one line on the back, one line on the waist, the core of the lower abdomen, the soles of the feet and the head are all affixed with talismans. Under Jiang Yan's guidance , Gradually "activate" Yingying in a pulsating manner, allowing her meridians to run rapidly, thereby resonating with the elemental force.

The last step, the simplest and most complicated step, is to use immortal power to "promote" Ying's elemental force to run. Elemental force is not a blood vessel, not a meridian, it is not flowing, but a rhythm, which means that Jiang Yan needs to use immortal methods to transform The elemental power of the shadow produced enough resonance in the whole body of the shadow.

Four or two strokes?This is a mountain of one hundred catties!Jiang Yan grabbed all the talismans and poured a huge amount of immortal power into his body. Even if he was as powerful as him, every part of his body felt like he was under the shower of the bathing pool, facing increasingly powerful impacts.

Fortunately, as the founder of the resonance enhancement method, Jiang Yan discovered a new way in the continuous setting off of his own fireworks with Qi Qi: simply use these huge immortal powers to improve his resonance level, and then use them up in one go them.

Breathing, breathing, breathing, Jiang Yan imagined the frequency of the fluttering of the crystal butterfly's wings, the powerful elemental force of thunder was constantly released, and the elemental force far beyond the upper limit of his control continued to escape, causing the whole person to radiate with thunder, and was controlled by Yae Shenzi The device is led underground.

As the speed of absorption and breathing became faster and faster, the imaginary picture gradually became reality, and Jiang Yan really opened a pair of thunder wings like thunder crystal butterflies behind him!And he fluttered his wings according to his "breathing", and every time he fluttered his wings, he fanned out a thunder in the air.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Yan was already like a balloon, his skin swelled unconsciously, tiny electric arcs overflowed, even his eyes flashed with lightning, and the wings of thunder behind him also grew into half of the phaseless wind The size, with the mysterious pattern that marks the source of the thunder, makes people unable to take their eyes off.

"Hui Hai!" Jiang Yan roared loudly, pulling up a ball of purple thunder ball with both hands, and pressing both hands and the ball of lightning onto Ying's shoulders, the powerful body of the god actually absorbed the thunder and lightning into nothingness in an instant trace.Jiang Yan exerted his strength again, and the huge thunder wings spread out directly. The huge thunder element force visible to the naked eye swept from the thunder wings behind him to his shoulders, arms, hands, and then to Ying's body, Jiang Yan's shoulders, The skins of the arms and hands gradually turned black. Jiang Yan was not afraid, and continued to infuse the power of the thunder element, while Ying's body, which had not changed before, also began to flash purple lightning.

Seeing this, Yae Shenzi immediately cast the spell decisively, and the extraction speed was several times faster than before, making the scattered soldiers frown in a deep coma, and the heart of God turned faster and brighter, a little After a while, a dazzling purple light has been emitted.

At this time, Jiang Yan has reached the end of his strength, his entire back, shoulders, and arms have been scorched black in a large area, and the jumping lights on his body are becoming more and more disordered and chaotic. It may be the same as in the arena at any time, BOOM exploded with a bang.

"You did a good job, little guy, now, take a rest." Yae Shenzi said to Jiang Yan in a gentle tone she had never had before, and placed the radiant heart of God in her hand on Ying Qingbai's chest. Heart of God Slowly sinking into it, and through her white jade-like skin, the electric light shone on every part of her body, and as the electric light flickered and gradually extinguished, Ying gradually frowned, and gradually opened her eyes. With beautiful eyes, looking at this familiar figure she had seen before she fell asleep, her body was scorched black, and she appeared in front of her across thousands of miles, making her feel like a dream.

Afterwards, she saw her naked body, she was silent, and the lightning flashed in her hand.

As soon as the Yae Shenzi Yucoin was lifted, a soothing and hypnotic spell was thrown on Jiang Yan's body, and he exhausted his last strength to restrain the elemental power in his body. Unprepared, he immediately fell on his back and fell into a deep sleep.

"Little guy who ran here and risked his life to save you, don't get beaten to death." Covering your mouth and laughing

Is there something wrong with looking for a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 99 Chapter 98 Is there something wrong with saving lives and doing dialysis?

Jiang Yan couldn't sleep at all, and fell asleep in the nutrition tank that Ying had just vacated.

On the first day, Ying wrote a letter to the effect of "come to save people, or die, die, don't work"

The next day, Xinhai rushed to the castle tower in despair. The status of "present-day god" is useless when the "present-day god" threatens unreasonably and directly. The result of resistance is at most a free choice It can be made into chopped pepper fish head or grilled fish on electric skewers.

The journeyman was drawn to the heart of the castle tower, and what greeted her was the examining eyes of Kage who stood in the center of the castle tower with her dream in her hand.

For the first time in my life, I saw the god who conquered Haizhi Island, and I felt a lot of pressure in my heart.

"What's the situation? What if you want to throw a cup? You have to save someone before throwing a cup. No, does she need to throw a cup if she wants to kill me?" Just as the pressure in my heart was getting bigger and bigger, I felt that the other party's eyes were like A knife cut back and forth on his neck, and when he almost stopped breathing.Ying turned sideways and showed Jiang Yan who was lying in the nutrition tank to Xinhai.

"After he's cured, I promise you won't ask about Haizhi Island for a year." After finishing speaking, he put down his dreams and sat cross-legged on the floor.

A one-year peace agreement is enough for the flying knife consultation fee. Now that the gods have recovered, Haizhi Island is completely in no position to bargain. It is already a surprise to get a year's breathing space.Xinhai quickly stepped forward to check Jiang Yan's condition. Half of her body was scorched black, and the electric arcs were constantly floating around her body, making her frown. She had to condense two water probes and probe with gentle movements After it is cured, there will be peace for a year. Can it be cured?Xinhai didn't want to know what would happen.

The flesh and blood wounds on the patient's body are trivial matters, and with the ability of the human god maiden, as long as she doesn't lose her breath, she can easily fill up with milk.The key is that the mixture of thunder elemental power and immortal power beyond the maximum absorption range is constantly circulating, resonating, and wandering between the skin and blood, which is the main reason why he cannot wake up.

Seeing that such a powerful force is disordered in the body, ordinary people have long been blown up into fireworks, Xinhai wanted to directly announce Bian Que Sanlian, but he glanced at Ying who was guarding at the side, and was united with the dream placed beside him, and didn't want to Xinhai, who had become a mermaid sashimi, could only continue to investigate deeply, but after in-depth investigation, he found some strange phenomena. The injuries on the patient's body were much lighter than they appeared.

Xinhai was surprised to find that patients who thought that the entire upper body would be rushed to scrap by the rushing force, in fact, it was mostly the skin and blood that were scorched and disordered by the elemental force of thunder and celestial power.But when it goes deep into the core of flesh and blood, internal organs and elemental power, the powerful thunder elemental power and immortal power did not cause much damage, and even gradually absorbed.

What kind of physique is this?Considering that the other party is holding the blade of Chaifeng, he must be the son of the rock god Morax, Xinhai made an outrageous association.

But it's a pity that no matter whose heir he is, his skin and blood still show obvious mortal characteristics, unable to carry such a powerful multiple force. If it is other doctors, he is powerless at this time, but Xinhai happens to have a plan for this situation. Special effect "drug"

As early as when the Haizhi islanders lived in the abyss, they were harassed by the dragon descendants of the deep sea. One of the creatures was called the deep sea dragon lizard. It has been researched for quite a long time and has gained a lot of results. It has developed a variety of elemental force absorption and transformation techniques other than water elemental force. a good foundation.

Xinhai took out a long test tube, and dark blue blood shone faintly in it.The blood essence of these deep-sea dragon lizards is a by-product of the research of the people of the Abyssal Palace. It is widely used to absorb the elemental force in the body and disorder. It was also used as a control device to suppress the elemental force around the prisoner. It is used at this moment is appropriate.

When the test tube was taken out, the shadow behind him opened his eyes, and after a few slight movements of the corners of his mouth, he still didn't say a word.On the back of Xinhai, he only felt the stabbing pain of electric shock, but he didn't dare to explain in detail, so he could only summon the jellyfish "Hua Haiyue" to use the stinging needle made by its water element force to smash the deep-sea dragon lizard to the ground. All the blood essence was absorbed, and then slowly floated onto Jiang Yan's body, and then gently pierced Jiang Yan's vein with another needle, slowly injecting the blood essence of the deep-sea dragon lizard.

The effect of the blood essence of the deep-sea dragon lizard is very magical. This kind of blood essence is born with the ability to absorb various elemental powers and transform them into a single elemental power. The colored liquid was slowly absorbed, and Jiang Yan's painful expression in a coma gradually calmed down.Seeing this, Ying also nodded, closed his eyes and continued to meditate.

The blood circulation of the human body is actually very fast. It can circulate around the body in 20 seconds. In a blink of an eye, the dark blue blood essence is completely integrated into the red blood of Jiang Yan's whole body. In just 10 minutes, all the thunder element power and immortal power in Jiang Yan's body are completely absorbed. After being absorbed, Xinhai took the opportunity to explode the elemental power, and the "Yilai Yuyi" formed by the water of the Coral Palace floated out of thin air on her body.Use the powerful water elemental force to penetrate into every wound of Jiang Yan, soothing his skin and muscles.In a blink of an eye, just like the legendary doctor who died of human flesh and bones, his body was restored to its original state.And the blood gradually penetrated into these newborn tissues, slowly absorbing the remaining tiny free elemental power and immortal power.

Most of the work has been completed, Xinhai finally breathed a sigh of relief, and drove "Huahaiyue" to use its two needles to extract and transmit blood from Jiang Yan's body, preparing to slowly dialyze the blood essence of the deep-sea dragon lizard.But after a few rounds of circulation, nothing came out of Xinhai. The blood in Jiang Yan's body seemed to be one from the beginning to the end, and what was infused just now was just salt water.

The sweat on Xinhai's head came out immediately, but he could only absorb the sweat secretly, not daring to let General Lei Dian find out, and he didn't dare to turn his head back.

what's the situation?Can the blood essence of the deep sea dragon lizard be absorbed by the blood of mortals?Or, is this person's blood really mortal blood?Although the deep-sea dragon lizards are not powerful, but as the heirs of the water dragon prince among the seven dragon kings, their blood essence does not have enough "personality", so they can't absorb it?Xinhai fell into self-doubt. It is because he has the meager blood of the Water Dragon King that he can borrow the power of the sea dragon. Could it be that his blood can also be absorbed by the other party?

Shaking his head, now is not the time to look into how to absorb the problem. From the time of Yuanxia Palace to the present, there are only so many blood essences of deep-sea dragon lizards in total. What will be used after they are absorbed?How many years is it better to exchange these blood essences for peace?

Well, it's not a question of compensation now, the key is that this "mortal" who has absorbed all these blood will grow horns on his head and dragon scales on his body, will he be cut into raw fish?At this time, it is time to turn to the almighty kit for help!What?The tips are all written by myself?That's fine.

Xinhai is a wise man who can count on all strategies, but the premise is to give her enough time to prepare. This kind of emergency is not her strong point, and the energy column in her heart will drop crazily.Thinking left and right, I couldn't think of any solution, so I had to pretend to have a confident expression, and smiled:

"The treatment was successful, and the patient's condition has stabilized now." As for the future, I don't know, Xinhai added in his heart.

Is there something wrong with finding a relationship in Daoqi: Chapter 100 Chapter 99 Is there something wrong with a sheep going to die?

Ying was quite satisfied with the whole treatment process. Seeing the mermaid's immediate effect after using a secret medicine, she was very amazed.

Although she is not as strong as her sister in terms of thunder elemental power, she is still at the level of a god, but her specialty lies in how to cut enemies in half or turn them into coke, but she can channel the disordered elemental power in the fragile human body. Sorry, it is beyond the standard.Doctors are generally grass-type and water-type, and thunder-type are used to send others to see doctors.

This mermaid is worthy of being a divine priestess with the forbidden blood of the water dragon, and she really saved people. Kage nodded in satisfaction and asked Okukatsu to send her away. Not daring to stay longer, he hurriedly left by water.

Peace deal?Why does God's promise need to sign any document?Since General Lei Dian nodded, there was naturally no second voice in Daozuma's territory.

As for Jiang Yan waking up, it was already the second day. When he opened his eyes, he felt that he was soaking in the "water". A set of clothes, the shadow is not far away, sitting cross-legged with his back facing him, dreaming is by his side.And the fox is busy in another nutrition tank.

Jiang Yan put on his clothes silently, smiled at Xiang Ying, and beckoned. Ying left the position where he was guarding day and night as if nothing had happened, and returned a greeting in a flat manner.

The business is important, Jiang Yan turned to look at Shenzi, "What's the real situation?"

"It's too bad, the true consciousness is at a disadvantage, and it's hard to become the master of the body. If it wasn't for me constantly clearing the general's recovery process, when the general's consciousness and logic are restored, the true consciousness and memory will definitely be washed away "Although the work is half done, Shenzi's pressure has not diminished. The logical design of leaving no shadows has put a lot of pressure on her. The general's recovery speed is getting faster and faster. It is only a matter of time before she can resist her purge. .

Ying was very guilty. At the beginning, when she was so disheartened, she focused on pursuing integration, and never thought about leaving a way out for herself.Now it's on its own.

"Can the general's consciousness be sent back to my body with a spell? Let me suppress the general's consciousness?" Logically, Ying began to seek support from the spell

"Impossible, the general has not recovered yet, how to send back? After recovering, it will be too late to send back." Shenzi retorted from a professional point of view.

"Then what if I fall into a deep sleep again? Can you bring the general back into my body?" Anyway, it wasn't the first time I committed suicide, so I thought of 2234 to do it again.

"Then the general who must be revived first will treat us all as eternal enemies. It really takes a long time for the consciousness to fully recover." Shenzi retorted directly, and really couldn't stand this pair of sisters who spend all their time saving grandpa. up.Hundreds of years ago, Ying killed himself once in order to really become a god, and then really used his power to resurrect him. He was so weak that he died in battle in Kanria; He fell asleep so deep that he was almost taken away by the general, and he just got up and wants to come again?Think beautifully!

"That is to say, we need an empty shell that meets the general's recovery requirements?" Jiang Yan pointed to the container on the other side where the stragglers were lying quietly.

"Since the straggler wants the heart of a god, he doesn't want to be a puppet and wants to become a god, why don't we satisfy his wish?" Jiang Yan made a very practical proposal.Let the three fall into thinking at the same time.

"It should be possible, as long as he is strengthened according to the style of the general, and then the heart of God is placed in his body. After all, it is a prototype doll, and it should be able to disguise as a god body to meet the recovery conditions of the general." The atrocity of "but a straggler is going to die" was sympathetic for 0.1 seconds, but after 0.1 seconds, he still accepted the proposal.

"However, if you operate this way, once you wake up, whether it's a general or a skirmisher, they will definitely fight against us first." Ying still feels indebted to the prototype dolls he made. Don't ask, Quzhidong used it as a battery after it broke down, and now it's still used as a trash can after the electricity is exhausted. It's really unbearable.

"Are you worried that you won't be able to beat a puppet of your own? I didn't expect Kageru to be so unconfident." Yae Kamiko smiled while covering her mouth.

"What should we do after we win the battle? Isn't the general going to recover in my sister's body?" In front of her sister, Yu Xin couldn't bear it and had to step back a bit, but the two recovery laws blocked the way, and now Ying regretted it very much. The clever algorithm that was played at the beginning has now become a pit for burying oneself.

"That is to say, we need to let the general recover in the straggler's body, and at the same time, we have to delay the outcome of this battle for consciousness as much as possible, so as to allow enough time for the real situation to improve?" Jiang Yan summed up

"Well, it's probably like this." The three of them fell silent at the same time. It's really difficult to grasp this speed.

The three of them continued to discuss this. Ying, who is proficient in algorithms, Shenzi, who is extremely witty, and Liyue's idea Wang Jiangyan, finally pieced together a feasible plan, so the transformation of the skirmishers began intensely.

The first link is naturally the transformation of the skirmishers. Of course it is not difficult to change the prototype machine into the No. [-] machine.The operation was a success, and the skirmisher has now become a girl, a girlish version of General Thunder.The only risk is that Jiang Yan is worried that he will commit suicide directly, and refuses to compete with the general for his body.

However, since he, now she, wants to get rid of the identity of a puppet and become a god so much, I believe that the issue of gender will not be so stuck.

The second link is to physically hypnotize the girl straggler. The reason is very simple. The straggler's consciousness is complete. If she regains consciousness at the same time as the general, she must be faster than the general. Logic, return to Leidenzhen's body to recover, so if you want everyone to return to the same starting line, you can only wrong the stragglers.Yae Shenzi and Jiang Yan suppressed their guilt and greeted her head with lightning and ice in turn, which greatly delayed the recovery of her consciousness, and she was so sad that she laughed out loud.

The third link was to implant the heart of God, and Ying, who had not been implanted in the body for a long time, took out the heart of God again, making her body weaker a lot.Next, Jiang Yan and Yae Shenzi injected energy into it, and then implanted it into the body of the straggler to meet the general's spare physical conditions. After a tense overnight observation period, Ying, Shenzi, and Jiang Yan successfully used Shenzi's Baichen secret technique to see It has reached the strength of the soul attached to the body.On Lei Dian's real body, the general's consciousness did not increase; but on the straggler's body, the general's consciousness finally appeared!

The last link is to deal with the cold chain of the girl stragglers. Several high-level witches from Narugami Taisha came here to take turns to maintain and control the two consciousness recovery speeds of the girl stragglers, so as to ensure that the stragglers and the general's consciousness will add chaos to each other. At the same time, the overall speed of recovery of consciousness is slightly higher than that of Zhenzhen, so as to ensure that the general does not activate the logic and run back to Leidenzhen's body to recover.

After confirming that everything was on the right track, looking at the playful eyes of Yae Kamiko, Kage pulled out Dream Yixin and swiped down without saying a word, pulling Jiang Yan into Yixin Pure Land, and started the long-lost card bug exchange.Yae Kamito was left alone to guard the body of the girl skirmisher.

"Oh, oh, I'm shy." Yae Miko patted her hands, and the maid who served daily immediately brought tea, fried tofu, oden and other snacks.The Son of God sat down safely and squeezed the magic spell. In the hidden pocket of Jiang Yan's changed clothes after waking up, a ray of consciousness lodged on an inconspicuous amulet was activated, and he began to eat melons happily across borders.

Is there something wrong with finding a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 101 Chapter 100 Is there something wrong with reciting poems with foreigners

Children who experience loneliness will yearn for the sky, and children who experience loss will pursue eternity.

If memory is a movement, the time that Ying experienced in the arena can barely be regarded as a small section.However, for those who have experienced it, the important thing is never the length, but which note fragments are remembered and how they are remembered.

This is especially true for Ying. Over the past 500 years, what she has been pursuing is not so much "eternity" but "stagnation". The whole person is like a sponge full of despair, which can no longer hold more despair.Every time she opened her mouth, part of the despair in her body would overflow, making her recall a certain person, and then return to her body as bitter wine that entered her throat.

Because of this, the "acquisition" that fell from the sky is particularly precious. She has enough time to wait for the day when the other party can keep pace with her, because even "expectation" is a kind of "acquisition" for her who has lost too much

But when she woke up again, she saw the moment when he was covered in charred black but wearing the wings of lightning and tried his best to save herself.An emotion that is not at all "eternal" - greed and urgency, unstoppably rooted and sprouted from the depths of the heart.A mortal's life is less than a hundred years, maybe in a blink of an eye, the dawn light becomes the evening sun, how can this be?

Ying opened his mouth several times, and each time at the end, either because he felt that he was too eager to be underestimated, or because he disliked not expressing his true feelings, the words stopped when they reached his mouth.In the end, I really couldn't suppress my eagerness anymore, and said with a flushed face, "I'm very happy that you can come."

Jiang Yan was also very emotional, "Yeah, it's really not easy to see you, the whole Dao wife beat up all over." Then, under Ying's surprised gaze, he talked about beating up the fox and beating the stragglers in exchange for tickets.As for the frenzied gain of reputation in Liyue, the matter of turning Liyue Mengde upside down in exchange for a life-saving formula is not mentioned at all. If you take the initiative to pay and use it to show your merits, the style is too low.

"Son of God, she runs very fast. Every time I want to catch her, it takes a little effort. Thanks for your hard work." Ying nodded. Being able to defeat the fox shows that he has really worked hard. For his companion, who has not seen her for several months, it is already Ying was not surprised at all that he was able to defeat his kin, this partner of his was absolutely extraordinary, even his older sister could be defeated, so what was so strange about beating his own fox?

Jiang Yan felt weak for a while. In Ying's eyes, the fox he had exhausted and defeated was just "running very fast" and "taking a little effort".

Seeing his expression, Ying thought of the same question.The law of this secret realm, although I can use it, I can exploit loopholes.But the most fundamental rules obviously originate from outside the sky, and they cannot be understood from the source, so they cannot be deciphered.

If he can't defeat himself who is doing his best, he won't be able to realize his wish to walk side by side in Hanamizaka. He thought it would be a pleasure to practice with him for ten or eight years, but now it seems that since the foxes have been defeated, Why stop trying?Ten or eight years?Even if it is delayed for another month, the cherry blossoms in Hanamizaka are about to wither, so wait another year?Warriors only seize the day and night, um, that's right.

Thinking of this, Ying coughed lightly, and introduced to Jiang Yan in what she thought was the calmest voice, "It's a hairpin girl's temples, a traveler's scarf, cherry blossoms are blooming all over the land, and the fragrance of Yuxi is so strong. It's rare to come here Come on, the cherry blossoms in Hanamizaka are in full bloom, so let me take you to experience the style of Inazuma.” It’s a pity that she doesn’t know, her eyes full of “expectation” can be overwhelmed in a second. The true mood is revealed completely.

Yae Shenzi eavesdropped and couldn't help laughing out loud, what a majestic General Thunderbolt, how good-looking is he?Telling this to a foreigner, it’s strange if you understand it!

The response poem to this poem is: "I met you in the spring last year, and I miss you Fang Yin, and the cherry blossoms seem to come to meet the clouds."But even for Inazuma, besides Ying, who memorizes all waka in order to win the game of cards, how many other people know?

You're so cowardly, when people run back to Liyue, you will cry.

So Miko summoned a priestess and ordered a large-scale themed light novel essay promotion activity in the Yaedo Hall with the title of this waka, trying to let everyone in Daozuma city know these two lines of poetry, to assist friends, and Looking forward to what kind of fools this thousand-year-old girl can make.

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