Jiang Yan was in a dilemma. The scenery sounded good, but she didn't win her previous offline meeting, and the highlight was a rope dance.Accidentally misses a word of this thing, and the cheat is blocked, wouldn't it be a blood loss?Why bother?

Just when I wanted to organize some words to persuade Ying to be more stable, you are not afraid of getting old, and I have just grown up, and the days to come are long, so Ying opened his mouth and continued:

"The way to learn martial arts is hard work. During this period of time, I will teach you how to defeat myself. I just use flowers as a period of time, okay?" Stare!The big eyes filled with "I'm looking forward to it" and "Promise me", combined with the pretending to be quiet, serious expression and voice, made Jiang Yan dare not look directly at him, because he was really afraid of being annoyed and angry after laughing. With one heart out of a dream, it is cut in half with a single knife.

However, Ying you think highly of me too much, how long will it last?Are you talking about the one that blooms all year round at Narujin Taisha Shrine?no problem!As for Hanamazaka?You are embarrassing me, Fat Tiger!It's only a month away from late spring, why don't you let me kill Sky Island?

But the big eyes are just too convincing.The emotion of anticipation almost overflowed from the pupils, but the beautiful big eyes that I didn't notice at all turned Jiang Yan's tabs to gray except for "agree".

Well, let's practice. Anyway, she has been practicing sparring while she was asleep, and it will definitely surprise her.

"Well, the flowers will last for a while." The level has improved so fast recently, the gap should have narrowed, Jiang Yan comforted himself.The two of them smiled slightly and left Yixin Pure Land.Small talk?care?If you are indulging in the close distance in Yixin Pure Land, how can you have the fighting spirit to challenge "The Covenant of Hanamizaka"?The two people with compatible personalities left without any regrets.

Seeing the two returning from Yixin Pure Land, with a serious expression on their faces as if nothing had happened, as if the talks between the two countries were a complete success, Yagami Shenzi directly bowed his head and retreated.I walked quickly to the Yutang Hot Spring next door where I usually rest, and rolled on the floor laughing as soon as I opened the door.

"Pass it on, the theme of the essay is to add "Flower Graduation Period"!" The tea that Shenzi just drank kept churning in his stomach with the twitching of his abdominal muscles.I never knew that my friends were so funny, and the descriptions in Yaedo's previous light novels were all weak!I, Yae Miko, will live by pointing at this melon this month!Tomorrow, we will organize the most capable team of authors and original artists to adapt the plot in real time according to the progress. The champion of this year's "This Light Novel Is Really Amazing" has already been determined!

As for whether this little guy can beat him?You must be able to fight well, you must be able to fight well, as the editor-in-chief of Yaedo, how can you allow a regrettable ending that affects readers' praise?Recruit this little guy to Narugami Shrine tomorrow, and the anti-thunder general teaching will start!General Raiden's weakness teaching starts! —— Yae Miko has never been so full of interest

Is there something wrong with looking for a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 102 Chapter [-] Is there something wrong with doing it again

A few hours later, just after nightfall, the two people who finished matching the code started to open a custom room solo - "Summon, Lei Movie". Unfortunately, the male lead didn't last long, and was defeated within 10 minutes.

The two who met again in the arena were in a good mood. 10 minutes is quite long for a god-level battle, and most of the enemies survived three moves with Shadow Hand, but not many.To be able to fight fiercely to the point of winning by tricks, the scene is far more optimistic than imagined.

99% of the reason why the gods are powerful is that the gods have crushed mortals by a hundred blocks in terms of output.Although thousands of years have passed, they have generally given them skills that have been honed and honed.But how many chances do they have to fight to the death?A slap to death is the main theme.

Even Liyue, who was the fiercest in high-end battles, Morax personally beat down the number of demon gods with no more than one hand, and the one who can talk about the level of ups and downs is probably Brother Tuozi.This is especially true for Dao Wife. As far as Jiang Yan knows, the only Orobus who can be called powerful is also an actor.Life and death struggle with equal efforts?Ying's experience is actually not as good as Jiang Yan's. After all, she has been a coach in the last training camp.

Of course, this level of optimism cannot change the reality of Jiang Yan being hanged and beaten. Although Jiang Yan has certain advantages in the response of life and death, but the conventional skills are too far behind. Jiang Yan relies entirely on the proficiency of the back version Only then can the situation be stabilized for such a long time.

The shadow backtracking consciousness entered the arena, carefully observing his own weaknesses, but did not intervene and release water on his subconscious mind.Leaving aside whether cheating to win the game would be considered invalid, Ying Ying also has high expectations for his friends in his own heart.As a warrior, if you are used to opportunism, it is difficult to become a master.Facing a powerful opponent, once you bend down in your heart, it will be difficult to straighten up again. Ying doesn't want to turn Jiang Yan into a follower or admirer.

In order to "walk side by side", Ying would rather wait another ten years.

Of course, even if Ying is willing, with Jiang Yan's pride, it is impossible for Ying to release the water.Even when he was ridiculed by Xingqiu like a chicken, the slogan was to step on the seven gods and beat the heavens.bend over?nonexistent.

The movements of the two are like a harmonious pas de deux. From naginata to one-handed sword, thousands of sparring sessions allowed Jiang Yan to smooth out the gap in skills.When the strength of each knife, the angle he is used to, and the tricks he will follow up are all clear, naturally no matter how good the skill advantage is, it is impossible to talk about it.

What caused the gap was actually Ying's various god-level sword skills and naginata skills.Although Jiang Yan is proficient in all [-] kinds of weapons and the control of elemental power can be regarded as the best among mortals, but these skills are all reduced to flamboyance in the battle of the demon god level.

The thunderball was condensed, shot out without even breaking the defense, and was absorbed directly on the surface of Ying's body.

Cang Lei's wide-area attack disappeared without waiting.

Open the lightning screen to defend, and split the naginata into two.

No wonder Ying's impression of Shenzi's battle is only "running fast" and "difficult to catch". The attribute is too severely suppressed, what killing cherry blossoms, what sky thunder, most of them are big Chinese characters, and Ying slashes at him with a knife. , a big number, GG.

Thinking about it, Jiang Yan gave up all mortal skills, and began to study Ying's skills with all his strength, calm down and think about it, using those fancy things, in a sense, he is cowardly.Duel training is not an offline battle, and it is not right to think about opportunism before fighting.Now that I can cut five to five with Ying, what I lose is nothing more than those few real stunts, so how about learning it?You don't believe that you are naturally strong after practicing fiercely, so why play in the arena?

In fact, there are not many god-level skills of Thunder Elemental Force, because speed is the core attribute of Thunder Elemental Force. Since the pursuit of speed, naturally there will not be too many messy changes in the moves. God-level esoteric techniques, apart from the two desperately desperate tricks of Wuxiang Yidao and Thunder and Lightning Judgment, there are only four moves.

The first move is very simple, the most common slash, everyone knows it.Even mortal masters with the courage to cut iron and steel can be said to be everywhere.

However, the slash that even the majestic Thor God needs to concentrate on is naturally not a dimensional thing.With one strike, even the wind in the air was cut off directly.Jiang Yan had practiced the skill of watching the wind from Wendy. Seeing this knife pass, the ubiquitous wind elemental force was cut into two pieces alive, cutting a dead line without any elemental force, which is simply breathtaking. Jaw-dropping.

If this kind of slashing attack is used from the outside world, it is not an exaggeration to say that one sword can break all spells, and all elemental power skills are useless after being cut in half.If this knife is directly used to attack, with the god-level elemental power, breaking the mountain and dividing the sea will not be a problem.

With just this trick, Jiang Yan has been able to learn Tianming, and barely mastered a fur. In the last set, Jiang Yan used explosive skills to open the distance, held his breath, and when the dream was about to hit his face, he swung The most perfect sword tonight.

When the sword was swung out with a long black line, Ying naturally knew what it was, and slid backwards a few meters away. The snake, the electric arc or the ubiquitous wind element force, were cut into two pieces in a short moment.

But it's a pity that Jiang Yan's level of condensedness can't be compared with Ying's. The sword energy just escaped from the tip of the sword, and it dissipated into scattered thunder snakes in a blink of an eye, and rushed to Ying's body like a breeze.After this moment, like opening a gate to release water, the gust of wind filled the vacuum of elemental power brought by this black line.

At this time, Ying had finished adjusting his breath, and turned his sword, the same black line spanning several meters cut Jiang Yan into two pieces, and the night ended here.

Jiang Yan woke up from the bed. This move was so strong that he flew up, but in reality, he couldn't get rid of it even if he was killed. It was extremely powerful and condensed to the extreme. With the extreme concentration of energy and energy, it was only possible to swing such a sword. Don't think about not having god-level elemental power.But in the future, this day will not be too far away.With a wave of Jiang Yanxin's hand, a very fast sword light flashed, and the sound of breaking the wind followed later. It was the shortened version of Ying's move, which Jiang Yan named: "Chop the Wind."

Just when Jiang Yan was resuming the conclusion, Ou Jiezhong came to visit and said that the general had an invitation. Jiang Yan looked up at the sun and saw half a day of the sun just now. Okay, as we all know, the thunder system is divided into positive and negative electricity. Curly like Keqing, or fish like Lisa.Obviously, shadow is positive electricity.

"Can you let me have a meal? Why is it like this one by one?"

Did I make a mistake in finding a relationship with Daozuma: Chapter 103 Chapter [-] Is there a mistake in the small classroom of the profound meaning?

Pushing open the door and coming in, Jiang Yan was greeted with a knife in the face without saying a word, and the room opened with Yi Xin Pure Land.

"I watched the battle yesterday, it's good, you worked hard." Ying was very satisfied with the battle last night, especially the last sword.It's good to win the strengths of many families, but the skills of this group of mortals are in front of me, so I can't talk about "family" or "leading".

The skill development of mortals is compared with that of himself, the source of Inazuma's martial arts.Rather than saying it is developing forward, it is better to say that it is a process of gradually weakening and adapting to the weak body of mortals. It is neither suitable for the output of a demon-level body, nor can it break through the defense of a demon-level body.It's better for a strong man to cut off his wrists and give up all of them, just follow the correct path and strive to be the best.

However, when Jiang Yan finally swung his profound meaning "Break the knife", Ying felt very surprised and pleasantly surprised. He used the powerful thunder elemental force to cut off the flow of all flowing things, even in his original technique. , can be regarded as an esoteric-level skill, and it is also one of the cornerstones of my Wuxiang sword. I thought it would take at least a few days to get started, but now it seems that the person I selected really lived up to expectations.

"I'll disassemble and demonstrate to you the profound techniques yesterday." After finishing speaking, Ying Mengmeng got out of the sheath wholeheartedly, and began to introduce his own profound techniques systematically.

"Majestic and unforgiving!" A black line was pulled out. The so-called black is not the color of elemental power, but air, elemental power, and even the characteristics of light being cut at this moment. Without light, leaving Nature is nothing but darkness.

"Since you have already used the trick of breaking the flow, I will just say the gist: the key is not to swing fast, but to cut quickly. When your blade enters the state of chopping the wind and breaking the flow as soon as possible, the remaining The next thing is naturally like a broken bamboo. Regarding this feeling, you can chop a few more bamboos from top to bottom without using strength to feel it."

Well, it turned out that I cut the wind first, and then took advantage of this state to "cut" at high speed. I have a problem with my understanding. The "cut" that gathers all the energy and spirit is just a matter of a moment, and the rest is completely taking advantage of the state. Before disappearing, he could cut as far as he could while maintaining a stable state. Jiang Yan only now understood the true meaning of this move, and nodded at Ying.

Seeing that Jiang Yan had understood the gist, Ying put the sword back into its sheath in satisfaction, and put her right hand on the hilt again. The thunder light in her hand was condensed, and the more and more condensed thunder elemental power made her whole hand shine with dazzling purple lightning Rice light.

"There is nowhere to escape!" A thin line of thunder burst out from Ying's right hand, drawing a streak of purple light in the air, just like shooting a Barrett, the fluctuations in the air are still lingering, and the dream that shot out is all about , has already been deeply nailed to the imperial pillars surrounding Yixin Pure Land more than ten meters away.

"Divide the power of Zidian Daoguang into two equal strands and inject it into the scabbard. Through continuous circulation, it will give the sword a strong impetus. Once it is unsheathed, it will arrive within a hundred meters in an instant, and it can be said to be invincible. I He once used this trick to penetrate a hundred meters of heavy clouds and killed the thunderbird that once ravaged Heguan, so it was named Cloud Piercer." Ying raised his hand to recall Dream Yixin, put the sword back into its sheath and threw it to Jiang Yan for him to study.

Jiang Yan carefully studied Mengmeng Yixin's scabbard, and his face collapsed. Two coils made of amethyst were on both sides of the scabbard. How could hard amethyst be made into a transparent coil?I don't know how it is processed.The end made of silver and jade steel allows energy to provide thrust for the blade with as little loss as possible.

Mengmeng Yixin's hilt also has a built-in mystery. The similar arrangement provides a reverse thrust for the sword body and maintains the momentum balance before drawing the sword. When making a move, you only need to adjust the direction of the thunder element force, and Mengmeng Yixin will immediately fight against the two powerful forces. Under the joint action of the force, it shot out of the sheath in an instant.

What an electromagnetic gun sword drawing technique!This style of painting is too much, the sword masters who followed Daozuma to practice the art of drawing swords, if they knew that the source of this move was actually martial arts plus technology, they would probably cry together.Of course, even if they are given a dream, they will not be able to pull it out. The balance and stable flow of the two thunder elemental forces, the momentum balance between the scabbard and the hilt, all require extremely powerful thunder elemental power, and consistent control. Ability, the overall threshold is not lower than that of cutting off the flow.

Seeing Jiang Yan grasping his dream and realizing it with one heart, Ying was very happy. He really wanted to wait for his sister to wake up and boast to her. It took him a hundred years from the time he got the inspiration to develop this trick to successfully releasing it.This kind of understanding, how can there be another person for the thousand-year-old rice wife?With this qualification alone, it is worthy of equal communication.

"The blade of Fengfeng is naturally sharp, but how can an ordinary scabbard be worthy of this divine sword? Just now, I ordered the craftsmen to speed up the production of scabbard and hilt that fit your identity." Ying Qing lightly wrote the handle She personally recruited Kan Ding to follow her instructions, and Kan Ding followed her timidly to organize a large number of craftsmen to accept the task of making gifts.

How precious is the alloy of high-quality jade steel and pure silver?How difficult is it that the purple jade coil needs the power of the god of shadows to shape it?I gave three orders to follow the power of the world, in order to listen to their complaints?

After receiving Meng Yixin from Jiang Yan, he unsheathed it again. Ying concentrated and calmed down. With his right hand, he grabbed a large number of single-attribute free thunder element forces and was "pulled" back from the imperial pillar, and then Ying drew his sword violently.

"Thunder!" Meng Meng single-mindedly swept through the huge reverse arc and drew a dark blue violent arc in the air. Under the combined effect of his own strength and the traction of the thunder element, the whole person was already ten meters away in an instant, cutting open There is a huge imperial pillar.

"Thunder Sword, using the traction and explosion of the thunder elemental power at the same time, kills the enemy with a swift slash. After mastering it thoroughly, God's punishment will come when you feel it. Its flexibility and lethality are far beyond your ordinary sword. technique."

Ying has long been watching Jiang Yan and her practice against Lei, which is used all day long, what is the matter with the pattern that is obviously a hairpin?It's the same even if he is now sensible and replaced with his own mark, this body is the most noble and noble body in the world, why should he find another way?

Jiang Yan understood Ying's hint, well, express it.Pat your chest and make sure to study hard, even if you don't know anything else, you must arrange this trick first.

However, what Ying said was true. As the opponent became more and more powerful, Lei Qie's move could no longer keep up with his level. The weakness of easy judgment of placement and route is very fatal in high-end rounds.At present, the opponents who are currently fighting are as fast as lightning, and the simple traction effect is no longer enough to provide enough suppression. The upgraded version of Ying's move is just a timely help.

However, Lei Qie is quite useful for climbing mountains and crossing rivers. It consumes less mana and activates quickly. Use it privately.

Ying watched Jiang Yan accept his persuasion to avoid detours, his eyes and mouth were bent, he thought he nodded expressionlessly, walked slowly back to the center of Yixin Pure Land, stretched out his hand and grabbed Jiang Yan from the air.Jiang Yan only felt the thunder elemental force around him and the thunder elemental force in his body began to move irregularly, resonate, circulate, and even other elemental forces were interfered by the violent thunder elemental force, making them completely unusable.

"Damn it, all things vitality lock?" Jiang Yan roared in his heart. It is different from the simple game mechanism in the game. This kind of move that reaches out and directly prohibits demons, which is close to power, is too fantasy. Do you call this a skill?

"Eye Hunting Order, after unfolding the One Heart Pure Land in the present world, all the thunder elements in the field will obey my orders. Destruction is easier than construction. You only need to disturb the enemy's surrounding and all the thunder element power in the body, and you can easily destroy the enemy. Of course , This move is strong if it is strong, and it is weak if you say it is weak. It is useless against opponents of the same level. The opponent can completely use the domain to hedge or expand the enchantment to protect the whole body. You can easily use it and prevent it, no need to be proficient.” Ying shook her head. As a martial artist, even in the face of a weak opponent, she still hopes to see the opponent's shining point through martial arts. This kind of skill that directly turns the enemy into a stake is really meaningless. just a by-product.

"I hope you can master these four secrets as soon as possible. After mastering these basics, we can practice the real secrets of decisive battles as soon as possible." Ying's small class of secrets is over, and Jiang Yan is almost buried in the ground.This kind of "learn these, we can start the real course" format is too hellish, I just want to reply in the elegant and easy-going Zaun language.

But when I turned my head, I saw this damn good looks; these big talking eyes; this person who pretended to be nonchalant, but raised his chin, leaned forward, arched his feet, and made a contrasting little movement full of "expectation", what did he say? Edges can only be transformed into unique answers:

"Okay, I'll do my best"

Did I make a mistake when looking for a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 104 Chapter [-] is very simple to fill in, did I make a mistake

The consumption of Yixin Pure Land is not low, and Ying's physical condition is still very weak. Although he was awakened by the profound magic and the heart of God charge, he will not be as tired as Wendy when he was just awakened.But it takes at least a long period of time to recuperate from being healthy, so after finishing the business, Ying, who couldn't support the chat in a pure land, directly closed the custom room and sent the guests out.

Jiang Yan, who was sent out by Okuma, went straight to Shimura House and ordered a special dish without saying a word. Thanks to Mora Tiwat, since he came to Daozuma, a Mora didn’t make any money and paid 300 million for himself. In other words, should the money be reported to Ying?

Not long after, the dishes were ready. Inazuma's restaurant is really bad, except for the good eel, the rest is all kinds of shrimp, and the animal bone ramen is highly recommended. If Xiangling comes, I think I will laugh my teeth out.

In fact, he doesn’t understand the market. Most of the people in Shimuraya go for pure drinking. Those who want to drink and have a big meal usually go to Wuyou Pavilion next door. However, the traditional Inazuma Tavern only starts to open in the evening. In the early morning, the morning is the rest time.Those who purely eat went to Hanamizaka.

In a place purely for drinking, the dishes are of course all appetizers. When he thinks the dishes are poor, others are watching this non-drinking person come to the izakaya to eat appetizers. What kind of mysterious operation is this?While eating and complaining, a witch came over

"My honored guest, I'm sorry to disturb your meal, Mr. Yae Gongji, I invite you to move to the Yae Hall for a meeting"

Fox looking for me?That's okay, just let her introduce Daozuma's gourmet food.Jiang Yan put down his chopsticks and followed the witch all the way to the Yae Hall.

Yaedo is the largest light novel publishing house of Inazuma, but "Inazuma's biggest" is really nothing to say. Inazuma is in turmoil, and there are very few people who have enough money to read light novels. On the contrary, they are in Liyuegang, Taiping Relying on the exotic style, the sales are not bad; on the other hand, Liyue’s martial arts novels are being chopped and chopped all day long. Because of their sense of substitution, they are very popular with samurai and soldiers. Yaedo relies on both translations and sales. On the contrary, business is booming, which is really strange.

In the Yaedo Hall, the editors are all busy, what kind of essay competition is this going to be?There are related notes and promotional materials everywhere, Jiang Yan didn't care, walked into the editor's room all the way, Yae Miko was holding a light novel, drinking tea and reviewing the manuscript, maybe he was seeing a wonderful plot, even if he saw Jiang Yan came in without putting down the scroll in his hand.

"I don't know why Miss Yae asked me to come here?" Jiang Yan found a stool and sat down. The aroma of Kanto cooking on the table wafted through his nostrils, making Jiang Yan's index finger move when he was not full. This fox will really enjoy it. After defeating Ying, she settles down comfortably. Dao's wife's eating, drinking, and entertainment are all arranged by her, and she counts on Ying?Let her decide, [-]% is a pale life of eating fixed meals, drinking tea, sleeping on tatami, drawing swords and hacking each other for entertainment.

"It's nothing, let's get to know each other formally. I heard Yingying mention it casually before, and I thought he was an ordinary young hero. I just found out today that Mr. Jiang has a high position in Liyue. It's really rude." With the question of the Thunder God sisters on the right track, Shenzi finally She had time to sort out the information sent by the personnel from Kansada Mohojo, Narugami Taisha, and Yaedo Riyue, but she was really taken aback.

Although the information is not up-to-date, Jiang Yan has basically reported on major events, such as saving the family members of the gods in Mond, defeating the executive officers of the fools, teaching the Qianyan Army in Liyue, leading the revision of the national exercises, and even possessing the power of Morax. saber.Such a high position and authority at such a young age, how can it be summed up by a young and promising sentence, I must - of course, make fun of me, dare to beat me?Do you dare to use my tail as a scarf?If you let me go, am I still Yae Miko?

When Jiang Yan heard this kind of rainbow fart, he immediately took a step back. Isn't a fox still called a fox if it's not playing tricks on people?It's [-]% nothing good to brag about yourself like this.

"Congratulations, I have submitted my resignation letter to Lord Yan Wang Dijun before I came to Dao's wife, and now I am alone." Jiang Yan did not accept any routines, and the pink hair was black when cut.

"It's good to be an idler. If you don't practice martial arts well, how can you defeat our Thunder General?" Yae Shenzi teased with frivolous luck

What does this person know?Alarm bells rang in Jiang Yan's heart, he must have been peeped by the pinhole camera, no, I didn't do anything. "Defeating General Thunder and Lightning is naturally the ultimate dream of us warriors. If I can take Wuxiang's knife before I am old, I will never regret it in my life," Jiang Yan said perfunctorily.

"Love the spring, worry about the spring, be busy for the spring, how can you do it if you don't work hard at a young age? I happen to have a special training device for anti-lightning generals, do you want to try it, little guy?" Yae Shenzi said in a teasing tone. , Every sentence is a word of spring, and the title has changed from "Mr. Jiang" to "little guy".No, it could be the fixed password that Ying has used for 500 years.

Moreover, the "anti-thunder general special training?" that the fox mentioned aroused Jiang Yan's interest. Since Ying used it and the effect was good, shouldn't he try it too?

"Okay, I have heard for a long time that Bai Chen's secret technique is mysterious and unpredictable, which is exactly what I want."

Yae Shenzi stretched out a beautiful lazy waist, so pink, white and big, she couldn't bear to look at Jiang Yan and turned her head, only to see that Shenzi handed Jiang Yan the light novel in his hand, "This is the most promising entry in the essay contest." Work, please support Yaedo more if you have nothing to do."

So he led Jiang Yan to the foot of Yingxiang Mountain, in front of the anti-thunder general device.

Seeing that the device is still full of traces of the just completed, and the traces of the land are new, Jiang Yan completely gave up the fantasy, this fox is definitely peeping.Otherwise, what is the purpose of suddenly setting up such a device?In order to be a fitness equipment for the whole people, can each person eat without thinking?

"This mechanism, let's take it as a magic weapon that can reproduce shadow skills. I made it from memory. If her martial arts don't regress." It helps a lot.

Jiang Yan almost laughed out loud, how?You have stabbed Ying Huo thousands of times, can you tell me the way?OK, just give it a try, it doesn't cost money. "Go directly to the highest difficulty"

"Oh? So confident? Yae Miko was very angry at being despised for her proud work, and opened the final challenge without changing her face.

Needless to say, this device at least has a bit of style in terms of skill flight speed, but it's a pity that it has to be turned on again after each skill. Such a long omen, I can deal with it with a yawn.The instantaneous electric ring that really sticks to my face, I have split it countless times, what is the use of this thing?

After 1 minute, "That's it?" Jiang Yan turned his head and glanced at Yae Shenzi. "The attack frequency is too low, the omen is too long, and I can't use skills continuously. I don't have any esoteric level skills yet, so I can't achieve the purpose of training at all." I thought I could practice all skills as a baseball machine, but now it seems that it is not good enough. what.

The fox didn't expect Jiang Yan to be so strong offline. He wanted this little guy to be ashamed in front of his magical creations, just as a small revenge.As a result, the other party dodged and dismantled all the skills shot out like a walk. His own spells were horribly despised, which was really unacceptable. Shenzi negotiated with Jiang Yan on the spot how to make an enhanced version of the Anti-Lightning General Device 2.0.

Jiang Yan didn't feel anything special. Isn't this just a baseball machine?How strong can a device be, no matter how powerful it is?The speed is as fast as possible, and the skill is fired as much as possible, and it's over.If you do it well, you won't be able to shake people during the day anyway, so it's just right for special training.Thinking of this, Jiang Yan briefly described Ying's several profound skills, and asked Shenzi to design according to the attack range, trying to fit them all in.

"I was beaten to death, don't blame me?" Although he couldn't beat Ying, Shenzi was quite confident in his spells. How difficult would it be to simply build a fort without considering defense?Last time, I was afraid that I would really make a mistake, and my friend came to settle the score, since I want to suffer?Satisfy you?

"No problem, it's very simple to fill in next time"

Did I make a mistake in finding a relationship with Daozuma: Chapter 105 Chapter [-] Did I make a mistake in practicing hard to hide the hook?

To be honest, Jiang Yan didn't believe in the fact that he could defeat Ying by simply relying on his youth. How could it be possible to score higher than others by copying other people's answers?Something extra had to be figured out.

Baseball machine, no, the anti-lightning general device is one of the attempts, although the effect is not very good, but at least it can find the feel.The real trump card is to shake people and start practicing. If you want to copy and win this 99-point paper, there are not many people who can help you, but I just happen to have a good idea.

Jiang Yan came to the Tianling Enforcement Office and found Jiutiao Saluo, and Jiutiao Saluo warmly welcomed him.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry to welcome you. What can I do for your visit today?" Jiutiao Saluo was very polite to Jiang Yan. The general who called the leader of Haizhi Island for him in front of him has now become Daozuma Castle. topic characters.

You must know that except for urgent military situations or disasters, it is extremely difficult for Sanfeng to take the initiative to meet the general, and they all rely on letters to communicate.But this person has been here for two days since he came to Inazuma Castle, and he visits the castle tower every day, and he is familiar with the Okukatsu, which really makes people have infinite reverie.There are no secrets in the small Inazuma City.The story between this man and the general has become the most popular topic at the Wuyou Pavilion and at the roadside stalls in Hanamizaka.

Jiutiao Shaluo is naturally not a person who likes to discuss feelings and gossip, but he is not so stupid as to think that Jiang Yan goes to the castle tower every day to tell the story of Liyue to the general.However, this man, both civil and military, is by no means a treacherous person, and he will not get tired of flushing spring water. He wrote to the general to gossip, and he still owes his life to others. Naturally, he is a good entertainer.

"General Jiutiao, I really have a heartfelt invitation to come this time. Recently, I have encountered some problems in martial arts. I need your help in the past few days. It will probably take a few full days." Friends of life and death , Jiang Yan was not polite, and directly asked.

Kujo showed a troubled expression, "It is reasonable to say that the life-saving grace has not been repaid, and I should be duty-bound. However, due to the sudden signing of the peace agreement by the general, military affairs have been very busy in recent days. Haiji Island's emergency withdrawal of troops, front adjustment and related matters Negotiating the details, I really don't have the time to spare, I wonder if it's okay to postpone it for more than ten days?" At this point, Kutiao Shaluo was very embarrassed.

But there was really no other way, the leader opened his mouth, ran down and broke his legs, and after saying "Peace for a year", she didn't care.There were so many things left that Tianling Xingxing collapsed.Troops had to be withdrawn, front lines had to be adjusted, and negotiations had to be carried out. Yesterday Kujo Saro didn't go to bed until close to dawn.

Jiang Yan scratched his face, it turned out that it was his own fault, Xinhai's operation fee was afraid that he would add a lot of messy rumors to himself.Only the fox knows that he rescued the general, but the general rescued him without hesitation to make peace with the rebels. Quan Dao's wife probably knows about it. One can imagine what will happen in Dao's wife's drunken gossip.

But Jiutiao Shaluo is necessary in the plan, there is no way, anyway, his reputation must be coming to an end, so it is better to just kick the gas pedal.

"This matter is related to the general. It is actually very important. You can regard it as the general's order. I will ask the general to fill in the specific documents tomorrow."

Jiutiao Shaluo was shocked by Liyue's demeanor of "Do you want an imperial decree? I'll write you one now". Even the guards of the Tianling Enforcement Office couldn't help but look sideways.

Are all the saints here?Tonight's big dinner at Wuyouting, relying on this eight stacks of violet melons, someone has invited it!

"Okay, please wait for a moment, I will hand over the relevant matters to my brother." The other party dared to say that, certainly not intending to make a joke, and then use his face to take Wu Xiang's knife.What else can I do by myself as a worker?Just treat it as a favor.

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