Legend has it that after Akhmar bid farewell to joy, he left the wine glass here to hold sorrow and memories.

And sorrow and memory maintain the eternal sleep of the mistress of the flower.

But it's a pity that in the final analysis, the beautiful legend is just the conjecture of the bard.

The huge "Achmar's Crystal Cup" in front of me is of course not a real cup, but the main mechanism to maintain the "Eternal Oasis".

However, the shock that this "Crystal Cup" brought to Jiang Yan was no less than any artifact.

The reason is simple, Jiang Yan happens to know the material of this crystal cup.

Apparently, the cup was crafted from a large chunk of the Nail of Judgment crystal.

This is also the first time Jiang Yan has seen a ruthless character who dares to process the nail of punishment.

Even with the strength of the emperor, although he is not afraid of the nail of punishment, he still keeps it at a respectful distance.

Akhmar's ruthlessness, Jiang Yan can only say one word.

But right now, the eternal dream filled in this crystal cup is not within Jiang Yan's reach.

"My lord, the memory I just picked up tells me that the spring water of the Eternal Oasis will flow from the "Moon Blue Canal" into the three main branches, breeding fertile fields and rich manors. "

"So, we need to follow the dusty canal waterway for the mechanism that was opened just now, and then find the mechanism represented by the other two branches, so that we can finally reach the eternal oasis and meet the sleeping mistress."

When Jiang Yan heard this answer, he was in a bad mood:

"In other words, the same journey, we need to do it twice?"

"I think so, my lord." Lirufar's magic bottle spun quickly, and expressed her comfort with a soft light:

"But I, who have already obtained the fragments, will help you better."

However, the meaningless work of carefully using the wind elemental force to suck sand in the water pipes that have not been maintained for thousands of years for a day and a night, simply sucked all Jiang Yan's patience.

Another two days and two nights?Jiang Yan would rather give himself the name Kanria and call Dyson suck.

So he decided to shake people!

"It's very late, everyone, let's take a rest first, let me think about it." After signaling to Naxida with his eyes, Jiang Yan fell into meditation.

"Summon, Keqing!"

"Oh? Why did you think of asking me to discuss it today?"

Ke Qing, who had just undergone intensive special training from her friend, thought that she would not be found soon, but she was quite surprised when she was suddenly summoned.

"It's like this, I need the support of some land and building knowledge..." Jiang Yan explained the current predicament in detail.

"You've found the right person. When it comes to measuring land and buildings, no one in Liyue is better than me." Ke Qing said confidently.

This is why Jiang Yan intends to ask her for help.

After a day and a night of drilling water channels, Jiang Yan deeply realized that he had entered a misunderstanding:

I came here to find the source, not to fix the water pipes.

As long as the mountain does not collapse, why open up the entire pipeline?Wouldn’t it be enough to make a patio from the ground and come down?

But considering that the only building he has ever constructed has been ridiculed by Keqing, Jiang Yan has no confidence in his site selection skills for drilling.

So Jiang Yan came up with the idea of ​​Ke Qing, when it came to digging the patio, no one around him was better than her.

Even if Naxida has all the knowledge of the Miaolun School, who would believe an engineer who has never been on a construction site?Even Nashida herself didn't dare.

So along the way, Nasida just offered various suggestions and assistance.

Even the proposal to shake people this time, she first quietly used the power of dreams to suggest in Jiang Yan's heart to find an expert.

But the fly in the ointment is that the common feature of most experts is that they like to ask a lot of questions that cannot be answered at all.

Ke Qing, who is an expert in civil engineering in Liyue, is no exception.

Looking at Jiang Yan's hand drawing and description, Ke Qing quickly asked questions like beads:

"How is the soil material and water content here?"

"Your description must have an approximate elevation, please fill it in."

"Can you analyze the material of the pipeline? Are there any drawings for the pipeline route?"

"Where is the specific damage point of the sandworm?"


"Hey, hey, I understand these words, why do I need you." Hearing one request after another, Jiang Yan couldn't help complaining.

"So I'm teaching you, otherwise, how can I confirm the safety of my digging site?" Ke Qing never hesitated about professional content.

"What do you want to be safe? I only need two locations with the highest success rate. If these two locations don't work, I'll just dig the same way."

In Jiang Yan's mind, Keqing only needs to provide him with a few points, and then he can just dig down like a groundhog. How could he think of such effort?

"If you don't tell me these things, what does the success rate depend on? Divination?" Ke Qing did not compromise on safety issues.

"This pipeline is a very ingenious project. As an expert, you can imagine the counterparts thousands of years ago according to the best situation."

Jiang Yan didn't understand how troublesome the construction that required "as long as the mountain doesn't collapse" was necessary.

"When you dare to talk nonsense without data, it has nothing to do with the word "expert". Since you come to me, just do what I say. "

When Keqing faced a matter of principle, even the emperor would not back down, not to mention friends.

"Okay, you are an expert, you have the final say." Jiang Yan resolutely confessed, and was forced to learn how to measure these data before waking up from meditation.

"My lord, have you finished your rest so soon?"

As a kind of primordial creature, Zhenling is a powerful race that can sing and dance all day long, and is always happy and high.

However, Lilufar's soul is not complete now, and after staying in the court for a long time, he has also acquired some human work and rest habits.

For the creature named "Gan Emperor" that appeared thousands of years later, Lilufar, who was exuding dim and uncertain light, was really not used to it.

"It's okay, let's continue." Jiang Yan didn't explain too much, but got up directly, tested the soil humidity according to Keqing, and returned to the surface along the same route.

The content of the exploration on the second day seemed a bit strange to Lilufar.

His owner no longer pushed along the long-abandoned water pipe as he did on the first day.

Instead, they spent more than half a day constantly touching the soil, pulling wires, and drilling holes into the ground.

To be honest, it is absurd to be able to pierce a bottomless hole with the power of thunder element in the ground after a little power accumulation, but Lirufar still doesn't understand the meaning of doing so .

It's right not to understand, Jiang Yan himself didn't understand.

Engineering is such a thing that technology is constantly evolving.

In the era of Lilufar, the amount of engineering was usually measured by the hard-core order of "how many slaves were consumed and how many days were consumed" because there was no scientific standard.

What material management, engineering technology, does not exist.

It has been nearly 1000 years since Miaolun School developed perfect architecture and construction techniques.

As for Liyue's more than 3000-year mining history, its accumulation of mining and excavation technology far exceeds the Miaolun School's technology developed from mechanism techniques.

Therefore, in the face of Lilufar's inquiry, Jiang Yan could only put on a confident smile of "you will know later" and accumulated all the data, and after Naxida calculated it, finally in the name of "rest", He threw it to Keqing, who had been waiting for a long time.

At this point, Keqing didn't have much to think about. After synchronizing the information easily, she drew two circles from the schematic drawing on the ground.

Two very simple circles that can be said to be worth a lot of money:

"Here and here, as long as a hole the size of an ancient rock dragon lizard is not opened, I believe there will be no problem."

"Okay, this job can be crossed out. Seeing that you are very busy today, I won't discuss with you, remember to make up."

Keqing was very considerate and directly killed herself. Being vigorous and resolute, she didn't even bother to wait for Jiang Yan, nor was she afraid of pain. After explaining her recent arrangements, she went to rest on her own.

At the end of the "rest", Jiang Yan came all the way to one of the points of Keqing's painting, and began to cut into the ground with four violent wind walls, and continuously smashed the sand and soil in the middle with the force of the wind element. pumped to the outside world.

At this time, Lilufar was already a little numb to the endless tricks of his new master.

Akhmal defeated and subdued many demon gods, but even among them, Lilufar had never heard of someone who could use multiple powers with such ease.

With this level of strength, even if the great master met him back then, he would probably treat him as a guest and give him the Seven Pillars of the World.

Pure strength is enough, what is even more frightening is that the essence of the power of the Zhenling clan all comes from the flower god who serves the goddess of the empty moon.

Their essence is just fragments of the law of "life", so the Zhenling clan is extremely sensitive to the breath of "life".

In Lilufar's perception, he could clearly "see" that the light of life that he newly recognized as the master had only just bloomed.

Where did the well-knowing king get such an outrageous existence?

If it continues to develop like this, what height can it reach?Lelufar couldn't even imagine it.

Under the curious and strong onlookers of Lilufar, the courtyard cut out by the wind wall became deeper and deeper, and soon collided with a hard object.

However, no matter how powerful the water pipes were thousands of years ago, they are just water pipes.

When I met the wind wall that once stood in Mond for thousands of years, a wide entrance the same size as the patio was cut out by the knife-like wind wall in an instant.

After completely pulling out the sand and soil, Jiang Yan stopped the transmission of elemental force.

After he strengthened the walls of the courtyard with his own elemental power, he took Nashida and Lilupal and jumped down together.

And the mechanism that I was looking for yesterday is miraculously close at hand.

Faced with such a miraculous way of skipping class, Lilufar admired him immensely, and the light of the magic bottle suddenly became violently unstable.

After flickering for a long time, he said in a very embarrassing tone:

"My lord, I have a very embarrassing thing, but I have to report it to you."

"Say! There is nothing to be polite." Jiang Yan, who successfully used modern technology to hang and beat the ancient wise man, waved his hand in a great mood.

"My lord, I feel that there is a fragment of my soul, in the other direction of this waterway, can we dig a route back?"

Chapter 688Chapter 665 Is Dream Bubble Something Wrong

For a moment, Jiang Yan really had the urge to send this disappointing bottle to the health home to serve patients with limited mobility.

There, it's enough to be able to fly, and it doesn't matter if you are incomplete or not, the nurses will definitely like it.

Of course, Lilufar also knew that his request was too deceitful and disappointing.

But she is not a radar with an incomplete soul, so how could she detect the soul buried deep underground at the surface?

In order to make up for it, she had no choice but to curry favor with the cameo engineering emergency light, floating steadily behind Jiang Yan, providing him with a stable light source, and even avoiding the habitual rotation and flickering.

It has to be said that when an ancient Sumeru who is famous for being huge in the harem makes Almaz the evil queen who has never accepted any concubine, try her best to please her, all the heroines of court dramas are bundled together, and there is no such thing. What a guy does.

Even if it's just a glowing bottle now, Lilufar gave Jiang Yan a feeling of "how can she be so sensible, she doesn't need to talk too much, just hitting it is steady and caring".

Coupled with the appropriate answering, blank space, admiration and emotion, the awkward atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and Naxida, who was watching from the sidelines, could only feel the magic of people's hearts.

Thanks to this guy, he can't use Yuan Energy to transform into shape at will, otherwise how terrifying would it be?

But in fact, this kind of attitude is completely superfluous, impulsiveness is impulsiveness, Jiang Yan has never been a person who unloads the pot indiscriminately.

If the plan is not enough Zhou Xiang, just make up for it.

After some investigation, and a two-person meeting with one bottle, soon, fairy technology combined with Miaolun School's academics and modern knowledge collided with a wonderful brain hole:

——Use the negative pressure of the patio to pump out the sand.

Anyway, they all worked as sand diggers, and Jiang Yan didn't mind making a guest appearance as a tile-laying worker.

Driven by his powerful rock elemental force, the walls around the patio became as solid as rock walls in an instant.

Then, like a fountain, the sand sprayed out along the reinforced patio under Jiang Yan's guidance.

After obtaining another fragment of the soul from not far away, neither Jiang Yan nor Lilufar would think it was a coincidence anymore.

Obviously, the Scarlet King had extra arrangements for Lilufar before his kingdom was about to be destroyed.

Although I don't know the specific content, I don't think there will be any malice towards her who has been dismantled into glass shards, otherwise it will be fine to smash a few pieces.

After figuring this out, Lelufar finally regained his spirit.

Since she was awakened, she has been in a long period of confusion.

On the one hand, it is because his mind and soul are fragmented, and even his self-awareness is incomplete;

But more importantly: this brand new world has no connection with her at all.

Although the contract was concluded, it was not so much driven by love and hatred as it was a kind of inertia. When she was at a loss, she chose the way she was most accustomed to.

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