Now that he has received a mission from the past, Lilufar feels that he has truly "lived".

As a result, her voice was much more pyrotechnic than at the beginning:

"My lord, let's move on. I think the answers to all the secrets are hidden at the end of our journey."

Of course, Jiang Yan would not refuse this request. After releasing the second agency, he quickly left here and went to another well drilling location planned by Keqing.

Among the three branches, two are beneficial to Rufar's fragments, and the third is naturally no exception, but Jiang Yan still chose to "dig a well".

Even taking into account the time wasted backhand digging, digging a patio down from the surface is still faster than being a plumber.

Jiang Yan, who was born once and cooked twice, quickly helped Lilufar obtain the fragments, and at the same time opened the final passage to the "Crystal Cup of Akhmar".

However, before reaching the road leading to the eternal oasis, a huge energy structure suddenly appeared.

Lilufar floated in front of Jiang Yan, blocked his plan to raise the sword and said in a nostalgic voice:

"Sister Felicis...I'm back."

Felicis, the eldest daughter of the town, the oasis governor of the Red King?

Does it look so skinny?

Well, Jiang Yan felt that he shouldn't laugh at a warrior who used his life to protect the millennium.

But obviously, no matter how the other party looked at it, it didn't look like he would agree to Lilufar's visit.

"Ah, it's you. The culprit who destroyed Jule City. Let me guess, you came this time to destroy this eternally peaceful place?"

Jiang Yan fully understood the attitude of the other party. If it was him, it would be impossible for him to agree to the most sinner in the history of ancient Sumeru to visit Kao.

But when you have to go and have a look, things are another matter.

Under Jiang Yan's signal, Naxida took a step forward and said to Felicis:

"Created by the original elves, the most loyal eldest daughter of the mistress of Fupan, listen to me."

"I am the friend of your mistress, the spokesperson of all plants and trees, Nashida."

"I need to go to this paradise where we have feasted together, to find some truths and answers to questions."

"As for Lilufar, although she has committed many sins, she has already received her due reward. At least at this moment, this remnant soul is my loyal guide."

This ancient mechanism named "Felicis", or the town spirit "Felikis" residing in the mechanism, heard the words of Naxida's servant, the light and darkness of the core of the primordial energy fluctuated, and it was obviously lost in thought.

After a while, the unique voice of the construct resounded in this space:

"Hail to you, king of all knowledge."

"I have admired your glory in endless banquets, and I have heard the praises of your wisdom from people far away."

"If the hostess is still healthy, she must be eager to welcome you into the eternal paradise."

"But I'm sorry, the shackles of the organs have already tightly tightened my heart. Now I can only implement the last order of the great master and eliminate all the existences that disturb this tranquility."

Just now, the logic of the construct has already begun to tightly bind the mind and actions of this great town spirit.

"Uh...uh ah...the shackles...the shackles...tightened again...please leave, before I lose control."

After all, the light cannon on the construct has already started charging, ready to attack the god who was still full of admiration just now!

"My sister, throw away the form of Zhenling, and bind yourself in such a body for thousands of years. This kind of shackles and pain can end."

"My lord, I once again boldly ask for your help, please help me relieve my sister's pain..." Lilufar said sadly.

The technology she used to make the town spirit construct was not created out of thin air, it was made by referring to the experience of the big town spirit in front of her.

Immediately after the establishment of the Eternal Oasis, with loyalty to the Mistress of the Flower and compassion for the newborn country, Felicis decided to make a sacrifice, and imprisoned her soul in the cold Constructed in shackles.

In this way, powerful primordial power can be continuously exported, the environment can be changed, power can be output, and powerful combat power can be provided.

Of course, all of this comes at a price.

After the invisible soul has a "body", the body becomes a cage.

How can Zhenling's unruly heart always endure the shackles of the organ?

After losing the freedom that Zhen Ling is proud of, and losing the carcass to enjoy joy and wild love, Felicis's sanity is declining day by day. In the pain and wailing, she is more and more like a real machine instead of a proud Zhen Ling.

The essence of Zhenling is a piece of energy information. Even if the strength is damaged, as long as the information carried remains unchanged, no matter how many times the body is destroyed, it can be easily revived.

But on the other hand, any damage to Yuanneng information, that is, Zhen Ling's mind, will cause irreversible damage to Zhen Ling.

So now she has become an existence similar to those constructs of the town spirit fragments. The once beautiful and powerful Felicis has long since ceased to exist.

Lilufar used to have an irresistible relationship with Felicis, and watched her change step by step from a free and proud town spirit to what she is now. There is only sad persistence in her life, and she is like looking in a mirror with herself.

So Lilufar decided to free his sister before confirming all the answers, even if it would make her hate herself to the last moment.

Because whether it is love or hate, Zhenling never resists.

These intense feelings, no matter what kind, are their source of strength and food.

Only emptiness and nothingness are the most painful poisonous wine.

Let me, a sinner, drink this glass of wine by himself.


Jiang Yan didn't understand Lilufar or Felicis, but he chose to believe it.

He believed in Lilufar's sorrow that was about to overflow from the bottle, and also believed in the gratitude that came from every broken soul constructed by him.

So without waiting for any action from the primordial energy construct in front of him, with a flash of thunder, the core of the construct was destroyed cleanly.

The ancient mechanism called "Felicis", after a thousand years, was liberated from the body painlessly.

But it's a pity that her soul was firmly bound by this body thousands of years ago, and she lost the ability to freely construct forms.

Now, after her body is destroyed, her form and spirit will soon be shattered as well.

However, she, who was about to be destroyed, did not carry the hatred that Lirufar gave her before leaving, but said in a very sad tone:

"Empty tombs...will fall apart...just like me...just like you who are incomplete..."

Obviously, except for the shackles of the construction shackles, her thoughts and information obtained are the same as Lilufar, and she wants to swallow this empty bitterness alone.

"... Farewell, my sister."

Lilufar didn't say anything more, and after feeling this emotion, everything was silent.

Just in silence, waiting for this ancient mechanism called "Felicis", or the town spirit "Felicis" who resides in the mechanism, fell into complete silence.

Jiang Yan did not interrupt the last emotional "conversation" between Lilufar and Felicis. He waited until Lilufar slowly flew to his shoulder before stepping into the elevator in the center of the platform with Nasida. Go to the "eternal oasis" that everyone knows, everyone yearns for, but everyone knows the answer.


"Eternal Oasis" was born out of futility.

Achmar built an eternal oasis in vain search of the old paradise where the sky nail fell.

How can Achmar, who has no joy left, build an eternal paradise?

So he tried his best to pick up the most profound scene in his extremely deep memory.

Fortunately, the "gift" of the sky kept it still in the depths of the ground. Although it took the life of the mistress of the flower, it also preserved her last spirit and maintained her last domain.

So Akhmar took great pains to use Kao's power to remove the time here, and he used his greatest power to remove the life and death here, and all the principles here are just to keep the bubble that will be shattered in a moment.

He succeeded. He exhausted his energy to capture this momentary bubble from the long river of time, and deceived all the town spirits to serve him, only to revive everyone's mistress.

However, a deception is always a deception. Although the domain and spirit are real, neither the memory nor the picture is Akhmal's own, but Lirufar's.

Directly using the fragments of the soul to create a picture, of course it is extremely real.

Although I don't know how Akhmar did it, and established this pure land before the punishment, the fragments of her own soul in front of Lirufar's eyes are not fake, which makes her expression extremely complicated.

According to her character, she should have started to hate crazily, but now, there is only nothingness in her heart:

"My mistress, she is not here."

"But here I found a piece of myself..."

Lelufar could not go on, and she fell into a long silence.

It turned out that the punishment of breaking the soul did not have any great purpose, it was just a scam.

From the beginning, she had been nothing more than a tool Achmar used to deceive her people, and himself.

As the flashing fragments merged into Lilupal's magic bottle, Jiang Yan soon obtained this memory that deceived all the town spirits:

Palaces and gardens made of red jade... Thousands of flowers are in full bloom, and thousands of birds are singing.

The spirits are the spiritual servants of the mistress, her musicians and cupbearers.

In her gardens, mad monks and ruined travelers danced to Sage's narcissus and drank the blood of the daughter of the vine.

This is the garden like no other in the world, once the residence of the Mistress of the Flowers, and now her final resting mausoleum.

"The rose blooms like fire, kindling the nightingale's life. The candle smiles brightly, but brings disaster to the moth."

In his memory, Jiang Yan saw her stretch out her hand, her complexion was as transparent as moonlight;

Seeing her face, it is indescribably beautiful, as if every wonderful town spirit is her petals, and every ray of fragrance comes from her...

The scene in front of them is the deepest memory in each Zhenling's heart, and it is also the happiest part of their lives.

That's it, fooling all the town spirits.

But at this moment, outsiders like them disturbed the power of the fragments and also destroyed the mechanism for maintaining stability.

Eternal picture, time starts to move forward after standing still for thousands of years.

In the memory of moving forward, Jiang Yan met the gaze of Flower God. In her beautiful eyes, Jiang Yan only saw the boundless void, and there was nothing in front of him.

Memories shattered and turned into nothingness.

No matter how real the bubble is, it is only a moment.

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