Forget it, seeing Xiao Xiao's vengeance successfully showing a happy smile, Jiang Yan felt that it was a good thing to lose money and eliminate disasters.

It's a pity that he doesn't understand that men and women have different calculations for mistakes. Most men think that it's over when the mistakes are compensated, but most women think that the mistakes are just the beginning. anything, a meal?interest only.

Now that the interest has been paid, the next thing is a heated topic among friends. In fact, during Liyue, as a rare person with modern business thinking, Ningguang and Jiang Yan hit it off quite well in Liyue. It can also be regarded as a tacit understanding game for people who are better than this.After not seeing each other for a long time, the two chatted for a long time, and the topic naturally turned to yesterday's explosive news.

For the topical character who received two priceless dowries for one face, it is impossible for Ning Guang, who handed over her handover, not to gossip.Not to mention she was curious, Jiutiao Shaluo and Tong Qianli also stayed away from this disrespectful topic on the surface, but at the same time their ears were pricked up, wishing to use the teacup as a local phone to listen carefully.

You know, for San Bongxing, this person can only be described as "turned out of the sky".The whole Inazuma City wentssip together, but only one Liyueren came to outlying islands, and together with Sanbushin Narujin Taisha, overthrew an executive officer of fools, and was then summoned to the castle tower. Plus, summoned every day, the general will not go to court early from now on.

Jiutiao Shaluo knew a little more, but he was also at a loss as to how he knew the General and how he knew him well.

But there's really nothing to gossip about, leaving aside the online part that can't be talked about nonsense, the shadow is free at the speed of light.However, counting the online part, Jiang Yan feels that he has known her for more than a year, plus thousands of life-and-death acquaintances, and the TV series can shoot 40 episodes. What's so strange?

Jiang Yan had no choice but to take out the standard answer, "Master General is very thin-skinned. If I talk nonsense, I don't want to cut it down and cut us into four pieces. The emperor will definitely not avenge us."

Hearing what he said, Ning Guang had no choice but to give up.Dao wife's General Lei Dian next door, she also knows the reputation of using Wuxiang to eliminate the last place. It sounds like a ruthless god. This young man's skills in subduing demons are really extraordinary.It was known at that time, maybe he was fine because of the holy family, and he didn't have the ability to make soft meals.

Because of the stupid reason of gossip, Bai Ri was unfortunately killed by lightning. It was really unnecessary, and she was not a gossip race like Yatengu.

Jiujo Shaluo:? ?Why do I feel like someone is hacking me, but not?

After a feast for the guests and hosts, of course they don't need to participate in the following things. Since Yuehai Pavilion and the surveyors have perfected the framework, the two major tasks of Jiang Yan's visit this time can be regarded as completely completed.

Having finally regained his freedom, he directly took a high-quality jade steel spear and carefully prepared rice wife wine to Qingce Village to visit Master Yang. Very respectful.

The old man's life is very nourishing now, thanks to the atmosphere of the whole people learning Qianyan's marksmanship, Master Yang's status in Qingce Village is like a god. He practiced marksmanship decently, and was not afraid to see Jiang Yan coming. He directly hugged the thigh of the closed disciple who had been blown by Master Yang 180 times, and let him show off his skills.

Isn't it easy to fool a child?Jiang Yan took three moras, borrowed a bamboo pole from the child, and threw the moras into the sky

Just as Mora was falling, Jiang Yan stabbed continuously!The three fallen moras were stabbed into the sky again with precision;

After a few more seconds, when Mora fell again, Jiang Yan stepped aside this time and struck the bamboo pole on the ground. When the children watching were in a daze, and when Mora was waist-high, he swung the end of the bamboo pole and threw three more Mora. Pulled to the sky, the height was exactly the same as before.

Then Jiang Yan lifted up the bamboo pole, gently moved the three moras horizontally three times, and gently pushed the three moras onto a stone where the children were sitting in front of him, and the three moras were stacked together and completely overlapped.

In the end, Jiang Yan swung the bamboo pole with one hand, and the bamboo pole turned somersaults and pierced directly to his master's side, standing upright.

Isn't this better than Liyue Opera?All the children present applauded wildly.Only Master Yang, who can understand, is so proud of his apprentice's current ability. Is there a second person in Liyue who can match this kind of skill of lifting weights with ease?Really the best gift for his visit.As for the treasure gun and good wine, it is just a matter of face for the retired old man. If he really wants to get a five-star artifact, he is afraid of attracting treasure robbers.

Master Lao Yang was very happy and directly announced that school would be dismissed early, and the children were overjoyed and scattered.Perhaps the effect of the performance was so good that half of the children stayed where they were and imitated Jiang Yan to poke Mora. Naturally, this group of children didn’t know how precise control it takes to stab Mora back intact in the air. Naturally, it was a mess. After a bit of poking, they didn't care about being slapped in the face by Mora. They laughed at each other and continued to practice.

I believe that this live advertisement can directly keep children's enthusiasm for learning for a long time.

After a good meal and hospitality, Jiang Yan stayed directly in Qingce Village. Jiang Yan was like a fellow apprentice, listening to the old man bragging, telling the story of how he subjugated demons and calming evil in the Qianyan Army when he was young, and he praised him at the most appropriate time , making Old Master Yang laugh triumphantly.When Old Master Yang finally got drunk and fell asleep, it was already late at night, so Jiang Yan fell asleep in the next room.

In the early morning of the next day, after bidding farewell to Master, Jiang Yan went straight to Luhuachi. Although the long-lost secular glitz is very good, but the world without her is not used to it while being happy. I always feel that there is some color missing. On the third day , and finally reached an unbearable level.

At some point, the boy who was able to stay alone for a year disappeared without a trace.


I would like to add that the postscript of the seventh volume is very exciting, and I accidentally charged more than 1000 words. I am really sorry, this background cannot be modified, it is very pitiful.

In the last few chapters, I have written a little more in each chapter on average, and I will make up for the rounding. I hope you will forgive me.

Is there something wrong with being a power minister in Daozuma: Chapter 135 Chapter 130 [-] Is there something wrong with the devil's part-time job?

Luhuachi is a miracle created by the joint efforts of the Bishui River, Tianheng Mountain and Stone Forest.

The special material of the stone forest was eroded and dissolved by the accumulative water flowing down from Tianheng Mountain, and finally settled here, forming natural dikes one by one.The big ones are more than mu, and the small ones are only one or two square meters. The heights are scattered and connected layer by layer.The lake water rich in various minerals shows incredible colors under the sunlight, but it does not affect its warmth and clarity.Luhuachi got its name from this.

It's a pity that Liyue's wild safety situation is not enough to develop this place into a tourist resort and hot spring resort. This kind of beautiful scenery is only enjoyed by immortals, and it has formed a secret realm of the fairy family. The secret realm entered this time is just one of them.

At this time, in the secret realm, the restoration of the real body has gradually come to an end.As elemental creation creatures, in fact, apart from the core, there are not many so-called vital points. For them, the form is just a habitual form of expression and self-cognition.Just like the electricity in a battery, whether it is installed in a battery, a charging treasure, or a mobile phone, it is essentially the same.

Of course, this also means that once the core is damaged, it means that "existence" has undergone a complete change, and almost all of them face serious consequences such as lowering of personality, dissipation of form, and return of consciousness to the sea of ​​origin.

Lei Dian really suffered a serious injury, and it was destined to be the end of his personality being lowered and his consciousness dissipated.That is to say, the high god took action to solidify her consciousness and memory on the timeline, so that she survived.

However, there is only memory and consciousness, just a wisp of remnant soul.In order to be truly resurrected, Ying not only needs to repair the body, but more importantly, repair the damaged core.

Since entering this body, Ying has used his powerful spirit to continuously warm and nourish the severely injured core every day, and even fell into a deep sleep.It was not until last month that under the charging of the skirmishers and Jiang Yan's immortal method, he barely regained his mobility.

That's why the immortal method is so difficult this time. After the "gold" fell, the few remaining chalk soils in this world, and the perfect and supreme amethyst accumulated by Daofu for thousands of years, all turned into materials for repairing the core.Then under the full guidance of the three immortals, even the emperor participated in it, and it was successful.

Looking at the restoration process of Ying, especially the capacity of the elemental force that is as deep as the sea, Jiang Yan feels that there is still a qualitative difference between himself and the elemental creation creature in terms of combat power. He has seen Wendy and Ying before. It is precisely because they are the incarnations of wind and thunder that they have a natural ability to drive wind and thunder.

What kind of life form will exist after reaching the level of a demon god? It is indeed something worth thinking about, Dragonborn?Elemental creatures?Chalk?

To be honest, Jiang Yan is already very surprised that he can accommodate so much thunder elemental power now, you know, just a month ago, when he used the death return skeleton fairy method to awaken the shadow.At that time, the total amount of thunder elemental power circulating in the body was not much more than it is now, and it almost exploded to death, but now I don't have any abnormalities in my body. Is this adaptation or evolution?Let's talk to Abedo later.

However, the most important thing is in front of you. Jiang Yan took out four sets of tea sets that have been prepared by Daozuma for thousands of years, poured spring water from the famous spring of Daozuma into the teapot, and started to boil the water with the power of the fire element without fireworks. Every time the water boils, pour out all the spring water worth a thousand gold, and pour another pot to boil again.

When the surrounding abnormalities disappeared and the three immortals sat on the ground to rest, Jiang Yan threw himself in front of Ying with a flash of lightning, looked at her and nodded, and then calmed down and poured boiling water into the tea set to serve the emperor and the three immortals. Immortals serve tea.

Excellent spring water for tea and tea sets, combined with Jiang Yan’s method of making noodles, made the emperor and the three immortals frowned. This kind of heart is appreciated, but this kind of mix-and-match style of sea cucumber soaked in Master Kong’s bowl of noodles really makes a few people Immortals and gods can't stand it.But Jiang Yan wanted this kind of effect, without the incomprehensible style of burning the piano and boiling the crane, how could they accept this generous gift?

True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Building the Sun turned into a human form, "Put it down, come yourself as a teacher." With a wave of his hand, he made a set of stone tables and benches.Zhenjun Qiyue Zhuyang personally mixed tea to serve the emperor, and several immortals also started to do it themselves according to their own preferences.

The tea set and tea leaves are divided into four parts, which are obviously the filial piety of the emperor's disciples, and the treasures of the tea ceremony that gather the whole rice wife are naturally available.

Especially the teacups used by Dijun, the black base glaze exudes silver spots, and the surrounding spots are surrounded by blue light colors, showing different effects like stars under different lights. Even Dijun, who is so particular about people, politely said "I have a heart".

And several immortals also love the tea set that matches the color of their own fur in their hands, and the workmanship is extremely exquisite. When boiling water is poured, it will produce halos and rainbows, and the tea sets and clear springs are also rare.It made the immortals completely ignore the two people who were sticking together.

Whether it is Ying or Jiang Yan, there is no such elegance at all. These three national treasures have been dedicated for hundreds of years, and Ying has never been used once.If they learned that they were given away with a wave of their hands, it is estimated that countless tea lovers would cry and rush to the ground.

But the two of them didn't care about these things at all, Jiang Yan directly took out the big bag of Liyue's special fragrant drink that was preserved yesterday and handed it to Ying. This kind of drink made of herbs, spices, natural flowers and fruits has a sweet taste. After taking a sip, Ying's eyes lit up and he began to thump.

While sipping tea elegantly, he drank Liyue Happy Water at the same time. The huge difference in painting style made it impossible to start the follow-up conversation. Fortunately, Jiang Yan was a scene person, and came to the table with a shadow to thank the emperor.

"Senior Morakes, Liyue has a saying: Don't say thank you for your kindness. In the next few months, I will hand over the position of Narugami. No matter what the assignment is at that time, Lei Movie will never refuse!"

This set of words was naturally taught by Jiang Yan. Ying's physical condition can't be hidden from the healers at all, so just tell the truth.

However, these words were indeed spoken from the bottom of my heart. The original plan was only to expect Morax to provide assistance for body recovery, thereby speeding up the recovery of the core; The damaged cores were repaired directly, and Ying's gratitude cannot be expressed when he thinks that his sister can recover quickly.

The gold content of this sentence "at your disposal" is by no means comparable to that of Jiang Yan.Although there are many Tivat Demon Gods, they are in good condition and can be used as thugs. For a long time, I am afraid there will not be only one of them. Whether it is Brother Tuozi, Oser, or the future, they can be one. good insurance.

On the battlefield of demon god level, the emperor is naturally invincible.However, if a shocking battle is fought, even if they win, their lives will be ruined.But if such an occasion, a ruthless high-level demon god worker launches a surprise attack, the effect is simply incalculable, and it is easy to turn a fierce battle into a knife second.

How much is a wage earner at the level of a demon god worth?So in the final analysis, the martial arts faction like Ying shouldn't be entangled in governance at all, and go to work in other six countries to support a place as big as Narugami Island, okay?Anyway, she likes fighting so much.Jiang Yan has quietly planned for Ying to travel to the seven countries and do odd jobs with him.

No force would reject this kind of good deed, and the emperor was no exception. After some courtesies, the host and guest happily sent Ying and Jiang Yan out of the secret realm, and all the business affairs of Dao Wife finally came to an end. Looking up, it was already sunset. According to.

Although the official business was successfully concluded, the date between the two was in vain.Although the effect of the long treatment is very surprising, it also greatly delays the time. I also know the shadow of Sister Xinnian and Daoqi Anwei. The envoys will sail back tomorrow morning. I have to return to Liyue after I have done nothing, and I can't help but feel very depressed.

Jiang Yan saw her eyes and gently took her hand

"Shadow, let's take a trip"


Jiang Yan threw out a thunder talisman and grabbed Ying's catkin, and the two of them appeared 20 meters away in an instant.

"Tonight, the entire territory of Liyue will be illuminated by lightning!"

Is there something wrong with being a power minister in Daozuma: Chapter 136 Chapter 130 Chapter [-] Liyue Day Tour Is something wrong?

(The typesetting has been repaired, if it is confusing, brush up the chapter)

Some people's travel is to eat, drink and have fun, and some people's travel is to think about the wilderness in their hearts.What is Shadow Travel?With whom and where?That's all.

That being the case, time and space are not obstacles to the two of them, but just the scale of happiness.

Having figured this out, Jiang Yan promised this night of thunder and light.Countless attractions?Do you want to make another card and send it to Moments?In Jiang Yan's view, it is enough to travel with the people beside him tonight.

The two were not in a hurry, because there was a grand scene of Liyue under their feet. Thanks to a picture album called "Liyue Geography", Jiang Yan quickly found the best viewing spot.Countless colored pools of different sizes and shapes, under the refraction of the setting sun, are like watercolor boards filled with colorful paints.

The two sat side by side. After Jiang Yan explained the story and the principle of formation, Ying curiously looked at the color and water quality of the pools one by one, and even tasted a few mouthfuls of warm, clear, but colorful lake water. It's a pity that Luhua Pool It wasn't Huaqing Pool, the two of them had traveled around for a while, and it was already sunset at the western mountain, and they returned home exhausted, and rushed to the place among thousands of peaks and clouds.

Even as a god, Ying never thought that the thunder in his palm would one day be used for traveling.The two people jumped in the air in a relay way, almost without taking up the ground. The scenery along the way was like a picture.When the new moon was rising, we traveled with him through the clouds and mists, galloped through the mountain streams, stepped over the streams, stepped over the moss, and stepped through the mountains and forests, satisfying all the beautiful imaginations of Ying, and before he knew it, he had already arrived at Qingyunding above.

Jiang Yan and Ying found a piece of bluestone and sat down. At this time, the sea of ​​clouds was still above the bright moon, as if there was a layer of silver veil floating on the water.

The rising sun and rising moon of Qingyunding are all wonders of the fairyland. Every time the sun or moon emerges from the sea of ​​clouds, the sun or moon is shining brightly, or the silver light is full of tides, it is an unforgettable picture. .Jiang Yan served some desserts and drinks. After the two had a short rest, they saw the moonlight covering them with silver feathers. The mountain was high and the moon was small. The cold full moon was like a bronze mirror, just floating above the sea of ​​clouds, as if it was within easy reach.

"Let's go, chase the moon!" Jiang Yan flew over with a thunder talisman, and opened the wings of wind that he had ordered in Mond.Then he gently held Ying's waist, beside his blushing face, on his snowy shoulders, he was pulled by the thunder talisman and flew over. The two of them happily chased the moon in the sea of ​​clouds, circling, rising, circling and rising, Repeatedly, even if you chase farther and farther, chase higher and higher, and finally land slowly.

Liyue has two best places to look at Mingyue, one is Qingyunding just now, and the other is the top floor of Wangshu Inn. The two of them headed east all the way. It is said that the pavilion of Wangshu Inn is where lovers make an appointment to enjoy the moon. A resort, of course you won't miss it tonight.

Wangshu Inn is a major landmark building in Liyue. The inn accompanied by ancient trees can be clearly seen dozens of miles away. The two traveled all the way from Qingyunding, and it was almost late at night when they arrived. Even with the strength of Jiang Yan and Ying, Also quite tired, the two walked upstairs, ordered some drinks and snacks, as well as the special almond tofu, and began to watch the moon on the top floor.

But looking at the meaningful eyes of the boss Faier Godet, Jiang Yan couldn't help screaming inwardly. This person is a person who is condensed. God knows what it will be like in the future.

However, if you come, you will be safe. Since it was very late, the couple who watched the moon had already left. The two easily occupied a position near the railing and booked the venue. While watching the moon, they chatted softly about the moon and Dihuazhou. of various legends.A certain young immortal who was originally here couldn't stand this sudden extra meal of dog food in the middle of the night. on the table.

Wangshu Inn is worthy of being a moon-appreciating resort. The moonlight is like water, slowly "flowing" from the Tianhe River to Dihuazhou, dyeing Dihuazhou into a silver mirror.The fog began to rise in the middle of the night, and the ground was covered with a layer of white gauze, making Wangshu Inn look like a pavilion on the roof.

The night breeze blows, and the air is filled with the fragrance of ancient woods and Yiren's gentian flowers.There is only the sound of the river gurgling and the rustling of the leaves, which makes people feel peaceful. Only each other and the stars and the moon are staying at this moment.

Ying has never experienced this before, and neither has Jiang Yan. Ever since he came to Tivat, he has always moved from one goal to another, just like a puppet sword ghost. This trip, in fact, is a kind of unloading for each other. After the heavy burden is relieved according to the situation and the situation, when the wilderness in the heart and the beauty of reality reflect, beauty will arise spontaneously.

The two quietly enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere until the bright moon hung high, and at midnight, the two began to return.Along the way, I saw Guili City Ruins, looked at the lonely clouds in the vast sea, and when I rushed back to Liyue Port, the night market was still bustling and the lights were always on.

Jiang Yan and Ying sneaked back to the cabin, and after a familiar change of appearance, they started to visit the last train of the night market just like an ordinary couple.

Liyue Port is worthy of being known as a place where thousands of ships and thousands of merchants gather. It has already reached the end of the night, and there are still continuous merchants who have just unloaded and disembarked, joining the ranks of merchants or guests. There are all kinds of goods from the Seven Kingdoms, which makes Ying very surprised. Entering the rhythm of buying, buying, and buying, Liyue's clothes, Nata's accessories, the treasures of the solstice, and of course the desserts of the Seven Kingdoms, she deserves all the good things in the world, so Jiang Yan naturally buys and buys.

Such a thing as a wallet, simple!By the way, Dao's wife should also pay me a salary, how about the salary of the imperial servant?

After hiring someone to send the large and small parcels back to the Daozuma envoy ship for the second time, the filming finally came to an end. The two of them flew to a convenient place for viewing (Jiang Yan: thanks to Geography) on the Yujing Terrace, and sat on the eaves Looking at the still bustling Liyue Port and the blooming glass lilies, I reminisced about the beauty of this day.

Ying began to look forward to the next time, what kind of happiness would there be if there was enough time?eternal?How can there be a "future" worth looking forward to in eternity?

"Next time, find enough time, let's do it again"

"Not only Liyue, but after everything in front of us is over, Mengde Liyue, Natafontaine, Sumeru Zhidong, we have to go to every place."


A good night should have a happy ending. Jiang Yan stood up, stretched out his left arm to support Ying, and inserted a glass lily that he secretly folded with his right hand on Ying's head. Holding Jiang Yan with his right arm, the two fell gently in an embracing posture.

As for what happened in the air?The night was too dark for anyone to see.

Did I do something wrong when I was in power in Daozuma: Chapter 137 Chapter 130 Five Did I do something wrong when I took office with special effects?

The next day, news came out from the castle tower that the long-lost assessment day would be held in three days.

The officials of Daozuma were stunned. Even in the minds of Sanbushi, which has been passed down for dozens of generations, His Highness the Great Imperial Palace doesn't care about mundane affairs at all. Daozuma's logic in handling affairs is actually not much better than that of the general doll.

Things that don’t need to be reported should be done by yourself.

It needs to be reported, and if there is a common opinion among the three, then do it accordingly

It needs to be reported, and the third is to pursue matters with different opinions, and wait for a few years before discussing, or else [-]% of them will die, or the matter will be gone, and it will be resolved

It needs to be reported, and it is urgent for Sanfeng to hold different opinions. Yaegongji, who is blind to the eyes, often casts the decisive vote as a member of the gods

Those who cannot handle the above are qualified to report to His Royal Highness, waiting for a reply.The frequency of this kind of thing is usually calculated by "one generation" and "half a generation"

His Royal Highness is actually going to hold an appraisal meeting, which is Liyue's monthly meeting?Is this the advanced experience learned from a trip to Liyue?

A group of middle-level officials in the rice wife were very excited, thinking that the master of the Imperial Palace wanted to open up the way of speech, and the end of Sanfeng's treacherous villains who blocked the way of speech was coming.

And although San Fengxing was worried, he also knew that His Highness the Great Imperial Palace was not the kind of god who would prosecute the crimes at the meeting and beheaded after being dragged down.

Where does the Great Imperial Palace need these messy things?If you feel that you can't do it, you have no idea to cut it in half with a knife, so that their family can invite the next dream chaser, so I feel a little bit at ease.

Three days later, in the Tianshou Pavilion, all the mid-level and above cadres of Daozuma gathered together, kneeling and sitting at the head, with hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at Jiang Yan who was kneeling beside His Royal Highness.

Although most of the people present have participated in this Liyue man's gossip, but seeing him sitting beside the general in such a rampant way, blasphemy

Jiang Yan sat firmly against hundreds of pairs of angry eyes.There is no way, and my reputation in Daozuma cannot be regained in a day or two. Instead of spending two months playing with them and uniting most of the rubbish games, it is better to smash their reputation with an impactful style of painting. Three Views.

Ying opened his eyes at this time, and pulled out Meng Yixin by his side, "I will practice martial arts in seclusion at Naruto Shrine for several months, and I will seal Jiang Yan as an imperial servant, and temporarily act as my majesty. It can be judged as much as possible. If there is any disobedience, from the following three principles, you can kill them on the spot with my saber!"

There was an uproar below, wanting to speak, wanting to protest, but Ying drew his sword out of its sheath, its elemental power and aura were fully released, and everyone present, except Jiujo Shaluo, the brothers and sisters of Shenli and a few strong men, were all suppressed and bowed down. The ground cannot move.

Ying glanced around the silent place below, crossed the long sword, and handed it to Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan stood up and took it with both hands. It was the etiquette to seal the altar and pay respects. , thunder radiated in all directions, and the huge butterfly wings of thunder behind him spread out like a large folding fan, almost across the entire main hall of the castle tower.

The mysterious pattern makes people feel dizzy when they look at it, and every time they flap their wings, a dazzling thunder bursts out in the air, so that the officials of Daozuma can't look directly at it, so they have to continue to prostrate themselves on the ground.Jiang Yan and Zhen worked together for two days to develop such a legendary skin with a large amount of elemental force, and the effect is really outstanding.

Ordinary Liyue people?Who spread such outrageous rumors?Are Liyue people all monsters?All the officials present cursed inwardly, this must be an old friend of the gods and demons of His Majesty the Great Imperial Palace, who escorted the Great Imperial Palace during the retreat.

No one would bow their heads and ears to a little boy who was airborne, but what if it was His Highness's friend of a foreign demon god?Everyone is not at the same level at all, so naturally there is no jealousy or dissatisfaction.

Maybe you can doubt his identity, but when faced with the most intuitive power and His Royal Highness, most people will make the right choice, or the choice from the heart.

His Majesty's Wuxiang sword is invincible, except for the legendary sword that killed Orobus and opened up Wuxiangjian Canyon.The Wuxiang knife used in the imperial confrontation is nothing more than an unimaginable martial art.The Wings of Lightning, adapted from Jiang Yan's "Don't Sleep and Get High" magic, was adapted from the strange shape that formed when his body almost exploded, embodying the most original power of the thunder element.Where have the officials present seen such an intuitive mighty force!Everyone's hair was puffed up under the static electricity, and their hearts were also beating non-stop under the pulsation of thunder. In everyone's eyes, it seemed that this pair of huge lightning butterfly wings appeared. Together, everyone will be reduced to the illusion of ashes.

That's enough, I can't install it any more, and it's time to pull the brakes. Seeing that the special effects are in place, Jiang Yan slowly retracted the wings of thunder, and said loudly: "Everyone present, I hope our government orders will be clear in the next period of time. Live up to His Majesty's expectations!" After saying that, he retreated to Shadow's side.

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