The officials below were moved when they saw the god who glanced at everyone with the eyes of "Which chicken should we kill for the monkey?" and the foreign demon god who just showed his might?Don't dare to move.

The 20-minute power transfer meeting ended quickly, which is not at all true.The officials who wanted to talk had no choice but to turn these words into gossip about Wuyouting and Shimuraya. Because they were filled with officials in an instant, some officials who were not of high grade even had to go to the roadside stalls in Hanamizaka to communicate.All over the city, there are three or five officials gathering together to gossip, which naturally becomes the booster of gossip itself. In a blink of an eye, everyone knows that "the foreign thunder and lightning demon god who is closely related to the general is about to take power".

And it was time for Jiang Yan and the Thunder God sisters to bid farewell. During this time, Yae Miko has been increasing the defensive barrier at the root of the Shenying cherry tree. After the consciousness begins, she will also guard here day and night to ensure nothing goes wrong.

This place has now become the safest place in the entire Inazuma, and Yae Miko is confident that even if the demon god strikes, it will be enough to temporarily wake up the two of them.

At the root of the sacred cherry tree, the enchantment was about to unfold. Jiang Yan and Ying stood opposite each other under the sacred cherry tree, their eyes met, and they were silent.

Looking at the two who said "I can look at each other all day long", Yae Kamito who had been waiting to open the barrier had no choice but to turn around and continue to check the nutrition tank, the lightning circuit, and the ice coffin that sealed the body of the girl straggler.

Finally, a real sigh came softly in the wind, implying "I've turned around, you can do whatever you want",

Hugs, kisses, and cherish each other.

At the time of parting, Jiang Yan caressed Shen Ying lightly and said "Treasure". Unknowingly, the two have become close friends through life and death.

The soft sound of treasure lingers in the ears, the cherry blossoms are blowing on the face, and the fragrance of flowers is all over the clothes.

Is there something wrong with being a power minister in Daozuma: Chapter 138 Chapter 130 Chapter [-] Is there something wrong with the last layer of dolls?

Back in the cabin, Jiang Yan fell asleep straight away. No matter how much Lei elemental power was, he couldn't take it for a day trip to Liyue. The back is actually quite empty, but how dare he say no?Flying behind the shadow?I'm afraid the atmosphere will be completely ruined, and the result of hitting a swollen face to pretend to be fat is naturally to lie down the next day.

Fortunately, the protagonists of the farewell are Ying and Dijun, and the emperor in the form of a dragon flies around the boat and soars away, giving Ying enough face.For such a miracle, the mortals of the two countries bowed to the ground, and the absence of the head of Daozao's envoy naturally no one cared.

After waking up from sleep, there is no lack of work at all. The outgoing God, like the colleague who has finished the resignation report, has no hope at all.If it weren't for Jiang Yan's persuasion, the thunderstorm surrounding the open sea would not even be maintained.

What are you kidding?The system of thunderstorms and outlying islands had been the purse of the shogunate before, but suddenly the thunderstorm was withdrawn. How could the mermaid in Xinhai of the Coral Palace let go of this god-given opportunity?You know, Haizhi Island is closer to Liyue than the Outlying Islands. If Haizhi Island were to develop a business line and compete with the Outlying Islands, the shogunate might not even be able to provide wages.

The problem of Haizhi Island is really annoying. If Orobus is still there, it will be easier to deal with. According to the standard of the Demon God War, even the Snake Belt Island will be raised.

But now that small broken island, it's too ugly for someone at the level of a demon god to bully the small.

What's more, since Ying promised not to ask questions for a year, neither Zhen nor Jiang Yan would engage in word games like "it's either my signature or waste paper", the style is too low.

As a result, Haizhi Island, which has not been integrated into Daozuma at all, will instead become the biggest beneficiary after the thunderstorm comes into contact with it, and even directly affect Daozuma's financial situation. Who can bear it?

At this time, Jiang Yan missed Gan Yu and Ke Qing, the two invincible fighters at the executive level, when Li Yue cooperated, as long as they were not their subordinates, it was a comfort.

It's a pity that they couldn't be recruited by themselves. Ke Qing is almost appointed as the next speaker, and Gan Yu is the manager who can rest assured in everything. With Ning Guang and these two, the emperor can naturally relax in the world.

is this fairWho is Dijun bringing?Who am I bringing?Who are these three executives, you let me take them.

Even Kutiao Shaluo, a fighting faction, is forced to engage in diplomacy. Can she be diplomatic?You can't do diplomacy, you don't have the ability to know?

Jiang Yan thinks about the emperor's subordinates, and then thinks about the subordinates who will be handed over to him, and he can't help but feel that the game is very unbalanced... It's okay for the three to follow, two to collude with fools, and one to not know what they are doing?

The most terrible thing is that Jiang Yan has no time to do any cleaning. He has been on shift for two months. If he really wants to clean up, he will end without doing anything.

So no matter how tricky it is, he can only continue to work with these crouching dragons and phoenix chicks. It's like playing Three Kingdoms and opening a script by Kong Rong, starting with Tai Shici, and then dead.

However, fortunately, my goal is not to rush out of Dao's wife and dominate Tivat.Without letting the eight warriors of Haizhi Island blitz the castle tower, Jiang Yan felt that he was much better than Ying, a 500-year-old house girl.Thinking of this, Jiang Yan continued to write and write various routines.

There are no thunderstorms between the two countries, and the flight distance is actually very close. In just one day, the envoys have returned to the outlying islands.The carefully prepared ceremony to welcome the return of the gods was not bought by the gods.The shadow of Xinnian's sister was driven by Jiang Yan's relay to open the door to the new world, and he was dragged all the way back to the castle tower, and then carefully transferred the real body back to the bottom of the cherry tree at Narugami Taisha Shrine.

When they were almost at the bottom of the Shenying cherry tree, the two of them looked at each other, feeling that God knows you and I know you.The story of a foreign country, the place where I really stay is the god cherry, not the global cherry, this wave is very stable.

It's a pity that the truth in Jiang Yan's spiritual world was activated as soon as he arrived at the bottom of the Shenying cherry tree... Zhen adjusted the monitoring without saying a word, downloaded this part of the memory, but didn't say anything, quietly listening to their introduction This "self-respecting journey".

Therefore, even Oser and Ba Chi may not be willing to help each other establish a spiritual world.The spiritual world is a spiritual projection of a life's memory, emotion and power in the real world.Once there is the participation of others, it is easy to cause an irreversible shift in the cognition and emotion of the whole person.

And projecting a person in the spiritual world is even more outrageous, it is tantamount to giving the other person a door card, even if the person is weak and true, they can be easily tracked according to the characteristics and resonance of the spirit, and through the changes in the projection, they can be easily read To each other's memories and emotions.

Of course, the act of "reading" is also very dangerous to the person. The extra memory can easily "pollute" the person, making people seem to have experienced all this. Memory can be confirmed to be false by cognition, but emotion cannot. It will subtly change itself.

Moreover, with the gradual increase in spiritual interaction, it is easy for the other party in the spiritual world to have an extra dental jar today, a vanity mirror tomorrow, a set of pajamas the day after tomorrow, and a shoe cabinet the day after tomorrow. "It grew bigger and bigger, and finally became an increasingly important part of the spiritual world.

Is this emotion a real emotion?

Maybe, because emotions in the real world are nothing more than interaction, pollution, and occupation, and the spiritual world is just a "projection" of this form.

Therefore, the demon gods in ancient times did not have a convincing answer, so they had to stay at a respectful distance to avoid falling into the pain of self-doubt and mutual doubt.

It is really an example of digging her own grave. After she regained her "self", after waking up, she found that she only had "memories" and "emotions" in her hands that she didn't know whether they were her own.

what is memoryjust a picture

What is emotion?It's just a long series of feedback that is not as advanced as drinking water when you are thirsty, and eating when you are hungry.

These things are things that can be copied at will, even if these things are stuffed into the body of Leiden, is "self" really Leidenzhen?As a remnant of her soul, after she just recovered, she doubted herself all the time.There was even a self-destructive mentality of "just dissipate, anyway, they will make another copy".It's just that both memory and emotion require "I" to save my sister first, so I didn't implement it.

When everything he had was illusory, getting along with Jiang Yan in order to save Lei Movie became the only real thing that "I" had. This memory and emotion definitely belonged to me. No, no one.

"I"'s greed and desire for this "possession" simply exceeds "memory" and "emotion". The Lei Dian in my memory is really not such a crazy person, and Lei Dian's true emotions are not so intense.But it is precisely because of this "incompatibility" that the current "self" exists so truly

In order to maintain these "possessions", she does not mind spreading the forbidden knowledge in her memory

In order to confirm these "possessions", she would rather use a method that demon gods would avoid to create her own projection in his spiritual world. Since the projection exists, then "self" also exists.

In order to continue to have these "possessions", if they all want me to be "Raiden", then I will become "Raiden".

In this way, "I" put on a spiritual body called "Rain and Lightning", and will soon enter the real body of "Rain and Lightning".

pollute?As long as you can continue to grasp the "possession", "I" doesn't care about the body, and the next thing is left to "emotion" and "memory".

Sorry, the author of the mobile phone is cheating me again, please check it out

Did I do something wrong when I was a power minister in Dao Wife: Chapter 139 Chapter 130 Did I do something wrong when I turned into an oil guy?

Although the new official took office three fires, but as a "replacement demon god", excessive official actions can only make the people below stay dead pigs for two months without fear of boiling water.

Therefore, Jiang Yan, who is a fan of the emperor, of course will not use his dreams to single-mindedly eliminate the last place. His method is very liyue-call three to carry out the vegetable basket rice bag project

"What? Selling meat and grain at low prices?" San Fengxing seemed to have heard some hallucinations. No matter how few Dao wife people have, there are always tens of thousands of people on the household registration.You can conjure food and meat for tens of thousands of people, does Naruto want you to be the one?

Of course Jiang Yan can't transform food, but he can transform into Sharon Bass.

Dao wife is poor because of lack of imagination. Under the propaganda of the oil country to get rich, San Feng accepted the tasks of material acceptance, order maintenance, goods allocation and so on, which seem unimaginable at present.

The reason is very simple, most of San Fengxing has dealt with Jiang Yan, and with this person's holy family, even if Dao's wife is poked a hole, His Highness of the Imperial Palace will probably act as if nothing happened afterwards.But if he doesn't execute well, won't the blame man come here?Therefore, no matter how outrageous the task is, it must be completed without compromise, and at most it will be appealed to His Royal Highness afterwards.

What's more, several people who have fought side by side know that he is brave and resourceful.Since it was entrusted by the Imperial Palace, it would not be necessary to make an international joke to add to the fun.

Sure enough, on the second day, the Monde fleet from Jingfu Port brought a large amount of meat, food and wine to the outlying islands. Sea of ​​meat, Dao Wife has never seen such a scene?Many rice wives have never seen meat in their rice bowls except for bird eggs and fish!

This kind of explosion scene can spread much faster than the gossip of His Royal Highness, because it highly overlaps with the scene in Dao's wife's dream, it is very easy to spread, and it is very substituting. Master Sizhong brought meat and rice as high as a mountain, which will be distributed by Shefeng, Tianling will maintain order and supervise, and it will be sold in limited quantities and at low prices in various places.

For a time, "follow Master Shizhong to have meat to eat", "Meat Waiter" and "The Demon God of Food" were praised by the people everywhere.

Of course, the sea of ​​rice and meat from several boats looks very shocking, but in front of hundreds of thousands of rice wives, it is like drizzle. In fact, most people can only snap up a symbolic small bag of grain and meat. There is no Mora, and even only for watching.

However, the point is not the food in that bowl of porridge, but the people who have paid rice for thousands of years. They have only seen the routine of small buckets in, big buckets out, small scales in, and large scales out. When did they see the shogunate? Selling at a loss?It can be regarded as a long time to see.The image of "a lot of money, a fool, and not bad" among meat servants has been established.

Captain Qin received a letter from Jiang Yan a few days ago. Even though Qin always knew that this friend had great powers, it still felt beyond her comprehension for him to get connections from Liyue to Dao's wife in a month.

Jiang Yan said in the letter that Daozuma has a large amount of the most victorious amethyst of all grades that can be used in war, and has a large number of low-level substitute amethyst blocks, which can be used as substitutes for Lisa, sugar, and Abedo to research and purify.

More importantly, Mond only needs to provide the most abundant grain, meat, and agricultural tools as trading objects.

Lockdown order?Dao wife is now the talker herself, and it's over when she comes.

Last time, the sale of armaments in Zhidong Kingdom and the opening of Liyue's trade route brought back a lot of blood for the expeditionary force of the West Wind Knights.The head of the Grand Regiment, Farga and Bishop Simon, specially wrote to encourage Qin, hoping that she will make great achievements again.

For a while, Qin's prestige, well, has already been full, and there is nothing to increase.

But the bad news is that in terms of trade lines, the scale has not been able to expand.

The shortcoming of Mond's lack of products is fully revealed in the trade with Liyue. The people of Liyue are very enthusiastic about the new trade route. Considering the long flow of water, they don't plan to ask for exorbitant prices, but the West Wind Knights really don't have enough products. as a trade partner.

But even though Qin is full of wit and wit, the disadvantage of Mengde's relatively few products is that a smart woman can't cook without rice. Mengde, who is like spring all the year round, has always been good at food, meat, wine, and armor, but these things can't be sold in Liyue.

Liyue itself has Qingcezhuang, a grain production base, and Bishui River and Dihuazhou, which can produce a large amount of fish.The only armor that can be regarded as a special product, caught up with Liyue's armament reform, everyone is developing explosive throwing guns and spar weapons. What is the difference between a bulky armor without an elemental shield and a shroud?

This is a headache for agricultural countries. A small amount of handicraft industry cannot support large-scale trade at all, even large-scale transactions in good faith cannot be realized.As for the spar processing industry that Jiang Yan mentioned before, even if it is feasible, it will be a long time later.

Qin, who was having a headache because her business volume could not be expanded, Jiang Yan's letter was like sending carbon in the snow.Among the war spells, lightning spells with fast speed, high hit rate, and restraint on metal are quite popular with the army. Amethysts of all grades, which are rich in thunder elemental power, are the most superior to amethysts.

As the name suggests, Naruto’s land is the most abundant source of the most victorious amethyst. However, under the lock-up order, it is difficult for other countries to buy in large quantities, and the price will naturally rise. Such a stable armament supply line is of great significance to Mond.

As for the traded goods—meat?food?Is that called cost?The Monds almost died laughing.

In Mond, the reluctance to farm more is simply because it cannot be sold, and the reluctance to hunt more is only because it cannot be kept.Barbatos gave the Mond people a heavenly environment, a large plain, fertile soil, dense woodland and wild animals, so that Qin easily pulled a few boats of meat preserved with ice magic and a large amount of food. I also felt that I made a lot of money, so I took the initiative to increase the amount to support my friends.

"Isn't it just forest pigs? Mond has a lot of them"——Qin swiped a pen. As long as this form of trade can be maintained, it's not impossible for the left-behind Westwind knights to come out to hunt and open up an army field. .

Rice wife is just the opposite. The island country is barren, and there are not many places that can be cultivated. The mountains and forests are full of big raccoons, foxes, tengus, ghosts and other monsters and ghosts from all walks of life to hunt and survive. It is difficult to steal meat from their mouths. One can imagine.

Therefore, most rice wives and ordinary people are barely self-sufficient in food, and it is difficult for officials to eat meat. Where have you seen the scene of pulling meat and grain by boat?The rice wives and ordinary people with household registration, the poor provided food, the rich bought meat, the senior officials of the Wu family and the whole body armor from Mengde gave them, everyone from top to bottom was happy.

A few days later, Liyue's merchant ships also arrived one after another. The jade steel presented to Liyue last time, after testing, was widely praised by the craftsmen of Qianyan Army.Especially the jade steel, which has both sturdiness and elemental force bearing capacity, is simply tailor-made for spar weapons.

After all, crystallized bone marrow is very rare, and the material that can safely use the power of a demon god is a hundred times more precious than oil.

At this time, Liyue's arms reform is in full swing, and Liyue's businessmen are already jealous of a big business that can be passed on for dozens of generations.In the face of this revolutionary new material, don't say that the thunderstorm has disappeared, and the thunderstorm still has to break through!So, they arrived at outlying islands under the leadership of the Southern Cross fleet.

The cargo throughput of Liyue is not comparable to that of Mond. It is not a joke to gather thousands of ships and thousands of merchants. There are thousands of commodities competing for beauty at a time. As long as you can produce jade steel, you can have as much as you want.

However, the people of Daozuma really can't produce any jade steel. How can ordinary people get this kind of high-grade steel that only Mikage Furnace can produce?Even the nobles would not hoard at will. Could it be possible to rebel by hoarding hundreds of magical weapons?Look at Naruto's 40-meter broadsword and think again.

As for the production of Mikage Furnace, Jiang Yan immediately sent agencies to carry it out, Tianling to carry it out, Narugami Taisha Shrine and Momoban, both in the dark and in the dark, sent people to guard and withdraw all the stocks.want to buy?Go to Kanding and get slaughtered.

The pig butcher who had been prepared for a long time met the businessman who came up to be slaughtered with Mora, what else is there to say?Jiang Yan adapted measures to local conditions and established a welfare model of distributing food and meat. Jiang Yan asked these merchants to trade any type of goods, but they must be useful in production and life. A certain proportion of grain, meat and cloth must be guaranteed. Buying jade steel must A certain degree of Inazuma specialty is bundled.This request is not too much, at least ten times stronger than the bone-shattering and marrow-sucking that was originally assigned.Under the leadership of the president of the International Chamber of Commerce, Nagaku Risu, the merchants basically accepted these terms after negotiating with Kanding.

Ships of goods were left behind, and boxes of jade steel, as well as lacquerware, ordinary swords, handmade products, and even light novels were taken back to the voyage.In order to make up the quantity, Jiang Yan even ordered to smelt many swords that Mikagero was about to make, in exchange for an explosive prosperity in the rice wife market.

The welfare routine of the oil guy is so simple and rude. If you are lucky, you just sit in the mine with your buttocks underground. You just need to distribute things in various postures. However, the rice wife is even simpler. The people are still in the initial stage of eating and clothing. That's good, and these things are really not very expensive in Tivat, which is sparsely populated.

There are so many cheap food and cheap meat that they can't be sold. It's not that they don't want to buy them, but ordinary people really don't have Mora.In order to avoid hurting farmers with low grain prices, rice wives and common people can barter rice, cloth, farm tools, wine, and livestock for other commodities from trade, and the exchange prices are all favorable.

The recycled rice was not put into storage at all, and was directly distributed to poor families who could not afford it together with the follow-up materials, which set off a second wave of frenzy.

The word "free" is so exciting that the poor reported all the people who hid during the war, but under Jiang Yan's order, the society turned a blind eye to it, even if they had joined the sea chaos, ghosts and wild crowds, As long as you peel off your skin and make up as ordinary people and return to your hometown, the distribution points implemented by each village society will also be correct.

And it is said that as long as the meat servant is temporarily in power, part of it will be given out from time to time, and part of it will be sold at a low price. There are many people in the meat servant who are stupid with money.

Is a robber still called a robber when he returns home?At best it is a blind stream.As long as he doesn't commit too many murders, Tianling Fengxing has never seriously caught the returning home wild people everywhere.

Some of the bandits who changed their faces and returned to their hometowns hugged their parents and cried, and vowed to change from evil to good. Parents feel sorry for being busy, and some become the main force of Xia Harvest.For a while, the law and order situation was very good.

The only regret for everyone at this time is why they didn't save more Mora, and can they take this opportunity to exchange for more food?

It was Princess Egret who cared about the people and issued a large number of recruitment orders

Recruit warriors and samurai with outstanding martial arts skills to form the Shogunate Volunteer Army to help the neighboring country Liyue solve the problems left by the gods. The shogunate did not hesitate to reward.

The Snake Bone Mine on Bayun Island rebuilds the miner team with high salaries, and Tianling pursues the escort, plowing the fields for a year is not as good as the mine for one month.

Qinglai Island prospecting team needs a large number of adventurers with the ability to protect themselves. Getting rich overnight is not a dream. Young people, come to Qinglai Island.

In addition, there are a large number of recruitment notices for craftsmen to recruit apprentices and outlying islands to recruit dock workers. Their common feature is that they will pay you a mora first, allowing you to save a large amount of savings for yourself before you retire from the meat waiter.

At the beginning, Hai Chaogui and Ye Fuzhong were half-believed, fearing that it was a conspiracy by the shogunate, but with the noodles and meat in their hands, and the full meal, most of the sea people who had been hungry and full before The chaotic ghosts felt that even if it was a scam, they would have to suffer the scam to be exposed, so they devoted themselves to the supervision and training of Tianling.

Jiutiaoshaluo, who was walking on thin ice, had to admit that what Jiang Yan said made sense as the training progressed. Only a fool would be treated as a sea chaotic ghost with two meals a day and one meat meal.In the beginning, this group of rebellious wild warriors fought with each other in all kinds of tough words, but after half a month of full food and meat.In order not to be eliminated, they train as hard as the 996 social animals who vowed to take the public test, which amazed the bannermen who trained and supervised them.

After several well-known marine chaos ghosts with outstanding martial arts were awarded the banner of the rebel army by the shogunate, their official authority came out, and they went back?how is this possible?Some people even took the initiative to apply to bring the "old brothers" over to enjoy the blessings.

Things have come to this point, although the situation is very good, there are still many people who are waiting to see the joke of this "devil god of the neighboring country".Many low-level officials are like this.

Although I don't know why Sanfengxing and a large number of middle-level officials dare not reach out, but from their point of view, why use our jade steel to feed these poor ghosts?When the accumulated jade steel is used up, let's see what this meat waiter uses to make meat?

Want to see his jokes?Jiang Yan, who understood these eyes, dismissed them

The real oil guy, how can he engage in the industrial chain?With your hard work, wouldn’t it be nice to just sell more crude oil?

Is there something wrong with Inazuma's power minister: Chapter 140 Chapter 130 Seven Triangular trade is something wrong

Watching Narugami Island celebrate the New Year every day, the feeling of Haizhi Island is very sour.

The thunderstorm in Fenghai was lifted, a large number of businessmen from all over the world came to visit, the large-scale production of Tatasha Mikage Hearth, and the redevelopment of the Snake Bone Mine, these series of big actions naturally cannot be hidden from the heart of the Coral Palace.

Who wouldn't know about trade?In particular, Haizhi Island is closer to Liyue than outlying islands. Xinhai established a trade relationship with the Southern Cross before the truce, exchanging Haizhi Island's special products for medicines and supplies; Crystallized bone marrow is exchanged for the armament of fools.

However, the problem of Haizhi Island is similar to that of Mond. The products are extremely scarce. Although corals, pearls, and fish are all good things, it may be a dream to sell them in large quantities. The only best-selling crystallized bone marrow, due to beliefs, can only Relying on "self-initiative among the people", it is inevitable that the sales volume will not increase.

There are not no merchants who want to take advantage of the loopholes. There are often merchants who secretly come to Haizhi Island to find a way to buy crystallized bone marrow. It is a pity that it is a big deal not to beat the other party to death in the face of the merchant's request "whether you sell the ashes of your ancestors" Most Haizhidao people have a good temper.

Haizhidao people are not universal saints. There are indeed many Haizhidao people who have a "flexible" bottom line and want to sell raw material crystallized bone marrow. However, this kind of material that contains the hatred of the demon god has been listed as dangerous goods by Liyue Seven Stars, and private trading is prohibited. , can only be smuggled in a small amount, and the amount of smuggling is out of the question.

Why is the crystallized bone marrow processed by Inazuma for hundreds of years listed as dangerous goods?Naturally, because Jiang Yan and Ningguang are going to do big business, how can they make a lot of money without kicking out the retail investors?When necessary, environmental protection standards can be raised.

There is only one Yuying furnace heart, and the upper limit of Yugang's production is destined to be something that is not a big deal in Daozuma, so Jiang Yan and Ningguang set their goals on crystallized bone marrow from the beginning.

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