Later, go to see the long-heard poetry competition, maybe you can get a new work out of it.Thinking of Manyo here, a smile appeared on his lips.

Ying, who still doesn't know his "enemy" has given up completely, is planning to go to the preliminary competition field outside the city to watch the preliminary competition of the flying competition that starts in the afternoon.

The two have no regrets about missing the grand scene of Beidou 19 killing and eating chicken.After all, neither of them is an alcoholic, and it was originally a temporary idea.

However, the flying competition is worth watching. After experiencing the night of Liyue and thunder, the two of them became very interested in flying.

It was still early, and the two walked around while eating and bought some food and drinks before heading out of the city.

Just as he was about to leave the city gate, Jiang Yan saw the most unexpected "old acquaintance" today.

The "lady" led the foolish officers, led by the embassy staff, and swaggered into the gate of Mond.

"Hey! How courageous!" Jiang Yan had a new understanding of the head iron of the "lady".

Is something wrong with violent medical practice in Mond: Chapter 158 Chapter 154 Is something wrong with dating in time and space?

When seeing Twarin flying freely in the sky again, the body named "Lady" has entered the countdown to collapse.

The Ice Evil Eye, which glued the body riddled with holes, was not so much an adhesive as a tool to torture him.The sentence depends entirely on one's own wishes.

His lover, "Cub Wolf" Rustan died.

But Durin is dead too

Barbatos is asleep too

Twarin is also corrupted and asleep

All relevant people can not be found.

Looking around, the "Witch of Flame", who didn't even have a target for revenge, had no choice but to target the entire world.

Even though he knew it was pointless, what could he do?

It is never loyalty and magic that successfully freezes one's heart, but the endless emptiness.

But now, the solid ice was shattered together with his own heart, and the endless fire of revenge boiled in it, gushing out from every crack.

Why?Why is Rustan dead and you are still alive?Especially you, his dearest Barbatos!

Almighty you can save Twarin, why can't you save Rustan?Even after 500 years?

As wise as she is, every rational cell is telling her that Barbatos owes him and her nothing.

However, if one does not choose revenge as the only "relationship", what is left of the body of this sentence?Why else does it exist?

Forget it, she is tired, let this crippled body bloom the most violent spark in this life.

It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, even if it burns a hair of the damned god, at least give these 500 years a meaningless "result".

"I'm sorry, my empress, I have been deceiving you. I have neither malice nor kindness towards the world. I have no connection with this world."

Before entering Mond City, the "lady" who reported to the Ice Queen for the last time said so.

"Your kindness, let me repay with everything left." After saying that, he closed the communication.

The "lady" who let go of everything, left her troops behind, and returned to Mond City alone in the name of watching the ceremony.

Stroll quietly on the stone road of Mond, turning a blind eye to the vigilant eyes of the noisy ambassadors and Zephyr knights.

She has gone through endless torture and trials every day and night for 500 years, and has already imagined her last journey countless times.

Therefore, when I actually set foot on this road, I walked so calmly, just like when I was a girl named "Rosalin".

At this moment, she just wants to feel her and his Mond for the last time, looking for even a trace of 500 years ago.

Maybe, maybe, on the road leading to Yuanhai, we can rely on these to find his trace, so as not to get lost there, after all, he has been waiting for too long.

Therefore, even if she saw the enemy who made her mission fall short, she didn't feel it. The two passed by each other as if they didn't know each other.

Just when Jiang Yan was about to turn back to contact Qin, his hand was tightly held by Ying.

"That is the look of giving up everything, at least at this moment, don't be an enemy of her"

She was too familiar with that look, it was that look for a long time after she lost her sister.

It's just that this group of fools is even more desperate and disgusted. Just one more step forward is self-destruction.

With Ying's strong will, the moment he saw these eyes, he seemed to have returned to 500 years ago in an instant.With a tight heart, I felt that boundless despair again.

Fortunately, the happiness and warmth in her hands were delivered to her body in time, dispelling the cold.

It also reminded her that she had been completely saved, had turned her head and walked in another direction.

Although Jiang Yan didn't understand this kind of look, looking at the arrogant "lady", now with a gentle smile, like a girl's posture, also made his hair stand on end.

This person obviously has a broken nerve. Even if Jiang Yan no longer loves her in the battle, he dare not have more contact with her in Mond City.

The former "Witch of Flame" was fully fired, and it would be no problem to burn down a quarter of Mond City. It would be unimaginable if she was really stimulated by herself.

But such a big bomb cannot be left alone in the city.Jiang Yan had no choice but to call Lawrence, the West Wind Knight at the gate of the city, and tell him to find Qin quickly; at the same time, he followed slowly with Ying to avoid the bomb explosion.

The "lady" didn't realize that others were following her, and she was completely immersed in the world between herself and the "cub" Rustan

once had his city

the streets I walked with

restaurant with him

The square where he met,

Shows I've seen with him

She is immersed in the streets of Mond 500 years later, and is having a last date with him 500 years ago.

Mond in the memory has long been blurred. Fortunately, time has taken everything away, leaving him alone.

Everything about him seemed to be carved into her soul with a knife, and the endless flames didn't consume a single bit of it.

Under the weird or fearful gazes of the fools and the Zephyr Knight, she is performing an inexplicable one-man show.

But in her world, she is closely related to him, re-experiencing moment after scene.

When did he smile, when did he walk with her;

Where did he dine with her, where did he take her hand

Where did he meet her; where did he bid her farewell

Just changed a curtain, the rest is the same as before.

Qin, who was urgently called, and Xinhai, who was traveling with her at the time, rushed over and briefly exchanged the situation with Jiang Yan.

However, extraordinary wisdom will not give the two girls emotional resonance;

No matter how clever the mind is, it cannot understand the long-term sadness soaked by time, and the short-term happiness of drinking poison to quench thirst through memories.

The only shadow who can understand all this, doesn't want to see this scene at all, but it doesn't make sense whether he turns his head or walks away.

The extremely familiar taste will come out from the deep sea of ​​memory, making her unable to turn her head, unable to move forward, and she wants to see the end until the end, to witness the final outcome of this sad person who has gone further than herself.

If possible, if she needs it, Shadow will give her a painless end.

To commemorate her, although the two have never met each other; also to commemorate the original self, although it has long passed.

The "lady" ignored these disturbers who surrounded her, near or far, because it didn't matter anymore.

The scenes of memories were finally exhausted, and the two danced in an empty scene. This must have happened, but she couldn't remember when and where.

Even these memory fragments, as small as gravel but as precious as pearls, have come to an end, and the date that has spanned a long time has also reached the end with nostalgia.

Finally, in front of the Fengshen statue where the two separated 500 years ago, the unforgettable parting scene, just like back then, blows away everything about her again.

In this case, it is not bad to regard this as the final ending of everything.

If you can't find Barbatos, then just knock hard on the door.

Just when the redness of destruction was reflected in the pupils of the "lady", she was about to spread the wings of flames.

A gust of wind came suddenly, and a boy's voice lingered in her ears.

"Come outside the city of Mond. I'm Barbatos, and I'll wait for you here."

A verdant breeze surrounded her and branched out in thin wisps to guide her path.

With no time to hesitate, the lady pushed away the envoys of fools accompanying her in her surprised eyes, knocked down the Zephyr knight who was watching him, passed through the crowd, walked out of the gate of Mond, and rushed to the end of her life. way.

However, it doesn't matter, the last period of life is just a ridiculous test.

She proves its pointlessness with a lengthy back and forth.

Now, she will find the ending she should have arrived 500 years ago and leave with her long-awaited lover.

After all, the girl named Rosalyn Cruzshika Lowfat had long since died.

Is there something wrong with the violent practice of medicine in Mond: Chapter 159 Is there something wrong with the death of Fengshen Chapter 155?

The message of "Madam" unexpectedly caused a great disturbance.

Maybe they disagree with each other, maybe they are tit for tat.However, since they can sit together, there will always be some common characteristics.

"She's finally made it this far"

"It's no surprise that each of us will have a day like this"

"Then, let us send the forerunners a ride, and consider our ending in advance."

"There will always be people who will stop in a great cause and send them off. It is our responsibility and obligation to move forward.

"Compared to this, I would rather burn it together with the world, for Her Majesty the Empress"

"Forget it, it's time to recycle materials and collect data"

"What are you talking about? Where are you going?"


Seeing the target leave suddenly, Qin and Xinhai were confused, but Jiang Yan, who knew the ins and outs, quickly understood all this, and dragged them directly to the mini apple grove he gave as a gift.

It's a pity that the fruit forest blessed by thousands of winds is now surrounded by strong winds, like the ruins of a tower thousands of years ago, declaring that the owner will not see outsiders.

It seems that all Tiwat is full of sad people from 500 years ago.

Forget it, let the gods handle it themselves.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan used rock elemental force to make tables and stools, telling everyone to stay calm and wait for the end of everything.

"The dandelion travels with the morning wind"

"The autumn wind brings back the fragrance of the harvest"

"But whatever the wind"

"You can no longer bring me your attention"

In the middle of the orchard, Barbatos, the god of wind, is leaning on the largest apple tree, playing a sad song that has long been forgotten.

The sound of the piano flutters, and the notes carry the emerald green of the wind element, like a ribbon fluttering with the wind, leading the lost wanderers to the small territory of the Fengshen.

It's a pity that the "lady" has long since disintegrated, Rosalin has long since died, and only the flame witch is left in front of her eyes.

There is no need to argue, in the face of rationality, only children make unreasonable troubles against gods.

There is no need for redemption, the flame witch never needs any redemption

So, what should be done?Although I had imagined this scene countless times, the Flame Witch was at a loss when she actually arrived.

She has countless questions, but she doesn't know where to start;

She wanted to cry like a child, but there were no more tears;

She wanted to tear everything in front of her, but she couldn't convince herself;

She wants to think, but has no more time.

Seeing that the Flame Witch was about to disappear in the entanglement, Barbatos stopped the strings and said:

"The answer you want does not lie in long poems and history, nor do you need a god to explain it."

"The shining soul of "Cub Wolf" Rustan is the only answer that surpasses these. "

"Do what you want, my boy"

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