"In the name of Barbatos, I wish your souls not to be trapped in a windless place, and to meet again in Yuanhai."

Hearing the sincere blessings from the once loved and hated gods, the Witch of Flame showed her only bright smile in 500 years, bent her knees and raised her skirts, and reverently performed a ladylike ceremony of closing the curtain.

The next moment, the flame tornado that burned her life, with 500 years of anger, sorrow, pain, and everything she had, suddenly swept the gods and burned everything around her.


beyond the wind wall

The few people who were waiting silently suddenly felt that multiple strong men were unscrupulously showing their elemental power fields and approaching here.

Whoever is able to pull out such a scene in the entire Tivat is self-evident.

Holding down Yingyue's eager hand, Daozu's god is really not suitable to play here. Once it is revealed that the chariots and horses block Zhidong Kingdom's big plan, Daozu cannot bear the consequences.

"Let's come, Ying just wait here." Jiang Yan patted Ying's hand lightly.

Ying is not entangled, he always has a reason, but she also has her own way.

Pulling out Dream Yixin, he handed it to Jiang Yan, "Take it, if necessary, I will make a move" with an irresistible tone.

After seeing this poor fool executive, Ying cherished his own happiness even more.

If anyone wants to destroy what he owns, God's punishment will come in an instant.

Jiang Yan smiled and nodded, and came to the south bank of Guojiu Lake together with Qin and Xinhai.

On the surface of the lake, a small and strange-looking boat, using some unknown technology, actually sailed directly into the fruit wine lake, which is only a few meters deep.

A group of masked uninvited guests, all dressed in black, were looking at him from afar on the deck.

The unrestrained elemental power seems to be no less than that of a "lady". With such a strong lineup, Qin frowned.

Jiang Yan didn't take it seriously at all, the more people there were, the harder it was to fight.

With so many strong players fighting here, no matter what the result is, there will be nothing left in Mond City.Of course, there will be nothing left in Zhidong Kingdom afterward.

As long as the premise is that you can't fight, what's the point of adding combat power?How to say numbers is the most important thing.

With a whistle, Twarin, who had been shaking since discovering the enemy, fell from the sky with a strong wind.

Jiang Yan and Qin stepped on Twalin's back, while Xinhai dived into the water, and the huge Dongfeng Dragon reached the sky above the passenger ship in a blink of an eye, as if the passenger ship was a toy in its claws.

The two sides looked at each other, Jiang Yan dreamed of getting out of the sheath with all his heart, pouring all the elemental power into it, coupled with the power of the shadow left in it, the output of the demon god level, immediately made several executive officers stand by.

"Festival travel restrictions, this road is blocked!" Accompanied by a frivolous tone, Dream Yixin swung down suddenly!

The full version of Chopping Wind and Flow, which was brewing since boarding Twalin, perfectly played its power-cut the fruit wine lake in front of the boat where the fools were riding, like a birthday cake, directly cut into two pieces.

Moreover, under the guidance of the full-fledged special effects of Xinhai underwater, the scene of "one sword dividing the lake" was temporarily created.

It wasn't until a few seconds later, when Xinhai couldn't maintain the special effect, that the lake surface returned to normal amidst the huge surge.

Although there are many fools and masters, but there are no idlers who are thinking about adding special effects to their own tricks. This trick really bluffed several executives.

When you lower your head, you can see the bottom of the fruit wine lake made of white sand, as if the boat will fall to the bottom of the lake if you drive forward. This kind of scene is rare.

However, compared to the scene of daring to challenge multiple fools and executive officers, this knife is nothing.

Fools run rampant across the six kingdoms. How often have you encountered such a scene?

An executive officer with a red mask immediately put his hand on the evil eye in resentment, ready to show the arrogant Liyue people a little color, but was held down by his companion wearing a clown mask.

Twarin did not show any weakness either. Liberated from the pain, it voluntarily assumed the responsibility of guarding the east wind again.

Seeing that the foreign enemy was actually provocative, Twalin condensed a huge wind bomb in his mouth, ready to go, but was cancelled by Jiang Yan gently stroking his neck.

"Don't be nervous, we're just here to see the end of our companions." The executive officer wearing a clown mask obviously had a high status, and when he spoke, the other executive officers also restrained their momentum.

"Unfortunately, it's over" Windwall was gone, his mission complete.


Among the fruit trees

Carefully cultivated by Jiangyan and Granose, Wendy's favorite fruit trees have all been burned down, leaving only the largest apple tree, which still stands under the protection of Fengshen

The Witch of Flame, riddled with wounds and flowing flames all over her body, was deeply inserted into the chest of the god with her right hand.

Pulling out her right hand, tightly holding the crystal-clear Fengshen Heart surrounded by emerald green breeze, the Flame Witch looked at her god with unbelievable eyes.

Why did his weak attack succeed?Is it because of weakness, or because of guilt?The Flame Witch who was about to dissipate could no longer think about this problem.

But Barbatos, as if he couldn't feel the huge wound on his chest, slowly walked back to his favorite apple tree to lean on, and gently played and sang on the body of the piano with all the burnt strings with his fingers:

He gave his love to Asuka

he returned the apples to the woods

He leaves his hopes far away

The king who gave up his crown has already triumphed in his poems

After singing a sentence, the exhausted thousand winds can no longer protect his most beloved apple tree.The leaves turn yellow, curl, and fall under the high heat.

When countless fallen leaves fell on Barbatos's shoulders, his body gradually turned into a green breeze, and finally supported these fallen leaves and fell to the ground slowly, leaving only the apple tree he guarded until the end. Maybe it will bear better fruit.

Barbatos, the wind god, disappeared under the apple tree.


It's a battle without a winner

The Witch of Flame is taking her heavy steps aimlessly and meaninglessly, exhausting all her remnants, holding the heart of God bestowed on her by the gods with both hands.

Every blood vessel in her body was like lava, seeping out scattered flames.

Perhaps after a few breaths, the whole person will lose its shape and turn into a flowing flame.

At this time, a shadow figure appeared in front of her.

The former Narugami holding the rice light of Nakigrass in his hand seemed to have a thousand words in his majestic eyes, but he had nothing to say.

Witnessing the end of oneself that was only one step away at the beginning is not a happy thing, and there is no so-called answer. What you gain is only joy and fear.

Under the grateful eyes of the flame witch, Ying used her Wuxiang knife to end her life painlessly, leaving only her last will, which turned into a butterfly of flame, grasping the heart of Fengshen, floating Drifting to the passenger ship of fools, he made the final repayment for the Queen's kindness.

Seeing the executive officer wearing a clown mask grab Fengshen's heart, neither Ying, Qin, nor Jiang Yan stopped him.

The gods have a hundred ways to stop this, if they will.Since this is the will of the gods, they can only let the wind lead them.

But the flame butterfly did not stay, but fluttered, and under the protection of the breeze, with the last strength, flew to the valley where her lover was buried—she had made him wait for too long.

Looking at the red butterfly going away, after a while of silence, the two sides no longer had the imposing manner of drawing swords.

Even those fools and powerful men who seemed to be rebellious fell into silence.

The deceased went round and round, and finally reached the end he had been expecting for a long time, but where is his end?

How can there be hatred for the world without great suffering?The end of the Flame Witch made most executives feel a sense of depression.The task has been completed, it is better to go back.

They turned around and left silently, watched them go away silently, and didn't even communicate with each other's names.

Twalin followed the whole journey in the high-altitude clouds, until he saw the ship gradually rising, deforming, floating on the water and speeding away. Jiang Yan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I am confident that they are definitely not here to fight, but in the face of a large number of BOOS monsters, it is strange not to panic.

Only God's Heart can catch so many people, and only God's Heart can make them leave so happily.

It's really great to be able to solve it perfectly without dying.

What?Wendy?Lian Twalin, a simple-minded man, is emotionally stable now, so what else is there to ask?

Barbatos is dead, what does it matter to my Wendy?

Is there something wrong with the violent practice of medicine in Mond: Chapter 160 Chapter 156 Is there something wrong with the girl at the badminton festival alone?

To be precise, Jiang Yan and his party were not the only ones who forced the fools back. When they unscrupulously displayed their elemental power, they had already provoked public anger.

The "lady" who is determined to die, naturally has no time to report that the badminton festival has become an international event and other trivial matters.

The ignorant and foolish executives, just like this, used elemental power to provoke wildly outside the gathering site of the powerhouses of the six countries separated by a wall.

With the behavior of fools in the Six Kingdoms, there are very few strong people in the Six Kingdoms who have no conflicts with them. Even if Mond's face is taken into consideration, he has no intention of acting like a coward.

Everyone might not dare to make a big fight, but to help Mond hold the field, why not dare?Could it be that the Winter Kingdom dares to fight?

As a result, the strong men of the entire Mond City came to the city wall or the open area on the river bank to the north of Mond, condensed elemental power, and even expanded their positions and domains, and opened up the bastards who bombed the street with fools, "simple" Say hello back.

At this time, it was already the beginning of the lights, the city was brightly lit, and the night covered the surroundings of Mond City with a layer of gray veil.

But tonight is a little different. Many hunters in Mingguan Gorge or Whispering Forest were pleasantly surprised:

On the north shore of Mond, along the lake shore and the city wall, a long string of colorful "colorful lights" are lit up one after another, and there are even some "colorful clouds" floating in the night, which is really beautiful.

Although the citizens of Mond who are separated by a wall are at a loss, in the eyes of fools, dozens of God's Eyes, and even some strong men who can expand their positions, really make people feel that they have kicked the iron plate.

In today's Monde's national expedition, where are the dozens of strong men?If this is not a trap, what is it?

Anyway, the task has been completed, "The Harlequin" resolutely left directly, the lost face is insignificant in front of the great cause.

Thanks to the "good" reputation of the fools, Jiang Yan, who successfully pretended to be a tiger and accomplished the great cause of scaring away a bunch of executives, did not intend to enjoy this glory.

Enjoying the badminton festival with Ying is what he wants to do. What is the use of glory for him who has the face fruit of the Three Kingdoms?Can I connect to wifi or watch Douyin?

Giving up the position of the front of the car to Qin, Jiang Yan jumped off Twalin, leaving Qin to thank the strong men who helped.

Qin doesn't think so much, the honorary knight, the reputation in her mind has increased by another 1000 points

And silently decided to give this great knight a special wing of the sky, to commemorate his lofty integrity.

Ms. St. Gurnhild was very beautiful in her work. After she and Twalin came to the north bank of Mond City, she warmly joined Twalin and invited all distinguished guests to travel around Mond by Twalin in the name of thanking him for saving Mond. .

Twalin was very easy to talk to Qin, who wholeheartedly used wind elemental power to heal himself, especially compared to a rice wife demon who is good at physiotherapy, this future guardian of the south wind is as lovely as a summer breeze.

Go on, you can go on, you won't be overloaded!Twarin even specially ordered Qianfeng, so that tourists would not have any troubles of wind resistance.

The strong lack Mora?Lack of gratitude?Lack of reputation?Of course, there is no shortage, what is missing is face and novelty!

Who has ever traveled around Mond with a dragon?Even a high-ranking and powerful person like Ning Guang readily accepts this kind of "thank you".

Not to mention that on the back of the dragon, everyone received a one-on-one thank you from the head of Qin, and promised to stand up for everyone as a thank you. All expenses during the festival will be borne by the West Wind Knights. Please have fun.

Everyone, who was satisfied with face and heart, returned to Mond City contentedly, continued to participate in the carnival, and their affection for Mond also reached a new level.

While Qin was socializing with dozens of people at once, Jiang Yan was busy coaxing his girlfriend.

When he returns to the orchard, well, now there is only one tree and a piece of ashes left.

All he could see was the shadow, standing silently facing the ashes in front of him.

What she was thinking, Jiang Yan actually understood

God has an extremely strong will, but it also means that once the heart is wounded, the wound will always be a wound.

Even if it's stitched and healed, it's just a healed wound

Every time I stroke there lightly, I still feel the real pain.

It was heartbreaking to see the look in his eyes that looked like he was about to cry at any time when we first met.

At this time, there was no need to say anything, hugs and warmth were what she needed most, so he did just that.

Being hugged tightly and being warmed by force, proved him right.

After a long time, the body temperature of the two tended to be the same, and Ying finally felt a little more comfortable. After all, it was just someone else's end, and she was stepping through ashes and walking in the world.

The carnival night of the Badminton Festival has just begun, a rare expectation, why should I miss it because of my fragility?

Ying reluctantly let go of her embrace, and walked forward together with Jiang Yan.

At this time, the three major events are coming to an end, but the most exciting part has just come

flying contest

Flying at night is very dangerous, but it is also the biggest highlight of the flying competition.

Due to the inconvenient observation of flying competitions, most people can only see a small black spot during the daytime, which is useless to watch.

But the night competition is completely different. Competitors dressed in different colored spar costumes are like colorful fireworks in the sky, drawing beautiful arcs in the wind.

Then pass through the obstacles in the air made up of lanterns and shuttlecocks, and under the attention of everyone, they land like butterflies, and the effect is much better than during the day.

It's a pity that the risk of flying at night determines that only the finalists are allowed to compete, so every final is the focus of attention.

A beautiful red shooting star finally won the competition. Jiang Yan, who had seen her dance in the complex air currents of the tower ruins, was not surprised.

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