Just when Ying and Ying went up to congratulate, they heard Amber, surrounded by Ke Lai and Yu La, utter amazing words loudly:

"I want to recommend Yula to be the girl of this year's badminton festival!"

There was an uproar in the audience, you are very good at picking Lawrence in Mond City, but this is the privilege of the champion, and everyone can only mutter in the audience.

Yula's white face was flushed red with anger, and she drilled Amber's temple heavily with her fist, even if the accompanying Yan Fei pulled her.

"You, you, you, do you want me to go up and make a fool of myself? I will write down this grudge"

If the candidates nominated by the champions of the three major competitions are completely different, the audience at the ceremony will use the flowers prepared by the Knights to vote.

How can anyone vote for a Lawrence?Yura thought about the scene of her single-digit flowers, and couldn't get angry at this friend who had such an open mind.

"However, no matter how few votes you have, Yula, the beauty No. 3 in Mond City, is better than others just remembering you as Lawrence. Come on! The goal is to fascinate 1000 Mond youths!"

The label of beauty is the easiest to overshadow other labels, and Amber feels that her theory is perfect.

Ke Lai and Yan Fei also felt that it made sense, and nodded in agreement. Yula was so angry that she continued to use the Sanguan Correction Fist on her for physical therapy and correction.

Seeing that they were having a good time, Jiang Yan and Ying gave up interrupting and chose to leave directly.

drinking contest

The two didn't catch up in the drinking competition, but they saw the most exciting post-match link.

Due to the fast process of "The Powerful Drinking Method", when the self-inflicted Big Dipper returned, he had already missed it.

In the end, an alcoholic who was knocked down by Beidou for 10 minutes in the preliminary round unexpectedly won the victory.

What's more surprising is that the alcoholic recommended Beidou as the badminton festival girl.

"In, in my heart, she, she is the most beautiful girl!" The drunkard straightened his tongue and made a brave declaration loudly.

Wan Ye was dumbfounded, and decided to share the story of this big brother with all the men at sea as the benchmark for the "warrior" of the Southern Cross fleet in the coming year.

The majestic Beidou readily accepted, come to relax, it's not bad to feel everything, at least I have someone to choose, there is no such thing as a businessman blowing his eyes every day.

However, Beidou's response to the alcoholic who came up to him with his tongue outstretched and outstretched for love was also very simple. He grabbed the neckline with one hand, and like picking up a wine glass, he threw the person back into the fountain for a natural sobering up. There are countless fans.

This kind of beauty who can drink and hit is right in the strike zone of the drunkards of Mond, with rainbow farts coming one after another, and glass after glass of good wine is brought to the Beidou table as a treat.

Beidou, who was in high spirits, directly started the play-offs - "I can play ten"

He drank until he staggered as he walked, and was helped away by Wan Ye.

What?election?It's true that I know the elemental power, but it's too early for a magical girl. No matter what, it won't be my turn, just watch the excitement.

poetry contest

Due to the absence of the most popular "Mysterious Classical Young Poet", the six-fingered José, who was well-known by Mond, won the championship, and everyone was convinced.

But what was shocking was that Six Fingers José actually recommended Lyudmila as the envoy of fools. The reason was that the envoy of Solstice Winter was tall, fair-skinned, and had a pair of beautiful legs. With the mysterious mask, he had a special charm.

Especially for his extravagant spending, he once gave him huge rewards.For the excellent aesthetics of art, she added 100 temperament points to her appearance.

This kind of too real reason makes people feel impeccable.

Although the Fools have a tense relationship with Mond, no lady will be really angry when someone recommends herself as the number one beauty of Mond.

Lyudmila directly stated that in order not to damage the relationship between the two countries, she reluctantly accepted it.

As a result, when all tourists and residents gather at the Aeolus Statue, what they face is a magical three-choice

A: Appearance comes first, but he is a Lawrence

B: I don't know the face value, and I'm still a fool

C: She must be a beautiful woman, but she's a little too old...and she's already drunk, without the support of the young man, she's about to collapse.

The scene that has never been imagined makes the Mond people infinitely entangled:

"Although Lawrence is poor, he is better than fools."

"The fools should not have participated in those bad things."

"I'd rather choose this filth than Lawrence and the Fools!"

"She wouldn't spit it out on the statue of the wind god, would she?"

"Please, get us a normal candidate. There are so many girls here these days, haven't you seen it?"

In the end, Beidou defeated Yula, who was supported by the Zephyr Knights, with the weak advantage of many drunkards, and won the title of Badminton Festival Girl.

Yura couldn't laugh or cry when she saw the many flowers in front of her.

It seems that it is not that difficult for him to be recognized by the Mond people, as long as he finds a few worse opponents.

And Miss Lyudmila saw a lot of flowers in front of her, although she didn't choose one, she was in a good mood.

When she returns to Zhidong, this wave can blow for a year!

It's a pity that the most glorious champion does not have the excitement and excitement of previous years.

Hokuto, who was helped up by Wan Ye, did not expect that the red wine, which he rarely drank, had a bit of stamina.

The wine was strong, and after another shake, he collapsed very simply on the hands of the Fengshen statue.

Helpless, Wan Ye had no choice but to throw the shuttlecock by himself, and then quietly sent the drunk tiger down with the force of the wind.

Ning Guang laughed so hard below, the stalk of this older badminton festival girl can at least laugh at her friends until they are 100 years old.

The girls of this year's badminton festival have since become the dark history of the badminton festival.

However, as the largest session in a century, it cannot be bypassed anyway, so the scholars simply had an idea:

In the illustrations and picture albums of all the documents of Mond later, there is a rice-wife girl with short braids of white hair and a bunch of red streaks, throwing a badminton symbol representing luck to the public.

The audience said: There is nothing wrong with it.

After the hustle and bustle, everything is quiet, it is already midnight

The badminton festival belonging to the Mond people has ended; the badminton festival belonging to him and her is about to begin

The noisy days, although very happy, but after thinking about it, it can only be regarded as a good condiment.

Lively streets, happy festivals, favorite food;

For Ying, there is nothing more than having your street, your festival, and your food, that's all.

Why does he know?Because so is he.

Anyway, she still has her sister and the fox, and besides the person beside her, when the night is quiet, she will find that there is nothing else

So I would rather fight to the death in the arena than think about it.

Two lonely people embrace each other, although they are no longer lonely, they just become two people hugging each other and being lonely

Although there is nothing wrong with it, we still need to work harder to get away from true happiness.

With a flash of thunder, Jiang Yan brought Ying to the hands of the Fengshen statue in the square.

Forget about that drunk tiger, the badminton festival girl who belongs to him alone, looks all over the country;

Forget about that god, the god who belongs to him alone can fulfill all wishes for him;

Landing gently, Jiang Yan tidied up his clothes very seriously, and prayed devoutly to the beauty on the statue

"My badminton festival girl and god, can you give me luck for a whole year?"

The badminton festival girl and god who belonged to only one person showed a bright smile like a night flower, took her seven-color shuttlecock, jumped down, and was gently caught by Jiang Yan in the soft breeze.

"This luck, I received"

Is there something wrong with the violent practice of medicine in Mond: Chapter 161 Chapter 157 Is something wrong with the prestige wings

Fifteen days of banquets and fine wines, poetry and music, flowers and festivals have finally come to an end.

Both the tourists and the residents are sleeping soundly at the moment, the streets are silent, only the ubiquitous aroma of fine wine and barbecue proves yesterday's carnival.

After the joy, Jiang Yan and Ying's trip to Mond also came to an end.

Shadow was touched in her heart, and she desperately wanted to go back to Dao's wife and sister to sleep in each other's arms, so that she could get used to happiness as soon as possible.

So even if there are still many places that have not been visited yet, this time it has to come to an end for the time being. For the gods, time has never been a problem.

So in order to "not leave regrets", Ying set off early to the ruins of the tower on the last day, looking for the wind wall that has lasted for thousands of years to do "morning exercises".

Jiang Yan could only pray silently that she wouldn't completely demolish Tewarin's previous home.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you dismantle it.The Guardian of the East Wind has returned to its position, and the Knights of the West Wind will naturally not let Twalin sleep on three tables.

The Star Picking Cliff full of Cecilia flowers has become a small territory guarded by Dongfeng.

Twarin was very satisfied with this. The Dragon of East Wind never asked for any sacrifices, and it was enough for it that the people of Mond had not forgotten.

As a creature of the wind element, Twarin would not need to sleep on the ground if he hadn't been severely injured.

The cold and windy Star Picking Cliff is very close to the place where the wind rises.Twarin can spread its wings comfortably there, float freely in the wind, let the fragrance of the sea of ​​flowers permeate its whole body, it is a good resting place.

It's a pity that a certain poet who hadn't fully forgiven became an uninvited guest the next day.

The poet claims to use this place as a temporary residence until his orchard is rebuilt.

As a family member, Twalin had no choice but to agree with him to use music and singing voice as rent, because he agreed to bury that damn long song that day in the abyss.

However, Tewarin has been sleeping in the clouds these days, and said to the poet: "The dragon of the wind should live in the wind." He refused to accompany him to sleep in the sea of ​​flowers, and he slept in his own wings.

The reason is very simple. From time to time in the thousand winds, the wailing of Bet the Wind of Formless and Ray Aleph of Formless,

Occasionally, there was even a tremor from the wind wall of the ruins of the tower, which made the Dragon of the East Wind fly away like a frightened bird, even if it heard the sound of thunder.

Wendy didn't pay attention to the fear of the family members, nor did she tell her friend that she was about to leave.

"If you don't obey me again, Dao Wife's Demon Goddess will come and cut your wings" is also a good condiment in communicating with your relatives, isn't it?

But at this time, he was busy using Qianfeng to deliver information to his oldest colleagues.

The drama I staged has a touching plot, a strong lineup, and the lines and effects are all top-notch in the world. It would be a pity not to make it into an epic.

This colleague who does things with a strict eye, presumably will not be able to surpass his favorite work in the near future.

What kind of play will he perform?It's really worth looking forward to.

Thinking of this, Wendy happily used the swirling updraft to let the poetry and fragrance of flowers linger around his dependents, and gently stroked it.

A life without heavy burdens is so simple, pure, and happy.

After Jiang Yan sent Ying away, he started nervously packing and presenting gifts.

The schedule for coming to Mond this time is almost like signing up for a tour group with a full itinerary. On the last day of leaving, it’s okay if friends haven’t had time to make an official visit?

As soon as he walked to the hotel lobby, what caught his eyes was a murder scene.

The new badminton girl, who is transforming into a hammer throw girl, grabs Wan Ye's feet and spins wildly, trying to physically cleanse and dry him.

And Ningguang didn't have the slightest intention of calling the police of the West Wind Knights. Instead, he took the photos he bought from the Fontaine people at a high price last night, and explained the scene in detail. Worked as a part-time storyteller.

Jiang Yan's arrival saved Wanye. Since Jiang Yan became Dao's wife, the three of them had a lot of business contacts. Although they exchanged letters frequently, they had no chance to get together. This rare meeting, naturally they have a lot to say.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Yan was able to leave under the constant apology, and went to the West Wind Knights to bid farewell to his friends.

However, when I arrived at the Knights, I found that almost no one in the entire Knights

According to the usual practice, everyone who had a night of carnival went to work in the afternoon, and only the hardworking Qin and Lisa, who was used to staying up late, were in the Knights.

Everyone has been born and died together so many times, there is no need to be polite, Qin directly gave Jiang Yan the customized version of the wings of the light breeze of the sky.

"Honorary knight, I just want to say that no matter when, no matter who you face, Mond will always be behind you." Qin made the knight's promise very seriously.

This tenth-level prestige wing is definitely not a high-end commodity that can be exchanged for hundreds of mints and iron bars to the citizens.As a symbol of the saints of the West Wind Church, even the piano player has no second.

Feeling the light weight and the overflowing wind power contained in the feathers, Jiang Yan accepted the kindness seriously, and took out a gift for his friend,

"Qin, I have also prepared rice wife's special products for you this time, but I have been busy all the time...I have a chance to give it to you before I leave. Come, have a look!"

This fact made Qin blushed. Indeed, people came here to help, but they came here to 996 every day. It was really not kind, so she had to lower her head and accept Jiang Yan's gift box.

When she opened it, she saw a set of azure pots and teacups, which matched her knight order uniform very well.

The pots and cups of the same specifications as those given to the immortals, Qin, who keeps refreshing drinks in his hands, like it very much. Anyway, there is not much business, so the two simply made two cups of coffee and started chatting.

Until the time of parting, Jiang Yan solemnly extended the invitation:

"We're here for the badminton festival. Next time Liyue or Daozuma hold a festival, you must come and relax. Don't push yourself too hard."

Jiang Yan is very worried about this friend's physical condition. No matter how strong the God's Eye is, he can't be so mad. If you have time, grab her and relax.

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