This unanswerable question plunged Hua Sanli into confusion again.

Ghosts and memories are originally the same kind of things that originated from the leylines.

The memories of all lives swallowed by the filth will stay in the veins of the earth, and will not return to the source sea until the obsession is completely gone.

But with the magic power of monsters, even if they are just some phantoms from the past, there is still a little power left.

This is the case for me, and so is the "Fox House Palace" in front of me.

But looking at the "Fox Zhai Palace" in front of him with a sweet smile, which is exactly the same as in memory.

Although it is destined to exist for a short time, as long as it has not dissipated for a moment, no one can deny that she is the Huzhai Palace 500 years ago with such a vivid memory and soul.

It's just that she is Huzhai Palace, so am I too?

But, she is Hu Zhai Palace, so who am I?

The white-haired witch didn't give Huasanli time to hesitate and think, but walked over gently and lifted the spell around her.

"Do you still remember the words you gave Master Narugami? "Don't be deceived, don't be shaken, and always walk on the path you firmly believe in." I give this sentence back to you. "

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, as long as you keep walking on the path of "Fox Zhai Palace", you will always be Fox Zhai Palace, no need for evidence, no need for proof. "

Hua Sanli was terrified, "But, I'm just a remnant of memory, and I really deserve the name of an adult."

Noble blood?Reputation spread far and wide?Faith among peoples?Whether in life or after death, Hu Zhai Palace never cared about these issues.

The white-haired witch shook her head at Huasanli:

"Ashamed? There has never been a threshold for "being yourself". "

"I don't need emotion, I don't need blood, and I don't need memory. I just need to live a real life."

"Even if I am just a phantom of the old days, even if my memory is fragmented, as long as my remaining memories are full of colors instead of empty and pale; as long as I was once the Fox Palace, I am the Fox Palace."

"What's more, when I was wandering in the ground veins, you have already completed the tasks that you and I did not complete back then. The roots and branches of Shenying have been telling me about your achievements."

"This matter that has long been forgotten, only "I" will always worry about it. I think you are me-Tianhu Zhai Palace!"

"No one has more right to speak than me, objections are invalid!"

Huzhai Palace said to Huasanli in a resolute tone, and gently uncovered the white fox mask in Huasanli.

The face under the mask was exactly the same as that of Huzhai Palace. With the mask removed, the black hair in Huasan also turned into the same white hair.

"Okay, Huzhai Palace, do you still need to let your old self continue to persuade yourself?" The two white-haired witches faced each other, and they had no distinction between each other at this time.

"No, there's no need, I will live up to my wish and protect Dao's wife forever." One of them, Hu Zhai Palace, expressed with tears in his eyes.

With the knot in her heart untied, she seemed to have found herself again.

Hearing the satisfactory answer, Huzhai Palace on the opposite side hugged him tightly.

"Then in the end, let me, the old phantom, make you more confident." With the last gentle words,

The old memories that gave her self, gave her a name, and gave her a new life turned into little golden rays of light in her arms and merged into her body.

In Huzhai Palace's mind, many memories also changed from empty and pale to more colorful.

It is more vivid, deeper, and more real, making her more "complete".

From then on, there are no more flowers in the world, and she is the unique Huzhai Palace.

The body still remembers the feeling of hugging and the warm Huzhai Palace, and gently put away the mask that is now meaningless.

Breathe quietly and evenly, feel the spiritual pulse of Shenying, try to integrate myself into it, and become the spirit of Shenying who protects Quan Dao's wife.

As Huzhai Palace, who vowed to protect Dao's wife forever, how could he not become the spirit of Shenying?

In front of Bai Chen's direct bloodline, a real master of magic arts, a general who only relies on strength to fly, was quickly deprived of his temporary status as the spirit of the god cherry.

The general wanted to interfere with the naginata, but was easily stopped by Jiang Yan. He could only watch helplessly as his "inner" friend Jiu occupied the magpie's nest.

I don't know how long it has passed, the Shenzakura pulsated again like breathing, the flowers and leaves sang softly, and the branches changed from dead to full of vitality. Inazuma's patron saint tree ushered in its new master.

Sensing the change of owner here, Jiang Yan suddenly used the Thunder Sword. The blade made of thunder light tore through the space, and got stuck in the gap between the general's changing moves, knocking him back.

"Do you still fight? It's meaningless"

"Hmph! At least I can keep you here! The "internal" demagogue who deviates from the law. "The general can't accept the failure of being beaten to pieces by mortals at all.

"Okay, I'll let you lose your heart." Jiang Yan didn't care at all, there was still a half of the routine, even if the general made rapid progress, he could always support it for at least a few hours.

"Huzhai Palace, please ask Yae Shenzi to call Ying over here." It is only natural for the person who shakes people the fastest if you put the most ruthless words.

There is no blood bar, and a dung boss that can't drop equipment, how can Heying chat happily while fighting?

"Come on, my brainless sister, if you want to win against me, you have to take advantage of the present." Beckoning to the general, Jiang Yan invited the next round of battle.

"Noisy!" Long swords and long swords struck each other, thunder splattered, and the endless fierce battle began again.


Outside of Shenying, in the cognition of Yae Shenzi and Xinhai, Shenying "lived" the moment Jiang Yan entered Shenying.

"Lord Huzhai Palace!"

"Lord Huzhai Palace!"

Completely different from before, a lively and lively voice came from Kami Sakura:

"The little guy whose head was buried in the snow and couldn't get out, was lifted out."

"Tell your brainless master, if you don't come to help, that mortal will destroy her doll."

Xinhai looked at Yae Shenzi with questioning eyes, wanting to ask who she was talking about?

Then he was stared back by Yae Shenzi's dangerous eyes, and acted resolutely, pretending not to hear.

"Tch, such a troublesome woman... After hundreds of years, it's still so noisy." Yae Shenzi turned and walked away quickly without looking back, preparing to use Shikigami Black Crow to quickly send a message to Ying.

Walk slowly, for fear that the uncontrollable tears and smiles will damage the image of "the wise and beautiful Yae Miko-sama".

Is there something wrong with playing resurrection in Inazuma: Chapter 175 Chapter 170 Is there something wrong with the rapid expansion of combat power?

Shikigami Black Crow flew very fast, and arrived at the castle tower in a blink of an eye.

Ying, who was practicing martial arts, received a message from the shikigami, and in a hurry, before he could tell the truth, he jumped up, turned into a beam of thunder, and disappeared from the castle tower without a trace.

Although I know that Jiang Yan's strength is not bad, but the spiritual space is not an arena, and he was hacked to death in it. If he doesn't have enough willpower, he will really die.

The general was made by her, and he won't get tired for 1000 years; Jiang Yan is not a god, no matter how powerful he is, he will get tired and depressed, and mortal feelings will still influence him.

In this kind of battle that has no time and no end, once the will becomes weak, the outcome will be reversed sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Ying became even more anxious.

Even at her speed, mortals can only see the flash of lightning, and the trees and fallen leaves where they pass are all scorched black by the escaping lightning, and they cannot cross the distance between Yingxiang Mountain and the castle tower.

Just as cracks appeared in her gradually healing mind, she began to resurface the scene of her desperate journey 500 years ago, but in the end she only saw a nightmare scene.

A lively and mischievous voice pierced through time and space, shattering the dark nightmare.

"Come on, my lovely children, present a welcome purple carpet to the gods!"

I saw the branch of Shenying not far away from the shadow, suddenly bent down to her, and said "hello".

Afterwards, the branch returned to its original shape, and the thunder seeds attached to it, like a dandelion flying, rose higher and higher, and slowly floated into the air.

One, two, three, four, ten, hundreds, thousands, thousands, countless purple thunder seeds were awakened from the branches of thunder cherry blossoms and floated to the sky one after another.

The stars are like fireflies all over the sky, dyeing the night sky of Narugami Island with countless purple stars.

Amidst the exclamation and admiration of countless people of Narugami Island, countless purple star lights gradually gathered and turned into thunder poles one by one.

And the massive Lei Ji, under the guidance of their source of power, gradually became like migrating migratory birds, neatly spaced in a row.

In the end, a purple galaxy across the sky was formed, facing the Milky Way far away, becoming an unprecedented spectacle.

"As expected of you, you are still so reliable." Ying showed a rare smile on his anxious face.

With a flash of figure, it turned into a purple shooting star and shot up from the ground.

The reason why the purple galaxy was born was to wait for this meteor flying backwards.

When the meteor streaks across the sky and disappears behind the towering shadow towards the top of the mountain,

The Milky Way also gradually returned to the sky full of purple starlight, slowly drifting in the summer evening wind.

This scene of the meteor flying against the summer night has since become a beautiful legend, passed on by countless rice wives.

"In the summer night, if you can find a purple meteor flying backwards, then hurry up and make a wish to it, any wish can come true."


At the same time, in the spiritual space

With the long-term battle, the routines and tactics practiced against the shadows are about to be exhausted, and Jiang Yan's advantage has gradually become a balance of power.

Although the general who pursues "eternity" is a ruthless law-abiding person, but after being beaten for hundreds of hours and finally elated, the part belonging to her warrior is also cheering.

"After all, they are just mortals. Only "eternity" is the closest to the truth, hum! "

"So you're going to stay until I die of old age, and then write in Daozu's history books that you haven't lost to me?" When it comes to dialogue and laning, after 500 years of practice, the general is no match for the former Zaun people.

"Foolish question!" The general became furious, and he blocked Jiang Yan's movement with two consecutive slashes, followed by a powerful roundabout to repel him.

Just as the naginata was about to stab straight to pursue it, it was greeted by hundreds of ice blades, which instantly engulfed them.

"Congratulations, you have passed! We can finally start to fight with all our strength!" Jiang Yan raised his long sword high, and the bitter snow fell from the sky.

The spiritual space here is not an arena, and the power of other elemental forces can still be used.

After continuous breakthroughs in vision and strength, Jiang Yan's other elemental powers are no longer flamboyant. After the first kill, there are as many tricks that can make the general collapse.

Just in time, it is also a good opportunity to sharpen the elemental power. I believe that this free quality inspector can use her naginata to enthusiastically help me remove the chaff and save the chaff, Jiang Yan thought so.

I don't know how long it has been

While the general was "enjoying" Jiang Yan's strange and powerful moves of other elements,

Meng Yixin's sword appeared out of thin air, cutting a black crack in the spiritual space, and Ying hurried out from it.

The fighting between the two stopped suddenly, and they both stared at the chaotic shadow.

Ying took a few steps closer, only to see that Jiang Yan was unscathed, Ying let out a sigh of relief.

Hugging him tightly, confirming the existence of the other party, Yingcai turned to look at the general who was walking slowly.

And the general, looking at his former "inside" with a serious expression, the creator and abandoner of today, said the long-awaited words:

"You finally came"

"You chose the happiness in front of you and abandoned me."

"I have no objection to this, the order I accept is——"Guard the eternal law", that's all. "

"If you're still on this path and you don't need me anymore, I'll leave."

"But what do you mean by 'happiness'?False, ephemeral, filthy. "

"They are all perishable fragments in the long river of time. I can only see the countless fine chiseling marks left on your supposedly eternal will."

"Now you, do you have new ideas, or have you suffered irresistible wear and tear?" The general questioned from the bottom of his heart.

Ying was silent and speechless, it was meaningless to refute his past self, it was like flipping through a novel he wrote during his second year of middle school, no one would refute it one by one, and it was true to burn it quickly.

"I'm here to answer you. We are both warriors. The only way to talk at this moment is fighting."

Ying is not good at words, physical persuasion is what she is best at.

The same is true for the general, and he flicked the naginata simply, "Since fate is destined to be a reincarnation, let's go to war as you promised!"

However, Ying did not choose to go to war directly, and now she is no longer alone.

"Let Zhai Gong take you away first, during my absence..." Without fear of the general's surprise attack, she turned her head and said to Jiang Yan.

"Wait, Ying." Jiang Yan interrupted her speech before the battle.

"I'll just wait here, General, she's very weak..." Jiang Yan didn't worry about Ying at all, and even wanted to leave work together.

"Noisy! Filthy mortal, do you think that's all my power?"

Although it is an AI, the general who has inherited the heart of a shadow warrior also breaks his defenses in the face of such blatant contempt,

As soon as the roar came to an end, the general brandished his naginata and rushed towards him in an instant, slashing straight at Ying's back.

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