Ying didn't rush, as if he had eyes behind his back, he turned sideways, swung his sword backhand, Meng Meng slashed at the position where the general was holding the naginata with all his heart and precision.

The general had no choice but to pull back slightly, but with just that pull, the opportunity was lost.

After Kagetsu landed on the long handle of the naginata, he erected the blade of the sword, slashed lightly, and Meng Yixin "climbed" up against the long handle.

At such a short distance, the disadvantage of polearm's flexibility is obvious.The general had no choice but to retract the naginata and take a step back to get out of the range of the blade.

However, this step determines the outcome.Ying, who had turned around completely, had taken advantage of the situation and raised his dream to the top of his head. The thunder light on the sword rang, and the profound meaning was ready to go.

"Chop the wind and break the flow!" Pulled out a slash of black light, pierced through the light of the grass that the general had no time to cross, and slashed heavily on her shoulder.

Ying put away his dreams and waited for the general to recover, shaking his head and sighing:

"Eternity without a future is nothing more than that. "

Did I make a mistake in playing resurrection in Inazuma: Chapter 176 Chapter 171 Did I make a mistake in moving forward with my wish?

For the demon god, Jiang Yan's arena is simply a miracle beyond the laws of heaven.

The full strength of the demon god level will easily destroy an area completely.After the Demon God War was over, there was almost no chance.

What's more, even in the era of the Demon God War, due to the large gap in strength between the Demon Gods, there are mostly crushing situations, and a balance of power is rare.

Therefore, the speed of Ying Tiantian's battle with Jiang Yan has already surpassed the sum of his birth since his birth.

It's just that the level of sparring is also rising steadily, and it can't be clearly measured.

Meeting "myself a year ago" this time, Ying finally felt the weight and quality of his luck.

In fact, many of the martial arts that I have been proud of for thousands of years are the products of Yan Kuzuo's imagination, which have not been verified by powerful enemies.

The ghost worm can lift an object 850 times its own weight, but if the ghost worm is 100 times bigger, can it hold up a mountain?No, just crush yourself.

So after going through tens of thousands of evenly matched battles, Yuanliu has already discarded the chaff and kept the essence, and has become another appearance that he and he jointly created.

Looking at the general who was defeated every time with a few moves, dozens of moves, and dozens of moves, Ying couldn't help feeling how shallow he was 500 years ago, and how powerful he is today.


However, as the target of being hanged and beaten, the general's mood is not very good.

Losing to Huzhai Palace, the identity of the guardian spirit was taken away;

Lost to mortals, humiliated;

Lost to the creator, easily defeated.

No one loses next.

It turned out that I couldn't do anything.

Is it because I'm not a real god?Is it because I'm just a puppet?

Since I'm just a puppet that I play with and throw away at will.

Let me transform myself into the most powerful shape in my memory!

No authority?Then fill it with the necessary "evil";

Body twist?In the face of the inner pain after being abandoned, it is not worth mentioning;

Anyway, it would be nice to be able to protect "eternity";

It is good to be able to complete the instructions given by the creator;

It would be nice to be able to make "I" have meaning.

"This body is eternity!—Evil Yaoying to the demon!"

With the general's angry shout, a strange change took place in her body.

In the spiritual world, the general's image, which was originally indistinguishable from that of the shadow, has gradually changed into a fighting form similar to that of the shadow holding the god's heart when he grasped the power with continuous distortion and reshaping.

However, unlike the noble and majestic divine costume, this general's form is full of ominousness.

Whether it's the big sleeves made into the shape of a ferocious monster, or the single arm in the shape of a doll, the whole armament is full of symbols of "evil".

Seeing the general's change, Ying's expression changed from surprise, then to sadness, and finally revealed a resolute expression.

"Evil Yaoying Xiangtianmo" is not created out of thin air

Faith and resentment are equally powerful, just as good and evil are two sides of the same coin.

During the 500 years of governing Daozuma, the general gave all the "faith" to the "inner", and accepted all the "wish" and "resentment", and moved forward with his wishes.

The "resentment" accumulated for 500 years is turning into a demon-like power, surrounding the general.

While bringing her endless pain, it also endowed her with a powerful wish.

The general is invincible until the power of her 500-year wish is expelled.

Even if you have self-awareness, even if you are abandoned by yourself;

My puppet is still carrying out my original instructions for myself, bearing the heaviest things for myself.

Knowing this fact, Ying felt very guilty, turned his head, and asked Jiang Yan in a gentle voice:

"Help me cast the knife of my dream and save her from the "past". "

As the opponent of "Evil Yaoying Xiangtian Demon", I will not have time to perform this unique skill of cutting off crimes, and can only be performed by my savior.

Perhaps, this is the answer that fate gave itself.

He once saved his "present" and "future", so what if he also saved his "past" by the way?

Anyway, I will use the rest of my life to pay it off. If the debt cannot be reduced, then it should be increased to make the connection closer, Ying thought.


Being suddenly given such an important responsibility, Jiang Yan felt a lot of pressure.

The related skills of Wuxiang's sword had already been thoroughly mastered during the long duel with Ying.

However, I can't achieve "No Thought" anyway, I can only use a strong will and desire to swing a knife that cuts everything.

As a price, it takes an astonishing amount of time to complete the entire process of expanding the domain, constructing the spiritual world, precisely tearing apart a corner of Changshi, and swinging a knife. Don't even think about it offline.

However, this sword with no actual combat value was praised by Ying Wubi, who watched it again and again, and named it the sword of dreams.

Of course, as long as the opponent is not a sketch model, this kind of compassion knife technique that can't be cut 100%, as long as there is a shadow in front, there is no problem in using it here.

Away from the battlefield, Jiang Yan calmly began to adjust his state, without feeling anxious at all.

He never doubted whether Ying could protect him for a few hours, he was afraid that in these few hours, Ying had already smashed the general, and he was ruthless.

Will the dream of using it for surgery for the first time achieve the desired effect?Jiang Yan is looking forward to this very much.


At the same time, contrary to Jiang Yan's expectations, the battle was in full swing.

The mentality and rhythm of the protracted war and the decisive battle are completely two concepts.

After being humiliated repeatedly, the general who made up his mind to give everything he had for the decisive battle completely surpassed Ying in all of his efforts.

"Use this as a prison!"

Huge puppet palms suddenly appeared out of thin air, and when they closed, there was a sound of air being compressed, but Ying was already a few meters away.

"Splitting and collapsing!"

Continuous Crescent Chops flew in continuously, and the Shadow Swing Sword cleanly cut them one by one, and finally jumped up and dodged the horizontal slash across the field.

Taking advantage of the gap between the general's closing moves, Ying slashed through the general's armor heavily with a thundering sword, but returned to its original state in a blink of an eye.

The general took this opportunity to hold his huge dream high, and in an instant, a massive amount of elemental power poured in.

"cut off"

With a loud shout, the entire venue was almost divided into two by the knife.

However, Ying had already used the repulsive force of the same pole to bounce himself to the oblique side.

And through continuous and rapid displacement, she continuously casts a fast sword that can retreat with one blow, attacking the general's joints, so as to hinder her speed of action.

This routine put the general in a dilemma.

No damage can be done to Shadow without healing the scars that affect the action;

But if the scars are continuously restored, it will lead to a further loss of the initiative, and the shadow will create more scars.

It is obvious that he has a higher output, but he is suppressed by various targeted tactics, which makes the general very angry.

After repeated thinking, the general completely gave up on the outcome of the move, and prepared to use powerful force and wide-area attack to forcibly suppress his creator.

Putting the sword back into its sheath, the next moment, circular slashes spread all over the general's body.

The circular slashing from various angles caused a powerful storm of sword blades to blow around the general. Within ten meters, there was lightning and blade wind everywhere.

As a response, it was a falling attack from the shadow that descended from the sky.

Jumping up to avoid the shadow of the sword wind, suddenly a "person" swooped in the air, and the long sword pointed directly at the top of the general's head.

The general, who had been prepared for a long time, threw out the demon-subduing pestle held on his two arms of the divine outfit.

The two Demon Subduing Pestles are all composed of extremely compressed thunder elemental force, and they radiate dazzling purple light as soon as they are thrown out.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Ying immediately used the repulsive force to bounce himself away, but it was still a little late.

A powerful thunderstorm erupted suddenly in the air, and Ying was affected by the aftermath of one of the magic wands, and her left arm trembled. This was the first time she had been passive since the battle.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the General finally has the chance to unleash her most powerful ability.

I saw her "swing" back, and the entire spiritual space was torn open a dark gap, and the general escaped into the gap, leaving only a huge doll with one arm, united with the same huge dream.

"In the end... ten thousand calamities!"

With the general's voice echoing throughout the spiritual space, abandoning the skill and suddenness of crossing borders, and focusing on the power of Wuxiang's sword is about to be swung.

This kind of usage of vigorously producing miracles has no beauty at all, but in terms of power, it is indeed unparalleled.

Of course, Ying is not afraid of her unique skills, but this time she is not fighting for a single victory or defeat, but to bring the doll who has silently paid a lot for herself, and walk out of the "past" with ease.

Unexpected knife?Today, I have walked out of the dark past and carried the treasure of memory.

When a knife without thoughts and thoughts has thoughts, will it be invincible?

Ying was not eager to parry or dodge, but kept recalling his most precious, happiest, and happiest memories 500 years ago.

These were once mixed with nightmares, let the past that I had escaped, emerge in the memory one by one, and surround me, warm me, and fold and shine in this spiritual world.

And Wuxiang's knife had already fully charged at this time, and the general's majestic voice reverberated throughout the entire spiritual space:

"I am the eternal law, the guardian of eternity, I am eternity!"

The huge puppet arm mercilessly swung a knife that could cut through space.

Is there something wrong with playing resurrection in Inazuma: Chapter 177 Chapter 172 Is there something wrong in saying goodbye to the past collectively?

"Wuxiang"'s unparalleled sword traversed the entire spiritual space, and wherever it went, the spiritual space was broken like a broken screen, pieces shattered.

The invincible moves, combined with the powerful contribution of "Evil Yaoying to the Demon", even the original shadow, in such a short time, could not wield such a destructive knife.

The giant blade swept across the entire spiritual space in a blink of an eye, and only the one-meter-long and several-finger-wide Dream Yixin and Yuying's slender arms stood in front of it.

In front of the puppet arm the size of a giant beast and the giant blade of the same size, a thin shadow, like a praying mantis, is waving its arm towards the rolling wheel.

However, different from the ending of the story, with a loud noise, in front of the slender arms and the willow-like rapier, the giant blade and arm of "Evil Yaoying Xiangtian Demon" were firmly blocked, preventing them from advancing an inch .

Even though the general continued to add elemental power, in front of Meng Yixin, who was shining with sakura color, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and even began to retreat gradually.

"This, what kind of power is this?" The general couldn't understand at all, what kind of power the creator used to overcome his 500-year crime in an instant.

Shadow looked at the sakura-colored light in his hand, and said seriously to the general:

"This is the power of dreams. Eternity makes time extend dreams infinitely; and dreams make every scale fold and shine."

"Only dreams can transcend time and reach true eternity."

"Look, this is the answer I gave you and the "past" - a knife of dreams! "

After all, the sakura-colored brilliance on Mengmengyi's heart in the shadow hand suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance.

With a wave of Ying's arm, the giant blade formed by the confluence of sin karma and thunder elemental power was unexpectedly bounced back by a few tenths of the size of Dream.

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