Therefore, the military swordsmanship of the God's Eye user will be targeted according to the characteristics of his God's Eye.

And Kaiya's performance is fast!Instantly emits freezing cold air, instantly condenses the frost in the air, and summons the edge of ice.

It does not emphasize power, but only emphasizes causing damage and affecting the opponent's state, which complements swordsmanship.

In fact, for this style of play, it is the easiest way to use Yula's ice vortex to confiscate and guide the cold energy, and finally return the same method to the other body.

But now, even if Yula didn't hide it, Jiang Yan didn't intend to make trouble for her;

Secondly, I also want to learn whether this fast-forwarding and fast-receiving strategy is effective. After all, this dual-axis mode of elemental power and swordsmanship is also my favorite style of play.

After more than a dozen rounds, Jiang Yan was certain that Kaiya was a liar!

At least for now, Jiang Yan has discovered the reason why his skills are cast and accumulated so quickly. The key is that he can use the power of the earth's veins without any magic.

That is because the environment of the arena is very pure, and the direction of the elemental force is easy to find, otherwise he would not be able to find it.

Everyone is using the power of the earth's veins, but there is no magic formula to draw directly, only Kanria's lineage can do it.

However, it is better not to learn this thing for the time being. It is easy to learn yourself into the blacklist of the ruling world. It is better to find a proper way to use it, such as Brother Tuozi.

Another point is - his blindfold is deceiving!

During countless raids, he suddenly circled the blind spot of his right eye to the left,

Although Kaiya deliberately pretended to be restrained, how could he deceive the experienced Jiang Yan from his various subtle movements and subconscious reactions?

It seems that he definitely has a way to solve the blind spot problem, or in other words, the blindfold is just a decoration, and his eyes are fine.

What is he trying to hide?Pupils like a Persian cat?Or the power of the abyss?Jiang Yan was thinking.

There is a saying that when you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you.

When Jiang Yan was analyzing Kaiya, Kaiya was also subconsciously analyzing him:

Well, swordsmanship is so strong, the kind of strength that has been honed over thousands of years, it is difficult for me to parry.

And he is definitely a ruthless person who is proficient in swordsmanship from many countries, at least he has seen shadows of Daozu, Liyue, and Xifeng swordsmanship.

The strength of the elemental force and the strength of the body are indeed the same as what several colleagues said, almost the same.

However, if you can use this level of strength [-]% from the very beginning, the opponent's real strength is by no means inferior to your own.

It didn't use the power of the leylines at all, and it seemed that it had nothing to do with the group of people and the abyss, so that's fine.

Still testing yourself?Forget it, it's time to show your cards!

"Let's decide the outcome." Although he won't hold back, Kaiya can also choose to fight.

"This moment is your eternity!" The four icicles condensed at the same time, and with a wave of Kaiya's long sword, they shot towards Jiang Yan like floating cannons.

Next, while Kaiya was drawing the power of the earth veins at a high speed, the condensed icicles were also continuously formed and projected, and he carried out a cover attack at the same time in conjunction with his swordsmanship.

The long sword, the auxiliary machine that can shoot, and the blindfold are all the elements.

The strong sense of déjà vu made Jiang Yan feel regretful while avoiding the constant onslaught of ice.

Can you replace the black-skinned man in front of you with that gothic butt-clad lady from the Yoroha Army? 648 I took it!

It's a pity that this is not a mall where you can draw ten times in a row. No matter what, you can't forcefully brainwash the other party to change their skin.

Forget it, destroy it.

However, how to give Kaia a misleading ending requires thinking about it.

It's better to put on the vest of the Liyue Immortal, anyway, if you have the ability, go to Jue Yunjian to ask, Shuang Huaya, shoot!

The same ice condensed, but in Jiang Yan's hands, it was used as a javelin to throw.

With the sound of piercing the air, the icicles that could produce a second ice burst startled Kaiya.

what is this?Liyue Immortal Technique?

But even knowing the reason for the trick, Kaiya still has no way to deal with it.

You can't fight in a buried battle, and you can't bomb from a long range. The only advantage is the mid-range pull. In the face of the opponent's mobility advantage, you don't give a chance at all.

Ice collided?Although I have an advantage in the speed of ice generation, the opponent's ice is far superior to my own in terms of strength and range, so it is difficult to block.

Chase with a sword?The opponent kept gliding on the ice, like dancing, and even made traps, so they couldn't catch up at all.

After a long time of couplets with Gan Yu, Jiang Yan is very familiar with this kind of Shuanghua arrow shooting move. After fighting against Wendy all the year round, how can he compare with Kaiya in his accuracy?

Just like that, Kaiya was humiliated to death by being kited alive, and was finally shot by continuous frost arrows. A silver crystal butterfly flew out of his body, and flew into the opponent's body under Kaiya's surprised eyes.

"See you next time, don't make me wait too long."

Kaiya wasn't angry at all, using her own strengths wasn't despicable, she just simply sent her parting words.

It's Liyue Immortal who blames it, Liyue's Immortal wouldn't hide his head and show his tail like this, he must be someone related to Immortal.

Kaiya basically has a framework for the goal.

But his opponent had only one thought - "Bye bye!"

Is it because Shin Hak is not good-looking, or is Teacher Yula's poor level?Without rewards, who would practice duel with a black-skinned man with evil intentions?

Is there something wrong with the group buying in the Hall of Rebirth: Chapter 183 Chapter 177 Is there something wrong with the internal scrolling of disciples?

"Huh? It seems to have messed up? It's because I have been away from the battlefield for a long time."

After defeating Kaiya, Jiang Yan finally defeated Gan Yu in the last train, and obtained the complete inheritance of Shuanghuaya and Jiangzhong Tianhua.

In fact, he was able to defeat Gan Yu a long time ago. Although Gan Yu has a high level of cultivation, neither his fighting will nor his fighting experience is very good.

It's just that in order to learn her domain cultivation and skills, Jiang Yan patiently fights rounds and shoots each time.

Today, in the real life-and-death fight for rewards, Jiang Yan won after only a few rounds of burying battles with wounds in exchange for lives.

Working until 4 am every day, even if the emperor has been doing this for 3000 years, it is estimated that his martial arts will be ruined, not to mention Gan Yu, who was originally protected by the immortals as his own daughter.

So far, Jiang Yan has gathered all the ice-type gift bags that Jiang Yan can get in a short time, and is ready to start to go to Liyue group buying to place orders.

However, on an outlying island, Jiang Yan happened to meet Xinhai who was "unfortunately promoted", and learned that the unscrupulous fox subcontracted the work assigned to her directly.

There was no other way, he couldn't just watch his little military adviser being emptied, so Jiang Yan had to accompany Xinhai to the survey and enforcement office first to say hello.Then go straight to Naruto Shrine and ask the fox to settle the score.

"Oh? As a family member of the shadow, and the palace secretary of Narugami Taisha, I have a high position and authority. Do I still need to do the work myself?"

Yae Miko was reading the light novel comfortably at the shrine, completely denying Jiang Yan's accusation.

"Xinhai is a native of Haiji Island. He has never held a position in Narugami Island. How can he convince the public?"

Jiang Yan was in a hurry, Xinhai didn't want to be in power, how could he be so embarrassing?

"You are a Liyue person, but Haizhi Island is part of Dao's wife, why not?"

The fox put down the light novel, and directly attacked his own shield with the other's spear, and the two started a second round of the pot-sharing contest.

Jiang Yan didn't expect to save this matter, but only needed the fox's promise that if someone turned his back on him, she must stand up;

And although Xinhai can make decisions, the fox has to do the supervision right, otherwise Xinhai has no cards in his hand to solve it.

In the end, Xinhai only worked on a real job for a month, and only served as a vacancy later on. Haizhidao couldn't do without her.

"Little witch, do you see it?" The fox covered his mouth and began to tease Xinhai,

"Your feudal lord turned against me, an old friend, for you. Did he spoil you too much?"

Xinhai blushed and shook his head again and again.

This female fox is always good at talking about people when you talk about things, and she talks about things when you talk about people.

Faced with this situation, directly talking about the conditions is the fastest solution.

In the end, Jiang Yan paid for going to Liyue to help Yae Shenzi bring a letter to Gan Yu, and inviting Xingqiu and Chang Jiuye to Daozu to participate in the Guanghua Rongcai Festival.

In exchange for the job that the fox should have done - helping Xinhai.

Although, the price was quite insignificant, maybe she was just playing tricks on herself?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan shook his head helplessly.

After saving people to the end, Jiang Yan finally took Xinhai to visit the house of Kamisato, and met the brothers and sisters of Kamisato.

In the end, he returned to Inazuma City, and after a simple greeting with Kujo Sharo, he left Inazuma City under Xinhai's grateful eyes, headed to outlying islands, and took a boat to Liyue.

When he arrived in Liyue, Jiang Yan took the big and small packages, and the first thing he did was to give gifts to his friends.

Ke Qing, who was working in the General Affairs Department, happily accepted a gift from a friend——Jiang Yan's recent practice notes, and complained that Jiang Yan loved the new and disliked the old, and that he had too little time to practice against himself.

Jiang Yan had no choice but to plead guilty. Recently, there was a major event to be done, and she explained Lei Yinquan's problems to her.

Ke Qing expressed enviously that opponents at the level of demon gods were almost all suppressed by the emperor in Liyue, and the opportunity was really rare.

If it wasn't for a while ago when many affairs were suddenly delegated and the workload increased suddenly, she would have taken leave to go to Qinglai Island to help out.

Seeing that she was really busy, three people were already waiting outside the door during such a conversation, and Jiang Yan didn't bother her too much, so she left directly and went straight to Yujing Terrace.

Gan Yu, who is working in Yuehai Pavilion, is dealing with the same busy work in an orderly manner. With her 3000-year career as a civil servant, she looks at ease no matter how busy she is.

Accepting the letter from Yae Shenzi, Gan Yu said that if there is no important matter at that time, he will definitely participate.

Jiang Yan also wants her to rest, she is such a good girl, she is so stupid to work overtime.

The big deal is that when the time comes, learn from Monde's advanced experience in dealing with Captain Qin - find Ningguang to give her a forced holiday.

After briefly chatting about Gan Yu's relationship with Shenzi, Jiang Yan also gave Gan Yu his training partner gift.

Of course, on the bright side, it is natural to thank Gan Yumond for saving his life.

For the gift Jiang Yan gave—the civet cat magic that turns the leaves into various delicious meals, Gan Yu looked confused.

"This exotic spell is very rare, thank you."

Jiang Yan saw that she didn't get the key point of this black magic at all.

In order to avoid this little confusion, I put this spell on the shelf and had to explain it to her in detail.

"Although many foods are delicious, they are easy to gain weight, such as sweet flowers or nectar.

But with this magic trick, it is completely possible to turn the leaves that are not easy to gain weight into the taste of delicious food, so that you can eat as much as you want to control your weight.

Moreover, you unicorns are strict vegetarians, so you can use this magic technique to let you experience those delicacies without actually killing animals. "

Gan Yu's bewildered eyes suddenly lit up, and a rare smile appeared on his usually fairy-like indifferent face.

Then she was concerned about the unspeakable issue of weight. She felt a little embarrassed, and said with a reddish face:

"Mr. Jiang took the trouble, it's a very good gift, I accept it."

Jiang Yan saw that Gan Yu was also very busy, so he resigned consciously and continued to visit other friends.

It's just that he didn't know that after he left, Gan Yu left work early and went straight to Jue Yun Jian to ask his master for advice on how to transform the Dao Wife Demon Art into Liyue Immortal Art.

Drinking and cheating nectar, she has been thinking about it for 1000 years, who knows the pain of the fairy beast's easy-to-fat physique?

In Qunyu Pavilion, Jiang Yan finally met a friend who was not too busy, and he was relieved.

This Liyue Port, where the king is fighting for hegemony, is too scary...Thanks for not working here.

As an excellent leader, Ningguang only needs to be "present" all the time, not "busy".

The meeting between the two is actually a business matter. The trade routes and trade balance between the two countries are difficult to explain in letters.

The headache is that Dao Wife has no second person who understands these things, so Jiang Yan can only silently maintain this lifeline for Ying.

After some relentless verbal confrontation, the two finally reached a new balance point.

The two returned to the topic of friends, and naturally talked about the situation when they met at the badminton festival.

No matter who it is, as long as you can talk to Ningguang about the badminton festival girl in her decades, there will be no conflicts.

Ning Guang even patted Jiang Yan on the shoulder, took out his treasured photos,

Appreciate with him the heroic posture of the badminton festival girl being carried up to the statue of Fengjin by Manyu, and the heroic transformation of the hammer festival girl.

After having a good time chatting, Jiang Yan left Qunyu Pavilion, left Liyue Port, and headed to the secret realm to visit his immortal master.

True Monarch Moon Cutter and Yang Yang has been very proud since accepting this disciple, and has obvious psychological advantages in front of the immortals.

Some apprentices of the fairy family, who are three thousand years old and still have no sweetheart, only bring a mouth when they go home, waiting for the cooking magic machine to feed them.

Some apprentices of the immortal family don't have a sweetheart in their 20s, but only like to pull weeping willows upside down.

Some fairy families have no apprentices at all!Is this a craving for inheritance?

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