As for the disciples I accepted, before they reached their twenties, there were ladies from the famous family, uh, congenial daughters from the general family; they were also very talented and filial.

How is this compared?This is incomparable.

Every time Jiang Yan received a small gift from Dao's wife, although the price was not high, he would always visit his friends,

It is really a great pastime for the immortal family to exchange experience of teaching apprentices with Zhenjun Liuyun borrowing the wind, and urge Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan to find a successor as soon as possible and pass on the fairy art.

Presented some of Dao's wife's specialty new teas to the master. After some conversation, after three cups of tea, Jiang Yan proposed his intention:

He wanted to learn the original version of Yun Kai Xing Luo - the rock gun that suppressed Oser, the Xian family's shrunk version.

In the face of a huge demon god, most mortal moves can hardly cause enough damage,

Facing the moves performed by the demon god, few mortals have heard of them, let alone learned them.

When Jiang Yan used Yunkai Xingluo on Shen He, the huge ice spear summoned by Shen He made Jiang Yan sure that there was indeed an original version of this move.

However, True Monarch Moon Cutting and Yangyang did not hide his secrets. Liyue's immortal family suffered the most from the suppression of the demon god's grievances.

Therefore, when Jiang Yan said that he was going to target Lei Yinquan, Zhenjun Moon Cutting and Zhuyang deeply felt that my way was not alone.

Not only gave him a complete set of classics, but even took the initiative to explain to him a lot of precautions for the Devil's Resentment.

The master took the trouble to explain everything over and over again, and his attitude of wishing to help himself moved Jiang Yan very much.

Whether it is Master Lao Yang who is a mortal, or Master Lao Lu who is an immortal, the closeness of the master-student relationship in Tivat is really a teacher for one day and a father for life.

After bidding farewell to Master, we returned to Liyue Port. It was almost evening, so it was only tomorrow to invite Master Chang Jiu and visit Old Master Yang.

Had a light meal with Keqing, the relationship between the two of them is no longer polite, and they were nagged several times again to find me for practice.

The familiar bible chanting session made Jiang Yan feel very cordial, and he promised with a smile on his face that he would practice together to solve the major issues that Lei Yinquan encountered.

Ke Qing's level is not bad. After practicing against him all the way, although she is not as good as Ying, most of them are no longer her opponents, but she still doesn't realize it.

At the beginning - I didn't know how strong I was when I was training against her

Until now——she doesn't know how strong she is against herself

That's fair, haha.

"I don't know how much surprise or fright she will give you when facing the crisis."

Jiang Yan thought while comforting the purple cat.

Is there something wrong with group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 184 Chapter 178 Is there something wrong with buying original paintings and free comments?

Xing Qiu didn't see outsiders, but the matter of "Shen Qiu Picking up Swords" is of course another matter.

You know, this book is his debut work to justify his name after his reputation was ruined by despicable literati.

It's a pity that Wanwen Jiju didn't know the goods, and rejected the manuscript on the grounds that "the setting is too outrageous, but the plot is unexpectedly clichéd, and no one will like it".

What happened to the cliché?If the setting can be based on imagination, and the plot can also rely on imagination, wouldn't it have nothing to do with me?

Unconvinced, Xingqiu began to print books at his own expense with the power of love, and threw them to Wanwen Collection.

However, practice proved that this book was indeed unloved, which made him quite frustrated.

But what he didn't know was that there was a place called Fei, no, Yaedo.

It doesn't matter whether the writing is good or bad, and the length of the writing doesn't matter, as long as the brain is strong, people will read it.

However, based on his sci-fi imagination alone, this book can score around 50 points even in Daofu.

If it were to be published like this, the first volume would be fresh, and the third volume would be solid.

However, due to the luck of the second young master, Abedo happened to be interested in "novel illustrations" at that time.

Abedo, who has no interest in realistic subjects, became interested in Xingqiu's sci-fi imagination, and presented a complete set of illustrations to "Shen Qiu Picking up Swords" through the channel of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

There are very few illustrations in Liyue's novels, and some of them are in the style of ink painting. Where have you seen such lifelike illustrations as Abedo?

After Xingqiu saw it, he was overwhelmed with praise, and directly paid out of his own pocket for a reprint!

Abedo's illustrations added 100 extra points to "Shen Qiu Picking up Swords". All the brain holes were realized in vivid illustrations, which added powerful persuasiveness to Xing Qiu's dry words, just like a foundation Files are the same.

It's a pity that Liyue people don't recognize the illustrations very much. Although the reprint "Shen Qiu Picking up the Sword Record" has begun to sell, most of them bought the 10,000+ word annotations because of the illustrations.

However, in Yaedo, as long as the illustrations are good enough, the other pages can be sold even if they are toilet paper, not to mention the setting of Xingqiu, combined with the illustrations, it is really a mystery.

In this way, this book became an instant hit in Daozuma.

Therefore, this time, Yae Shenzi also urged thousands of times, and Master Abedo must also call together.

If it is not possible, even if Master Xingqiu does not come, Master Abedo must come.

But Xingqiu himself naturally didn't know the evaluation of Yaedo's chief editor. He was only very excited that his book was not bright in the east and bright in the west.

No strangers?What kind of foreigner is this?This is Bole who knows the goods!

The song is high and the widowed, where can I find a bosom friend, how can I push it out?

Thinking of this, Xingqiu hurriedly ordered Axu to welcome Dao's wife's Bole into the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

When the two met, Xing Qiu was stunned.

"Your honor is... Jiang Shizhong who was in charge of Dao's wife a few days ago?" Although he had seen the portrait, Xing Qiu didn't dare to confirm it.

Although Jiang Yan is official, only Qian Yanjun is familiar with him.

But as the master of Dao's wife and one country's trade, how can the second young master of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce not know the truth?

what's the situation?Is my novel so good that it affects the trade balance between the two countries?Even the resourceful Xingqiu couldn't understand this situation.

There is no way, whoever met the minister of commerce of another country and came here to talk to you about the introduction and publication of novels is also confused.

As for Jiang Yan, after such a long time, his anger has long since dissipated.

I'm also a little embarrassed that Xingqiu has suffered so badly and is still a female headhunter and a heroine, the spokesperson of the image in the hearts of the prostitutes.

"That's right, I'm here. But I've already resigned, so there's no need to be cautious. This time I'm just an invitation for the editor-in-chief of Inazuma Yaedo."

"I have admired Mr. Jiang's name for a long time. It is a great honor to meet you today. Please take a seat! Ah Xu! Serve some good tea!"

Xingqiu couldn't be less restrained, and in front of him was a ruthless person who pulled out two large transnational trade lines in the blink of an eye.

What's more, according to people from the Chu Yu Chamber of Commerce, and Feiyun Chamber of Commerce's own information,

This person has an extraordinary relationship with Master Ningguang, who can't talk about it, who in Liyue's business circle would dare to neglect him?

Jiang Yan doesn't have the self-consciousness of a big shot, what is a big shot?Those who hang out in the world are called big shots, and those who are too busy to fly are high-end wage earners, okay?

After the two chatted briefly, Jiang Yan handed the invitation of Yae Shenzi to Xingqiu, and solemnly extended the invitation to him and the illustrator Abedo.

Xingqiu was flattered to accept it, he was a newcomer, he did not expect to become a master in Daozuma.

This rice wife's culture and education has its merits, hahahaha.

Xingqiu wished he could run back to the pillow immediately, beat him seventeen or eight rolls, and then call for walnut fragrance and Lingchongyun, eat and brag about it.

In the end, I chartered a boat and invited my friends, the editors of Wanwen Jishe who didn't know gold and jade, to Dao's wife to see my status in the literary world.

"Definitely, definitely." Xingqiu agreed without hesitation, and promised to invite Abedo.

"By the way, I heard that you have an inseparable relationship with Hall Master Hu of the Past Life Hall. Can you introduce me to me?"

Although Xingqiu didn't know that Dao's wife had witches and onmyojis, why would she want to go to Shengtang?

However, this was obviously not something he should inquire about, so he simply led Jiang Yan all the way to the Hall of Rebirth.

Because of taboos, Xiangshengtang is usually not open for business.

Instead, there was a wooden board at the door for receiving commissions, with many blank wooden signs hanging on it.

If someone has a need, they will write the content on the wooden sign, and then stuff it into the crack of the door of Xiangsheng Hall, and wait for walnut to knock on the door at home.

It's just that it's too negligent to leave a wooden sign for such a big event as purifying the entire Crane Temple.

If someone recommends it, it would be better for everyone to sit down and talk slowly.

Otherwise, Hu Tao went straight to the house with a full set of equipment in high spirits, only to find out that he was here to talk about business, which is really a bit unbearable.

As one wished, when Xing Qiu skillfully found the little sister of Yiguan, he learned that Hu Tao had gone to Wuwangpo overnight to go out on business.

It was getting late, and things were not so urgent that they went to Wuwangpo to find someone in the middle of the night. Even if Hu Tao was not afraid, it would not be wrong to scare a master of ceremonies to death.

So Jiang Yan said goodbye to Xingqiu directly, made an appointment after Hu Tao returned, and then returned home.

The last time I came home was a long, long, long time ago. Although people have been hired to take care of it, there is naturally no smoke in a place where no one lives.

The cold yard and the wooden frame for practicing martial arts are already slightly decayed due to the wind and rain.

The dust accumulated under the table under the bed, disturbed by the owner who returned after a long time, immediately destroyed the illusion of cleanliness.

A clean mattress, used after a long period of idleness, will only give the owner the cold air that has been accumulated for a long time.

A home without any taste of "home" made Jiang Yan sleep uncomfortable at all.

Alas, next time I live in Liyue, let's make it more lively with a few more people, Jiang Yan thought so, and started tonight's battle.

Time is running out, and there are still a bunch of pretty good wind bosses waiting to fight. Isn't this more interesting than sleeping?

"Summon, Maplebara Manyo!"

Is there something wrong with group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 185 Chapter 179 Is there something wrong with the wind that must be free?

""In the wind and rain, I came back with a knife and walked barefoot"... My name is Maplebara Manyo, please give me your advice. "

Wan Ye, who is gentle and free-spirited, does not resist this kind of fighting that does not involve killing, and since he meets it, it is "Fate".

In terms of xinxing, among the people Jiang Yan knew, this swordsman was probably only comparable to Shen He, and he would not waste talents by cultivating immortality.

Jiang Yan was very curious about Ye Tiandi who could resist Ying Wuxiang's knife.

Even now, if Ying slashes Wuxiang relentlessly at himself,

Now that Ming Shenjing can't throw it out, he has only one option to die immediately.

Although now I finally understand that the key to Wanye's ability to block that knife is that it is not him, but the traveler who is targeted.

Otherwise, the tip of the knife will directly appear on him, what can I do to stop it?

However, in any case, to be able to block the knife,

At least it shows that his elemental power, strength, speed, and skills have reached the peak level of a mortal.

Even if there is a shortcoming in it, in the face of that thoughtless and unparalleled sword, it is destined to end in death.

What is his strength?You can give it a try this time.

"Please advise!" Jiang Yan saluted, then drew his knife out of its sheath, kicked his left foot, and a violent stab came in the wind.

Jiang Yan's understanding of the power of the wind element basically came from Wendy; as for the fighting style, he completely imitated the Great Sage Conquering Demons.

This thrust can be considered to have some charm of the Great Sage Conquering Demons.

The distance of a few meters seems to be teleporting, only one step forward, and the next moment the tip of the sword pierces through the air with a "whoosh", pointing directly at Wanye's face.

Seeing Jiang Yan's spurs whistling with a blue comet tail, Wan Ye was also quite surprised. With such a strong wind element force, he is not an unknown person.

However, I am not afraid.

Chiyuhudao drew out his sword, and along the direction of Liufeng, "cut" with an extremely fast knife, deflecting the opponent's surprise attack.

Then came a horizontal slash, drawing a precise parallel line along the direction of the wind blowing from Jiang Yan.

With the least effort, he made a very fast knife.

Sure enough, Manyo's understanding of wind was far beyond ordinary people.

Jiang Yan was not surprised. How could a person who can use the domain be so weak?

However, Jiang Yan, who has been trained by Wendy for a long time, has a good understanding of the field.

Unhurriedly flipping his wrist, the long sword spun a circle in the air, and the whole person danced counterclockwise along the axis of his right foot.

The long sword that was stabbing forward a moment ago suddenly lay across the path of Wan Ye's swing, easily blocking the knife.

Following the direction of the wind, people can get twice the result with half the effort when wielding a sword.

But the price is that it is easy to be judged by opponents who are also users of wind element power.

As the two came and went, no one took advantage of it, and the direction of the wind became scattered during the collision between the two.

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