Now, Chang Jiuye has become a great writer who needs to be specially invited by Yae Shenzi, but it still doesn't help his status in the Liyue literary world...

Thanks to the rural revitalization strategy of "Qingce Water", there are constant caravans leading to Qingcezhuang, and Jiang Yan easily hitches a ride to Qingcezhuang.

Today's Qingcezhuang is quite different.

A large number of recuperation, wealthy people on vacation, and caravans created many job opportunities and attracted many young people to return home.

And the return of the young people filled the whole Zhuangzi with vitality that was not there before.

After visiting Master and giving presents, Master Yang was very happy for his disciple's visit.

After a good meal and good food, he was not allowed to go to work until the meal was finished.

It wasn't until his belly was full that Old Master Yang took his disciples to Chang Jiuye's small mountain villa to visit this famous nerd in Qingcezhuang.

Almost everyone in Qingce Zhuang knew Chang Jiuye. Of course, it was a reverse reputation.

The Chang family was originally Liyue's big family, the kind that could talk to Qixing.

As a result, in Chang Jiuye's generation, as the saying goes, you are not afraid of the rich second generation eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, but you are afraid of the rich second generation starting a business.

Chang Jiuye, who has high eyesight and low hands, has lost a lot of the family's property after several investments.

However, he is addicted to vegetables, and he still does not give up, and continues to carry out rural revitalization in Qingcezhuang.

I have resold agricultural products, stone materials, and bamboo materials, and all of them have lost money.

From then on, the titles of "landlord's stupid son" and "nerd" have completely become synonymous with him in Qingcezhuang.

While complaining, Master Yang knocked on this well-equipped and beautifully decorated mountain villa,

"Who? Ah, Mr. Yang, please come in, please come in."

No matter how difficult it is to deal with affairs, Chang Jiuye is also a businessman, and it is always no problem to receive people and things.

Master Yang's name is now a pass in Qingcezhuang, Chang Jiuye is also very satisfied, after all, he has done something he couldn't do.

"Master Chang Jiu, let me introduce you. This is my disciple, Jiang Yan. He is here to discuss something."

"Ah, Mr. Jiang, I have admired him for a long time, what can I do?"

Chang Jiuye was also very curious about the master who brought such changes to Qingcezhuang.

"Excuse me, your masterpiece "The Great Brother of the Guhua School" is very popular in Inazuma's eyes. I am entrusted by the editor-in-chief of Inazuma's "Yaedo", and I invite you to participate in Inazuma's glory festival. This is Yae Please read the invitation letter from the editor-in-chief."

After all, Jiang Yan handed the invitation letter written by Yae Shenzi to Master Chang Jiu.

Chang Jiuye took the letter with suspicious eyes, glanced up and down several times, and finally said with an extremely excited and expectant expression:

"There is almost no one interested in this book in the Wanwen Jishe. I have no grievances or enmities with you. Didn't I really come here for my entertainment?"

In order to avoid his doubts, Jiang Yan began to talk about the development, ranking, and popularity of his novels in Daozuma,

Then he took out a few copies of Dao Wife's version of "The Great Brother of the Guhua School" to win the trust of this author who has been on the street for thousands of years and reached the sky in one step.

After some words, Master Chang Jiu became more and more excited, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

After receiving the sample booklet, he flipped through it slowly and stroked it lightly, Chang Jiuye's eyes turned red.

"I knew it, I knew that with my literary talents, there will always be Bole in the world!"

Master Chang Jiu held Jiang Yan's hand with heavy hands, then let go, and held Master Yang's hand tightly again.

"Mr. Jiang, I am very grateful! Today, today is definitely a good day! Wait for a while, everyone will not be drunk tonight!"

After all, Master Chang Jiu jumped out of the house directly, leaving Jiang Yan and Old Master Yang looking at each other.

What's the situation?If you stay here, whose loss is it?If you leave, whose loss is it?

In the end, Master Yang had to stay at Chang Jiuye's house to watch the house, and Jiang Yan went out to see how Chang Jiuye was doing, don't lose your mind.

After chasing all the way, Chang Jiuye, who had no strength to restrain the chicken, ran really fast. In the blink of an eye, he had already found the shopkeeper of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

He generously sprinkled a large amount of Mora, and Chang Jiuye was going to open a floating banquet in Qingce Village immediately.

Just open it, anyway, with the foundation of the Chang family, as long as Chang Jiuye does not continue to start a business, he will not be exhausted until he is 200 years old.

Jiang Yan didn't go to spoil the fun, but went back and called his master back, and took care of one or two by Chang Jiuye's side.

I wanted to go back to Liyue Port directly, but judging by Chang Jiuye's posture, it was only a thin line away from Phlegm Obsessed Heart Aperture.

In desperation, I had to observe for another period to make sure that good things don't turn into bad things, and bad things turn into mourning.

Thanks to the fact that there are a lot of dignitaries and dignitaries on vacation in Qingce Village, the materials are well prepared;

If it was the original Qingce Zhuang, the running water mat would not be ready for three days.

Now, just in the evening, a row of tables has already been pulled to the entrance of the village, and the "Appreciation and Appreciation Banquet of Chang Jiuye's New Works" officially started.

Chang Jiuye was in the first place, and he was almost incoherent before the banquet started.

I just kept talking about my creative process, and recited aloud what I think are wonderful clips.

And the villagers in the audience, who were anxiously waiting for him to start the banquet, kept listening to him say nonsense that they didn't understand.

Even so, he didn't dare to offend the master and cursed, so he had to whisper under the stage.

Finally, Chang Jiuye threw away all the rhetoric in his stomach, and said a long-awaited sentence:

"Thank you everyone, everyone eats and drinks well, it's all mine!" After that, the carnival began.

And Jiang Yan also breathed a sigh of relief, just about to leave, but was held tightly by Master Chang Jiu.

The excited Chang Jiuye didn't wait to toast at the table. In order to relieve his excitement, he drank a few drinks while giving a speech, and he was already drunk.

Not long after, drunk, he began to hold the hands of passers-by, chattering about his reasons and experiences for writing the book.

"You don't know, when I was a child, this little girl pestered me every day, asking me to tell her stories."

"Unfortunately, I didn't have time to write it before, so I wrote the beginning for her and let her read it by herself. I plan to write it to her slowly when I have time."

"But that girl suddenly disappeared one day, and I couldn't find it no matter how hard I looked..."

"Hmph, it must be that her family doesn't like me and doesn't want her to be with me, so she found an opportunity to take her with her, and the whole family moved out of Qingce Village."

"They'll just take a look at it. When I get rich, I'm sure to make them look at me with admiration!"

"But she's gone, so I can't see her anymore."

"At that time, I wanted to sell the book I wrote for my sister all over the world."

"In this way, no matter where they live now, they can know me, Lao Chang! I've already made my mark, and I'm not the same me back then!"

"Then... I will definitely be able to meet her again."

Jiang Yan is very experienced with this kind of drunkard who talks a lot after drinking - just follow along.

"That's right, Master Chang Jiu, you are already famous in Dao's wife, and you have already made a name for yourself."

It's a pity that the drunk could no longer hear him. He hugged the "Big Brother of the Guhua School" printed by Yaedo tightly in his arms, as if he was hugging a person he would never see again, and his head fell on the ground. Asleep on the table.

It was already dark to help the drunk man home.

Jiang Yan, who didn't want to delay another night, simply flew up Wuwangpo with a thunderbolt, preparing to take a shortcut back to Liyue Port overnight.

Is it scary to cross Wuwangpo at night?With the strength of his own elemental power, ghosts should be more afraid of him, right?

However, a few minutes later, "Brother, wait a minute!" made Jiang Yan take back his words.

Ghosts are really not afraid of people...

This was Jiang Yan's first time seeing a ghost, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Go through the process first, burn some paper money and give some meeting gifts?

Or simply "here, sentence!" and send her on her way?

Farewell, with my current strength, let this lonely ghost stand for three or 10 minutes, I guess I can't break my defense, why bother?

So Jiang Yan stopped, intending to listen to what the ghost in the shape of a little girl had to say.

"Xiao Jiujiu is looking for a book, which was specially written for me by Brother Jiu."

"I went out to play with Brother Jiu. Brother Jiu said that he had a book for me to read. I was so engrossed in reading it. I don't know when Brother Jiu suddenly disappeared."

"I wanted to find him, but I accidentally fell into the river, and finally got up, but lost the book"

"Would you like to help me find it? That book is very important to Brother Jiu. If it is really lost, he will be very sad."

All right, just looking for a book, Jiang Yan flashed a few thunderbolts, and combined with the updraft he had just learned, he found three pages of the book that were soaked in water easily.

However, when he went back, Xiao Jiujiu had disappeared, which made him confused.

Logically speaking, shouldn't it be the bridge to fulfill the wish to ascend to heaven?Time limit exceeded?Forget it, let's go.

Just as Jiang Yan was about to leave, there was a sharp shout.

"Hall master, hall master! It's him, the ghost chatting with another ghost, chasing after him!"

"Don't make a fuss, they are not ghosts, they are just ordinary guests. Well, it is true that I have just seen a ghost."

Jiang Yan looked back, and saw a man who was scared out of his wits, hiding behind a girl with twin ponytails who wore a tall hat with a plum blossom pinned to it, shivering.

"Brother, I'm not a ghost, so don't be afraid." Jiang Yan hurriedly comforted the old man.

"Don't lie to me, I just saw you talking to a ghost, and then she suddenly disappeared."

"I'm also looking for her. She asked me to do something and I finished it. I'm looking for her to fulfill my last wish."

"Well said! What's so scary about ghosts? I'm Hutao, the contemporary hall master of the Hall of Rebirth, and I'm in charge of it... Well, it's just small things like life and death."

Hu Tao admired Jiang Yan's attitude of not fearing ghosts and gods very much, and came over to say hello enthusiastically, while the timid man curled up behind Hu Tao step by step.

"Master Hu, I'm Jiang Yan, and I've known you for a long time. This is the last wish of that ghost just now. Could you please give her a ride?"

Save people to the end, send the Buddha to the west, and since he promised the little ghost once, Jiang Yan intends to help her fulfill her last wish.

But if you want to find the hiding ghost, you can only rely on Hutao, and it should be an inspection of Hutao's professional ability.

In fact, Jiang Yan once confronted Hu Tao when he sold Zhi Dong's military equipment and disguised himself as a firecracker, but at this time he could only pretend not to know each other.

"There is no problem. Maintaining the boundary between life and death is the most important content of the Hall of Death." Hu Tao spoke very well about his job.

"After all, you have already been involved. Where you are going next, no matter what you see or what happens, don't be surprised."

"It's an ordinary place that exists on the border of life and death. If it's special, it's just unknown."

"Don't make a fuss, please? Otherwise, I will have to clean up your memories before I come out."


The boundary between life and death is scary to say the least, but it’s actually not a big deal. There are no ten halls of Hades, bull-headed horses and faces, and there are no doors of sighs and ferrymen.

Dead, there should be nothing... nothing, nothing more.

Following Hu Tao all the way, the group easily reached the boundary between life and death.

Here, Jiang Yan saw Xiao Jiujiu and went over to say hello.

"Xiao Jiujiu, I found the book you want."

"Thank you, big brother. I was suddenly very sleepy just now, and I came here after a nap. Please give these books to Brother Jiu. He is in Qingce Village, and everyone in the village calls him Chang Jiu."

Oh!Hearing the name of an acquaintance, Jiang Yan was taken aback.

You torturer, Master Chang Jiu, at what age did you start dating girls?

"Okay." Anyway, let's agree for now.

At this time, Walnut came over, "It's almost time, let's go, to the place of origin and rest."

Taking Xiao Jiujiu back to the place where they first met, Xiao Jiujiu waved goodbye to Jiang Yan, and under the walnut ceremony, she walked safely to her death.

Under the protection of Xiangshengtang, even children who have been lost for many years will surely return to the sea of ​​origin safely.

"Okay, the task is completed. This client, is there any other client who needs to be served? The second monument is half price?" Hu Tao blinked her plum blossom pupils, and said her horrifying slogan.

"What a coincidence, I happen to have a group business for the entire island, and I need to trouble Master Hu." Jiang Yan also smiled, and gave Hu Tao her first big order in her life.

Is there something wrong with the group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 187 Chapter 181 Is there something wrong with the gathering of heroes?

At noon the next day, Liyue Port, inside the box of Xinyuexuan.

Listening to Jiang Yan's brief introduction, looking at the size of Heguan in Daozuma's map, and Hutao, who is not afraid of ghosts, I really feel like I have seen a ghost at this moment.

She never dreamed that someone would entrust her with a business as big as the entire Liyue Port plus Tianheng Mountain.

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